ITT: Unpopular Opinions

Swimming in Monster Hunter was fun, bring it back

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your opinion is objectively wrong

BoTW is mediocre at best

It's pretty fucking tasteless. I'll give twitter girl that.

Hitler was wrong

Avocado is indeed disgusting, which is why anyone with a brain adds salt and lemon to it, which is the majority of avocado consumers, or other spices.

I rather fight Plesioth in the water.

I don't really like avocado, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's disgusting.

DQ5 with Chrono Trigger’s combat system would be the GOAT

consoles have been shit for over 20 years, and if you dont have a PC, you are a fucking faggot

the water temple is the most fun dungeon in zelda history

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Just because you couldn't autism speed run the monsters underwater doesn't make it bad

Minecraft's combat was atrocious even before 1.9 """ruined""" it

Vashj'ir is one of the best zones in WoW.

delete yourself

PC gaming is the best it’s ever been for indie games, all of the classics people rave about aged like complete shit. Console gaming is dying outside of Nintendo

Sonic games suck even the "good" ones

Sweats and tryhards really know how to take the fun out of games.

I agree.

Tekken 4 was the series' peak. Fuck the pros, they should've tweaked the stage designs instead of discarding it for boring, soulless shit.

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no mans sky was good before the updates
I only think this because it satisfied by space autism

All the games you like are bad and you are low iq for liking them. You lack self awareness and are easily fooled by large corporations. You willfully defend decietful studios and perpetuate their actions by funding their lies. You are the average gamer.

It's probably not unpopular here, but I think the videogame industry should go through another crash so that the games industry can be reborn into a different shape that isn't so shit, or die like it should.

He’s right though, melee combat in vanilla Minecraft was always hot garbage.

Indie games are trash.

They're shitty ripoffs of retro games, mashups of two retro games or shitty half assed ideas the dev has neither the money, skill, experience or talent to pull off. The last time games as a medium were legitimately good was on the PS2. If you like any indie game, you're a shit taste faggot and I'll shit on your face if you try to defend your shit taste.

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I actually liked that, playing other MH games w/out it feels weird

Tekken 4 still has the best atmosphere, artstyle and tone and it's entirely because there is no character customization.

Character customization has ruined the aesthetics of fighting games beyond repair.

Yoshi's Island DS is better than Yoshi's Island

Super Mario 64 was a fine game at its time but it doesn't hold up today at all mostly due to one of the worst cameras in 3D games and generally mediocre level design

EDF 4.1 is better than EDF 5

Persona is a onions series

Doom and Doom 2 have fucking awful level design and the only reason to play them is mods; Blood is the best classic FPS

Duke Nukem Forever was literally exactly as good as Duke Nukem 3D, which is to say, they're both equally bad

Nioh is better than any Fromsoft souls game, including Sekiro

This, and also Tag 2 is better than T7

avocado is an acquired taste. The smooth creaminess of guac can really balance out salty, savory mexican. guac and chips is pretty bad though

as for my video game opinion, 2D platformers are boring and devs should stop making them.

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what the fuck, why does onions get wordfiltered into onions

I liked the vehicle sections in Half Life 2 and Mass Effect

I agree.
MH3U was great and it's a shame that they removed all underwater fights instead of just improving the camera and controls a bit.


lurk more you buzzwording idiot

Persona is the worst JRPG series in existence.

It's solely liked by "lmao such a nerd" ironic weebs who play it to live out their fantasy of being an attractive teenager with lots of friends. Its writing is godawful, its characters are insufferable and everything else is the laziest fucking shit I've seen in my life.

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White women are the worst human beings on earth.

Mario games are mindless shovelware garbage for children

avocado is alright on burgers 2bf

T4's cast is shit and so is the mode selection. Its Tekken Force was worse than 3's by a mile. If that game came out today the same people who jerk it off would be screeching about not be able to play Anna and posting webms of how easily broke it all is. In fact that is true for all these hipsters choice old fighting games, everyone of them would be a laughing stock if released today. At least choose an old fighter with good content for casual players, instead of a game you pretend to play but really just listen to the soundtrack on youtube.

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This. The vast majority of people don't actually like avocado, they just like all the shit they can add to it

onions don't belong on a burger
pickles are top tier

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wrong, everything belongs on a burger
onions, pickles, olives, jalapenos, throw the whole pantry on that fucker

I agree with this, swimming in Tri was fun, but your dodge direction honestly felt somewhat random

Of course. It's neutral, meaning it has no taste. The only reason people consume it is because it's a fucking miracle fruit, the only fruit with maybe 2 or 3 at best like it in nature, which holds all the nutrients the Human body needs in one sample, meaning anyone can live off 1 a day for their entire life. Good for losing fat and surviving in other words.

