Your Turn to Die/Kimi ga Shine

Who's your favorite among these 12 participants?

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Other urls found in this thread:!I8Yg3CYI!PZRBKdflXARz98eaW3Ds6A!JtZwFALC!ZIjVURxMSYOLmj6FpTDfVQ

When the FUCK is chapter 3

It's out already.

Let me rephrase:
When the FUCK is chapter 3 in English, preferably on the website

Eventually. Learn Japanese like I did.

spoiler tag it

not everybody knows Japan


FINALLY you bastards make a new thread. Here's the MEGAs.



First time doing this shit. If I fucked anything up, let me know.

I ain't downloading that shit nigga. Post a screenshot of real Sou so I'll know it's legit

From the thumbnail I thought it was an edit, but it isn't. Looks fucking retarded, my hype has just suddenly died


Here ya go

Attached: 15660248439881681977861575768356.jpg (4096x3072, 2.84M)

Ok I believe you. Now could you tell me what role he plays here? Is he a participant, floor master or doll?

>being a dirty west coast fuck
thanks user

>nao next to sou

My japfu is weak, but he seems to be the floor master. Every survivor is paired with a doll of a victim from the first trials. Their goal is to kill "Sou". True Sou renames himself, which you get to choose. I'm guessing of Shin is alive, he'll try to do a swap with with since Shin adopted Sou's name. This would explain his 0% survival rate.

Why do people like this game? The part with the them stuck on the high ground and trying to figure out whether or not the punk girl was a fake or not was so asinine to the point of niggerism.
Danganronpa wasnt even good and this is even shittier.

But is Sou himself a doll too?

Oh I just put the Nao sticker behind the plastic, kek, she's not supposed to be there. Also whoops I thought the spoiler box on mobile would spoiler the text, kek, whoops

Go back to your containment board, shitronpafag. Nobody cares.

Fact they gave you a Nao extra with the demo and soundtrack says something

what the hell is this? is this good?

Someone in a previous thread said that the dev was hinting she'd have some purpose or relevance coming up, so I wouldn't doubt it. The whole game is pretty good at keeping the dead cast members a part of the story, so it wouldn't be out of nowhere.

Seems to be, yes. True Sou doesn't seem to have incurred any attacks or damage though, so there's no real proof yet as far as I can tell.

Goddammit you jumped into spoiler territory, GTFO

Play this if you're into adventure, murder mystery, VN type of stuff.

>I'm guessing of Shin is alive, he'll try to do a swap with with since Shin adopted Sou's name. This would explain his 0% survival rate.
That would be pretty clever. The goal is simply to kill Sou. They never specify which Sou. Shin kinda fucked himself over here.

>Seems to be, yes. True Sou doesn't seem to have incurred any attacks or damage though, so there's no real proof yet as far as I can tell.
So he doesn't just outright say he's a doll like the others? Weird.

>Someone in a previous thread said that the dev was hinting she'd have some purpose or relevance coming up, so I wouldn't doubt it. The whole game is pretty good at keeping the dead cast members a part of the story, so it wouldn't be out of nowhere.
it wouldn't be out of nowhere indeed but i'd wonder how nao would be relevant here

He seems to from what I can tell, but again, no proofs. You're trusting TRUE Sou's words?

Shin REALLY earned that 0% with his antics.

Well Sou has admiration for Mishima, so it wouldn't be out of place for them to be at the same school or something. Again, japfu is weak.

>True Sou doesn't seem to have incurred any attacks or damage though
What do you mean?

>Well Sou has admiration for Mishima,
wait what? where is this said? sou says it himself?

I mean that no one directly attacked him yet. Rio got a hole in his head and didn't bleed, so he's confirmed doll. Miley got smacked and bled, so confirmed(?) human. No one has whacked True Sou hard enough to directly prove anything.

It's the only name of a cast member aside from "Shin" that he doesn't reject.

Literally just said danganronpa sucks dick, this game is even worse than that shit. The execution scenes are even more boring than their lame attempts at mini games.

>He seems to from what I can tell, but again, no proofs. You're trusting TRUE Sou's words?
Well he was supposedly dead before but he's here now so I can see why you think he's a doll but you don't seem completely sure so there must be some reason why you aren't sure he's a doll but are 100% sure the other first trial victims are dolls.

