>No Metroid thread
Our situation doesn't look good
Other urls found in this thread:
Place your bets, fellas, what's coming first?
>Metroid Prime Trilogy Switch
>Metroid 5
>Metroid Prime 4
Trilogy, essentially just a port, they'll need to touch up the controls though.
I wan't to fuck samus
Metroid 5
I want to fuck the fusion suit.
Fusion remake
I would like to say Trilogy Switch, just because its the easiest. But maybe they want to hold off for some reason?
Hell, maybe 4 will even come in a premium version bundled with them? Who knows?
Let's talk music though, what are your favourite tracks and what do you expect from Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid 5?
I expect Ridley's theme. I think they would want to include him based on his recent popularity and all.
I wonder if any of the phazon related music will be used, or if phazon will be in it at all? The ending of corruption made it seem pretty set in stone that phazon was gonezo.
Gotta be Prime 2's title music. I love the upbeat tempo tracks that get you into the mood.
unironically metroid 5
>Favourite tracks
Ridley's theme kind of goes without saying
>What do you expect from Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid 5?
Hopefully less re-used tracks (even if they were good). If they do re-use tracks I hope it's not Lower Brinstar and Lower Norfair again.
Yeah Prime 4 is not gonna have Phazon, it's probably gonna be about the Federation's corruption, which is also where Sylux falls in, as he's gonna have some morality issues in the game, knowing what the Federation does in Fusion, which is illegal.
Also the SR388 theme is super kino, and no I'm not talking about the remixes, the original is my favourite version in all honesty.
And of course I forgot to post one of my absolute favourite tracks
The queen's track from MII, larval Chykka, Emperor Ing B, Theme of Samus Aran, Galactic Warrior; Other M's trailer music.
Honestly there's too many that are my favorites. I'd like Prime 4 to use less choral vocals than it did in Prime 3.
Consider the fact that we've had no Metroid news of any kind since the restart of Prime 4's development.
It kinda makes sense that there wouldn't be very many Metroid threads right now.
That's more of a problem with 2D Metroid games after Fusion, especially Samus Returns, literally just reuses music without giving any fucks about context, it's not even the same planet god damn it!
>Consider the fact that we've had no Metroid news of any kind since the restart of Prime 4's development.
Retro Studios put an ad out for an art director on Twitter.
>ACfag falseflags another thread.jpg
Oh, right. I forgot about that.
Still, that's not very much news, and it was a while back now.
I love lower Norfair but SR made me tired of hearing it.
That's because it used to be the creepy "things just got serious" track from Super Metroid. You're deep underground, it's hot, you've entered a literal hell, and you know Ridley is nearby. Not it's become "oh you're in the hot room."
They really, really shouldn't have used it for every single heated room in the game. That was a ridiculously stupid move.
I wonder how Sylux's theme will sound like in Prime 4, I say this because Hunters had a very different style of music, specifically the bosses didn't have the known "prime beats" that the console games had.
>lower brinstar
I love Lower Brinstar so much that I finished something musical for the first time in years; genuinely hadn't uploaded to my soundcloud since 2016 until a couple of days ago. Metroid music is too goddamn good, it's reawakening the bedroom producer in me.
Metroid 5 better have some new fucking powerups and not just be another Super Metroid rehash. You can only reuse the same powerups for so long, come on now.
>tfw i love metroid lore and aesthetic but i can never get into the 2D games cuz i'm pleb
>tfw my wii and gamecube don't work anymore
>my pc is a potato that can't run wii or gamecube emulation
>tfw i can't play the prime series
>tfw the only metroid game i've ever finished is the shitty one
the way my life has gone towards this series, i should despise it, so why do i love it?
>tourneyfags try to say this isn't a bug
Just play the first game already, it's a nice short game that should entice you for the 2D formula. If you don't like bullshit jank then get the "Metroid plus" hack that adds saving and stacks up the beams.
If somebody can't get into the 2D games then the original sure as hell isn't going to help them ease into it
They don't say it's not a bug, they just don't care because they're not huge moralfags.
It certainly helped me, besides health grinding and the beams not stacking I see nothing wrong with it.
>bu-but geekcritique
He literally fell onto acid and complained about it, he's a retard with a gay lisp.
It's Metroid's core you can't change too much, they can add some new abilities not remove the old, don't fix what isn't broken.
Get good
Metroid is popular in India because they found out Samus shows bobs and vagene if you beat the game fast enough.
They also like Zelda because Hyrule has lots of rupees and no toilets.
That guy has the best Metroid reviews on the internet. His AM2R review to TGB's AM2R review is a crash course on writing circles around a guy.
Well, no, they can't just reuse Super Metroid abilities, they gotta make a new Super Metroid, in the sense that it outshines even that, with new powerups, new ways to absolutely destroy the world, new ways to destroy enemies with ease.
I want a new game, not the same one as before.
>It's Metroid's core
I don't think anyone wants the core of Metroid for the next 30 years to be finding Chozo statues on every single planet all containing the same abilities we've been using for the last 30 years. What an asinine thought.
Well, I don't care about the AM2R review not kissing his ass, he's complaining about him falling down a very visible and distinguishable acid pit like a retard. I don't care what excuse you have, you can't defend his dumb ass.
I mean, they kind of tried that with Aeion Abilities, but seeing how everyone hated it, I doubt they'll try again.
The Aeion abilities were pretty kino, the counter shit needs to go though, it didn't work in Other M and it doesn't work here, it makes the combat boring and formulaic.
I'm not in the habit of defending strangers, so I'll just leave this: If one minuscule mistake can paint your entire opinion of someone's efficacy of writ, then I'd hate for anyone to take a magnifying glass to yours or my mistakes.
