>you think you d-
apologize, retailfags
>you think you d-
apologize, retailfags
Just you wait, 90% of those players will get bored within a month and come back to BFA
fucking classic team is the only remainder of old blizz.
i honestly didn't think anyone would pay for classic with private servers being so accessible
>n-n-noo... our game is totally popular.. we swear!
sad. lying is not a good thing
>Base the success of classic on name reservations
Just because people are reserving names will not mean they will play it some are just reserving names for the sake of pissing people mostly streamers off.
If Classic sees any sort of success, Blizzard will go after private servers hard
i hope you enjoy it but i don't think it'll be as great as you think it will
the climate of vidya and mmos has changed, nobody wants to stand around or go to forums looking for group anymore
shit's too streamlined, guides and convenience changes have ruined that sense of adventure you could once feel
So that means that those 15 years of WoW expac and patch were nothing but waste?
Can you imagine how bad Blizz devs became when your 15 years old game is better than the current version?
>Arugal still only medium
SEAmonkeys and OCEcunts where we at?
I liked TBC better.
classic is intended to fail, the devs working on it have only worked on the shittest expacs and have no interest in seeing it become more popular than what they have been working on for years
Literally every single thing relating to Vanilla WoW is easily accessible on the internet, there won't be a sense of figuring things out with the community, everyone will just tell you to Google everything.
Not as accessible as classic wow is. Also the fact that classic wow will be the most populated version by a long shot.
Why do you people keep quoting the guy who is in charge of Classic as if he's against the game he's in charge of?
Wake me up when the superior game releases
mental gymnastics
More like they'll stop playing altogether. There's gonna be a lot of people who haven't played WoW in years playing Classic and they're not gonna switch to retail after they're done with their nostalgia trip.
It’ll be dead within a month.
>forgetting the broodwar remastered team
It's literally just two guys but they still count
I honestly want the game to ''die'' as quickly as possible, so that we can see and play with the real population. The faster normies and teenagers jump ship, the better.
broodwar remastered is just a cashgrab. A faithfully executed cashgrab, but a cashgrab nonetheless.
is that the streamer server?
>tfw had more random social aspects in Classic WoW during the stress test than all my years of XIV combined
Was a strange but comforting feeling. Forgot how much I missed organic socializing in my MMO’s.
>Make billions of dollars early
>Cant understand the math that European Servers aren't enough.
Also you never if the ukranian basement servers that host those realms will be unplugged the next morning for no reason. Plus, it’s kinda like when reddit bans a subreddit and so they move to voat but no one actually goes over, it just dies.. being “official” is an extremely huge deal.
did you play beta?
launch/beta tends to be the most social periods
had a great time in XIVARR beta just walking around & fishing in random spots
Honestly if we had Vanilla but with the pre-TBC 2.0 changes like hunter abilities scaling with AP I'd be perfectly happy.
I'm hoping Classic diverges from the original and instead of following the original expansion path we get post-Naxx content redone and implemented in a different order. So Kharazhan as a 10 man before the Dark Portal even opens.
I had a fat ass asina gf once. I'd cum in under 30 seconds from doggy if I got to pull her panties to the side
I did, but even then, there wasn’t as much socializing when compared to older MMO’s. Obviously shout chat was more active and there were a decent amount of FATE groups, but just the simple act of killing mobs is so mind numbingly easy, FF feels like a single player with additional MMO features. Hell, all current Gen MMO’s do.
>Further confirmation that they're turning off layering.
Nice to see.
Literally everything related to retail wow is easily accessable ON TOP of the game being retard friendly.
And you still had retards doing retarded things.
The "Everything is documented and known" argument is terrible, retards gonna retard.
>but just the simple act of killing mobs is so mind numbingly easy,
I don't remember this, you were likely killing shit that was too easy then
That'd be fun, there are definitely a lot of old world things they could work in before going to outland.
Hell, imagine WOTLK split into two update patches.
You have Tundra, Dragonblight, and Fjord as the intial zones, with !Not-Naxx as a raid and the dragon shrines as a raid.
Then we go somewhere else for a bit with the lore reason of "Setting up a foothold", maybe fuck off to outland at this point.
Then after outland we get dragged back up north because oh shit fucking spiders everywhere, go underground and find a whole continent there with undead spiders and not-so-dead spiders fighting it out instead of just a couple of instances.
After which we come back topside with new spider 'allies' who are only with us to kill the lich king.
fuck off xiao, no one wants to play on your shitty server
>more instanced pvp to further detract from bgs
>killed world pvp with the addition of flying mounts
>free purple gear
>while I enjoyed the Isle it lead to dumbass world quests we have now
user objectively it was shit
HotS team is based last I checked