>shitronpafag trying to cover up his love for his dead garbage
Keep crying retard

>It's the only name of a cast member aside from "Shin" that he doesn't reject.
does he say anything special about mishima's name when he accepts it?

He's likely a doll, I'm just saying that you're gonna have to go off his words. We've seen the other victims die, but True Sou's death was only hinted at and talked about by others.

Gameplay is limited and the execution scenes aren't as stylized, but the cast is tighter and the dialogue is better. People stay relevant even after their deaths as opposed to scenes of survivors crying over a dead friend before getting killed by some Lolita's orbiter.

>I mean that no one directly attacked him yet. Rio got a hole in his head and didn't bleed, so he's confirmed doll. Miley got smacked and bled, so confirmed(?) human. No one has whacked True Sou hard enough to directly prove anything.
I see. What are they able to hit him with? Like how does the sub game even work?

Jesus christ man, stop asking me things, I'm not that good at Japanese. The names thing was dumped a few threads back though. He insults everyone else (insults Shin by proxy by rejecting Sou as a name due to it being "dirty"), but will only accept Shin or Mishima.

>I'm just saying that you're gonna have to go off his words
What does he say in particular?

i see. didn't mean to keep prying. i just wanted to know if the mishima thing was true or just bullshit

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah play the game! I'm playing 428, I can't answer anymore, ree. It's not like True Sou handed them guns, they'll probably have to be creative.

How long is the demo considering the 8 hours thing seems to be BS?

Not him but I've played the demo and he's basically dodges the whole thing with Alice. Only mentioning his grudge and that's basically it. Tbqh, the whole grudge thing makes me question if he's really a doll or not.

Fair enough, your curiosity is normal, I'm just getting hit by (You)s right after I finish typing something.

vgperson shouldn't need to take too long though, since the demo was small as fuck.

lolno it's pretty tiny. All it really does is explain the premise for 3-1's sub game (partner with a dead person and track down and murder "Sou") and establish the beginning of your results from 2-2.

>lolno it's pretty tiny. All it really does is explain the premise for 3-1's sub game (partner with a dead person and track down and murder "Sou") and establish the beginning of your results from 2-2.
The way you keep typing "Sou" like that just makes me think something will happen with Shin.

>Shin threw away his name for Sou's name
>Sou lets him have it so he can now have another name
This nigga is basically going to get Shin killed so badly. I don't see any way Shin survives 3-1.

Attached: Sous.jpg (765x758, 47K)

Cant handle when someone calls your shit genre shit huh retard? Pathetic, self deception is a bitch but your a complete nigger who cant take the heat.

Atleast our game is alive unlike your dead ass game lmao. Keep seething though. Trash belongs in the trash after all.

Is there any porn of this game?

also have they already given the reason for the whole kidnapped thing?

Well yeah, my guess is that Sou intentionally traded his name away to Shin in order to loophole his sub game. If Shin is dead, then Shin is dead. If Shin is alive, then Shin dies instead of Sou. That's my guess, as it explains the 0% rate.

Unrelated but who dis?

Sorry for before, I keep dropping my spoilers, fuck.

No reason not to play both. Writing in this is better than DR, DR has better style. Pros and Cons.

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>Well yeah, my guess is that Sou intentionally traded his name away to Shin in order to loophole his sub game. If Shin is dead, then Shin is dead. If Shin is alive, then Shin dies instead of Sou. That's my guess, as it explains the 0% rate.
Yeah it just means even if Shin survives 2-2, he'll probably end up dying in 3-1 due to Sou's trickery concerning the rules of the sub game. But if Shin dies in 2-2, then I wonder how Sou would get around this with his scapegoat not there.

Isn't that person part of Reko's rock band

I'm playing through ch2 now
not reading the thread, just want to complain

what kidnapping thing?

The dancing game is fun. Curb your autism a little there user.

Where did you find that sprite?

I uploaded the demo. Go to www/img/ and then have fun snooping through all the files. Sou is listed as "Midori", likely because of his green hair.

>Sou knew about the rules of his sub game and needed a pawn to help him escape it so he had Miley show Shin the percentage sheets which would make Shin desperate enough to throw away his old name for someone else's
>Sou got him to take his name with the hopes that it would help him survive the game when all it did was help in ensuring the opposite

This little green head's VA is named Midorikawa.