Metroid 5. Prime 4 isn't coming until 2022 at the earliest.
Man I forget how nice some of the backgrounds in SR were
Then play something else, I want new things in Metroid but I don't want Metroid losing its identity.
Every time they branched off it sucked. Keep it Metroid, SR was able to add something new and not throw away the spirit of Metroid.
The counter was fine in the Metroid fights. The problem was how it was implemented against regular enemies.
>Every time they branched off it sucked
>Metroid losing its identity.
I don't want them to do away with the old power ups. Just have Samus start with them and build on top.
I like how Hunters boss music had the same backing beat with different music ontop representing the Hunter's personality, be it heroic like Noxus, chaotic and independent like Spire, or straight up bizarre like Kanden who's a freak.
Other examples from different games include but are not limited with Dark Samus, Ridley, Kraid, Mother Brain, and the Queen Metroid theme.
Other M would have been better if the whole game was controlled with the full Wii remote + nunchuk setup, using the pointer as the other stick like a twin stick shooter, and dodging took more input (like holding the tiny button on the tip of the nunchuk and hitting the stick in your desired dodge direction).
Also if it wasn't a shit story that ruined Samus's character.
>ruined Samus's character
She didn't even have a character before that game. Not defending it, just stating a fact.
Also, it's the C button.
Other M was dogshit, Federation Force was shit, Metroid Prime 2 and 3 don't hold a candle to Prime 1, Hunters sucked, Metroid II is the weakest 2D Metroid game, Fusion was meh. I'm not asking for Super Metroid 2.0 but they really should build off of Metroid and Super Metroid in the Fusion sequel.
>I don't want them to do away with the old power ups. Just have Samus start with them and build on top.
Miss this in my post, that throws out the fun of Metroid, keep it the same, add more abilities to make the game longer.
>Other M was dogshit
We're talking about new abilities. Other M had the same abilities, locked.
Who cares?
> Metroid Prime 2[...]don't hold a candle to Prime 1
We fundamentally disagree on what makes Metroid Metroid, let alone what makes a good Metroid game. No sense in continuing this.
She was stoic and focused - just because she was quiet didn't mean she didn't have character. Other M made her an emotional wreck, like, constantly.
And hell how am I supposed to remember the button name, they used the poor thing for like 3 games.
Prime 2 is the best prime game.
Look at that ugly suit.
Look at it.
Even Other M's pink aura is better.
>We're talking about new abilities. Other M had the same abilities, locked.
True but it changed everything else, it's not a Metroid game.
>Who cares?
You do
>We fundamentally disagree on what makes Metroid Metroid, let alone what makes a good Metroid game. No sense in continuing this.
Other M is so fucking bad that removing the bad stuff essentially makes it a completely different game.
Why? Well, the problems are contained in a chain. The story is awful, yes, but it not only ruins samus as a character, it ruins her as an avatar aswell, because the autorisation plot removes the Metroid Formula, all you're finding on your own is Missile packs and Energy tanks, which are both obsolete due to the dumbass regeneration system.
tl;dr Shit linear world -> bottleship -> authorisation -> ruined Samus + ruined the Metroid formula, if you remove these shits you remove the whole game. Fuck Other M.
Lots of Wii games used the C button.
To you, Super is the true best Metroid game and Prime 1 is the best Prime game.
Hardware limitations you pedantic baby bitch. The design is fine, just the platform it's on handicapped the execution.
Super wave dash IS a bug though. Normal wave dashing is just using the physics engine in ways it wasn't expecting to be used, but the game is still working "as intended". When you air dodge in a direction it gives your character momentum. If you land on a platform with momentum you slide. It just so happens they didn't expect this to be a useful thing to do.
>Super is the true best Metroid game
At least we can agree on that.
>the design is fine
sure if you like ugly neon racing stripes everywhere I guess.
>in ways it wasn't expecting to be used
Which is called a bug.
Can't wait for Prime Trilogy to come to Switch.
I really hope they add a few minor QoL improvements to the first two games. Main thing I want is for the map screen to let you know whether or not that room has any items left in it, like how Prime 3 does it. Prime 3 is the only Prime game I 100%ed because I at least had a vague clue as to where everything I wanted to get was. With the first two Prime games, it's pretty damn hard to 100% without a guide. I also hope they bring back the sequence break that let you get space jump early, sucks that something that made repeat playthroughs so cool got cut in rereleases.
It'd also be really cool if they brought the fusion suit to the other 2 games but that's probably not going to happen.
>Fusion was meh
Imagine being this guy
Guys. I've got a SNES emulator and Super Metroid. What's the best control layout? All I have is a DS4 to plug in.
Anyone have any Metroid fangames that arent Super Metroid knockoffs?
Gee guys, something new, everyone and their mother has played AM2R, just gimme something new.
>whether or not that room has any items in it
That should be an unlockable feature. I don't want that shit handed to me.
It was though.
I was thinking it'd be tied to the map stations. Like after you download the map for the area, it'll indicate which rooms haven't been fully cleared out yet. Ideal way to do this is to colorcode these rooms. Rooms that still have items in them could be colored yellow or something to show the player that there's more to collect without giving away too much information. I'd prefer it be done this way as opposed to the way that Prime 3 does it.
>It was though
Imagine being this guy. Imagine the smell.
Sorry, user. All you're going to find for Metroid fangames is AM2R and Super Metroid ROM hacks.
>sensible people voice dislike of ugly Samus Returns suits
>Samus Returns babies immediately cling to their hardware limitations excuse
Every single time.
Use the Control Freak patch. Then use the following button layout
>L: aim
>R: brandish
>A: dash
>B: jump
>X: item select
>Y: shoot
Noted thank you user
>Use the Control Freak patch.