>Its Tekken Force was worse than 3's by a mile
Rest of your opinion is discarded. I won't be spending much time addressing anything past this point, so let's go back. The cast:
>Returning characters are Kazuya, Jin, Hwoarang, Paul, Law, King, Xiaoyu, Bryan, Yoshi, Heihachi, Lei, Julia, Eddy, and Nina
>Lee returns with a completely revampled move-set (and one of the coolest in the series)
A perfectly acceptable roster given the total overhaul of playstyle in a game with some of the most attention to detail in terms of visuals.
As for the new characters:
>Steve fucking rules
>Christie is just Eddy but fap-bait, and the best in the series at the time at that
>Marduk is okay
>Combot, which is just Mokujin

And I have been playing this game. Very recently, as a matter of fact. You want to pretend to be a keyboard pro, but all you're doing is parroting that "You don't actually like this old game, lol. You're such a poser" bullshit because you don't have anything interesting to say on your own.

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I hope they give it another shot. Underwater combat wasn't that bad on console, it was trying to do it on handheld that was a pain.

Tekken 4's ending were the best in the series hands fucking down

>Paul went from being a serious badass here to a fucking assclown in T5 onward
>That kino Bryan ending being thrown in the garbage to force a stupid Yoshi rivalry
>That incredible King ending
>Even the comedic endings like Kuma and Law were well done
>Julia's ending
>Hwoarang's ending with Jin
>The entire Mishima storyline in this game, that was retconned to make Kazuya more of a jobber
Even if I was wrong about everything I said regarding the cast up above, Tekken 5 onwards is a god damn trainwreck of writing while Tekken 4 still stands as surprisingly well told.

They’re alright.

Spyro 1 is the only good one

I would like Persona 5 on Switch

This. People think I'm just being a contrarian when making this opinion but I was actually excited for the game when announced. I was even excited when I bought the game and rushed home to play. But fuck the content isn't anything special and the shit amount of dungeons really made this game mediocre. Also that ganon fight was shit

This 100%
You should not be playing games rated E or E10+ if you're over the age of 12

Developer actually said he wanted it back himself but do it right this time

If games are fun, they're fun. Fuck off idiot with your "I'm a mature adult I don't play baby games" mentality.

It definitely wasnt as terrible as it is made out to be. If used in moderation it could be a fun little addition.
>Character customization has ruined the aesthetics of fighting games beyond repair.
This is the most factual statement in the thread.

There are games that aren't rated for babies that are fun.
Nobody older than 12 should be playing Mario, or any E rated game. It's a point where you need to grow up and play the actual games and not stay a child playing mindless shovelware

AKA: "Let me just make hot takes without supporting my stance" thread

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Super Mario Bros 3 controls badly. Mario carries too much momentum, and the auto scrolling stages are unfun. SMW is way more fun.

People that dislike Counter Strike largely dislike it because they are bad at it.

Console FPS will always inherently be shallow.

Severance Blade of Darkness is a fairly shit game. The limb based damage stuff is neat, but the actual execution of the combat is awful.

Make an argument then.

I have no interest in justifying my beliefs to anyone.

I state them loud and proud, you can either agree or fuck off.

trigger warning
ds2 is better than bloodborne
MGS5 is the best mgs game
sonic has actually some decent games
FF is utter trash except for 16
raidou games had fun gameplay

>I won't be spending much time addressing anything past this point
Cause you can't. T4's tekken force is an awkward piece of shit and the modes are bare bones outside it. Like at least pretend you are a SC3 fan if you are going the whole yeah fighters were better before namco listened to the pros. Fuck them for taking out easy infinities. There isn't much to do, there aren't many characters to play as and the modes aren't very substantial..

>The cast:
>Has to include skins
lmao, yeah missing characters from 3 and doing fuck all to bring back characters from before that is a great job. Everyone freaks out now when old characters are missing, but you want to sweep that under the rug here and pretending a bare roster is fine. If T8 came out with 20 characters, but all new models and gameplay you'd be crying that this isn't really tekken any more where is everyone. You are a poser, trying to call it out first doesn't change that. The things you try to hand wave are the same things that you casuals freak out about with newer games.

Yeah they were pretty funny, but now the same guys would freak out that the voice acting isn't good and nit pick to all hell.


pineapple belongs on pizza

>sonic has actually some decent games

Sonic 2, 3, Knuckles and Mania are all fantastic.

S3&K is a top tier platformer. People that dislike Sonic typically don't understand the basics of momentum based platforming and probably just assume the games are all about "goin fast xd".

i was talking about sonic riders and heros but these are good too

Raw Onions don’t belong on burgers. Caramélized Onions? They do.

Persona is just for people who don't have the attention span for Majikoi

Most developers knows pc is better but they can't voice their opinions to not to anger console manufacturers.

