

Also is it just me or do modern games lack some of the creepiness older games seemed to have?

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unironically toontown
i hated going into the lawbot place, it gave me the same vibes as that one meme with the "lonely otherworldy pool"

listen. youtube.com/watch?v=ZlRZfMHjGEo

Not a game, but the loud intro followed by a quiet menu with subtle ambient noise in the background would make me rush through the menu whenever I had to go through it

I was 9 at the time and this scared the shit out of me for a couple of years.

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Horror games are easy answers. Rascal and some levels in rugrats scared me as a kid. Also Deception spooked me a lot.

The Berserk PS2 game. I got it because Guts looked cool and the moon runes didn't matter to me because I was used to not knowing what was going on since I didn't speak english at the time.
I was terrified. Now I'm an adult and I've read Berserk, but I'm still terrified.

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idk why

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This desu. I only played the demo, but that was enough to convince me to never touch a horror game again.