Well, I did find out about Metroid Dreadnought, but it's still in development. Hope it turns out to be a gem.
Found the casual. There's nothing at all wrong with Super Metroid's controls.
>Our situation doesn't look good
At least you're not fans of pic related
I feel for the F-Zero fans.
Is that comic supposed to be funny?
>Is that comic supposed to be funny?
Maybe 15 years ago, yes
To redditors, I assume. "he says le YES in le epic way xD"
I mean, I get the joke, but.. It's just not funny.
Maybe 15 years ago, indeed.
The patch is actually really useful. Swapping between beams and other items by holding a single button is very comfortable, just like in the GBA games. It doesn't fuck up any of the mechanics, you have just as much control as you always did.
I feel you F-Zebros, but your last game was a fucking masterpiece while ours was a piece of shit, atleast you went with a bang.
>samus returns
Remake, arguably not that amazing
>Prime 4
Yeah that gives me hope, hope F-Zero gets a new game too, but a new Metroid was needed to clean the throne, while Captain Falcon's is still sparkling, 16 years later.
the aeon habilities were a nice break, upgrade the old habilities with new shit, and expand the aeon ones
Naw they'd probably put it in a degrading subreddit while at the same time denying it is degrading, because we cannot think for ourselves anymore, we need communities to tell us what is bad and what is good now.
Also makes it so L and R don't aim diagonally up and down depending on which one of those you're pressing. What a terrible design that was.
>Speed Booster gets an upgrade where if you go fast enough time slows down
>Shinespark gains teleport ability if used for long enough
I want a Metroid game with voice acting where Samus is as kuudere as 2B, but still talks less than her.
>disembodied screeching intensifies
Should have used this suit for the new Smash
>voice acting
The only voice Sammy needs is when she's hurt, anything else will end up as other M 2: phazon bogaloo
>Shinespark gains ability to freefly
She's a bounty hunter that spends most of her time alone in dangerous, uncharted places. If she talks at all her personality should be more Indiana Jones than 2B.
How about another character talking up a storm and she flat out tells them, "Quiet." Cuz now I'm developing a fetish for dommy Sammy.
I would genuinely hate her.
>That Chozo Artifact belongs in a museum!
Thanks, now I'm imagining Samus voiced by Runka Chunk
Is Other M canon?
To an extent. The only piece you need to accept as canon is that Adam existed and mentored her; she talks about him in Fusion.
But Fusion establishes those points itself anyway, so there really is no reason to acknowledge Other M's existence.
That's why I said "to an extent."
This guy makes some pretty good stuff
>only nintendo series with a concise timeline that's not "up to interpretation"
>nintendo doesn't care about it
i'm mad
I'm just hoping Prime 4 or Metroid 5 comes out soon. There's so much I'd love to see implemented.
>removing any and all cutscenes and making Samus mute, so as to interrupt the game with less story segments
>no zero suit at the end, so they have to actually have a GAMEPLAY incentive to do 100%. No stupid fanservice shit
>perhaps more challenging bosses
>new game plus, maybe a randomizer, a whole bunch of cool things that AM2R had
>maybe an arcade mode, like Super Metroid Arcade had
>new uses of old items, like the power bomb jump in Samus Returns
Overall, I just want Metroid to be good, and not cinematic fanservicey shit. That would be cool.
Absolutely not, even in Fusion Adam was said to have died during her days as a Federation soldier, not during her bounty hunter era. Other M contradicts all the games, yes, even Sakamoto's, and I doubt he'll want to defend it either, no matter how much if a visionary he is.
tl;dr no
>no zero suit
>lmaoo mute main character
Fuck off ACfag, did you think we wouldn't notice it was you?
Looks like we made it to 116 posts before ACFag showed up.
There's nothing wrong with a mute main character. Why do people have this obsession with "humanizing" samus? What was wrong with her being a rampaging engine of destruction that just so happened to be saving the galaxy at the same time? Can we go back to that please, instead of Samus having feelings and needing to be reminded of Adam and her dead parents every other game? It would certainly be a boon to the future of the series.
Give up, Douglas.
Because literally every other game besides Other M and Fusion have done it, hell, it was fine in Fusion, it's not like you're stating something THAT controversial, all of the Prime games are like this for fuck's sake, you don't need to say it again.
Other M added absolutely nothing in terms of lore. I don't think the Chozo were ever even mentioned once in the entire game.
The only thing Other M did was explain how Ridley ended up frozen in Fusion, and even then it's only implied and not directly stated in the game itself.
Canon or not, you can pretty safely disregard everything that happened in it and it wouldn't affect anything.
Metroid 5. Sakamoto heavily implied it's in proper development last year and Prime 4 isn't coming until 2023.
Is that a record?
116 posts before the SJW ruined the thread?
I honestly have no idea. I figured I'd just state it for the record.
I hope it removes the online part of getting friend credits.
Nobody here likes Other M, why even bring up the Adam shit and dead parents shit when those are only plot points in the Metroid game that nobody likes?
Samus was never a "rampaging engine of destruction." She spared the baby metroid in Metroid 2.
Prime handles her well, they don't make her all sappy and weak like Other M did. She's capable but has respect for life and innocents.
If you want to play a game where you're a "rampaging engine of destruction" then play Doom and stop being a faggot.
Same here, I think that's pretty much guaranteed. I'm just glad that none of the super cool content was locked behind those friend credits in the first place. It would've sucked if something like the fusion suit was locked behind them.
Let me stop you right there, ACFag. I want to point you to this post right here This is what you do to every single Metroid thread.