Witcher 3 is the most overrated game of the decade.

poor baby, what's the matter? RAW onions giving you indigestion?

Swimming was fine and allowed for more monster types. I agree.

Also, I think there is nothing wrong with liking mainstream video games.

oblivion is best tes
Hitman 2>4
MGR is best MGS game
thief 2 is best stealth game
Horror, RTS genres will stay dead

Shenmue 1 and 2 are great games, and if you find them boring it's because you have a poor attention span and low IQ

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For me, it's the Bloomin' Burger.

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most trannies i meet are nice and i think in general they are cool people

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Borderlands 2 > Borderlands 1

The nature of Sonic as a character handicaps the ability to have a gameplay style that lasts longer than 3-4 hours without having to implement unwanted gimmicks. SEGA should commit to making Sonic a budget series and sell games for $20.

There is nothing an onion doesn't belong to.


Look into Hollow Knight

Milk and cereal?

Old games are worse then new games. Both in average quality and in the their highpoints.

The SNES and PS1 are the only good "old" consoles
NES was bloated with shit, Genesis was worse, N64 barely had games

Fuck off

>Levin (original Russian: Лeвин) is a surname with several word origins. In most cases it is Jewish (a variant of Levy) and rarely Russian
Oh god, oy vey. We need to destroy Iran because they don't like Burger King and

7th gen is the worst generation in gaming history.

The Wii is the best Nintendo console ever made. It's Nintendo's PS2. Tons of shovelware shit but many masterpieces and lots of underrated games that sadly got buried by the shovelshit.

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>every sonic game is terrible
>last of us is an amazing game
>half life 2 has aged like wine and is better than 1
>rockstar's only good game is Midnight Club 2
>doom is boring
>mgs is clunky and poorly written. Hitman and Splinter cell are better in every way
>kamiya's only good game is Viewtiful joe 1
>mmos, mobas, and fighting games are garbage
>fear 2 is better than 1
>brigitte and Ashe are the only attractive overwatch girls

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>N64 barely had games
This. The N64 library gets overrated cause it barely had any games, so everyone played the same handful of big ones.

Very nice on a baguette imo, just need to crush it so it's spread out evenly

It's shit at best and fucking shit at worst.

Diablo and Diablo 2 were good mostly for the atmosphere, story delivery and locations.
The gameplay was meh and they're both dated as fuck in that regard.

Being able to select fewer units at a time is a feature in rts games

1 for sure

>Yoshi's Island DS is better than Yoshi's Island
I’m mean I’m supposed to respect your opinion and all but what the fuck



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It's a shame we didn't get to fight a giant shark monster. Water had potential but the Wii had bad controls for mon hun.

EDF and Dynasty Warriors are some of the purest games.

>(You) vs over 9000 enemies
>objective: survive


Tbqhf b&r

Is this really even an unpopular opinion?

You want a REAL unpopular opinion?
I get why other people like BotW so much, but I'm bored stiff by it. It does seem like it'd be great if you were interested in the genre, but I'm not, and I don't like it.

>Avocado is disgusting


Unfortunately, I am allergic to avocados. Get itchy and queasy.

Hollow Knight and Amid Evil are honestly some of the best games in their genre.

People that shit on indie games are too dumb to look up good ones.

Name one good game which came out in the last five years and isn't Japanese or an Indie.
Just one. Go on.

Hollow Knight is good but it's not even close to the best in its genre, user. Look into La-Mulana and Rain World, if you haven't already.

Burgers should either be just meat and bread (possibly cheese too) or an abomination of toppings.

Dragon Quest V is amongst the weaker entries of the series.

La Mulana isn't a metroidvania. Rain World doesn't seem like one either.

rain world isn't but I'm fascinated to hear why you think la-mulana isn't

>Doom and Doom 2 have fucking awful level design and the only reason to play them is mods; Blood is the best classic FPS
this isn't exactly a hot take

OoT was boring even on release. Just way too much hand holding.

STALKER, God Hand, and Minecraft are all shit.

Lost Odyssey is better than every JRPG since its release.

God of War really was GOTY last year.

GTA4 is the worst GTA by a fucking mile.

Pizza tastes better without cheese

Rain World is on the edge of metroidlike but La-Mulana is DEFINITELY in the genre, even if it isn't really based on Metroid.

La Mulana sucks.

Gating is focused more on puzzles than items.

That can't be right. I like it.
Personally, I don't think itrems need to be the thing doing the gating, but even if you think it does items are very much a part of the gating in La-Mulana.

I hate what white people for some reason started to eat avocado, they skyrocketed the prices and are producing droughts in my country due to increase of demand.

They dont even eat it correctly, for them its just a trend.

