Mods are deleting digimon games threads

>mods are deleting digimon games threads

What happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:

jannies = virus digimon

is magnamon featured in any of the digimon games? he's the best

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Have you tried discussing digimon games instead of spamming gay furfag art?

It was a dumb thinly veiled porn dump thread.

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They only ever seem to delete Renamon threads.

Which thread? The one that started with "What Digimon do you like the least?"

that last thread was moved to trash because it was a furry thread

Lots. He's about the only armor mon that ever gets in.

Because all digimon games that are pokemon copies are grind fest that are boring.

I hope if this guy get's in a game he has better evolution options that just Saberdramon

Attached: soundbirdmon.png (640x640, 105K)

>thread de-digivolves into Loli thread
I wonder why?

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Because it'll just digi-devolve into people talking about how they want Renamon to crush them between her thighs or how much they want to lick Leomon's feet.

Because you fucking faggots keep spamming your garbage scalie/furry images or the same goddamn 5 angewomon images.

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It's xros wars cancer. It's never going to get into a game that isn't gacha

If armor evolutions are in you can count on it that he is in.
He is also a royal knight, that pretty.mich guarantees he is in.

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I hate how Flamedramon isn't barefoot. That's why ExVeemon is better.

Maybe don't be massive furfaggots.


>wears pants but still barefoot
damn that makes me hard

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the threads wouldn't get deleted if furfags would just stop spamming their furshit and discuss digimon like a normal person.

Honestly based. Pokemon is better

Discussing the female women or the male monsters you want to bang is how normal people act

Tell that to dozens of thinly veiled waifu threads.

Was world championship good, is my favorite digimon in it

Attached: ebidramon.png (700x523, 299K)


the mods are fireemblemfags and pokefaqs, everybody knows it

>Digimon porn doesn't count as video games
>Cyber Sleuth has a cutscene of Gabumon asking why humans "cum on" things that they like"

>what happened
All the mods are straight today

>logs onto Yea Forums today
>It's all flamedramon porn

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mods are newfags

They'll all be in the 'every digimon' game

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YUCK! Put the helmet back right now

Did anyone get the new 20th anniversary dogivices? I got me and my girl one, been enjoying it alot

>my girl
Your gf or daughter?

The what?


Prove me wrong

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You're going to get the thread 404'd again faggot, stop