>Because literally every other game besides Other M and Fusion have done it,
The problem is that people hold these games as the pinnacle of the series, and they want MORE talking and MORE humanization. FFS people praised Fusion having unskippable cinematic segments, AND forcibly locking you down a linear path for the sake of "the story". I don't know about you, but that seems like a disastrous path to take the series in, artificially limiting where the player can go or what they can do, all because the story demanded it. Imagine if Super Metroid was hindered in the same way, and all forms of speedrunning and sequence breaking were removed because the game needed to tell a story in a more linear fashion. I can tell you right now, the game would be nowhere near the level of quality that it is now.
>why even bring up the Adam shit and dead parents shit when those are only plot points in the Metroid game that nobody likes?
user, every thread is filled with people who want the "story" to be expanded upon. We constantly have people talking about how Samus needs to get in touch with her emotional side and how "the manga totally did it right" despite the manga also being filled with Samus being a crybaby who talks about her feelings. What I suggest, a mere recommendation, is that Metroid completely ditch this and go back to how things were. Super's level of storytelling wasn't broken (sans the intro cutscene) so I don't get why future Metroids discarded that.
>Samus was never a "rampaging engine of destruction." She spared the baby metroid in Metroid 2.
She did that after violently destroying every single other Metroid on the planet. Just like Doomguy, she knew when to stop because it wasn't worth it. And you know what, I was actually happy with her justification for sparing the baby metroid in Super. She didn't do it "because she felt motherly". She literally did it for the betterment of the galaxy. That was fine, until A CERTAIN GAME that is..
Not that guy but Adam was okay in Fusion.
Other M Adam is an incompetent buffoon
>The problem is that people hold these games as the pinnacle of the series
>Other M
>Pinnacle of the series
Other M is considered to be the most hated Metroid and is the lowest rated Metroid on Metacritic in terms of overall score and user reviews
I'm going to drop a line from Halo that makes since with ODST and Reach in those series and works with Other M here, "glassed planets have bad records".
>replying to ACfag
rookie mistake
Except I don't post porn, and contrary to the replies, I don't falseflag porn posts either. I wish I could prove it with IPs and all that, but you're just gonna have to take my word for it. Do you think I'd want to shit on discussion threads of Metroid, when we have so few as is? I just feel very strongly about Metroid. That might come off as odd to people, and for that I'm sorry.
>Other M is considered to be the most hated Metroid and is the lowest rated Metroid on Metacritic in terms of overall score and user reviews
At a glance that seems true, but if you've looked into recent Metroid threads like boards.fireden.net
>complaining about fusion
Dude it was made right next to Zero Mission. They didn’t forget how to do a proper Metroid, it was just one game and it was made that way so the horror aspects held up better.
It was fine for one game.
If other M had decent gameplay nobody would care that much.
But a story based game with bad gameplay and bad story isn’t gonna pass.
I fugred it was the SJW shitposting but I just wanted to see what stupid bullshit he would say to back up that blatantly wrong claim
>and a bad story
that you can't skip unless you hack your Wii
>Dude it was made right next to Zero Mission. They didn’t forget how to do a proper Metroid, it was just one game and it was made that way so the horror aspects held up better.
That's the problem: trying to sacrifice the game for the sake of spoopy FNAF-tier jumpscares. The end result is linear hallways and corridors with obvious solutions and a blatant hand holding you, telling you where to go next. A few interesting SA-X encounters just cant' make up for the rest of the game's shortcomings.
And of course this isn't getting into all the missed opportunities for fun videogamey moments, all sacrificed because they couldn't figure out how to work them into the story. What do I mean by that? I'll give you a quick example:
>Samus there are no less than 10 SA-X aboard the ship! Oh no so spooky and scary!
>conveniently you never run across them again until the end of the game, and you only fight one
Meanwhile, even modders are taking advantage of this little line of dialogue.
Can we also mention how Fusion's final boss was a lame, piss easy, and even conceptually boring piece of shit?
the SA-X phase 2 or Omega Metroid?
Both actually.
SA-X could have been cool but the actual fight is lame, the Omega Metroid was a lame concept and a lame fight, should have just been the SA-X, and an actual fight.
It should've been both of them trying to kill eachother and you at the same time. Imagine SA-X phase two jumping around, only for Omega to grab them and throw them across the room, and getting hit by either does huge amounts of damage to you, and they just destroy the room during the fight, which makes the terrain unstable and hard to fight on.
What could've been.
>Trilogy, essentially just a port, they'll need to touch up the controls though.
>three HD remasters for a compIeteIy different consoIe is essentiaIIy just a port, bro
C'mon, ACFag, it doesn't take a genius to figure out it's an analogue to what you do to Metroid threads. If you like, I'll spell it out for you.
Replace the porn posting with complaining about Zero Suit Samus and Cutscenes, then replace the "Wow, triggered safe space much ..." with "I just want a Metroid thread that talks about the gameplay"
It is canon. The game is part of the timeline until Nintendo unequivocally says that it is not. Writing inconsistencies do not make OM non-canon, they only make it a poorly written game.
>equates liking Zero Suit lewds with loving Other M
This shitposting ain't natural. If anything it'd equate to liking Zero Mission since that's the game it was introduced in.
>They didn’t forget how to do a proper Metroid
They didn't know how to do proper Metroid in the first place, that's exactly why Fusion was the way it was. I'm not saying that as an insult, people think that Super and Fusion were made by the same people when it was actually made by a mostly new team.
The plan was to use Fusion as a practice run for the new team, and then for that team to use their experience on a 2nd game (Zero Mission in this case).
Except anytime I've made threads to talk about what I'd like to see in future Metroid games, people always gave me crap over it. Yes, I don't like story and I don't like ZSS, but does that nullify everything else I talk about, INCLUDING GAMEPLAY ELEMENTS?
