>That redesign
What were they thinking?
>That redesign
What were they thinking?
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
What were they thinking? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
In this case the one on the right looks better and fits the character more, but overall the redesigns are worse than the originals.
because it didn't sell well
probably that the princess should be cute instead of a dyke gremlin with weird baby doll eyes
typical anti-gremlin canadiatard
fuck off, the game had a unique-enough artstyle without regressing into the most generic anime shit ever
literally the ONLY good redesign was Heiss
Eruca was fucking butchered
You should have bought 10k copies if you love old design so much
They made her better in every possible way.
Eruca seems to be the biggest offender here solely because THEY HAD TO CHANGE HER ENTIRE APPEARANCE
kek this always makes me laugh
>original has great bitter sweet ending
>remake has to "fix" everything by having you fight an utterly broken final boss that requires hours of grinding
>alternate realities aren't even that good (for the exception of the evil gays getting matching mechs to take over the capital with)
>those cringy ass fan service date dlcs (even with your god damn sister)
This game was a train wreck.
Anyone who says right is better is retarded, that design is gacha-tier
Glad I've played the original instead. I wonder what will be the new contents in the 3DS version but if its just something like what you just write then no way I'm going to taint my good experience by playing that version.
It was that bad?
Damn there goes my hopes of a sequel.
It's a shame really since the games writing is marvelous and there are still lots of untapped potential in its storytelling
the remaster added the weird story stuff with the origin of the sand because that's what the ultimania said it was, and they wanted to tie it up
but in true fatlus fashion, they tied it up with Original The Waifu like they always do, rather than just let Stocke and Heiss figure things out and save the world together
>both anime shit
It didn't need to be tied up. The original ending was fine. They could have added an extra story segment to let them explore the civilization that caused the problem in the first place instead of "lmao lets fix everything!"
left looks like tumblr shit
Unironically left soul right soulless
She actually looks like a princess now.
right is sexier, right please
I think part was they wanted to redeem Heiss, so they did
he got a happy ending this time
some real serious shit taste in here
you weebs have rotted brains
they were thinking short hair is shit on women, and they were right
"let's try to make it better Takeshi"
there you go
Why the left is better then?
I don't understand the hate.
What's going on?
I hate how everybody gets redeemed even the fucking psycho queen who burned the whole city down.
>from male to female
Reminder the long hair version was the original intended version but then the artist wanted to insert his tomboy fetish into the game. Thank god the artist got replaced for the remake.
>Left looks like a tough princess who leads a resistance against her own kingdom.
>Right looks like a cute and naive little girl.
i beat the true final boss in the remake on hard mode without grinding and i consider myself not that good at jrpgs. it's also much better than the regular final boss because it actually utilizes both the combo and grid mechanics.
>Left looks like a tough princess
Kek you're a bitch
Contrarian weebs pretending they're not weebs by pretending to like a shittier animu design in their JRPG.
>generic 80s princess with short hair
You lost me.
its almost identical
That's the joke
They weren't thinking obviously