Ps4 spiderman

I didn't like that game. Too much filler, bad pacing; generally the problems all games in the genre have.
That's a big reason I like indies. I despise not doing interesting things at all times in a game, and indie games are usually too, well, indie to afford having filler.

I just find the puzzles in La Mulana super arbitrary, the first puzzle teaches you that you cant hit puzzle pieces but to fight the first boss you nees to hit a puzzle piece.

That rooms dont follow a physical/logical order was the tip that made me quit.

All RDR2 has going for it is its graphics. Boring as fuck story, uninteresting characters, very shallow gameplay. Probably the worst high profile game I've ever purchased.

yeah it's just like skyrim's shitty combat

Etrian Odyssey went to shit after 3.

Star Fox Assault was great and deserves a sequel

Quake's multiplayer is best enjoyed when several randoms are thrown together and have to compete. When it's competent players vs other competent player(s), it is boring as all fuck with an addition of stress. A weird feel.The 10 or so retards that spam quack hampions threads (and most of which don't even play the game) need to be banned

Half Life is an utter chore to beat. Gimme a new CoD, Metro, or any other linear game and I guarantee it will be better and more entertaining than HL

CS is bad and outdated and only played by those that desperately want to stroke their epeen when better, fairly challenging games exist

Fortnite is more skillbased than CS or Quake and I say this as someone that doesn't play or like Fortnite

The only people that still play TF2 are autistic children or autistic man-children. The game is objectively shit nowadays and I say this as someone that considered it their favorite multiplayer game of all time and in my top 5 games of all time at 1 point

Baba is You is cheap, unfun bullshit. Never have I seen a puzzle game with such a pretentious community that thinks poor design is brilliance

Undertale>Lisa in every single aspect. The only people that think Lisa is better are those that think cheap bullshit = good game, those that think "muh depression" = good story, and/or contrarians

Dusk is overpriced bargain bin shit. It will never be worth the price until it hits $5 or less.

Whites shouldn’t play video games because it’s a worthless distraction while niggers and spics are outbreeding us.

I prefer swimming over vaulting.

>Guy who hates indies likes AAA open world Mahvel schlock for stay-at-home bloggers
Shit writes itself

I get why you'd end up with that impression, but I think it's like going to fight the skellibros as soon as you make it in Dark Souls.
The lightning teaches you that you can't attack the world at random, hoping it'll do something. You have to have a good reason to whip things. That's why you only get struck with lightning if there's an Eye in the room.
ngl I still don't get the room order thing.

For the most part, I love the puzzles in La-Mulana. They're not gay logic puzzles, they're lore puzzles which require interpretation and basically stroke my humanimeme ego.

I thought avocado toast was a meme until I saw it on a menu for 8 dollars. Why.

Why did you write it like this?
I don't know why it'd be eight dollars. It's a good, cheap breakfast, IMO.

>Fortnite is more skillbased than CS or Quake and I say this as someone that doesn't play or like Fortnite

Nah, the only interesting mechanic in Fortnite is building, and it's not really deep or complex. You basically just select slopes and platforms and then spam them down until you can build enough cover to close a gap the the enemy so you can 1 shot them to the torso with a shotgun.

Battle Royal is largely popular because you can do next to nothing and still place well. People will feel good if they get 8th place even if they get 0 kills.

>CS is bad and outdated and only played by those that desperately want to stroke their epeen when better, fairly challenging games exist

Basically "I suck at this game, so fuck it". I like both Siege and CS but shooting in Siege is super easy in comparison to CS.

>Worst camera in 3D games
I think it gets a pass considering it was the first major 3D platformer, and was made among the infancy of 3D games in general. The real hot take is that 3D platformer-collect-a-thons are an antiquated genre that have zero reason to be made in the modern day.

Also turn based JRPG type games are a complete genre and nothing new or interesting can be done with them gameplay wise. Any game that comes out these days using it is reliant on either brand power, gimmicks or style to carry it.

That's only an unpopular opinion if you're either a flagrant nintendo fanboy or you only played for a few hours.

>u sux0rz!!1
Explain to me what is fun about your in game momentum coming to a crawl when you are shot? What is fun about spray patterns? What is fun about having RNG spray patterns in Go or 3 different patterns in Source? What is fun about going up against cheaters which are infesting GO to the point even it's esports has a problem? What is fun about the cancerous community? What is fun about awful matchmaking?

>The real hot take is that 3D platformer-collect-a-thons are an antiquated genre that have zero reason to be made in the modern day.

I'll agree with that, I've never been super into 3D platformers. They were largely big because 2D platformers were the go to genre before them.

Nah, it just became tedious after 3. The games by themselves are good, it's just incredibly tiring to play what's essentially the same long ass game every 1-2 years.

Onions go into burger, not onto burger

Raw avocado is disgusting

Metal Gear Solid 1 has gotten everything right but the gameplay

Dismissive opinions should just be dismissed.