Here, I'll even point you to the last thread I made. boards.fireden.net
Tell me what I did wrong in making this thread.
>equates liking Zero Suit lewds with loving Other M
Think of it this way user: Other M sacrificed gameplay quality for the sake of "story" and "waifushit". When people want Metroid threads to be nothing but porn dumps, it's awfully similar to Other M's priorities. So the connection seems like a no-brainer.
>but does that nullify everything else I talk about
At this point? After years, and years of ruining Metroid threads? Yes. It absolutely does. People hate you. They want nothing to do with you. I'm trying to help you, dude. Just stop. People can easily pick out your posts even if you don't say anything at all about lewd shit.
>So the connection seems like a no-brainer.
Not at all, you're just reaching and drawing false conclusions. Another reason why you're disliked so much.
>At this point? After years, and years of ruining Metroid threads? Yes. It absolutely does. People hate you.
I just don't get this. How am I ruining the threads, but endless porn dumps are just fine? I've never seen this level of hostility thrown at people who will empty their folder of Samus cropped porn, and then call people SJW snoy trannies if they want to talk about the game. I just think it's an unfair double standard.
>Not at all, you're just reaching and drawing false conclusions
My conclusions are based on people's priorities.
These threads would probably go better if you muppets didn't take ACfag's bait every single time, despite knowing it's him, and just reported him. It's worked on a lot of other long-running shitposters recently.
You have to deviate from super metroid, a game that's over 20 years old, otherwise all future 2d metroids will come off as bland and safe
Hollow knight is better than all 2d metroids in any way because it actually advanced the metroidvania formula
Seeing metroid getting steamrolled as it is now instead of being the legendary trendsetter it once was is really sad to me
I've been banned for reporting long-running shitposters before, I'm not falling for that again.
>Seeing metroid getting steamrolled as it is now instead of being the legendary trendsetter it once was is really sad to me
On the contrary, I think that's great. It means games aren't just copying Super Metroid. they're improving upon it. Trendsetters were meant to be transcended.
Dmc was a trendsetter and all these years and many action games later it's still the absolute top of its genre
While prime is fairly unique in its formula and has little competition metroid has been completely eclipsed by now, and Samus returns was such a weak fucking comeback
2d Metroid needs tighter platforming and combat, even more sequence break potential than zero mission, and actually break the mold, you may be ok with it not being a juggernaut anymore but I don't think it has to be that way yknow
Maybe you got unlucky and reported a shitposter who had a mod on their side, I've heard of that happening before.
That's on Nintendo if they want to bring back their glory days. They have to get out of their current mindsets though, one in particular being "games shouldn't require much skill". They make too many games aimed to a younger audience these days, and it's frustrating. Now this has nothing to do with artstyle, and I'm not implying that I want a MATURE GAME FOR MATURE GAYMERS. Rather, their cutesy games could use a contrast with harder difficulty and more skillful implementation.
You're right about difficulty, which also makes me think that the parry system could have been better if the timing wasn't so forgiving
I honestly think that giving Samus more melee options, maybe some ability to chain together enemies with a grapple beam to zip by enemies, entrap them or pull off some beam combos and tricks could spice up the formula a bit and allow for more complicated enemy designs
Bosses have never been a highlight of 2d metroids imo, and I think they have plenty of room for improvement
Speaking of Hollow Knight, I felt they did bosses really nicely. The first boss, False knight, was such a nice organic tutorial that it reminded me of how Super Metroid organically introduced the player to concepts and exploration. Then again I did just read that gamasutra article on "the invisible hand of super metroid" so i've got that on the brain.
It's a good read too. gamasutra.com
And not only that, but the bosses keep ramping up in difficulty and become absolute joys to play
With the current formula I can't see anything in a 2d metroid coming even close to nightmare king Grimm or sisters of battle, it really needs a significant revamp
Think Samus could do well with dual Arm canons?
Her suit can probably pull a megaman and switch the arms form hand to canon mode at will.
Early Metroid IV footage shows that they were going to do just that.
I don't know I don't really play Metroid for the challenge.
I feel that ramping up the challenge to those levels would underplay how powerful the endgame can make you feel, which I find to be a very satisfying aspect of the upgrade system.
Hollow Knight had useful abilities but the Knight still felt relatively weak overall.
We have plenty of rom hack makers and fangames that showcased the potential. Like Metroid X-Fusion, which had really cool ideas like robo-Draygon, or AM2R which introduced Genesis and the Ascended Torizo and my personal favorite, the Tester.
X-Fusion isn't even out yet, why are you referring to it in past-tense
>why are you referring to it in past-tense
I was referring to the fight he showcased in one of his earlier videos, which he took down. Probably wanted to avoid a DMCA.
The challenge would add to the dread of exploring a dangerous alien world
With scarce checkpoints, more aggressive enemies and the threat of losing your progress I think that somewhat of a more oppressive, tense atmosphere can be created
If you know what you're doing the knight feels like a god. Just alternating between dashes, pogo stabs, quick slash and descending dark while constantly dodging shit is frantic and challenging as hell in radiant fights but you still look badass
I forgot that was one of the ones taken down, my bad. He took those vids down because he felt they no longer accurately represented the game. So that means he probably reworked something, be it graphics or the fight itself.
Tbh I've only played official titles but at some point I should check out what the mods have to offer
Then again it would be a shame to see random fans improving on the formula while Nintendo keeps it stagnant
My guess is that they're holding back the Trilogy release until they have something to present for Prime 4 so as to use the Trilogy rlmelease to build hype for Prime 4., and with Prime 4's development being reset, it may be a while.
