Wolfenstein Youngblood-CODEX

We always win, buyfags BTFO

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Why would you even want to play that garbage, even pirated

No, thanks. I'm not a tranny.

Wow, I can't wait to continue to not play it, because it looks trash on every single level.

I got it for free with my rtx 2070 super. Enjoy not having the rtx patch when it comes out

This is one of the games where we're on your side bro. The game is trash.

Publishers look at pirate numbers as possible future buyfags. You're just as bad as a buyfag for playing this trash heap.

this, op is a dyke shill

>pirate numbers

Attached: d27.png (645x729, 75K)

rtx won't make it a better game, retard

>pirate numbers

>Publishers look at pirate numbers as possible future buyfags
I will pirate the game 100 000 times so that they invest a lot of money for the next game and have disappointing sales, leading to the company filing bankruptcy.

how do you measure pirate numbers?

Based piratebro

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>he bought the rtx meme

Fuck it, I liked this game. Maybe it didn't need to be co-op, but I want more immersive sim-like levels in FPS games. Call me a shill, I don't give a shit.

No user you just have shit taste

not even worth the space it takes up

Why would you even want that trash

It’s not even worth pirating imo

But why even play it?

>buyfags BTFO
Buyfags get to pause the game. Buyfags get the balancing improvements comin in the next major patch.

Youngblood really exposed the fucktards, didn't it? I bet most of them are fucking yanks. Worshipping their little cheese puff godking and defending his honour from the meanies at Arkane.

>pirate numbers

Attached: 1547066818377.jpg (1080x1080, 83K)

>there's no patches for pirated games

Attached: z2CvR6.gif (320x240, 1.85M)

>balancing improvements
for a non pvp game? what exactly are you talking about?

I've been pirating and deleting copies for hours. We should all do it so the game flops

>pirate numbers

Attached: 1564480839219655325.gif (400x225, 1.35M)

I wouldn't even want to pirate that trash. No thanks.




good I want bad devs to waste money on more bad games so I can laugh at them

With one eye

>rtx on a 2070
Only a 2080ti can get okay-ish framerate with rtx on

Because it's good?

this, was gonna post the same sentiment
fuck you OP for even bringing attention to such a cuck shitshow of a game

There're adding a pause to singleplayer