Why are they so good at making media, more specifically vidya

Why are they so good at making media, more specifically vidya.

Attached: nippon.png (1920x1280, 129K)

The problem is western devs focus way, way too much on graphics and not gameplay. Japanese games will never look as good as western games but they're always more fun to play.
That's not to say that I don't enjoy Western games, just this generation I can barely think of a Western game I'm interested in compared to the PS2 and Xbox 360 which has tons of games

We have come to a point where graphic fidelity gives back diminishing returns so the graphical advantage that a multibillion dollar budget gives to a western AAA game is not even that noticeable anymore.

>The problem is western devs focus way, way too much on graphics and not gameplay.
>but they're always more fun to play.
What alternate dimension are you from?

Attached: Eastern vs Western Vidya.png (1920x1080, 1020K)

Slavs don't have a say in what's a good game

Japshit is the Dane Cook of entertainent

Western games probably peak higher but often those peaks are outside the mainstream. Most western games have shit gameplay but the exceptions are good.

>using Hollow Knight as an example of western superiority, despite being a genre invented by 2 japanese series and having its story and design philosophy heavily inspired by another japanese series
>comparing it to Okami despite being a completely different genre
Unironically KYS, WRPG-kun

Because you're a weeb that eats up their garbage?

They have strengths and weaknesses. We used to have our own strengths compared to them but not anymore.