Obvious signs that this game was made in America

Well Yea Forums?

Attached: America.png (509x457, 14K)

>transgender robot character


Attached: 456456456456.jpg (870x731, 162K)

The multiplayer is good

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>Aw man, this is BADASS!
>Yeah, lets send these ZOMBIES back to FREAKIN’ HELL!
>Attention all units. Feminism is awesome!


Black female with big hair

Game mainly takes place in a forest and you play an older character with a young kid character

>hamburger music starts playing

post some examples

Ugly as fuck women

And then Yea Forums worships the one that's even vaguely not ugly

Attached: anthem western 2 devs 2.jpg (1296x2348, 184K)

it's a critic on American society

Nice woodlands?

that's canada

>pretending EA isn't American

Just look at that ugly nig thing in the new Need for Speed and even the Star Wars game


I wouldn't call any of those women ugly, just not very attractive.
This is ugly

Attached: goblin.png (968x968, 1.2M)

The gameplay and graphics are good.

Hamfisted politics.

Canada has all the worst qualities of America without any of the good qualities

Yea the "gameplay" lol

Ugly females fully clothed. masculine fuck Bois wearing almost nothing and overly sexualized

>any of the good qualities
Does that consist primarily of burgers or something?

EA is a publisher not the creator. I could own a japanese game company but that doesn't mean I'm a japanese gamedev

>The gameplay are good.

America hasn't made a good game with combat since the PS2 era (God of War 2)

Attached: westerng maess.jpg (1286x1018, 143K)

>Posts the only one that isn't ugly

>mph and its unchangable

Canada is far superior to USA, user, only a burgerass can think the opposite

You can keep splitting hairs, but western game women are still fucking ugly.

>military good
>Russia bad

It’s garbage

>difference between publisher and developer
>splitting hairs
you fucking faggot.

Anthem wouldn't exist if not for EA, but are you some kind of retarded shill? Not even going to respond anymore you little faggot bitch.

nah man Canada is full of cucks and pussies who love taking up mudslime, poo2daloo and chinese dicks up their asses

the game is actually good

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Attached: 1508581422300.jpg (493x449, 61K)

Objective: Defend Burgertown

>hurr i'm running away from this arguement and I win because I got the last word

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have fun getting your kid taken away by the tranny cops you leaf fuck

>bald white protagonist

>game does not directly engage the player, if it does, it talks to him like he is a preschooler
>game has a semi-realistic, semi-fantasy/scifi setting where every character talks in drawn out monologues no one would ever say irl
>30 min+ unskippable intro

Attached: disgust.png (337x334, 172K)

excessive sweat textures, shiny and greasy skin, realism even when it looks horrible, slow as fuck walking corridor moments, movies over games.

Attached: jojo call the police.jpg (480x480, 18K)

Ugly female characters


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there is a mandatory circumcision section

looks more like the 3rd person template to me. are you sure sony isn't living in your head rent free?

The names in the credits, dummy.

name one game that is like this

the music is typical cinematic trash and completely forgettable

It's shit

That's ubisoft and their games are typically developed in europe.



>settings default to auto-mutilate every new game

you win the internet today

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Game launches with a day-1 5gb+ update.

Full of mature sexy women and no lolishit.

>burger gameplay
That's a good one, very funny joke

>settings take place before tutorial and can't be reverted

Attached: ronnie2.jpg (278x260, 27K)

>shitty photorealism style
>rap/wubwubs for a soundtrack
>the same generic Hollywood story every AAA game has, tweaked slightly for whatever setting it's in
>huge focus on shiny graphics over anything else

The devs weren't arrested/murdered for wrong think.

>female characters not allowed to be sexy (puritanism)
>clear division into a good and an evil side
>violence including torture is portrayed as okay, totally justified and family friendly; no moral implications whatsoever
>character roster includes american minority tokens (sjwism)
>landscapes, nature, houses, villages, towns, cities in the game are copies of american ones
>characters or plots reference cultural things that exist like that only in the usa
>female characters that dont show any female traits (feminism)
>if different nations are featured than american hollywood clichees will be used to portray them

>sexy women
nah, burgers hate sexy women. they get it drilled into them from a young age on that a female showing skin is very very bad.

remember nipple gate.

Attached: u1Sy4pt.jpg (722x562, 107K)

Attached: girl-bums-are-disgusting-tracer.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

in which country were devs of games arrested?

Isn’t that every Kojima game? Did Kojima suddenly become American?

normal sized eyes


Did they really do that? What an embarrassment

Souless, profit-driven, blatantly political, large amount of marketting

>hero worship
americans love the idea of heroes. you can never be an average joe in an american game, you are always the grand hero who is 100% good and superpowerful and everybodys darling.

>incredibly shallow open world with tacked on RPG elements
>loot boxes and DLC out the ass
>humor is mostly just swearing and pop culture references
>token minority characters
>ugly women
>quick time events and heavily scripted """""gameplay""""" (can't let your video game be too video gamey)
>incredibly forgettable storyline trying to ape modern Hollywood style writing
>generic orchestral soundtrack
>emphasis on "realistic" graphics that end up aging like milk
that's all I can think of off the top of my head
t. burger

H:ZD was Dutch though.

Fuck, this is something a lot of us half-acknowledge most of the time and when I'm reminded of it the pain comes back. Think one other thing I would add onto what you said is
>violence portrayed as okay, unless it's rape
Unless it's some trashy soap opera tier edgy shit. Also, the only people I've ever seen complaining about sexy women in games is SJWs, most likely trannies and ugly women who are jealous over fictional characters. I didn't see any bible clutchers whining about how big Pyra's tits or 2B's ass was in the past couple years.

sadly many non-american devs look to american games for inspiration and make their games appealing to the american market, because the american market is the most important one. so you end up with more or less only american games, even if deved elsewhere.

but it was dutch tho

50 pages of EULA (demanding your first-born) for a fucking single player offline game, that nevertheless requires an online connection for DRM purposes.
Meanwhile pirates play an improved version without all that shit.

"We are gonna borrow a little money from old Uncle Sam, and be out of his hair, once and for all."

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