Fallout 3 may be bad, but you and I both know that if Black Isle had finished their version of it it would've been so...

Fallout 3 may be bad, but you and I both know that if Black Isle had finished their version of it it would've been so, so much worse.

Attached: Vbtitle.png (350x280, 208K)

Fallout 3 is unironically kino as fuck with amazing recreation of Washington dc and i played the game right before a big trip to dc so it holds a special place in my heart

Ofc it was, it was a massive success and revived the dead fallout franchise, which contrarian Yea Forums likes to forget, otherwise we never wouldve gotten any more sequels

The dlc was mostly pretty solid too which is nice

Fallout 3 was shit and the black isle version would have been far better.

The only reason people like fallout New Vegas is because of the modding. The story, radio, writing and environment is worst than fallout 3

Actually you dork they like new vegas because its a more fleshed out game with better quests and proper factions.

4 year wait between games is what you consider a dead franchise?


Nothing to insist Van Buren would've been a bad game.
Most of it's concepts were recycled in New Vegas.