All video games are for children.

Pickles are disgusting a solid 95% of the time.

I'll dismiss my hot opinion all over your face and you can't stop me.

>Explain to me what is fun about your in game momentum coming to a crawl when you are shot?

It's largely there to punish bad positioning, but it's annoying.

>What is fun about having RNG spray patterns in Go or 3 different patterns in Source?

You know fuck all about the games, GO has patterns, 1.6 had a handful of patterns per gun. All recoil is RNG based, but autsits on Yea Forums can't seem to realize that.

>What is fun about going up against cheaters which are infesting GO to the point even it's esports has a problem?

Just buy premium or ESEA if you're that concerned, even Fortnite had a hacker win a fuckton of money.

>What is fun about the cancerous community?

It's hit or miss, I've seen more cunts in Siege, L4D, and Bad Company 2.

>What is fun about awful matchmaking?

The game has a server browser with community servers. It also has one of the better ELO ranking systems I've seen for a teamplay game. I once lost like 8 games in a row but topfragged in them, I ended up deranking. I then won my next two and I ranked back up since the system factors in kills on top of wins. You can also rank up off of tie games.

Skyward Sword is peak Zelda.


I literally thought fighting under water was fun and become piss easy.

>know fuck all
Except I do? GO has bullet RNG to where first shot inaccuracy is a thing and while the patterns themselves are set, where your bullet lands is slight deviation. And explain what is fun about shooting a gun not knowing how it will handle in Source and 1.6?

>buying Premium stops cheaters
And you say I know fuckall about the game. That's a bold faced lie and you know it. As for ESEA, people shouldn't have to pay a subscription just to get a cheat free experience

>community servers
Most of which don't run the base game. For years people wanted a casual 6v6 but Valve managed to fuck that up.

Guac is pretty good, though. Snacking on it with some cereal breadsticks is gud

Jokes on you I've played both and loved them.
I only played the first Majikoi though, I heard the sequels were mostly porn and skipped them.

>GO has bullet RNG to where first shot inaccuracy is a thing and while the patterns themselves are set

1.6 also has this. I think Source is the only one that doesn't. It's Valve's shitty way to balance the game. It's annoying but it's wildly overblown in terms of how much it actually effects gameplay. It's just one of those things that retards see on paper and go "wow, that's completely broken". The SG was 99% accurate on its first scoped shot for years and pro players still chose the AK because it was accurate enough and the SG just wasn't worth the slight cash difference.

>And explain what is fun about shooting a gun not knowing how it will handle in Source and 1.6?

You play the games and you figure out how they'll handle, shit's not rocket science yo.

>That's a bold faced lie and you know it.

There is not that many cheaters, every online game has cheaters. Siege at high level has people teleporting around the map without their hitbox and invisible killing the enemy team. It also has people DDOSing matches so they don't lose their ELO if they're losing. At least CSGO has the option for a game experience with high quality servers and high quality anti cheat.

Good job ignoring the Fortnite hacker in comp play though, so many retards think CS is the only game with hackers.

>Most of which don't run the base game

lolwut? Also there is a casual mode, but it's not limited to players.

Not that user, but I find CS to be unbreachable trying to get into it solo. Pub matches in particular the hacking was insanely bad, either that or I was just really bad.

Sonyfags are without a doubt the worst fanbase on Yea Forums.

>1.6 also has this
Yeah, pro players that are running 144hz monitors on LAN. Also, da pros have a terrible history of cheating. Not good to use them as an example. You explained a mechanics. Not how it is fun or engaging

>rocket science
Again, this doesn't explain how this is fun. Only thing it explains is Valve's poor attempt at balancing

>high quality anti cheat.
Either you're full on fanboy or a literal paid Valve shill. There was a CSGO thread earlier where 1 random user showed more than half his matches had a cheater. Yes. There are cheaters in every game. That is a terrible argument. When I played OW I never once noticed any in my 6 month time with that game. GO has issues every day and every day you can read a story in the negative review section on Steam to see

Do you even play the game? Honest question. Most community servers are gun game, surf, or some other novelty mode that is a 1 and done thing. And again, Valve just added unranked 5v5. Do you even play the game?

Also, 1 Fortnite hacker that was caught and got his shit pushed in when he couldn't play without cheats yet GO has had plenty of cheaters in its pro scene. Some of which were never called out like flusha, shroud, and others.

Incels/alt right/pol/ have become way worse and way bigger problems than SJWs and libtards ever were.

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Half right

Neither belong on a burger. Any food item that over powers the main ingredient is shit. Pickles do this badly to the point you may a s well just eat a pickle sandwhich as it is all you can taste. Same shit with jalapenos.

