Why can't we have a nice 3D space game bros

Why can't we have a nice 3D space game bros
its not fucking fair

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We will, soon.

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There's still Freelancer

There's still Freelancer x2

I like Elite.

>shooting also depletes your engine boost
I hope they don't make such a fundamental design mistake again


Crossing fingers on that. Also, apparently, one of the lead UI/UX and graphics engineers from Porsche joined Rockfish for the successor to Everspace.

So I'm looking forward to the 19th when the reveal this. It looks pretty awesome. Loved Everspace.

what's this?

Replay Freelancer or wait for Underspace OP. You know how it goes.

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New game from the guys that did Everspace.

How long has this been released now?

You'd think given it's install base being stable enough it'll get ported over to the switch?

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Probably not, plus the game is shit.

Yeah Yea Forumsro. You'll totally get Elite on Switch. Elite 1984, that is.

>flight sim
>best aiming device in the game is a mouse

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why do people suck off this game so hard, its not good at all

Your parents kept you and you weren't good at all.

but we have No Man's Sky

you better not be the same fag i argued with in another space games thread about a week ago

>yet ANOTHER WW2 fighters but in spaaaace game

You'd figure they'd stop after the previous two dozen failures.

Nobody ever wants to try something genuinely new, they just seem to think if they copy yesterday's failure with a new coat of paint that will magically be enough to make their game successful.

Chris Roberts is a hack and you are retarded.

But they do try something new. Everspace's biggest problem was being a roguelike. The problem is that they don't copy the old games enough.

got an invite to this

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Chris Roberts wasn't responsible for Freelancer being good, Microsoft was.
It's okay if you missed out on the glory days of Yea Forumslancer user.

I did too but I havent played EVE in months, anyone know what it is?

No, the problem is that retards like you can't admit that those old games didn't do anything correct enough to get a lasting audience and you seem to think if you just tweak that old game a little more you're going to magically get a different result.

Sorry buddy, but your WW2 space fighter game is going to end up exactly like every other ww2 space fighter game: Forgotten and rotting in the dustbin of history.

This genre needs a completely upside down new approach to how it's done. WW2 space fighters doesn't sell.

>five months afk to properly fly a frigate
no thanks

Bait: The Post
I bet you just googled Freelancer and chose a name to use in your shitpost

>WW2 space fighters doesn't sell.
Except Everspace sold extremely well.

rebel galaxy outlaw is great

did you bother trying to make Isk and pay for a sub? The skill timers are a lot shorter than a F2P account

Over 300,000 copies, plus the Kickstarter did several hundred thousand too.

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No, the problem is that the games coming out aren't the old game I liked tweaked.
Freelancer with more content is what i want.

>Over 300,000 copies,

What other kind of spaceship combat is there?
>modern jets where you missile something when it isn't close enough to be seen
Not sure if that would be that exciting.

Star Citizen, as much as it pretends not to be, is also WW2 dogfights, and idiots keep giving that money.

Only good online playing on some ridiculously modded server, the underlying game is incredibly basic.

Underspace also had a succesfull kickstarter despite being a freelancer clone.
House of the Dying Sun sold around 100,000 copies.
What kind of space sim autist thinks there's no market for WW2 style dogfights.