Why do Steam drones think every store needs a shopping cart?

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Why do Chinese escalators break so easily and crush civilians to death in their internal machinery?

Why does the town make him stupid?

because every store needs a shopping cart

Nintendo is far behind too

>Comparing EGS to eShop
Now that's what i call desperate

The Chinese make a lot more sense when you realize that you are what you eat, and they chow down on dogs and insects.

Because it's a basic feature of most online shops.
Seeing idiots defend the lack of a feature that you can find in most ghetto gas stations is retarded.

Haha, based bugmen.

JUNE 4TH, 1989

Who else /unsubbed when they found out about how unable to understand Silent Hill he was/?

Why do Americans praise a system that subjugates it's citizens all the while keeping themselves in a hypnotic daze due to their bloated corpse of an entertainment industry?

So westeners are chickens, pigs and potatoes?

Pretty sure eshop aside from the 3ds has a Cart.

Because EGS blocks you if you process too many transactions at once.

Normally this will not be an issue if you add games to a cart and process one huge transaction, but since EGS has no cart, you'll need to buy games individually, and you'll need to contact Epic Games support to get unblocked.

Oh you mean the other online store and online infrastructure that people regularly make fun of? Nintendo eshop is also a joke, it fucking collapses every time Smash gets an update

Socialists are retarded, I swear to god

>Why do Americans praise a system that subjugates it's citizens
which system are u talking about?

But the Switch eshop does have a cart? Doesn't it? Why is this guy an obsessed retard?

>Why is this guy an obsessed retard?
Epic Store shills are subhuman retards

Isn't it universally agreed upon that E-shop, and Nintendo online in general, is complete shit?

>he says on Yea Forums
You think you are free of mind traps user?

You are posting on the hurtlocker right fucking now. Of your own volition.

Well if you thing about it like you logically should
IE: Socialism as an organization seeking power and influence FIRST and an ideology second.
It makes total sense why they go ham in on it, same with a lot of these "political" groups.

i haven't been laughing at these threads in quite the same way since that one shitposter accidentally outed himself complaining about mojang in a minecraft thread and accidentally called them "valve" thinking he was in an egs thread

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>implying people don't shit on e-shop
Imagine unironically shilling for a shitty service so much you need to compare it to another shitty service to even win an argument of which shit service is better.

he was a valve shill or egs shill?

That's a pretty fair description of an Irishman. Just add some whiskey, and beer.

egs shill

Because once a standard is set for years and years it looks bad when another, competing, store cannot even do so basic a functionality

That's literally every country

egs shill obviously, they've got like a $4mil marketing budget, and Yea Forums is like the 17th most visited website on the internet, and that's even ignoring that most gaming opinions dribble out from here.

Everyone knows that the eShop is bad, but you can't compare the two. There isn't another storefront on the Switch that Nintendo are trying to compete with and be better than. There's the eShop and nothing else. If there was, everybody would flock there.

Archive? I wonder if it's the same autist who's shitting up MHW threads.

it's a matter of severe and needless inconvenience. It would be understandable if this were still the early days of online stores and people were still figuring shit out, but no, shit's been around for a long time now, where the vast majority of all online shops have a shopping cart system nowadays, because it's a good idea when you have a multitude of things to sell.

I mean imagine going to the store to buy some things. Once you brought everything you wanted up to the register, the cashier not only told you that they could only process one item per purchase, but you also had to put all the items back where you had found them, and bring them up one at a time to check them out. Would you ever shop at such a retarded store again? Because that's pretty much what Nintendo's doing with it's online shop and it's infuriating.

>System that subjugates it's citizens

Because if you don't subjugate greed and make it turn the wheel of industry it starts doing other batshit nightmares.

>nintendo has no shopping cart
>people praise nintendo
>epic games does the same thing
>people hate epic games
Why are pcbros awful awful people?

Literally nobody ever, and that's literally as in the actual definition, has praised the nintendo eshop for having no cart you dumbass shill.

i am confusion...

unreal engine marketplace has had cart for years and uses same launcher and store as epic game store

literally nobody is out here praising nintendo for the eshop

people praise nintendo for making games

Comparing your digital service to Nintendo in an effort to not appear subpar is fucking hilarious.

EGS pays devs to make their games exclusive to Epic Store, that's the problem with them.
Not only does this make devs care less about people that buy their games, but could also spawn a bunch of copycats doing the same, which would force you to download a ton of different shitty launchers.

Nintendo only sells their own games at their store.

>mfw a pc port is epic exclusive but I can just pirate it a couple of weeks from the release date

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Why isn't there any outrage about the eShop like there is for Epic Games Store?

Educated zipper head, yikes

Do your own homework

Because Nintendo's global online services have been notoriously mediocre to poor since they first launched them with the DS and Wii, and while all companies are out to root around in your wallet EGS is legitimately malicious about it.

So it's just Steam shills blowing things out of proportion? Got it.

Because Nintendo's it's own little self contained entity.

No, you fucking idiot, and the next time you come into a conversation with your conclusion already drawn before you've even asked the question I'll give you a pinch you'll never forget.