Yes and no. From a technical standpoint it's definitely a top shelf video game but from a design/content standpoint it's...not quite barebones, but rather oddly unrewarding. It's like once you figure out its basic set of tricks and ideas then there's not much to keep you pulled in unless you have the biggest hard-on for experimentation, even if the world you're exploring doesn't really call for it. You have to be content with making your own fun after the 20 hour mark or so.

For me, I certainly agree. I never have to interact with SJWs, but I have to rub elbows with /pol/acks all the damn time. Maybe SJWs are a problem, but they're not my problem in the same way pepebabbies are.

Too obvious, try again.

Found one

Not sure if this is unpopular or not but I fucking love the PS3. PS2 is better by a long shot but I'll never forget my time with Little Big Planet 2.

You put salt on it you retard

>Again, this doesn't explain how this is fun.

The guns are fun because it takes a high degree of skill to use them well. You need to be able to aim quickly, need to gauge your distance to see if you can spray or not, and if you can spray you need to be able to control it well. I've never played another shooter with shooting like it. The only other shooters similar to it have shooting that's too basic or are boring milsim games.

The maps are also simple enough to allow you to never really get flanked. If an enemy hits you from a surprise angle you really only have yourself to blame.

>Either you're full on fanboy or a literal paid Valve shill.

I was saying in ESEA you illiterate monkey. If you have a premium account you can go into MM and probably run into 1 hacker every 50 games, not to mention once a hacker gets banned in MM the ELO you lost for that game gets rolled back. All the hackers tend to pool at the higher rankings.

>Do you even play the game? Honest question

When you said "run the base game" I assumed you meant a different/older version of GO, not just "run a different game mode". You're either ESL or you're dumb as shit.

Consoles are a better value now than PC's for gaming. Buttcoin miners are a large cause of this.

Pineapple + bacon pizza is fucking delicious.
The gameplay was always the worst part of soulsborne series, it's nothing special and only art direction, atmosphere and world building make those games great.
DS3 is the worst soulsekiroborne game
Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the best rpg of the decade (sorry Underrail)
Doom Eternal looks great
"Hold X to interact" is the worst mechanic ever created and should be purged from all videogames.
RDR2 is boring and dragged out mediocre movie
PS4 will forever be Bloodborne machine
I thought I really miss RTS games until I replayed AoE and C&C Generals. The genre is outdated and should stay dead


>Pineapple + bacon pizza is fucking delicious.
How can you even call that pizza
You are a disgrace not only to your race, which I assume is not white, but also to life itself.

Fair enough.

Cryptocunts only effect the prices of high end cards. Mid-range was almost untouched. They did however fuck up the used market.

Because some places want to make a 10000% profit

I get what you are saying but the execution is just really fucking obtuse, take for example the Giant dungeon. I wrote down all the lore signs trying to make sense to it and I did but I had no idea what to do next, I knew what statues were the ones I had to do something to them but not how. After 3 hours of me dicking around I had to google the answer, you needed to fucking put a weight on their feet, how the fuck I am supposed to know that? Why not put a fucking switch or a WEIGHT SWITCH LIKE EVERY OTHER WEIGHT PUZZLE.

>random patterns and rng bullets
Again, this is fun how? Spray patterns can be rewarding when they function like they are supposed to

1. Again, if you have to pay $100/year to get a cheat free experience then just admit the base game is beyond saving.
2. As for rollbacks, that is only when the cheater gets caught which only happens when blatant fuckery is about. ANyone that knows how to be subtle can pass with ease

>different/older version
That is the biggest attempt at covering one's ass I've seen all week. How could you possibly misinterpret that?

Yeah that was bullshit. I got I was meant to do something with their feet, and even tried putting weights there, but you need to be in JUST the right position and 'cause I wasn't I assumed that wasn't the answer.

I fucking hate avocado and guacamole. Nasty ass spic shit.

I can agree completely on Sonic.
I loved playing LOU.
I found HL2, despite its lack of world-development, pretty good.
I haven't played MC2 yet.
DOOM is alright but nothing that I would binge for hours.
MGS' story is batshit insane and the controls could be better but I still like it. Hitman is pretty fun though.
I haven't played VJ yet.
I can agree on all three of those stances.
I haven't played FEAR yet.
I would include Mercy and Symmetra.

Imagine being so American you think avocados are spic shit.

paltas are top tier faggot

Attached: palta.jpg (146x225, 15K)

I am white, blond-ish haired, 6'2 tall, green-gray eyed male. And I claim pineapple goes on pizza and you can suck my average sized cock. Not only that is delicious as fuck, but it's historically viable since pizza is literally just utilizing whatever leftovers you have in a fridge or on a counter. There is no ingredient which can't go on a pizza.

>Spray patterns can be rewarding when they function like they are supposed to

They do. The series has never had 100% consistent patterns when it comes to spray patterns. They are consistent enough to allow better players to win their fire fights. If they weren't then there would be no high level play.

