Manchu Squad where we at?

Manchu Squad where we at?

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fucking post in my thread you weeaboos

My man with the paradox classic eu4.
I'm a ck2 man myself though, but bring about the end of the Ming user.

Why didn't you raise your banners?

I have like 5 cav that aren't banners

And the rise of Qing. Just not sure when it's the best moment to make the decision after fulfilling all requirements.

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The best moment is never. Horde Manchu is better than Qing sadly

How about turning Yuan via culture shifting?
I heard that tag is pretty great.

Never played hordes because I'm afraid of china. How do I stop them from bullying me as mainland asian non-qing countries?

Remember to make puppets out of parts of ming as you expand. You can feed them so you don't have to core as much stuff down the line. That and it'll weaken china's mandate over heaven

become their bitch and eat china's other vassals. Then rebel and make puppets out of their territory to weaken their mandate once you're strong enough. Just watch out for Russia

Just agree to be their tributary until you can kick their arse. It's easy ever since Mandate of Heaven came out.

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To add on, you should try to get the unguarded frontier disaster for Ming to fire which will make their troops absolutely shit.
Just be a tributary, eat the others and get I think 300 development. Refuse tribute and be independent and it'll fire in no time screwing them over really hard.

if you're a horde and in the vicinity of northern China you conquer the gold mine Buryatia has so you can make money

lick my boots you chink fucks

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how are those partisan groups ruskie?

Free Tibet

>ming lost mandate that quickly

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I like your pic btw ;)

rape, pillage & burn

(why doesn't anyone declare war on Ming when they have no army)

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