Will the English release have Japanese dub? I tried to play on PS4 but the English is absolutely godawful
Will the English release have Japanese dub? I tried to play on PS4 but the English is absolutely godawful
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>PS4 is absolutely godawful
It is
i heard the music is bad in these games because they only license a few tracks for use in the games, because the original composer who's worked on the games for decades keeps a strangle hold on the rights. In the case of XI he would not license the orchestral score for use in the game originally because he wanted to sell the soundtrack separately.
I think part of it is also just the developers reluctance to part from the music they've always used, some themes even though they aren't great, can't be changed due to the risk of alienating fans
the switch version is getting orchestral
Definitely one of DQ's biggest weaknesses honestly. FF got hella lucky with Uematsu who could make new shit each iteration while still keeping it "familiar"
I still love a fair amount of DQ tracks, but they really need to move on or something imo.
Dunno the music is fucking atrocious though.
But English is the only good language.
I'm pretty sure it was announced to have both languages during E3. Besides that the dub was actually pretty good and you just confirmed to have pleb taste from that and owning a ps4.
Sugiyama is old as shit and they have an extremely competent and talented replacement waiting in the chamber as soon as he kicks off his mortal coil. This one isn't a WWII war crime denier, a homophobe or a piece of shit in regards to their art so by DQXIII we'll have killer music again.
Like 8, the voice acting is such a big part of the charm you fucking weeb
Here's hoping
Jesus Christ write a twitter callout post over him why don't you?
Yeah. I'd hold on to that PS4 copy though, Jew Enix would not miss the chance to sell you the DLC by itself like they did with Maxima.
I love the cockney english of DQ games personally.
What do you mean again? I've played like half the series and don't really remember enjoying a single song to any memorable degree.
DQ4 and 5 have great music, 8 is okay, 11 sucked, haven't played the rest
You didn't like A Lonely Youth, Endless World, Adventure, Heavenly Flight, or Tower of Death?
>This one isn't a WWII war crime denier, a homophobe or a piece of shit in regards to their art so by DQXIII we'll have killer music again.
DQ will never pander to trannies, get over yourself.
I do too, all of the accents are really fun. Rab in XI is a Chinese martial artist which is an archetype I'm looking forward to engaging with.
Depends on the game you play. Imo the best music is in III, IV, V and VIII, that's where all the iconic music comes from. VII, IX and X have great music too for the most part but they're less accessible games as a whole so you don't hear it that much. XI just has really sub par music but it's cool that in S you can
replace all the music with the VIII soundtrack.
This is common knowledge in the fanbase.
Cheers user
While I forget if it's original to joker 2, this shit is my jam
I can give or take the homophobia, that's par for the course as far as old Japanese men is concerned, but the war crime denial is fucked up, and the tight grip on his music just means that more people pirate his shit anyway, so it doesn't really do anything.
the future is bright
5 and 8 are two I played. I'll have to disagree I guess. The music has no punch or impact. Feels like the guy writing it had no idea what was going to be happening in the scene he wrote it for, they just sat him in a room and told him to write.
Got a little bit into lonely youth. Fuck his shit all sounds so samey. Great if you like it I guess but I don't. Uemastu Mitsuda Hamauzu. Those are good composers.
Sorry dude, it just doesn't do it for me I guess.
>but the war crime denial is fucked up
Look user, I don't know how many times we have to go over this. I don't know if you're a retarded tranny or a chink or a chink sympathiser or an EGS shill but here's the thing. The Chinese aren't people so no crime was committed.
bringing trannies into a DQ thread
where's your head at guv
They're the only one's who care about Sugiyama's """evil acts""".
wait so the orchestral soundtrack is actually just VIII's OST or it's a separate option to choose VIII's ost in place of XI's orchestrated ost?
i really want to know what a day in your life is like
It's probably pretty boring
Lmao fucking weeb ass faggot
I play games, watch anime, do some drawing practice, work on the game I'm making and practice guitar. Don't really go out much but have friends over somewhat regularly where we play vidya. It's a pretty comfy life overall.