Also dump Sou's sprites if you can. I wanna see how many he has.

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some form of alice? i mean she's wearing his prison uniform and has his hair color and even his eye color. idk how it happened but maybe the continuous use of safalin's machine did something to alice

So in the end, Shin was just a pawn. So much for the "madman".

Attached: Sou.png (330x624, 76K)

Sou's theme is listed as "Kyoujin", which you can find in the bgm files.

Here's Sou.

Attached: midori4.png (489x583, 432K)

Why everyone is there.

Something is eerie about that guy.

Oh my bad. Then yeah I don't think it gets addressed yet.

>inb4 he just takes the collar off
Shin is THE madman, the fake will surpass the real

what file was that sprite under? maybe it would give us a clue on who it could be

Cara whatever the heck. It's right before Alice's files. I remember hearing something about a beta version of Alice, maybe Alice was meant to be a chick at first? I didn't change the file name, should be cara 10-3 or something.

You mean the fake will become a stepping stone for the real. Atleast he'll be reunited with his bucket waifu

Attached: Sou-zetubou.png (816x624, 319K)

then maybe it really is some beta alice or whatever. they do tend to keep unused stuff in game files from time to time so that's probably how you found it especially concerning the demo

The fact he accepts Mishima's name alone just makes me think he really does have a strong connection to him that we don't know about. Maybe he was his student or something.

Is this guy the one who set up the whole game?

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I bet he will be. The irrelevant things end up being the most relevant thing.

What is this game?

A free Japanese VN, similar to Danganronpa and Zero Escape

feels bad

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So how many dolls are out there currently?

Pretty clever how they introduced this scenario and seem to be further developing on it in 3-1's subgame with pairing up with the dolls and what not.

This is spoiler territory get the fuck out of here.
It's an adventure game about people held against their will and forced into a death game.
You can play the available english translated parts here:

where is my freedom of choice

Attached: i don't want to do it.jpg (817x628, 397K)

Nao best girl
pretty hard not to read posts when they have (You) on it

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If you run out of time or right click during the pushing sequence you can let her live and the fake Reko will kill the real Reko in a later scene and Alice lives

now they both are fucking dead

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What's the point of this if it's not translated?


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Yeah. It really was a nice way to pretty much setup what chapter 3 will give us with the other participants that we never got to see. Though I wonder why Kugie and Megumi seem to be missing.

OST is an OST. Demo is for anyone with a texthooker. I already had to MEGA it for vgperson anyway, so I figured I might as well dump it on here for the hell of it.

just two corpses

Well technically only candidates should have dolls as we saw in the doll room with those guys. But Joe has one too so idk.

Kugie's a non candidate so she's not supposed to have one but Joe has one so idk. As for Megumi, that's a real question there.

three again

Your objective is to kill Sou Yea Forums. If you fail, then Yea Forums dies.

Attached: TheSous.png (716x600, 444K)

Maybe Joe was qualified to be a candidate up to the last second before he did something that disqualified him? That's all speculation of course but I think it could be possible.

I mean it could be possible. The organization did get Kai to keep an eye out for Joe and Ryoko which was mostly because they were close to Sara but maybe there were other reasons.

So who knows what their deal is with Joe. We only know from Kai's reports that there were 17 participants originally before Alice supposedly killed Sou and dropped the number down to 16.

Gotta fap

i like this guy

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I miss Gashu

The next floormaster will be as good as he was.

Jesus christ I can't believe that all of the sudden we have more people than we started with. I wonder if some of the dolls will be sticking around for the main game or not.

It depends. While it's easy to say they could all die at the end of 3-1, they may have it where some of the remaining people like Q-taro or Gin end up dying as well and some of the dolls survive.

there were technically 20 from the start so there's really not adding any real numbers here

The REALLY fun thing that could happen is if they have a Main Game where the victim dolls can vote against the survivors.

That would be pretty interesting but it would really depend on the role cards they end up getting.

Maybe both humans and dolls get their own cards with their own effects and there's TWO groups of arguments going on.

With big reveal that a core cast member is actually a doll themselves and affected by the Victim Dolls group.

That would really shake things up a lot. Though I'm curious about the humans too because they have memories of those past death game simulations.


