>you're at a restaurant and having a good time
>this waiter adresses you and asks if there is anything you need
What do?
You're at a restaurant and having a good time
Yes, in fact, I need a nother installment of the series when?
Compliment him on his excellent style and manners, then let him beat the ever loving shit out of me
I address the horrible flaws in the combat mechanics such as
>half the styles are gimmicky weak shit
>the other half is garbage except for one string that you can just mash over and over to stunlock the entire planet until everyone's dead
>press button to trigger cutscene attack
>zero fucking depth to the combat
it's so boring holy shiiiiiit
Majima> Kiryu
Be my boyfriend so I can keep living the lie I told my father
Shin Yakuza will get shown off at TGS.
How many more identical games will yakuzacucks buy before accepting that they're buying assetflips? Is the secret to milking idiot fans just always delivering sub-par shit so they come back for the next one hoping it will be better forever? It would explain Sonic and Marvel fans at least.
ohayou Goro-san ^~^
can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one glass of mizu?
arigatou (●'◡'●)
I grope my hostesses and ask for a bottle of the good shit, not this piss water they brought me.
It helps to have one or two decent games in a franchise. That's all it takes, really. Morons will spend the next 30 years buying sequels in the hopes it lives up to the one game they enjoyed long ago even if it was only decent.
fanboys are a goldmine. sega are very lucky to have cornered the autism market. sonic AND yakuza? how did they do it
ask him explain his rapid character change from 0 to 1 since it seemed really fucking forced
It was literally explained in 0
he was normal/depressed the entire game, then dressed like his old self for no reason at the end and acted like his old self in the post credit. no explaination
Same as any other restaurant. Be polite to the servers and give my order clearly, don't mumble.
Being rude to people who handle your food/drink is just stupid.
They felt like writing Majima as a good character, but overlooked that he was a memelord in the previous games.
It was more subtly explored but they never really committed to showing the real transition.
Play the game
>is anything you need
Yes, I'll take everything.
I recently started playing Yakuza 0 and I must say that the first scene with this guy REALLY dragged for far too long
Welcome to Yakuza. You will inevitably start to feel bored. You will walk from pointless conversation to pointless conversation. You will read and read and read while character models stare at each other lifelessly. You will do the same unchallenging fights hundreds of times over where enemies pose no threat. You will stare at cutscenes that play out in the slowest way possible. You'll tell yourself the story has gripped you while trying to ignore how badly written it is.
You will wonder why Yea Forums and various ecelebs hyped up this series, and begin telling yourself that YOU must be wrong, not them. You'll tell yourself it's good just to feel a part of something.
That's what you're in for.
I challenge him to a cabaret battle while showing off my best hostesses that secretly hate me for being a dickhead.