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Too slow for my tastes.
I'm actually playing it right now. Loaded up the latest brutal doom and I'm enjoying my time with it.
Might download project brutality later.
Sure suggest a wad
How do I make custom NPCs for my wad?
>dude i switched guns a bunch of times lmao
russian overkill + brutal doom
have a couple of maps to go before I finish pistol starting Plutonia 2
Dead Marine is so fucking satisfying
I was thinking on getting DOOM2016 on Switch.
Should I?
Nah that's normie shit
Its a decent enough port but only if you play with gyro controls
If that's your only way to play it then sure.
If you have a PC, Xbox or PS4 get it there instead.
I just played a bit of doom 3 today. boy that game is slow and has bad combat
Don't pay retail for it.
No you fucking idiot. Get it on PC. It's one of the most optimized games ever.
>brutal doom
I actually played some Doom this morning.
>MFW I finally tried brootal doom and i liked it
i'm so ashamed
if you're looking for over the top bullshit just play russian overkill
What's wrong with Brutal Doom?
Is the android port any good?
Nothing. Doom fans are just anal. They're not too different from Metroid fans actually.
Brutal doom is that one kid you went to middle school with who smelled like mouldy laundy and had a knife collection of 75 knives and a grand total value of $20.
it’s too different for the homofag purists
others dont like it being fast
not the mod itself, but the e-drama surrounding its creator.
Nothing, it's fun. It just upsets DOOM autists who think you should only play every level from pistol start on the original DOS engine
doing medical service. won't be at home for like 8 months so I only have my Switch. The DOOM Eternal footage and the rerelease of I, II and 3 on Switch are giving me an itch.
I wish, but I don´t wanna make a Bethesda account.
Fuck you Bethesda.
they just fixed that, you don't have to login or have internet always anymore
It's the most popular doom wad so everybody's played the hell out of it and is sick of hearing it
I’ve been playing sunder daily
Its a fun wad
How the fuck do I even get brutal doom? I just got my first pc and saw gameplay and it looks fun. Do I download a rom or something of the original doom? There’s like 20 versions of each game. I’ve tried following guides but I still don’t understand
I've been playing it with GunCaster since I suck at vanilla slaughter wads and it's great
There's a Doom general on /vr/ that can hook you up
my god that is filthy, i love it
Nothing they're just elitist scum.
Download the original Doom and Doom 2 wads, you find them easily on google, just look up "doom 2 wad", I know they're on archive org
Then you download Gzdoom and place the DOOM wads in the same folder as the executable
Then you get the Brutal Doom PK3 and just drag it to the Gzdoom executable
Going Down
Memento Mori
I played Plutonia with brutal Doom on zandronum today
It was funny running ahead and waking up all monsters and traps for the people behind me
I could host a zandro server for us to play. What mods/wads should I load up? Doom Center is always a favorite.
Guys why is Master of Puppets so fun?
It adds reloading and it unbalances the game.
It's not a bad mod but the added reloading is fucking dumb.
Favorite wad:
Favorite mod:
Favorite TC:
i love nudoom but this is terrible
I don't think reloading is bad in itself though, like High Noon Drifter was fun. You're right about unbalancing the game though (and Brutal Doom just feels so out-of-place for me).
i tried to play it several times and got bored at chapter 2 each time so no
you have to remember to take your adderall user, your mom would be upset if she heard you were missing doses
the fuck does that have to do with what i said
For me? It's the Cacodemon.
you know adderall is your ADHD medication, missing doses like this is really affecting your memory, please don't do it again
Bros I give up on TNT. Why in the ever loving FUCK is map 20 so fucking large
getting bored from a video game means i have adhd? sorry for insulting your favorite game, user, but that's just how it is
Why do people hate Brutal Doom? I've never understood this.
Its hated because its a meme wad
>dude lmao blood and gore xdddd
It was cool in 2015 when it first came out but that edge weared off quickly
Also, its zoomers first, and only, wad
I used to like it and i think its a solid wad but wow it gets tiring to hear about
Just wait to you get to Mt. Pain.
So it's hated on because it's popular. Predictable I guess.
get any other version if you can
What, you think there'd be another reason?
I think overrated is a better term
Welcome to Yea Forums.
>Favorite wad:
Null Space Junior
>Favorite mod:
Hideous Destructor
>Favorite TC:
Preacher or Doom Vacation
I will.
Any good wads that changes the level to reveal new paths? Thinking of stuff like the second level in the 300 minutes of /vr/ megawad in which you go hitting switches to lower the water level that reveals new pathways
I’ll do that later. Eating Burgers rn.
>shitty spaghetti code
>stole assets from other wads
>one of the MOST annoying fanbases in the wad community
>clearly overrated
Hmm, I wonder why it's hated?
>Favorite wad: Going Down
>Favorite mod: La Tailor Girl
>Favorite TC: Golden Souls 2
Do Eday
Stolen assets, coding is so obtuse that only the creator understands it, feature creep, creator is one of the biggest douchebags on the planet.
>People strawmanning why people hate Brutal Doom
Doom is a game that is currently still being played because of the modding scene, which is dedicated regular doods doing stuff because it is fun. Now imagine you have your own mod that you worked hard on before somebody comes over and whines that it isn't compatible with a spaghetti coded mess that YOU have to compensate for. That pisses off the modders. Now imagine when the same fuckwits say said spaghetti coded mess is "what id would've made if they could". That pisses off purists. Now imagine this ongoing for years. That pisses off the rest of the community.
Brootal Duum niggers need to fuck off.
Sgt Mark's attitude is legitimately a reason a lot of people don't like Brutal Doom, that's not a strawman.