Oh and fuck around on Yea Forums
So bright that you might get Dazzled, user.
That's ok, you have to be into it I guess. I'm really into orchestras and things like that so it really hits me well.
I want to avoid getting political because it doesn't have any place here, and I don't care for your bait, but the Chinese definitely are people, and they didn't deserve what they got. Japan has officially apologized and recognized the fucked up things that they've done. The only people who deny it are old, conservative, traditionalist Japanese men who were fully brainwashed by imperialist, pre-and-during WWII racist, xenophobic propaganda. It happened. It was fucked up. But it's in the past. It doesn't matter if I'm trans or not, millions of innocent people didn't die for us to forget they existed.
It's separate. You have the option to choose between the orchestral XI ost, the orchestral VIII ost, and the midi of XI's ost.
Sounds comfy, user. I want friends to come over and play JRPGS with.
Accents are all fine and dandy when spoken, but I hate how they write the text in that horribly mangled accented garbage. There are times in the games where I will have to stop playing and look up foreign slang terms I have never encountered in my life to understand what a character is saying. The point of a translation is to make the game understandable by the target market, not to obfuscate what the characters are saying because of how a game was translated back in the 80s.
Better then most of those awful Japanese actors. Seriously who hires these people?
>because the original composer who's worked on the games for decades keeps a strangle hold on the rights
That's a shitty retardera meme that started because he's a conservative in Japanese politics. There's zero evidence that he has ever denied requests to create orchestrated versions of his works.
stay mad and enjoy your shitty dubstep and synth music
Please fucking murder yourself
The Chinese are not people insect brain
You're a good person user, don't listen to the angry incels on this site
>being such a loser you have to respond to yourself
You are a breath of fresh air on this shithole website
>I want to avoid getting political because it doesn't have any place here, and I don't care for your bait, but the Chinese definitely are people, and they didn't deserve what they got. Japan has officially apologized and recognized the fucked up things that they've done. The only people who deny it are old, conservative, traditionalist Japanese men who were fully brainwashed by imperialist, pre-and-during WWII racist, xenophobic propaganda. It happened. It was fucked up. But it's in the past. It doesn't matter if I'm trans or not, millions of innocent people didn't die for us to forget they existed.
Dude are you fucking joking? Who gives a fucking shit... get over it you fucking queer.
Just get a blue checkmark already, tranny
Please fuck off queers.
>IP count doesn’t go up
Don’t shoot up a school
Yes, this was something they explicitly showed off at the E3 Treehouse
Thanks, you two, it means a lot that you responded kindly. I just wanted to talk about my favorite game series without politics, but I know who to ignore and when. If you have more questions, please come to /dqg/ on /vg/, i post there all the time and I'm doing my best to help all the new friends i can enjoy Dragon Quest :)
Why do you need people from another country to read out text for you?
>war crime denier and a homophobe
This guy seems based, shame he's such a Jew about his music
Anyone else find it ironic the Japanese can get away with denying war crimes that did happen, but the Germans can’t get away with “war crimes” that didn’t happen?
I don't think that this is a board for politics.
It’s definitely not one for video games
I can't do Japanese voices unless I also do Japanese text with dragon quest. Too many name changes. Characters, town, enemies, npcs, spells. It's one of the reasons I gave up on dragon quest musou.
Stop trying to shit up /dqg/ tranny
I've been posting there daily since May so I'm not sure what you want from me.
If I never played a DQ game can I play this and still be okay?
Yea, Dragon Quest games are very basic and have an easy learning curve.
Who’s the artist?
Will we ever get DQX in America?
i turned va off so i could hear he cute little dialogue pips
I thought it was widely known that he sold the XI orchestral soundtrack separately when the game released in Japan, and that he was the reason it wasn't actually in the game. i don't know if it's true, but that's what i've heard