Ion Maiden devs confirmed for furry

Ion Maiden devs confirmed for furry

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Shit, no wait, I'd like to change my answer to "Ion Fury? More like Ion Furry".

how are politiks implemented in this game so i can whine and judge the game on that instead of it's actual gameplay merits?

E621 is a form of MSG you dumbass.

There is literally nothing wrong with e621

>diagonal texels

Main character has a vagina, have at it.

What else do you expect from an engine developed in the 90's?

It's monosodium glutamate bruh
Basically umami in a tub.

Depends on which build engine game you like the best. It's Shadow Warrior with a Duke3D wrapping, I find Shadow Warrior to be a little more difficult. The weapons are alright, be prepared to use the pistol a lot since it is the best all around weapon in the game.
>but the ion bow
Never need to pull it out, but that's a fight winner. Save ammo for that one.

user's ranking of build games no one asked for:
Shadow Warrior
Ion Maiden

>There is literally nothing wrong with e621

Agree, and on a related topic, imagine if Zootopia was made by Pixar and thus featured sexy round-assed animal women to corrupt young minds forever.

This I would you'd be right, OP, if it was e621 and not E 621

Diagonal texels as nothing to do with the engine, the retarded mapper applied the texture on a 45 degree angle in a game without texture filtering. The only other game I've seen that is retarded enough to do that is Quake 2.

Shadow Warrior had more comedy but Blood was superior, senpai

Blood>Shadow Warror=Duke Nukem 3D

>Product X

ion maiden?
more like ion gaaaaaaaaaaaaay-den

I like the enemies and weapons of Shadow Warrior more. Like with all things, I was not ranking based on objectivity, but simply ranked the games in the order I like best. Ion Maiden feels kinda stale to me and it is pretty easy. Still better than Duke3D, but that's due to weaponry and the later levels of Ion Maiden hold up a little bit better. Duke3D drops off pretty hard. Only Shadow Warrior and Blood really keep up the quality of levels with any degree of consistency.
>but this level sucked ass
Consistency is the keyword I'm using. Duke3D drops off hard after the first stage of E2.

Zootopia is good because it wasn't made by Pixar.

It could have been a lot better

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Oh, right, the whole dystopia thing. If I recall, one of the suits asked that if the city really was such a godawful place, why would the audience want it to be saved.

That's quite a fair question

That's why they decided to drop that angle.

Just weird hearing it from some dude in a suit after they got the idea in the brainstorming session. How could no one have asked this before?

>that making-of documentary where near the end when they go into the morality of the story there are sob stories from the animators complaining about being gay in the industry
>one asian women bursts into treats as she explains that she has to teach her children they aren't good enough because they're not white and how privileged white people are
>literal next followup is "yeah I am white and I do recognize my privilege but I'm also gay"
California is so fucked up. They go so far into trying not to be racist that they become racist even worse because they're unable to recognize their folly.


Attached: Katt_and_Falco_4.png (631x768, 354K)

Just goes to show you, that for all the horror stories of movie executives talking out their ass and completely missing the point of something, now and again one of them actually has a valid point that the writers didn't consider.

Is Blood really that good?

Falco has a thing for pussies