Imagine going to an actual real life store tomorrow that didn't have shopping carts, and only has one cashier with no self checkout. You don't want to go there but they're a branch of a huge company that bought the exclusive rights to toilet paper, soap, cat litter and orange juice. You have to go there if you want those items. You can go anywhere else to get anything else but those things belong here in this shitty store.

How do you not resent this business practice.

t. 16 yr old who read Politics 101
The majority of civilian, of any race (yes that includes “smart” races like whites, Asians, and Jews) are double digit IQ retards and the governments know this. Your average retard citizen can be placated by food and some form of entertainment. This isn’t new, the Romans knew of this two millennia ago. The only difference is governments started to out source the food and entertainment to corporations

i don't buy multiple games on the eshop because it's unironically all ports. I own or pirated everything on pc and the only reason I buy anything on the switch is it's either a Nintendo 1st party exclusive or i feel like replaying it unironically in bed

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Who the fuck cares? Nintendo funds their own games, and games like Bayonetta 3 as well. Nobody wants funded games by Epic Games, because the only ones they do fund are ones by themselves.

Nintendo is horribly behind, shopping carts are the least of their problems

Some of those ports are pretty good, though, being able to take Hyrule Warriors and Dong Country Tropical Freeze with me is good shit. Especially Hyrule Warriors, all the 3DS benefits with none of the graphical sacrifices.

Why is everyone on this website such a fucking jerk? Fuck you dude I don't have to take this kind of abuse

Get out of here you goddamned silly-billy.


You can play Nintendo games and your Switch or whatever without ever having to interact with or buy anything from the eshop. It's a secondary feature removed from the concept of "playing video games". I bought FE3H last week from amazon, popped it in, beat it, and the eshop was not involved in any way.

The Epic Games Store is the exact opposite of this wherein those games becoming purchased exclusives means you now have to experience them through the epic games launcher and any of its problems. If I want to play Shenmue 3, the physical package only comes with an epic games store installer and a code to redeem the game.

Actually you do have to take this abuse

Is today your first time on Yea Forums? What part of "it's ok when nintendo does it" do you not understand?
Also, nintendo isn't paying people to push some narrative about their shop being good. Everyone knows it is crap, but it's functional enough. Plus, the only people using it are doing so on nintendo, so they don't have the option of selection. There really isn't any competition for the nintendo shop.
On the otherhand, Epic is on a platform going up against a giant that not even fucking Microsoft could compete against. Remember Games for Windows Live? EA is still holding out, but the competition is almost non-existent.
That's not even going into all the well known controversies Epic has caused, and ignoring the fact that most of us, myself included, really don't want to deal with yet another launcher.

You're already forced to download a ton of shitty launchers. I simply don't buy games that aren't available on GoG

Hyrule Warriors was a Wii U game to begin with so it all evens out.

>You're already forced to download a ton of shitty launchers.
Yes, now imagine that amplified when every big publisher creates their own online store and each starts hoarding their own indie/smaller devs

MGSV only comes with steam code, same for tekken 7 and a ton of other games. What's the difference?

No kidding
>Implying nintendo gets a pass when it's simply because the switch doesn have any options/alternatves

3ds was kino but I don't want those games on the switch. I love them but without the second screen they don't feel the same.
I want to kiss you on the lips you cutie

What I want to know is why reddit doesn't have a problem with Sony moneyhatting their way into the industry.

But the Eshop has a shopping cart...

Those are bad too and people complain about steam the exact same way.

None of those tons of games have anything to do with the eshop, which is what we're talking about

It already happened and they weren't able to sustain themselves, though?

If Epic is successful others will copy them

>think every store needs a shopping cart

Did you read what you post? 90% of online shops have carts, and if they don't it's usually because they lack the infraestructure of doing that but the will eventually. EGS has huge funding behind so no excuse, well to be fair there are logicals reasons behind it. The only people that care about a cart, are not using the EGS, the people that are on it, are in for Fortnite and free games, it's not a priority hence why they are taking it easy, anyone with common sense would do the same.

Kill yourself.

Silent hill

>when piracy is more convenient than trying to legally engage in your hobby
well, sucks to be you pcbros

The only thing you said that has any merit is that the average person isn't a genius and that the people in charge know how to make change difficult. Nevermind the unique/specific situations like dying for even suggesting the system is wrong, enforcing ignorance or said system being so new more time is spent making it work than questioning it. People aren't idiots for wanting self-preservation and ignoring how difficult it is to actually rally people to change something is ignorant at best.

Would rather have escalators than jews honestly. Oh and escalators over blacked porn.

Step onto the meat-grinder, user.

Could be worse theyre female population could be eating black semen like many of americas white female population and even males. Gross and sad.

Others won't have that kind of money, all the other major players have already tried to

Nah man check this out your mom or sister or daughters will sit on the meat grinder that is nigger dick in your lifetime. Its almost guranteed that atleast one of your descendants will moan of pleasure to having a nigger penis thrusted inside. Sad. All those generations taking nigger dick because of your culture.

god help you if there's a black in your family-tree user, you'll have been cucked before you were even born

really makes you think...