1.Hiyori-sann claim himself "Floor master" & he is"doll".(we don't know if it true or not)
2.Sara seem so manly in chapter3. her choice of word so strong in japanese.Keiji loves that and Safalin surprise and ask Sara "Do you overcome that?",Sara reply with " Yes.Thanks by him(Shin)".....then Kanna smile..I play just 5 minutes and already grinning like idiot.


i'm not ready for another v3 level twist

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>1.Hiyori-sann claim himself "Floor master" & he is"doll".(we don't know if it true or not)
Why doubt him?

I kinda started that on my own, desu I was probably overthinking it. I just mentioned that personally there was no DEFINITIVE proof that he was a doll. Based on where he was found though, it's likely that he is. I didn't intend to muddy discussion, sorry.

How was he first found?

Tbh, you should just mash your way through the demo to play it, it's really fucking cool.

Here's the browser version.

Attached: ECJGMo4U8AItapi.jpg (1093x1100, 204K)

Because it's Sou.

can you actually end up winning the game?

I think Sara always talked like that in the Japanese version. In Chapter 2-1 during an optional conversation Kanna notes how serious Sara always sounds when she talks, then Sara responds that she tried to change her way of speaking whenever she's at school, because it weirded the others out, though apparently Jou liked that about her.

Hiyori-san's name making
Hoemii(Sue Miley)
"hahaha...hoemii?She's beautiful but her personality is scary.isn't it?"
"Hannakii? she looks scary.other name please"

Yeah she's called a samurai lady for a reason.

Sara x Shin confirmed

>hahaha...hoemii?She's beautiful but her personality is scary.isn't it?"
Sou should tap it

What does he say to Mishima's name?

>Hannakii? she looks scary.other name please
sodafags demolished

no. she's way more determind now.and Keiji&Safalin found it right away too.

Sou x Miley confirmed

"Mishima Kazumi?good name,reary I can take that name?"

Man I really want to know why he accepts Mishima's name but rejects literally everyone else's.

His response to Nao's name kinda gave away his occupation

>implying he didn't

vgperson will not release the demo, only a patch, so you will need the demo files to run it

It seem Hiyori-san's reaction differ by name other word,even same person's name,first name, family name,full name,Hiyori--san say 3 different coment.
"I have more interst to making object than painting picture"
"Nao-chan was sweet heart girl..its so cruel she die before grow up to adult(20 years old)"

I was talking to vgperson, and she's been bouncing a few things around. Might be a patch, or it might be a browser upload where the password to access it would be the url code from the "private" demo link on niconico.

Regardless, it doesn't hurt to download the demo just in case. I don't know for sure though, vgperson doesn't really respond except when necessary, kek, I think I bugged 'em too much. I couldn't care less as long as she keeps on spitting out content though, c'est la vie.

What's the URL?

Linked it earlier, check up there ^

Thanks user

No problemo, dude. I'm crashing, gotta pick up my FSR CD tomorrow, so I gotta get there before my work shift or I'll get mail cucked. Adios everybody! If I missed anything, gimme a (You) and tell me what, I'll handle it next thread. Did a MEGA for the game in both versions, the OST, and the niconico link, so I don't thiiiiink I missed anything, but just in case. Peace.

That was a pretty cool twist
and Q-Taro bullshitting about security cameras was also pretty cool

Attached: yooooo.jpg (819x627, 680K)

Why victim chosen to partner was they are not met living perticipant two otther victim met one of living.(Kugie,Megumi)
Hayasaka knew Sara but now memory erased by organization.(so he knew Sara but not met her?)
Mai know participant's win percetage rating.
Anzu know Rio Ranger wear her cloth.
Hinako call Sara "Sara--Sempai" even not knew each other.
in Sub game,monsters attack you and It seem you can fight with debate(?).
before start discussion,demo end

i don't want to choose

Attached: why.jpg (814x624, 618K)

Follow your heart user

Anyone else having trouble downloading the mega? It stalls at 60% or so for me

It's also very slow for me and stalls often, Pause and unpause it and just let it download slowly. It's at 86% for me

Yeah wew, as soon as I posted that it jumped up to 78%. Guess complaining works!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
VGPerson is making a translation patch for the demo.

i tried them all
hate how dead Shin was obviously supposed to be a good route even if he had it coming
>vote Kanna
>you choose logic


Attached: IMG-20190817-WA0387.jpg (816x624, 147K)

This person is silhouetted in place of Alice on the save/load screen in the current full version of the game

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I don't think they want to complicate things with people they actually know and are connected with (plus let them die)


I'm gonna do a blind run where I don't backpedal to my saves. I just cleared russian roulette without killing anyone.