Again you clearly don't understand the game if you think the bullet placement is completely random and every kill is a dice roll. Shit players think this because they can't do proper spread control or shoot and move too much.

Multiple shooters have elements of RNG in them and are still highly skill based. Quake 3 even has RNG in it. The recoil in Siege is much more random and it even rewards you much more for headshots, but it's still a deep game despite this.

Basically you're a shitter with 0 understanding of the recoil system so you cry about it on Yea Forums when millions of people have managed to grasp and understand it well enough to play the game.

>1. Again, if you have to pay $100/year to get a cheat free experience then just admit the base game is beyond saving.

Every single online FPS has cheaters in it. You can pay 15 bucks for Premium GO and have a mostly cheater free experience. That's still a better deal than most shooters.

>How could you possibly misinterpret that?

Because you type like a moron that has 0 understanding of what "base game" means. Learn the difference between base game and a standard game mode you ESL monkey.

Pokemon was never a great series. It was only ever good for what it was on, that has only ever succeeded because nostalgia for either stamp collection or just liking cutesy monsters.

Based and redpilled

I can understand why someone might not like avocados. It doesn't exactly have flavor on its own. But to call it disgusting, I cant imagine the landwhale hooked up to a sugar drip who would think this. It'd be the equivalent of calling water or bread disgusting.

I knew it. You're a snownigger. Not just a snownigger; the niggerest snownigger who ever snownigged. Disgraceful.
Pizza is tomatoes and mozarella. You MAY, perhaps, be permitted to add a FEW other ingredients, such as mushrooms or artichokes. Bacon and pineapple is to be used only for scaring Jews away and flavouring semen, respectively.

They probably dislike the texture.
For myself, I bloody love avocado. I love the texture and the taste, especially when you put vinegar in it.

YIIK had a very good story and the game was unfairly panned over the main character being ugly.

I am white but a spic, what does that make me.

Avocados really do taste like shit imo. Then again I love raw onions so I guess I'm the weird one

It makes you a snownigger. "Spics" are an American (read: nigger) invention, so you better stop using it. You are probably of Vandal descent; Vandals were snowniggers, and so you are too.

You're goddamn right. It has one of blandest, emptiest open worlds in recent history. Also fuck those identical dungeons

I am learning so much today.

It is the duty of the strong to nurture the weak. I bear my responsibility with no ill will.

Games should cost more so that cash shops are less necessary

>Pizza is tomatoes and mozarella
Sure, and also bacon and pizza. You can't stop me, amerifat. If your hobo Sicilian immigrant ancestors didn't have jack but tomatoes and mozzarella (which you've even typed wrong), that's on them for being fucking poor. The divine flavor of smoked pork fat rendering out all over the sweet and sour pineapple, decadent creamy cheese which melts and drags in a series of beautifully thin strands, a tomato sauce made from blend of fresh and dried tomatoes and a sharp note of basil cutting through the mix is just phenomenal. I pity the fool who limits himself from this experience

DMC4 is a shitty game and SE just emphasizes how shit DMC4 is
>But muh combo videos

Attached: 3773734d898869977e22de4fcf06d7307761b84bb7a54065251c884757d4686a5g.jpg (635x599, 36K)

Avocado by itself is disgusting but somehow it combines amazingly with tons of other stuff. In my mind avocado is not a "fruit", its a spread.

I also loved the 2d fallout games but somehow could never get into the 3d ones.

Games like overwatch (which i played quite a bit admitedly), as well as fortnight and apex legends creep me out, as does their whole "youtuber/twitch" culture. They are products meant to suck up your attention economy sort of like fb does. It feels like you could play for hours yet somehow your head ends up empty and almost no memories of what happened.

Much prefer games where after I finish then, I feel as if I have read a good movie and/or seen a movie.

Attached: WGC-Avocado-Toast-copy.jpg (870x1088, 1.25M)

>and also bacon and pineapple
shiet I'm tired

that's not how it works user
games are cheaper than ever to make corporations just want to milk as much money as humanely possible out of people, games could cost a thousand dollars and you would still have mtx and lootboxes

It was terrible, fuck you and this revisionist horseshit from people who started with Tri, or tribabs as I like to call them.


>Persona is the worst JRPG series in existence.
Literally the opposite is true. The Megaten franchise as a whole is the only good JRPG franchise. Also, SMT > Persona


Disgusting is a pretty fucking strong word and if you don't explain why you used it then stop using it. My autism will keep me up at night to find answers. Avocado is tastleless, as in it taste like fucking nothing. What makes it disgusting on its own?
Is it the texture like this user says?