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keep your slit eyes on your portrait of mao zedong you retarded chink. America is heaven compared to china.

lmao no

China is a grotesque nightmarish hellscape

This, Mario should be on Steam and GOG, if you think this is a silly claim then you have to buy games from Epic Game Store.

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>Nintendo wants an exclusive game
>They either make it inhouse or go to a studio like Platinum and part fund it from day 1 so it gets made in the first game
>EGS wants an exclusive
>They find a game thats bare months from release so nobody can fool themselves into thinking the money they pay makes the game better. Half the time the game was kikestarted or has been crowdfunded in other ways so the backers feel fucked over

How's that hong kong protest going for you guys? At least here we get a right to protest against any forms of tyranny, be it corporation or what have you, rather than not even being able to protest against your government

nintendo is nintendo
they don't appeal to the hardocre audience. the average normie doesn't see anything wrong with friend codes and all that antiquated shit because of nostalgia goggles

Honestly why would I care? It's bad enough having to deal with steam so if EGS fucks them over it's all cool with me. GoG>rest

>GoGfag wants more exclusivity deals
Lmao, are you retarded? You do realize that the deals will make you get even less games?

It won't. Why would it?

Less games would be sold by GoG, because they would be exclusive to Epic Store

Then I would just get them from my second favorite store, fitgirl. Your corporate bullshit doesn't affect me and I'm not forced to pick side to ravage my ass. Simple as that

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You hardly need to use the eShop since the amount of worthwhile Switch games can be counted on one hand.

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It’s gonna fuck over gog even more than steam you retard, they’re barely getting by as it is. They made around 8k in profit last year

yeah I dont get it.
>add game to cart?
>continue shopping
It's another Yea Forums has a strong opinion on things they never tried episode

Ther are barely getting by for fucking years. And they don't compete with EGS since they sell mostly their games and older titles

Where the hell did this shopping cart discussion come from? This is the first time I've ever heard it discussed.

Reddit will latch onto anything that Steam does have and Epic doesn't as if it's the most important thing in the world.
Conveniently none of them ever mention that I've had to tell Steam how old I am about 500 times by now.

Based and redpilled, "tight/responsive controls" is such a fucking buzzword.
It's basically what retards use when they can't verbalize an argument as to WHY the game controls well.

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>Conveniently none of them ever mention that I've had to tell Steam how old I am about 500 times by now.
And thus, your opinion is discarded.

Doesn't it just refer to the lack of delay? Whether it's input delay between pressing the button and the character moving, or perhaps the actual animation itself.

That's not the eShop, retard.

Because console retards don't have standards and this is especially true for the Nintendo console. The game's ports are fucking abysmal

You think they reserve the ultra cheap, ultra shitty craftsmanship for their exports? That's just how everything is over there.

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He said a lot more than that and it's clear he honestly doesn't understand what tight controls even means
It's basically just perfect controls and the character responds exactly the way you want to. RDR2 is the worst example for this that I've ever seen. Input lag, feels sluggish all the time. Same thing for Max Payne 3. In that game the movements were cinematic instead of practical

pigs and cows are what i would describe any American., so yes the logic does make sense.


there are games where you press the jump button & you don't jump immediately
there's actually a LOT of those

why are nincels and chinkcels such horrible people that can't take any form of criticism, grow up you autistic babies.

Maybe if Epic spent less money on exclusives and paid shills, and more on improving their platform, people would actually WANT to use it instead of feeling like the HAVE to.

Nobody wanted to use Steam, but Valve made Shit Life 2 an exclusive anyway

Then killed WON to force people who played GoldSRC games to use Steam

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Sweeney hasn't worked out how to replace "Unreal Engine Marketplace" with "Epic Game Store" in the header.

No one expects anything from nintendo, because for all intents and purposes they are mainly selling products meant for children and young adults. They also have a track record of terrible UI and technology but atleast make it up with some creativity.

Epic games don't care about customers, they already stated they know customers will buy the games no matter how they treat them so why waste money adding stuff?

If you have the water fountain the donkeys will come to drink, they are buying the rights to the water fountain.

>actually using a famously bad and behind with tech company as your defence

Nigga I'm a hardcore Nintendofag not only by Yea Forums standards but by normalfag standards, and even I know Nintendo's online everything is an absolute joke.

even credit card stealing central like snoy has a shopping cart

>what, they made a game & didn't sell it on other platforms, only their own?

>>what, they made a game & didn't sell it on other platforms, only their own?

So why do Steamies get mad about what Epic is doing again?


But they paid for it. Then again, Steam drones justify paying for licenses they don't own, so they can't see why they're similar


I really hate Epic for bringing these low quality threads.

This is what Tim Sweenie and Epic supports.

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Sure they have a cart but don't get carried away. They also have a useless wishlist since you can't buy things for others aside from getting a psn cash card and giving them the code and the hilarious missed charges nonsense that's plagued them for almost a decade.

Nintendo doesn't block your account if you buy too many games

One hundred

Too fast.

>XBC2, Mario Maker 2, Smash Ultimate, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, FE3H, Mario + Rabbids, ARMS
You have that many fingers on your hand? Are you some kind of inbred freak?