Play Heroes of the Storm

play Heroes of the Storm

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but blizzard killed that game to make diablo immortal

the ass is to big

Will it give me the dopamine rush you get when you make this thread?

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Fucking Coward.

MOBAs have better porn than gameplay



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I can't play Heroes of the storm

this guy isn't even good at drawing but something about his stuff makes me diamonds

>killed that game

It's boring as fuck though

Why not? Its a moba thats made for complete retards to even understand it. You don't even have to buy items lol. xp is shared. Its the baby moba

I did
Then they started homogenizing every hero

game just got updated not to long ago

Dead game when they stopped making cool shit like Abathur, Murky, Cho'Gall etc. Now they just make generic League trash.

Sucks that sundown wastes his talent at drawing stupidly obese whales, but I can't fault the nigga for doing whatever it takes to make the money.

they literally put in Anduin before the black girl

Why do you do this? What is your endgame?

I can't play Heroes of the Storm because I don't have Heroes of the Storm and confession I'm not really good at moba games.

I'm talking about specialists, or anything truly unique. No other moba has had something like Abathur, Murky or Cho'Gall. What is it that you like about Anduin?


I would legit play this if I had friends to play it with. Im done playing this solo after they removed or nerf everything I found fun. fuck blizzard

I want the dopamine the jizzbrains get when they jizzpost. :(

I do. Just bot games though. I want to make sure I don't ruin people's matches, even in QM, so I've just been [spending the last few YEARS getting every character up to level 5 without spending money to unlock each of them. I am still 13 characters off. [/spoiler]

From the sound of it, the bot games have a bigger playerbase than real games too. Strange. Still. I love coming back to the game when I do.

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