Console bros win again

Console bros win again.

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>must everything be crummy pokemon creatures?
>no. It's all about the water

you know the PSP controller to keyboard mapping was pretty good actually

>Stephen Paddock
That list glows

with the water meme I can't even tell if this is the original or not

>TFW Nintendo announces /pol/ as a console exclusive while Sony gets /lgbt/

>Baruch Goldstein
and who said jews couldn't be good at sports?

>851 injured
Holy shit impressive

It's all about Pokemon Go

So what the fuck was Paddock's problem?

can infinitychan refugees please fuck off
I don't want Yea Forums to be taken down too


>psp controller

the what now

It was a compliment.

Almost half of those injuries were due to people getting trampled running around the site.

nothing. stop worrying about it. it happened and now it's over. no need to think about motives or anything like that. rest in peace. #wewillnotchange #thoughtsandprayers

When were Facebook and Twitter held accountable when they hosted shooters and terrorists?

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I can't remember if it was the regular text input or just on hacked firmware but the PSP had phone-text-style inputs mapped onto the buttons, and you could type at a decent speed
something like this but in english:

Nobody knows, there's never been an info dump on his motivations
There were hand written notes in the leaked images.
>Shoots up a country music concert
It's likely his motivations were liberal.

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>TWO Australians in the top 10

What does shooting a country music festival has to do anything with making the whole motivation a political thing you delusional weirdo?

>scrolling chan with controller
That does explain some things

There is an official reason why most mass shooters did the thing they did.
There isn't one for paddock, even though he clearly left a note.

felt like getting a high score

I don't get that efficiency.
Why does Paddock has only 12%?

same reason shooting criminals suddenly means racism

it appears to be weighted kills vs wounded and since he wounded so much more compared to killed it is less proficient.

never because they're run by jews

The calculation appears to be:
Kills / (Kills + Injured)

What does an hero mean?

means you should lurk more

>breivik still the king

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You can literally google common memes like this and get the answer in the top result. Come on.

>boomer with a pinoy wife
>shot up a country concert (white people)
>allegations of gunrunning
>pedophile brother
>drug-runner other brother
I literally don't even doubt the glowers when they say they don't know why he did it.

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The whole thing from start to finish is a fucking wild ride. I think the guy may have actually done some work for intelligence services at some point and then eventually went crazy, when the spooks heard about this they freaked out and told people to stop looking. I'm not some wild conspiracy theorist, I don't think he did this on behalf of the CIA, but I think he probably did some work for one of the services at some point.