Have fun with those minigames user

Attached: 72753315_p0.jpg (768x1024, 1.2M)

>mfw most Yea Forumstards couldn't even figure out how to place the bullets in such a manner that everyone's safety was guaranteed
>mfw most just passed it by trial and error


Attached: Untitled.png (921x709, 502K)

I thought he'd be a ninth man situation but everything you learn about him post-mortem just makes him more of a fucking angel. Too good for this earth.

It's mean someone hate Cheating and faithful to his belief.


What the fuck, why wasn't Keiji holding down the fucking button? I just spent five minutes killing these shitty fucking masks. Please tell me I'm not the only one that missed this and that I'm not just retarded.

Attached: Untitled.png (1024x727, 15K)

You can't hold the button while the faces appear on the screen, otherwise they'll attack you.

you're not the only one

game element ain't canon

Attached: gin.png (816x624, 158K)

>Nao-chan was sweet heart girl..its so cruel she die before grow up to adult(20 years old)"
My heart

What are the others?

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i miss nao

Attached: Bath.jpg (1024x694, 94K)

Can someone post clear regular sized versions of the title screens for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 versions? I wanna save them.

Fuck, I don't know what to do. It makes sense to assume it's an alias since the other names on the list were legit, but at the same time I don't want to accuse her unjustly

Attached: Untitled.png (818x656, 536K)

Reko and Alice are different


Why is the trials different in setup here


because we got new people(not really since they're just the other participants) to replace the dead people we had with us plus now even sara has her own sprite there

Keiji? Q-taro? They're pussies. These hands would beat the shit out of them.

Attached: Naomichi.png (904x640, 169K)

The answer was spacing the real bullets between two blanks, and then firing at two dolls to determine where in the pattern you start, right? That's what I did without doing the full mental math to see if it worked.

Attached: kimigasine.png (816x624, 263K)

Chapter 1 was blue and had Sara art tho

If I offer a helping hand, he gets his way, but if I corner him, I feel like everyone might question whether or not he was telling the truth about being the Keymaster and vote him off, thus winning him the game as the Sacrifice.

Attached: Untitled.png (818x656, 491K)

yes, that's correct. But a few threads ago I was arguing with somebody why his bullet-blank-bullet-blank-bullet-blank-blank-blank-blank strategy wouldnt work

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>tfw now mishima's the only participant besides kugie and megumi who hasn't been in a main game

I do wonder why with these titles we have those silhouettes but Sara art but with 3-1, we don't have Sara's art for the first time but real Sou's while Sara and the others are silhouettes.

Attached: Kimigashine_title_4.jpg (1004x768, 1.01M)

because sou will end up being the secret protagonist

>"Nao-chan was sweet heart girl..its so cruel she die before grow up to adult(20 years old)"
sounds like sou wanted to get giggity with nao

Attached: lineup2.png (1348x627, 14K)

Can you blame him?

Attached: Cara7-7.png (490x624, 74K)

Yeah that's pretty interesting.

>title 4
>the one with Sou is 6

Where's 1-3 and 5 what

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Oh hey these look cool, where'd you find these?

>the one with Sou is 6
Wait what? Shouldn't the one with real Sou be 5? The one here is from 2-2.

The filename says 6 for some reason. I'm curious as to where the rest are now.

Attached: kimigasine6.png (816x624, 286K)

Good shit.
What’s his name?

I do like how the other characters still have their agency in this game, even with the usual MC dicksucking. Then again, that role of leadership was kind of pushed on you from multiple other people's actions, and was just legitimized by the player's.

So which one was the cannon ending for in 2-2? Kill Sou or Kanna?


>Alice was a reverse trap all along

There might not be one but K seems to be leading to a good ending, but that could be a ruse

>Rio asking Alice whether he'd like to use the male or female bath wasn't a joke, it was foreshadowing

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>people thought part 3 would btfo tumblr
>it panders to them instead