Maybe. He DID keep the SA-X ray video up, which means we're still gonna probably fight multiple Sa-X instances at once.
Would you like some recommendations? I've quite a few to offer if you're interested. Aside from fangames like AM2r, romhacks are also the hot new thing.
>rogue Dawn for the first metroid
>Metroid: Super Zero Mission
>Hyper Metroid
>Super Metroid Arcade
>Super Metroid randomizer
These are my top picks.
It hasn’t looked good for about 20 years dude.
Here's some reccomendations:
Super Metroid hacks:
Hyper Metroid
Ice Metal Uninstall
Phazon Hack
Super Zero Mission
Super Metroid Arcade
Metroid hacks:
Rogue Dawn
>tfw ACfag is in this thread RIGHT NOW
He said "Kuudere", not "frustrated whore who's only job prospect is a walmart".
It’s a Metroid thread, of course he’s in it.
Eh, I'm a scrub so never really could reach those levels of effectiveness in Hollow Knight myself.
That's more the player being good than the character being powerful as the condition is if you know what you're doing.
I guess they can go for some higher difficulty, but Samus' arsenal is pretty versatile and effective so I'm worried that they'd try to nerf it to achieve such. Or that it wouldn't even really be scary if they crank up the difficulty, just become more tedious.
All they need to do is exercise moderation in how powerful Samus is. If they make her an unkillable rampaging juggernaut, have her fight similar unkillable monstrosities. AM2R had some really interesting ideas, in particular with enemies who could ignore immunity frames. So even though you were rushing through them with all your power and kickass weapons, they would stop playing by the rules and sabotage your previous safeguards.
>"Except anytime I've made threads to talk about what I'd like to see in future Metroid games"
You make and raid Metroid threads to bitch and moan about how much you hate Other M, while falseflaging in every conceivable side trying to "epin troll the le newfags of /vee/".
I've never been involved so much on this franchise, i have only played Zero Mission and Prime 1, yet your bitching is so god awful it would be a pleasure if somebody decapitated you and posted the pics like that dumb whore from /soc/ so that we can all laugh at your dead fatass.
Get fucked buddy :^)
>You make and raid Metroid threads to bitch and moan about how much you hate Other M, while falseflaging
the early logo fucking sucks ass
Thanks, I'll check them out
On another note I do like how endgame Samus is ridiculously op, it's very cathartic and a staple I wouldn't get rid of
The problem is when the whole game feels too easy, but this obviously doesn't mean that Samus should be needed
On the contrary, enemies should be more complex and not simply run into Samus for damage or shoot a couple of beams or something, a higher skill ceiling should be established whereas depending on the players skill you could decimate whatever's on the screen with ease or get btfo
Regarding bosses the trend of waiting for the boss to stop being invulnerable needs to die. They pull that shit even in samus returns and its abhorrent to me at this point
>western devs
just fucking put 2D Metroid out of it's fucking misery.
if they make Metroid 5 and it turns out to be like Bloodstained then honestly just kill the series.
what if it looks like dkc tropical freeze but in space
5, I just hope it's 2D with 3D models. Metroid is like MegaMan, doesn't work in 3D.
Minimal character isn't the same thing as no character at all
>maybe an arcade mode, like Super Metroid arcade had
wait, what?
but it won't unless a nintendo studio like Retro works on it,
if they outsource it to mercurysteam again it'll look and play like complete shit... but in HD
even if everything somehow goes well, 2.5D is absolutely disgusting
>what is MPT
>Western devs
Western devs have consistently treated the franchise better than Japanese devs have
MPT HD coming first is the most logical imo. Literally just a port.
It's shit.
You're existence validates my points perfectly, subhuman dipshit.
>you are existence validates my point
i understand your scepticism
Had a lot of ideas for Fusion that seemed fairly interesting.
Remember seeing a homing beam and wall running IIRC.
Could be cool to get some sort of Spider walk or zero g section before getting the Space Jump.
>played zero mission
>felt like a 2 hour tech demo that was pretty short by today's standards
>played am2r
>made the mistaking of starting on hard, gave up at my first omega metroid after realizing there's a 5 minute walk after every time i die
well i sure hope super metroid is good
>You're existence
Super Metroid is the best one after all.
>made the mistaking of starting on hard, gave up at my first omega metroid after realizing there's a 5 minute walk after every time i die
Did you play 1.0 or 1.1? I was shocked at how many people complained about Omegas being too hard. I loved them being giant damage sponges, because a good 2-3 super missiles to their back would kill them instantly, but it's a really hard shot to pull off.
>Zero G section
It'd be cool to have a part of one of the games actually set in outer space.
>played zero mission
>felt like a 2 hour tech demo that was pretty short by today's standards
Zero mission is a remake of an NES game and was basically made for speedruns you fucking retarded zoomer
>played am2r
i'm not going to play 30 year old black and white games just because you grew up with them, those were simply the best way to play both
could someone post the screencap of the ways other m retcons the other games?
because you refuse to accept compromise. It's either MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY with your "improvements", which is a SJW's way of thinking
I didn't grow up with that game and I could beat it just fine. You need to git fucking gud bro.
God I long for the day when you finally fucking hang yourself and your mother breathes a sigh of relief as she realizes the horror is over.
Look at happened when we did "compromise" and we allowed Samus to be humanized and have the story be more prominent.
Could be cool if Metroid 5 had zero g.
i love cumming
Neat as fuck
I want to play the prime games. Should I just emulate or get an og gamecube? Is emulation good enough?
>about to start my second ever Fusion playthrough tonight
Aww yeah boys.
Emulate on dolphin with the keyboard+mouse hack. Be blown away by the controls that were always meant to be.
