How in the FUCK am I supposed to respond without sounding upset?
How in the FUCK am I supposed to respond without sounding upset?
Other urls found in this thread:
>starts moaning and gay erping
and you won.
Fuck me harder daddy.
pee pee poo poo it sucks to be you you xD
Do the burping thing
So is this image from porn or what? I see it posted often
No, but this is.
just tell him you love him and he's breaking your heart. if he calls you gay just respond "b-but daddy... i thought we had something good..."
don't respond
>join a match
dont lose in the first place, shitter
Proposition for ERP. Easy as pie.
Pretending to be gay is still makes you gay
they have no way of telling if you're ignoring them, being polite, or covering up how hard you're seething
best case scenario, you make them feel a little bad about it
Doesn't matter as long as the other party is uncomfortable.
fuck off
Not if I'm cute.
don't fucking say anything you dumbass newfag. literally all that trolls want is for you to respond to them
There is no counter to this.
>have sex
report them
Don't respond, leave the ball in their court to cuuck them from the response they wanted to get.
>blushmallet still can't grasp thigh perspective
>Don't tell me what to do
>This is [PvP game name], no one is having fun
>Suck a dick
>No you
Source : I say GLHF at the start of every game
You don't
>implying he isn't drawing the 4D thicc
spam this over mic
But what if it turns out heh is a poc and I get arrested for hate crimes?
Is this the #1 saved image on tranny computers right now?
Just don't respond at all.
That way they look childish and you look like you don't care about their bullshit.
Just call him a nigger. It's so effective most games had to ban it to protect the niggers' feelings.
You have nothing to worry about unless you are a white male. You aren't a white male... are you?
when you stop being a filthy disgusting steven universe poster
Ezreal isn't here lol
>gg ez
>gg ez
Can't lose if you don't take anything seriously.
Every time I see gg ez I actually feel better since I know someone like me won