I'm more talking about the ones who say
>they hate it because the mod is too hard for casuals
>they hate it because boomers think if you aren't playing it pistol start on dos then you are playing doom wrong
I finished doom2 for the first time last week already, and when you get to the city levels the game goes to shit
>Favorite TC:
Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl
Once you hit tricks and traps it turns to shit. It's all nothing but bloated convoluted level design after that
Remember when SGT Mark inserted code into another man's WAD designed to crash the user's game if it also ran with Project Brutality? Good times.
>Sound Caulking
>Vanilla Essence
>Smooth Doom/Dead Marine
>IDCLEVER for automated pistol starts
>freelok off
so good
List more TC mods, I want to check more out.
REKKR is a really good one.
Play Hedon
pirate Doom
Who /Doom Barracks Zone/ here?
Ok, but did they fix the music and the other problems too?
absolutely not, do you think a billion dollar company has the resources to deal with that? give them a break already
I'm looking for a horror wad but forgot the name of it. I remember seeing a webm on /vr/ ages ago. It's some guy in a baseball cap I think looking into a mirror and it's all spooky.
I was attempting Back to Saturn X on UV using Smooth Doom, Sound Caulking and Nashgore, but then Ion Fury dropped.
It was my third attempt at going through this wad. I'll do it someday.
Because annoying zoomers act like its the only mod ever made for Doom, or that its the only one that matters while the ignore the countless other mods out there that easily outclass it in every way.
Then they demand the creators of these better mods make them compatible with it.
Brutal Doom itself isn't bad, and if it acts as a gateway into playing classic Doom then its doing good, but the community surrounding it are fucking faggots more often than not.
It's like they want people to hack their consoles
>Brutal Doom itself isn't bad
It's obnoxious 'hurr metal bloods and gore' shit.
yeah and it's fun
>ugghh it's EDGY that means it's BAD
Anti-edge contrarians have become worse than unironic edglords
Brutal Doom is heavily overrated, but I do appreciate the gore system and how Mark made it stand alone. I only ever use it with OP weapon mods and it has a habit of hiding switches after heavy fighting, but its a laugh.
I'm almost done playing through vanilla Doom 3 and I'm confused how people could hate this game. It's fucking awesome. What's Yea Forums's opinion on it?
DOOM is literally "killing demons in space with lasers and chainsaws and shotguns: the game" but excessive gore and fatalities is where you draw the line?
is it on gamecube?
It shouldn't be called Doom. Otherwise it's a perfectly serviceable mid 2000s era shooter.
Been playing it a lot this year together with Project Brutality which is fucking amazing. Currently going through Doom One, then I'm gonna play SIGIL for the first time
It sucks for awhile but the last 5 levels or so are great. I noticed a leap in quality around the level with the fort with the moat
Reminder that Doomguy is Doomslayer.
If you believe otherwise you are in fact some type of cock-inhaling retard.
Playing Doom with Smooth Doom and Ketchup Gore mod, I am running low on ammo a lot so I punch these fuckers every time I can, am I doing something wrong?
I would still play it if it had no gibs and rainbow blood as long the localized damage stays in. It's clear you won't even give the mod a try so maybe educate yourself a bit and learns about it's much superior alternative
Post cacos
Use monster infighting more often. The monsters all can easily be goaded into huge free for alls if one member of a demon species harms a member of another.
But what IS the Cacodemon?
I think you're doing it wrong.
Doomslayer is a random marine possessed by Blazkowicz and Doomguy
It just adds dumb shit that clutters up the game. It would be like adding a stamina meter to Super Mario Bros. Why add dumb timewasting shit to such a pure game?
No it doesn't. It's in fact more balanced that every weapons need a reload instead of just the shotguns. Also weapon switchs
You would be better off getting it on pc but it's better to get it on switch than ps4 because switch has gyro controls.
You 2 can fuck right off, switch is the second best version behind pc because of the gyro, you would have to be a total fucking retard to get it on xbox one or PlayStation 4
>It's in fact more balanced that every weapons need a reload instead of just the shotguns.
That doesn't necessarily make it more balanced if everything else was designed with not needing to reload in mind.
It's alright. It's like the weakest entry in the Doom series, but it's not shit.
I've noticed that happens a lot with mods. They think they're making the game more balanced or complex but it usually just ends up being tedious.
Its a Doom game where the guns suck. You can miss at point blank with the shotgun for fucks sake. This is Doom, not Silent Hill.
meatball > tomato
Mark is constantly changing it all the time even if it doesn't need changing. So if he ever did perfect it he'd just change it in another version anyways since that is what he does. It also has a lot of balancing and difficulty issues. Its fun but it shouldn't be seen as a replacement for Doom.
Is it okay if i prefer russian overkill over brutal doom for playing while bored
Did you use silkmod? also doom 3 is the weakest game from id (wasn't quake 4 made by raven?) also it's more of a tech demo like with hl2, the only good thing that came with id tech 4 was quake et
Yes but be sure to add bolonaise
mentioning that......
>character design created by talented woman
>movement basicly based on dancing choreography designed by talented woman
are women in japan laughing about western PC culture ? why wouldnt they ?! im not saying bayonetta isnt designed by guys who want to see female heroine being sexy ... but then you got so much talent behind the design process from character design to choreography and japanese women are passionately involved in it ... and then people come around and being like "no no its all just male glans bullshit".
fuck all these incels lately, im not trying to make that kind of anti SJW argument ... but irl I know more girls cheering up the over the top sexyness of bayonetta than males. is it all just a huge internet joke ?
I get that people don't like brutal Doom because their own preferences for pacing or balance what with the weapon variety and reloading and stuff but how do people feel about Ketchup/Bolognese?