Is it worth it Yea Forums?

Is it worth it Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-08-17 10-41-42.png (697x784, 111K)

no thats illegal

Pay. For. Your. Games.

If you want to turn your PC into a bitcoin mining machine go right ahead! Pirates are the biggest idiots on the planet. Nothing in life is free.

Tetris effect is on PC? Fuck me I missed that. I own it on PS4 but fuck me it would be fun to play that on the vive


EGS only

Or don't. Not like it affects the companies anyway

Tim payed for our copies
thanks, Tim!

Sweeney already paid for it for you! Go ahead lad, this one's on him.

Post the Twitter exchange

can I run this without having an EGS account?

It's pronounced "Heavy_no02.wav"

>actually being too dumb to pirate in 2000+19

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Even my Simcity?

When did Yea Forums get so anti-piracy?


can I play the VR version if I pirate it?

Press T to thank Tim for pre-purchasing your copy


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When denuvo started winning and the most popular games were f2p anyhow and only AAA $60 "experience" games were hailed as goty so if you're shamed if you don't pay.


Wow, what a cool kid

Why would you play Tetris in current year

Haven we evolved beyond simple games like that?

private tracker time

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