Do you guys respect the GMs and Mods in a game?
Do you guys respect the GMs and Mods in a game?
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Less than jannies
fucking based
why the fuck should anyone?
I respected the GM's in SMT imagine because they fucked around with us and had community events.
Wasn't that great with the GM in Atlus though.
They literally had an event with an underground police and would mute people.
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies
And fuck anime
I don’t play MMORPGs like a nerd but that was a pretty good joke and the mod is a massive fag for being unable to take banter
>quote the furry, never more
It's fake you dumb dumb
>Weebs above anyone
Not 2007 anymore kid
>dude was so mad he couldn't even spell permanent anymore
Imagine getting paid to be a mouth breathing retard
That picture is fake?
My eyes, 2 of them in fact, beg to differ
I'm 90% sure he was just playing the straight man and didn't actually ban him, if he actually did then he should've attached a picture of the ban to add to the comedy.
Holy fuck btfo
Why would I respect some NEET?
I mean this picture You know, the reason I’m making fun of you. Being a furry and firing glass cannons loaded with a grapeshot of rocks from your glass ship.
If he was playing the straight man he would have responded with "..."
Thread is not about yourself senpai
GMs are the jannies of video games
even if they might get paid, they still have the soul of a janny
one time i got suspended from wow and the email they sent me was entirely in portuguese
I'd rather be a weeb or kill myself than be associated with animalfucker degenerates.
>too low IQ to get the idiom
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. This is v after all.
>Being mad that GR3 dropped furry
And this is how you cope? Pathetic
Silly NEET-user reflecting his own situation on anyone else
Only underaged faggots and third worlders use ellipses like that
What the fuck is a GR3?
Internet lingo I’m not degen enough to understand?
Bang goes the glass cannon.
>being proud to be a complete and utter waste of oxygen
Don't you have an HIV check-up to go to before the gay orgy in your con.
What does a basic sentence that showcases silence suddenly mean that the person who wrote that is a homosexual minor from a non-western country?
You’re being to logical user, this is v remember?
Double digit IQ detected
Go fuck a child pedo weeb
Newfag, phoneposter, or both?
>tfw to logical to type like an adult man
I’m sorry I don’t know what your furry lingo is buddy, but you can’t project your insecurity and shame of degeneracy when you look at yourself in the mirror onto me that easy.
The glass cannon in pieces.
Phoneposters can only reply in short phrases since typing everything with an touch screen is slow and tedious and I started posting on this website in 2017 which is seen as very new and post-moot
You see? This is the kind if guy who uses ellipses in this sort of context. Some third worlder janny with a small pp who doesn't even know I before e except after c
Epicest XD You won the internets
>pedo weeb
Says the faggot who gets his rocks off dressing up as a childrens restaurant mascot.
lol that GM got you pretty good, my dude.
>furry thinks he's people
fuck off, you're on the level of trannies.
I remember when soddapoppin in his glory days was in chat with a GM about his account getting hacked while on stream. He kept doing 2v2 ranked while sort of passively ignoring the GM, and he got banned live on stream.
he permanently banned me after the last message
These are honestly hilarious.
Reminder that weebs, furries, bronies, and trannies are the same level of invalid and shouldn’t be considered human.
Although I’ve met rare exceptions to the rule with a couple weebs and like one furfag.
Both the GM and player reek of Reddit in that interaction.
Based cows
fuck weebs
I would be so mad what a faggot honestly
And you know nu blizz hires trannies and sjws to moderate their games now so they’ll hit you with this holier than thou attitude and ban you for making someone uncomfortable in a video game
private server
I respect a fucking mall cop more, because that's an actual job.
this was on a classic private server, still full of homosexuals though
But I respect a literal bird more than a human furry
This dude's dick must be microscopic
>say the furry with anime aesthetics
I don't really care about them because i never need to, my last interaction with one was back when i got a loot-error from Malygos or something years ago, which took about 7 hour for the ticket to come through and less then 1 minute to resolve since it was a known bug.
>the terrible spelling from both sides
Why is this a thing?
because it's fake
Depends on the game and the person. Generally from dealing with WoW ones, they handled the problem well and weren't assholes. But I have seen other people having tons of problems with them for no good reason, so I guess I got lucky.
Former Ragnarok Online pserver admin, ask me anything.
>English speakers never were guilty of anything, it was always the jajajas 100% of the time
>every br had the account credentials of every other br
>yes, it's profitable
>Ragnarok Online
Nova stop eating shit, thank you.
Much older than that, user. I haven't staffed in over 4 or 5 years and I started long before that.
don't reply me you filthy nova.
This depends entirely on what they do with their power.
Push leftist politics? No respect
Try to ensure the game remains skill-based rather than real-money or hack based? Respect
All moderators deserve to be shit on to understanding they serve the people playing the game, not the other way around.
This goes for jannies too.
No. The last time I called a GM was in FFXIV years back for a cluster of bots that were kill stealing shit while hiding UNDER the ground. The GM appeared and asked what was up, I said look at this shit, I can't grind here because these bots are killing everything, he didn't even kick them off the server, just took names (which is fucking pointless because it's all stuff like Wyufhdgjfb) and then told me to ignore it.
>lashing out like a traumatized rape victim
>Former Ragnarok Online pserver admin, ask me anything.
Did you exploit female players for noods and let them get out of being banned if they degraded themselves before you?
If not, why not?
Depends. Are they fulfilling the role on an employment or volunteer basis? If the former, sure, they'll get the same basic human/common decency anyone in a service job will get. They're just doing what they need to do.Volunteers, though. I give them the same treatment until they give me reason not to, which is almost every time. Volunteer mods/gms/admins are almost always power hungry losers that look for any excuse to throw around the little power they've been given.
I want more GM interactions
Before being admin I was a tryhard player. Once in the staff, all I wanted was to make the game cooler and more fun. That said, I never found myself in a situation where I had the chance to do as you described.
My personal experience with females in MMOs was: stay the fuck away. I had very good friends that spiraled into depression over that shit.
Besides, I always were a 2D > 3D kind of guy. Fuck bitches and whores.
>tfw volunteered as a mod once to specifically prevent someone like that from getting a position of power
>people just spent time testing my patience 24/7