Can we have a mario maker thread?
Can we have a mario maker thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tanooki Tailwhip Tower
Still only ONE person completed. Is everyone retarded or just me?
Silence - 58X 7Q5 VPF
Only seven total jumps.
Icepick - R03 RS2 M6G
Only six total jumps.
I play like and comment on courses by creators who try my courses. Playing the others shared here now.
First attempt at making a level
Really fun level, surprising all the ways you used goombas.
I couldn't make it past the first pixel perfect drop on Silence, sorry I'm not usually a huge fan of that kind of precision movement due to all the death animations I have to sit through.
No worries. I hate my own precision levels too. The purpose of my courses is to model the misery of reality. thanks for playing. If you shared in this thread, then I've already played your course too
I can understand what has to be done, but the precision is a little bit of a pain, but still a neat idea.
Those levels are rough, but you knew that already.
I'm not retarded but your level is confusing as hell. I'm pretty sure that's not how I should get through this part, right?
How long did it take you to upload Silence? I tried but gave up too. The spike hit boxes were designed to discourage the creation of precision levels, I think.
Damn that's clever, I mean it's not intended but it's a well deserved alt way to get through. If you play with comments on I give a tip - you hit the shell twice with the tail (once on ground and once in the air) and bump into it so you kick it. That sends the shell high.
Yea I usually don't make such precise/demanding courses. I don't see this one being super popular for that reason, but it was fun making it/playing it.
Jeez dude, I didn't say I hated.
Silence has seven jumps. Three of which are pixel perfect. Only the first jump is a drop, which is way harder (for the jumps, you can memorize the pixel before you jump). So I mastered the last six jumps first, then I made about 300 attempts at the first jump. After I got the first jump, I breezed through it.
i thought this was mario battle royal for a second
take me back bros
A new level has appeared! I hope this thread last a little bit longer then the other. Have fun guys and stay fresh.
Shilling my most recent one. Themed level based around the evolution of a experiment (sci-fi movie trope)
10 second speedrun. It is possible to die while touching the flag.
I did it! Currently keeping WR (but probably will lose it) Neat idea.
Going to keep trying until I beat silence.
Bit Crusade 3 is the game I'm currently creating within Mario Maker 2, utilizing all of the games current styles. My courses play like traditional Mario stages, with level theming, hidden goodies, and scaling difficulty. Every stage has 5 red coins hidden within that unlock an optional ultra bonus room at the end of each level.
Starting Stage:
1-1: Start of a New Journey V61-WT5-DPG
Introduction course, meant to ease newcomers into the game and teach them the basics.
Current Stage: NEW!
5-1: Shroomberry Meadows 6PM-7TV-4RG
We HD now. After thwarting Bowser Jr.’s scheme to capture Mario for his father, Mario returns to the ground, in a strange new place. Straightforward platforming stage with a focus on bouncing shroom platforms. Also as a a side note goddamn the maker themes for the 3D World stages catchy as fuck.
Feedback is appreciated and returned, I like to make webms of other anons levels in addition to leaving comments and crappy doodles.
I tried, but man the hitboxes on the spikes are difficult.
Name: Keeper of the Flame
Gotta keep the podoboo safe till the end.
Any feedback/criticism is welcomed!
Great effort though. Thanks for trying!
Not my kind of level, but i will leave you a drawing.
Not bad, not bad at all.
When are we going to start calling out people who just dump their level and don't play other people's levels in the thread?
It's almost pointless. No one really wants to keep track, moreover I find that the people whose levels I play, tend to play mine aswell. The real cancer is the people who want to take WRs and dont give likes or boo (so the course fades into obscurity)
I did this for a while and people freaked out at me for the most part, I did bully one autist into sperging out and leaving though lol
get ready for this to be moved to /vg/ where it will inevitably die. MM2 discussion is banned from Yea Forums
quick reply so thread dont die
actual reply g57-lkty-m2g
My course has yet to be beaten.
Broski Challenge 3: Bill Clinton
Find the evasive UFO and discover the secret of Bill Clinton.
Dual Tube Dash (easy/int)
(multiplayer friendly)
Koopa Car Heist (int)
Volcanic Journey (int/hard)
Red Yoshi Prison Break (int)
As with the short-lived thread from earlier today, I'll play and like in response to the plays and likes I receive. After I get my kid to sleep. So expect a bit of a delay.
I have twelve stages. Here are four:
Soles of the Departed
The first of a trilogy with goomba shoes in perilous situations.
Defeat the Fleet
Airship night level with bombs and a (hopefully) fun albeit fairly easy Bowser fight.
Desert Station Infiltration
Intruder alert! Fight to survive! Can you take down the mothership?
Boothoven's Descent (Newest)
When senility took his ability to compose, he retreated to his cacophonic lair.
Hey again Capashie. Nice hoodie. I got mine today (finally).
is there a list of all the different clothing items and how to get them?
if you google "clothing items mario maker" the top result by digitaltrends lists them all
Collab user here, FINALLY ready for another collab. Sorry about the long wait, I've had no internet for so long.
>This collab, the theme will be 3D WORLD/UNDERGROUND, featuring one screen rooms.
>You have a 10 entity limit, and 10 power up limit
>Your entry must include a clear pipe entrance/exit extending FROM THE TOP OF THE ROOM [not the sides]
>Your entry may NOT include limited course parts [doors, warp boxes, meowser, etc.] without explicit permission first.
>Your entry must fit in one screen, with a border on the left and right sides, and the roof, not including the entrance/exit pipes
>No major glitches, exploits, or bugs
>If your entry uses a power up or carryable item, PLEASE make sure they cannot be taken out the exit/entrance pipes.
>Also be mindful of how your room may interact with those adjacent. Try to avoid enemies that will travel through walls, and POWs that may kill enemies in adjacent rooms.
I can accept up to 16 [S I X T E E N] entries. Obviously I don't need 16, but please, do not be shy with your entries, I can support about as many as I can squeeze in here.
To claim an entry, just reply to this post with your maker name, and I will mark you down as working on an entry. Please do not submit multiple entries, let your fellow makers have a chance.
In order to submit, either upload it as a level and post your level code, or simply post a screenshot of it, with any relevant info [sound effects, contents of a bill blaster, etc.]
That should be it! The deadline Will be tomorrow, at midnight. If we do not have 16 entries by then, I will simply upload the level as it is. I look forward to everybody's entries!
Oh, and one more thing
>Please aim for a difficulty between normal and expert
Recreation of Donkey Kong Jr. First level