Emulate with a controller. Standard xbox or dual shock controls is good enough to get you an experience close to the original.
Is it really that bad? I beat Prime 2 a month ago, and I want MORE.
Prime 2 came out in 2004. That was almost 15 years ago.
It always felt like 5, 8, at most 10 years ago. But it's 15 fucking years jesus christ...
It is
Nintendo won't let it happen because they can't/won't admit western devs are better at making Metroid games.
It's a blast.
People on Yea Forums just get triggered when there's more than one line of dialogue in a Metroid game. It's nowhere near the level of Other M and barely more than Fusion, besides the intro.
However; it's easy as fuck. At least, give it a try.
Sakurai won't let it happen because he loves Other M, get it right.
How come Ninty don't want me, man?
They don't give a fuck. As long as the director is from Nintendo of Japan they don't care who's making the game
Why would they port the Prime trilogy? They already did that on the Wii.
It's enjoyable and has some cool moments, but it's not as atmospherically consistent as 1 or 2, as well as having a few parts that feel very "Wii era" in that they felt they had to make use of the motion controls. To be fair they work very well for the main gameplay, but stuff like soldering was kind of pointlessly slow.
If you want more Metroid Prime, it's more Metroid Prime, and it's still very good. But when you've played all three, it is generally the one that feels weakest. The items showing on the map after a point also feels like it kind of defeats one of the primary appeals of Metroid as well, the sense of discovery of finding hidden items.
I recently replayed 2 and 3 myself and it reaffirmed my position on them being this. Enjoyed both playthroughs a ton though and I would say 3 is essential to the Prime Trilogy as much as the other two.
tl;dr, it's an 8/10 game after two 9+/10 games. It's not bad. Just slightly weaker. You should definitely play it.
>Nintendo won't let it happen
hopefully she's the six and a half foot tall amazonian space ice queen she use to be, and not the insecure chump she was in other m
Because ports are low cost for potentially high return, especially with IPs like Metroid that sit in that cult classic position.
Because Prime 4 is happening and they'll want to build hype.
Because ports mean more games on the platform.
Also Prime Trilogy on Wii released 10 years ago and the original Wii is not a relevant platform anymore.
Nah, it's not that. It's that the Samus Returns suit is too different from her base design. Other M suit is one of the closest to a "default" look she has, and Smash has to go by recognisability more than references. Zelda is an exception but that's because they specifically want to rep different games with each character there. Even then the ones they want for are still relatively "neutral" for their respective character, besides BotW Link.
Wasn't the Prime design the default in Brawl?
64 and Melee use 2 and Super's design
Brawl uses Zero Mission's design
4 and Ultimate use Other M's design
Oh yeah, you're right. Would've been cool if it was the prime design though.
Ganondorf's design was rolled back to his more iconic Ocarina design.
As it stands, Other M is a stain on the franchise and Nintendo would've been better off pushing Sakurai to change it back to the Super design.
No, it's from Zero Mission, which still plays off Super, proportion and design wise.
Prime's suit was more streamlined.
Is the common consensus that it's bad? I fucking loved it, I prefer it to Echoes honestly. Using the ship, jumping from planet to planet, all the bosses are new and unique. I also liked seeing more of the Federation and their inner workings before the DS games and Other M made them horribly generic and uninteresting.
I hate this cause SM samus runs faster than that making it look worse in the gif.
>Ganondorf's design was rolled back to his more iconic Ocarina design.
Yes, and?
Have another!
I don't have one but he keeps adding Other M stuff to Smash and he keeps explaining the BS from that game instead of any other game and he could have changed Samus suit to any other version of her suit but didn't.
Sakurai (or someone with influence over him) decided the resources should be spent to completely remodel Ganon to his classic design and finally give him the sword people were begging for for years.
Meanwhile Samus kept her design from a controversial, failure of a game from over 8 years ago instead of the classic Super design or a new one from the Prime series, which sold very well.
Yes, and?
He couldn't even use the Samus Returns design, this is what pissed me off, he gives everyone a new or old look yet leaves Samus the same.
How would you feel about Metroid 5 being hand-drawn sprite-based 2D like Hollow Knight? I think if they nail the art style (something like SM art) then it would be 10/10 in the visual department.
hurr durr
classic gud, better
If it doesn't have a serious design like all the other 2D games including Samus Returns I would be pissed.
You have yet to provide proof that it was Nintendo's decision, and just immediately deflected to Ganondorf getting redesigned. It's been said in numerous interviews now, and even in discussion about Zelda and Ganondorf's Ultimate designs that Sakurai is the one in charge of how characters look.
Basically you're like one of those retards who thinks Nintendo makes Pokemon.
holy shit BASED. They hated jesus because he told them the truth
>he wanted Other M Samus
That fucking idiot.
Look at how much cooler the Super Metroid varia looks compared to the others it's not even a fucking contest.
Agreed, I always liked the 2D games suits.
There's evidence that he didn't even know about Samus Returns' development until it was too late, as well, as evidenced by Samus Returns spirits being added to the game in a day-one patch.
Nintendo is not required to show Sakurai anything about upcoming games in development, despite the fact that the man is in charge of working on a massive company wide crossover title for them.
Interesting, but why keep Samus the same when ROS Samus, Super Samus, ZM Samus, and Prime Samus exist?
Other M is still the latest game and the design isn't too far removed from the other suit designs. The shoulder ridges are really the only major thing missing.
It is a mystery. A general rule of thumb was that characters take their most recent appearance, but the Legend of Zelda series has been exempt from this for two games, as was Villager in 4.
Hell, Smash Samus design is even worse than it's Other M design.
