Where were you when No Man's Sky was saved?

Where were you when No Man's Sky was saved?

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VR was alright. Wanted to try it again last night but my headset didn't want to cooperate.

I want to get this eventually but I feel like as long as it's actively receiving updates they'll keep fucking with it, and if I like some iteration of it that gets changed, it'll feel like a huge waste.

>enabling developers to release unfinished games, as long as they patch them later

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Tried the VR. It was underwhelming and then it crashed.

No Man's Sky is the only game I've ever pirated that wasn't from the 16 bit generation or older. I am so very glad I didn't waste money on it. I played the launch version, and didn't stick with it for very long. I am extremely glad I did pirate it, because I played more than two hours, so I wouldn't have been able to get my money back, and I would have been pissed.
I've heard it's improved since then, but I just can't be arsed to care.

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>Put features in the game promised literally years ago
Eat a dick.

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Nah, exploration survival games are boring.

Your loss, cuck. It's a quite a different game from the one at launch.

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Based, but really, the game play is still boring.

It's a 15 dollar game pretending it's worth 60