Stay fucking jelly, Yea Forums.
Stay fucking jelly, Yea Forums
For fuck sakes, MOOT
She should gain weight honestly
Fuck, this game is so boring.
the fuck's a moot?
I fucking hate her design.
Persona 4 was the last Persona game and it was perfect. 5 is just lazy fan fiction.
Why would I be jelly of not having Fivehead. Tae is far better, even the country bumpkin fortune teller is more appealing than Haru.
Haru's not as bad as some people say but she's still just too young
also Persona 4 Golden and Persona 3DS games are like fan fictions.
I'm assuming that they changed writer.
I hope they add a minigame where you're training to become a male stripper and eventually after enough times you graduate. Then you get an option to strip for your waifu but Joker just strips down to his boxers, puts his hands on his head and just kind of awkwardly gyrates.
Is this game fun or do I have to endure these cringe inducing scenes which obviously pander to virgins?
You don't have to pick any gf. You can stay being gay if you want.
I love Fuuka!
>literally more boring character than Yukiko
>ever being jelly
maybe you should be jelly
Fuuka is SHIT!
every persona women are boring though
not only can you choose to have no gf and skip the virgin shit in these games, in persona 4 that's the only way to play in a manner that resonates with the games message
>entire game focused on accepting reality, not letting an indulgence in fiction/rumors/falsehoods replace your desire for truth
>girl friend social links very clearly act as a distraction from reality for virgins
>to the point where you cannot hang out with any social links after they are maxed, but you can with the gf links so you can hear the voice actors say "i love you" over and over
Fuuka has done nothing
Fuuka is fun and wonderful to be around!
at least yukiko was cute
yeah she was "fun"
*nothing to deserve those words!
I was too mesmerized by Fuuka I forgot to read my post before sending!