Throughout this conversation I have shown an appreciation for whiteness. What, then, lead you to believe I was American (read: nigger)?
Pineapple on pork is a relic of an age best left untouched. Even outside of pizza, it is an abomination born from the experimentation of our ancestors. It is a mistake, one we should have rectified long ago.
On pizza, it is nothing less than perversion.

>>kamiya's only good game is Viewtiful joe 1
>>mmos, mobas, and fighting games are garbage
Only 2 I agree with. But there's some fighting games like Tekken and Blazblue that I like but those are the only two that come to mind.

ok, sorry its not disgusting I guess. Just not something that I'd dig in with with a spoon.

Its like eating raw butter. Technically possible. But somehow weird.

Sounds like you're a newfag who has only played 5.

Warhammer 40K is fucking stupid and not in a good way

Attached: C74EA9E5-C439-4EFA-A5AE-AAEF9118AB41.png (268x268, 17K)

That's not an unpopular opinion, it's a wrong opinion, and I don't like it. Don't post again.

As a Mexican, gringos will never understand the flavor of Aguacate

>What, then, lead you to believe I was American
Trying to cling so hard to a culture that you've never had and defending the mythical "true" recipe?

>Pineapple on pork is a relic of an age best left untouched
I disagree strongly. As a connoisseur of eastern cuisine, I can assure you that Chinese and SEA kitchens are full of pineapples that go with meats, vegetables, spicy and savory sauces, fish even sometimes. Sugar is a natural flavor enhancer just like your salt or msg and our chink-eyed friends know all about it. That's why Chinese food is so damn great
>On pizza, it is nothing less than perversion.
But perversions are a virtue of intelligence and progress. It's the peak of civilization and ultimately its doom. Revel in it while you can, the decadence is upon us!

That they put it on smoothies and tea just show much a subhumans they are.

Mont chocolate chip icecream is pretty shit

This is only unpopular among children.

Are you a fucking jew that you hate pork so much

Well I'm 21 so go figure

21 isn't a child, user.

Borderlands has the worst level design of any popular game ever made. This counts for both 1&2, I never played the pre-sequel.

Oh you said my opinion is unpopular among children
Sorry user I misunderstood your post

3D action games like Bayonetta, Batman and DMC are boring.

Attached: Claire Evans.jpg (751x810, 65K)

Except the most important aspect of an FPS game is the shooting. You can lecture me on smokes, flashes, economy, and so on but those all play a major aspect in terms of how bad and unreliable the gunplay is. Seige's RNG doesn't mean 1 can't solo. CS pretty much makes it impossible. The only real RNG in a 1v1 comp Quake duel is your spawn location which can be easily negated. If 2 dudes face off at each other with an ak in CSGO, nothing but their guns, it's a complete luck of the draw who is going to win. Which then pulls back to the team aspect. Which then pulls back to the awful match making and cheaters. Which then pulls back into having to spend $100/month to get even competent players. Oh, let's also not forget the awful shitreg

>$15 premium
Again, this is how I know you're full fanboy/shill because that's a goddamn lie. GO is known for it's cheater problem. I ask again, name me a FPS game where 5 cheaters have been found at pro scenes in the last year. Fuck, even 3. Meanwhile GO has plenty of them. If you cannot, then stop saying "every game has cheaters" as if it will make the infection in GO go away. Every game has cheaters but not at Go's level

>base game/standard is different!
>calls others ESL
K bud

people just like it because powerlevel bullshit

Hotel California isn't that good of a song

get out spic

Avocado is gross, and it's also very calorie dense because of the fat. So it's also bad for you if you're a fatty.

>People that dislike Counter Strike largely dislike it because they are bad at it.
The only people who parrot this shit are matchmaking warriors with 2k hours in the game and still suck, but think they are better than they are. Csfags are also only good at cs. No surprise with your tiny brain.

Half-Life 3 doesn't deserve to exist because the Half-Life series is very mediocre but is still somehow shilled by reddit and even anons here. Only one worth playing is the first one.

video games are gross

WiiU was a good console.

WoW classic failing is not an unpopular opinion.
But people think it will fail because of blizzard, but I think it will fail because the community.
Even if blizzard does something right, the community will be against it because it is "not vanilla".
They won't be able to add new stuff, or change anything at all because "it is not vanilla". Even if they somehow have a great idea for the game that could make the experience better for everyone, it will not fly because of it.

Amid Evil was okay at best.
HLDM is top 5 fps of all time. After how shit HL2DM was I hope valve will go back to the series roots.

Celeste is fun as fuck.

People said the same shit about OSRS

Thought this today. You’re absolutely right.

The thing is that OSRS had an agreement from the get-go that they would be able to add new content to the game.
WoW classic is adding the same content, and people are totally against anything new added to it, while people on OSRS pretty much agree on a lot of content being added to the game via polls.

I hated dragon quest 4