Zesteria is a shit

>Zesteria is a shit
>They take that ground work and make a good game out of it.
Honestly I'm happily surprised. Those Yea Forumsirgins that said it was good were telling the truth after all. Even if it's just Berserk with a brocon protag.
Tales Thread

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What’s so good about it? Zesteria wasn’t awful but it certainly wasn’t good

Zestiria was OK.Quit being a good boy ship and repeating what your masters tell you.



Berseria sucks. Being better than Zestiria doesnt make it good.

Arise gonna save Tales.

berseria is barely better than zesteria. series has been in the shitter post vesperia. That said, Arise looks cool so far

First off the combat's actually fun now so that already a big improvement. Personally I like the party in Berseria a lot more than Zesteria's. They're a lot more charismatic and do a better job interacting with each other than Sorey's party did.
The fact you can only say it was "OK" Say a lot man. It wasn't good that's for sure.

I honestly thought Berseria was just okay. The only characters that really had any growth were Laphicet and Eleanor. Everyone else just either kept to their personality/trope for the whole game with maybe some backstory thrown in that explains the personality they have but no real change.

The combat was good if spammy, but the maps/dungeons were lackluster. The OST was average with one or two stand out themes and the inventory and upgrade system sucked ass.

I've only played Vesperia for an hour but I already enjoy it more than most of my time with Berseria. Berseria wasn't bad per se, but it wasn't to the standards of the best Tales Of games have to offer.

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Berseria was way better than zestiria while still being a flawed piece of shit, fuck off you angry fujos.

It's funny. Despite how edgy this game tries to be it's still not the darkest in the series.

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Berseria had a couple of decent characters and that was about it. Boring, forgettable world, OST and skits, and the combat was only passable

DA pc ports for graces and xillias when

And Berseria was only slightly better than Zestiria. Considering how bad Zestiria was it's not an achievement. Here's to hoping Arise will actually be good.

I appreciate the bump samefag-kun

One of the better stories in a tales game in a LONG time. Overworld didn't look like total shit. Still fairly mediocre though. Here's hoping that Arise is able to return tales to its former glory.

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Not samefagging but are free to keep on deflecting. You can deny it all you want, but the fact of the matter is that Berseria was mediocre and outright bad compared to other entries in the series. Being better than one of the very worst Tales games doesn't change that. Berseria had very shallow RPG-mechanics(equipment/skills), arguably the most button-mash friendly combat in any Tales game and an empty, lifeless world only rivaled by Zestiria and Xillia in its amount of copy-pasting.

>Poster # doesn't go up
>I'm not samefagging though
It's okay samefag-kun I get it you don't like the game. I don't think it's the best Tales game either but it's way better than Zesteria was thats for sure. As a game it's pretty good, got a good story that made invested in velvet's plight and the combat's pretty fun. Messing around with the way you can link artes was a highlight for me personally. They probably could have done more with it, yes, but I never disliked what I was playing. I'd say overall it's easily a 7/10 game which is pretty good.

Whenever I see this game mentioned I sometimes joke about the title sounding like Berserk, but is it actually a Berserk ripoff? Sort of a weird coincidence.

Only berseria haters say it is a berserk rip off.

Beat for fucking beat Berserk rip off and I like the game.

It's good enough to finish one run, but only if you never play as Velvet and always stick to the hardest difficulty you have unlocked.

Never gonna play these shitty games so how is it a beat for beat ripoff? You can put it in spoiler tags still if you care about others getting spoiled.

>Character sacrifices village on crimson night to gain power for the greater good.
>Character becomes a godly figure that main character seeks undying revenge against
>Character is seen by everyone as good and benevolent with light color scheme while main is seen as evil with dark edgy design despite the reality being the opposite
I could go on but I think my point is made.

If the game actually had good combat i'd play it.

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Play the demo. It's a pretty good representation of the combat and the characters. Who knows you might actually like it.

Game has no dungeons, hallways stretched out for the sake of making the game longer, everything is copy and pasted from zestiria, and it's story aside from the last 10 minutes is the most garbage one dimensional shit show I've ever seen. The only thing this game gets right is the combat and controls, the game is fun at but zestiria beats it in every other way and I'm an edge lord who loves darker settings (also the op is sick)

It's just button mash arena fighter tier combat, right? I prefer combat where you actually have to think i.e For Honor or Souls
Sounding even worse after I read

>button mashing (read: "targetting enemy weaknesses"
>shit story
>shit protag, okay cast
>god awful level design
It's better than Zestiria because the camera is not dogshit, but it is more boring than Zestiria to play. The combo tree killed Tales.

Eizen is the only good thing about Berseria. If the game was just him punching shit with combos and sailing around, Bersera would be instantly improved

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Eh, your life man. Can't say your really missing out either so you're probably better off just playing something else or a good Tales game Like Abyss, Vesperia, or Symphonia.
>I prefer combat where you actually have to think
>i.e For Honor

>button mashing (read: "targetting enemy weaknesses"
Only against regular enemies in chaos.
>shit story
Subjective, most people like it me included.
>shit protag, okay cast
Subjective, I thought everyone was great except maybe Rokurou.
>god awful level design
Can't argue with that but against tales never had good let alone great level design.

>muh light spam
If people do that, you have to be good enough to counter it, which is easy after you play for a bit. Sounds like someone got filtered.

>the game is fun at but zestiria beats it in every other way
Nah man, Zesteria suffers from all the problems Berseria suffers from to a much higher degree. Boring Dungeons, One Dimensional story, Boring World Design, Uninteresting characters. All the the thing you listed as Berseria problem is worse in Zesteria. The game's so fucking bland. Berseria maybe flawed but at least it's fun and fixes a lot of QoL issues I had with Zesteria.

The ending is the weakest part of the story though because they had to tie it all into Zestiria somehow.

>Sounds like someone got filtered.
Nah, I just like good fighting games.

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You could consider For Honor a fighting game, in fact there's a thread about that as we speak, but I personally think it's as much a fighting game as Souls PVP is.

I also like good fighting games too, though.

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don't mind me, just rolling
0-4 i replay og destiny
5-9 i give destiny dc a shot

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Berseria was the only Tales game I played and I loved.

>but I personally think it's as much a fighting game as Souls PVP is.
Eh, you're probably right in that. Hey man if theirs more depth to it than I perceived my fault. I played it at launch and couldn't really get into it, Just not my cup of tea I guess.
Gonna chime in say just play DC. I mean it seems like you already played the OG Destiny to completion might as well try something new.

Are you interested in any of the other games perchance? You might like Symphonia or Vesperia. Different tone and Gameplay, yeah, but they're very solid JRPGS. My personal favorite game is Abyss.

I’ll try the rest of the series some day, anything with gameplay similar to Berseria?

For Honor and Souls PVP (definitely not DS1...) have the principle and spirit of a fighting game, For Honor more so, but definitely not the same type of gameplay. Souls' "depth" lies in its simplicity which somehow allows for an endless amount of scenarios, if that makes any sense.

If there is I can't think of it. Most of the games are 2D with free run that allows for 3D movement but not really 3D combat. No games off the top of my head besides Zesteria, which ironically plays closer to a classic tales game, are in full 3D like Berseria.

When are we getting more Arise info? I'm really hoping it will redeem the series, but I'm afraid it's just going to be more of the same(Zestiria/Berseria).