What do you mean I'm not your favorite girl, user?

>What do you mean I'm not your favorite girl, user?

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Altus here. You were shit so I replaced you with Makoto. Just accept it.

Why do people not care that their girlfriend has had other men inside them?

Do they just not think about how she's had other guys cum on and inside her?

Why do they just say to themselves "Why yes, my girlfriend has had other men inside her and I'm okay with that"?

because those men were inferior to me, which is why she left you for me

why do you care so much about where other people put their dicks?

You're boring as fucking sin you goddamn plank.

Kawakami is

You were and then Haru showed up, also you being a big fucking fraud was a turn off.

gamer off-topic thread
fuck off incel

Because it's really not that big of a deal.

You remind me too much of a steam pal who ditched me but it's not like I'm going to pass on those sweet combat upgrades.

that you suck
get the fuck outta here yukiko

Haru was absolutely too pure for all the ridiculous amount of sluts in this game

You mean literally the only girl who's less of a character than Hif-who-mi?

How much time do you spend about other people having sex?

What is it about Lovers girls that is so alluring?

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I love Fuuka!

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Girls doesn't mind that you have had other girls pussy on your dick, aslong as she doesn't have any STD's why should you care that she has had other dicks? It's a normal thing for a couple to have sex afterall

t. incel retard who has never been with anyone

>he doesn't just throw every new gf in the washing machine for a cycle.
It's the modern era you stupid fuck

sae is perfect in anyway and I got my backup gf Awn

oh nonononono

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you heard me, bitch

It's almost as if girls are different to guys.

Anyone who actually rates a loose roastie the same as a gigachad is a brainwashed roastie feminist.

If you don't care about getting married and having kids, sure.

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I'm into women not girls.

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But you are.

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Unfortunately, I only have a front loader. I'd take a new GF to the laundromat but they apparently have "rules" against washing out GFs.

That date at the beach was really cute, but I was already aiming at ratkoto. Probably in my next playthrough I will pick her

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Man of culture right here

Because they could put them in me instead.
I'm (op) btw

Off topic and an overall awful post

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Lmao imagine getting cucked by a fucking midget of all people. That is suicide worthy all on its own