Is this the greatest game ever made?

Is this the greatest game ever made?

Attached: Bloodborne.jpg (580x724, 73K)

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>imagine not owning the console you can play this masterpiece on

>sub 30fps simplistic action game

It's in my top 5 of all time yeah, the world is fucking immaculate. I miss Yharnam when I'm not playing.

No matter how often you spam this shit it's not coming true

It's one of them

Best of the gen for sure


no that would be hollow knight

Is there a place I can find some good sliders for this game? Been looking around and I can find good faces but not the values to make them.

Best of the generation and best of decade.

Best PS4 exclusive

that not mario teaches typing on the superior macintosh console

No. It's somewhere between smelly turd and big rigs.

Attached: 41a.jpg (515x423, 41K)


Not even in the top 200

We're not talking about botw

A bunch of aylmao manage to get a better ost than the entirety of the souls serie. I guess that's why everyone is buttmad at bloodborne.


doesn't make it into the top 3 souls games
but it's still good
would be better if they had a PS4 pro patch for it that fixed the visuals and performance

rent free

played it again recently it looks a lot uglier than i remember it looking despite also running like shit


yes. top tier atmosphere and horror aesthetic with the most fun rendition of souls gameplay

Yes, it is THE best game ever made unironically. I don't even like games, but Bloodborne is ART.

Attached: 1565113950532.png (1360x1353, 691K)

It wouldn't make my top 50. Good game though

No, and I don't know why people keep saying this. Outside of atmosphere it's really mediocre. No variety, and R1 spam to heal/win with pretty much unlimited dodging. I also hate how this mentality spilled into DaS3.