Then how do you explain the Zelda series in Smash?
That's terrible and BS for Sakurai to pick favorites like that.
How so?
Both Zelda and Metroid representation is pretty horrible when it comes as to how characters are portrayed, and if it does them justice.
2D art is fine but too cartoony is dangerous. Something more like Ori and the Blind Forests environments would be best for a non-sprite based 2D Metroid
Well let's see, Toon Link is Toon Link, not much of a design to change. Link is his latest design. Zelda isn't her BoTW design because BoTW isn't a fighter, as explained in the first E3 direct. Sheik is actually based off BoTW. Ganon is OoT because of popularity. These are also characters who have the whole gimmick of reincarnation. Samus's suit, like I said before, isn't too far removed from its other designs. Big shoulders, orange and red suit, arm canon.
Why the fuck are you complaining about her design when her moveset is the bigger problem, god.
>Then how do you explain the Zelda series in Sm
It's a total outlier that tried to keep the characters to a generic 'all encompassing' look and gave up on that when the newest game changed Link's design completely, had a Zelda design that was unusable, and didn't use Ganondorf at all. Zelda's characters change visuals and abilities so much more than any other franchise eventually Smash couldn't pretend there was a single version of them anymore.
My personal guess is that the Other M controversy is probably not that huge in Japan due to the series just being unpopular over there in general, so Sakurai just naively defaulted to the most recent design and thinks nothing of it. Notice how he specifically points out that Ridley and Dark Samus both were highly requested "overseas" and how it took so long for Metroid to get anything at all that wasn't Samus and also Samus. He lives in another world that thinks completely differently about Metroid and only just now has our voice been heard thanks to the ballot.
Cartoony, you say?
>and gave up
Imagine if they hadn't given up. We would have most likely had the Twilight Princess designs AGAIN.
>Sakurai is the one in charge of how characters look.
That doesn't mean shit. Nintendo still could've told him they'd prefer he used non-western designs.
You want me to prove conjecture of something Nintendo/Sakurai would never freely admit to, despite enough games forming a pattern that could suggest I am correct.
Will you at least admit keeping the Other M design, from a fan's perspective, was a bad idea?
For the sake of Sakurai making this Smash something he admits might never happen again?
Ganondorf doesn't head a franchise. Samus does.
Other M was not universally liked. Super is, and while Prime had its FPS detractors, it sold very, very well.
A classic Super or Prime design for Samus would've been better for Ultimate.
They made Link's new default from the newest iteration of his franchise, but made alts that pay respect to older, classic looks.
All of Samus' looks are Other M, the newest eastern-dev'd iteration that was a divisive failure on most accounts.
>Zelda isn't her BoTW design because BoTW isn't a fighter, as explained in the first E3 direct
Most Zeldas aren't fighters. They are mages. Also, wasn't Zelda the one who kept Ganon sealed for 100 years at the cost of her own magical power? Also, wasn't Zelda who defeated Calamity Ganon by using the Full Triforce? That alone seems to be way more than what most Zeldas did.
Good job letting your blind hatred of something cause you to completely ignore everything that was said.
Their wording was actually something more along the lines of "She's more of a scholar." Also Zelda's entire schtick in BotW is that she couldn't do the magic good until it was too late.
Come to think of it, that's probably the reason why Smash 4 didn't use the Skyward designs. Y'know, on top of there being no Ganondorf in that game.
What would satisfy your evidence boner?
I can't prove something they will never admit to.
No one likes her Other M suit though, Sakura's excuse is sad.
That could be it.
>Why the fuck are you complaining about her design when her moveset is the bigger problem, god.
Sad, but true. Sakurai has barely iterated on her since 64. Esam called her the best bad character or the worst good character. Her spam isn't the best and she still has the worst roll. She can't even crouch and roll in morph ball. Mii Gunner plays more like how Samus should play, ffs.
this wasn't a compromise. this was sakamoto being completely fucking tone deaf.
EH is endgame
I feel like Sakurai hates Metroid.
Where they going to take the plot anyways? Samus just allah ackbarred the last metroids AND the X parasites.
Metroids are kind of the franchises "thing" and they're extinct now.
Samus vs rogue Chozo
I think they confirmed that "prime" doesn't specifically refer to Phazon as the central theme of the series, but just the FPS design philosophy, so future prime games won't have more phazon.
>the chozo villain turns out to have killed samus's Bird dad
Metroids have been extinct before.
don't forget though the space pirates and the federation have repeatedly gone and made their own metroids so they're not completely off the table
They were cloning/breeding them on the space station, what makes you think they aren't doing that elsewhere and in much greater capacity?
Is it still cannon that they shrunk her height in Other M, or have they backed off and kept her cannon height what it was before other m?
There will never be a justification for the Fusion Varia Suit. What a fucking eye rapist that thing is. It's been nearly two decades and I still don't know what the fuck the artists were thinking.
Could always have the plot be about the federation trying to kidnap samus so they can clone metroids from her DNA ala Alien ressurection.
Have Mutant Samus/metroid clones as bosses.
Unlike Other M where she was significantly shorter than the Power Suit, Samus Returns has Samus' height the same as the Power Suit's height again, but that's not much to go on when there's no other humans to compare her to.
What suits should they have in the new game, and what suits are your favorite designs?
Honestly, most all suit designs but the original and the varia suit are kind of ass.
No, she's back to her canon height.
i'd love to see some suits similar to the design of the light and dark suit
I don't believe Sakurai genuinely hates any series in Smash, he just has some natural unavoidable biases as a human which are compounded by the biases of the part of fanbase that is most easily heard by him, which is the Japanese-speaking fanbase. I'd even be willing to believe he was completely ignorant of the idea that we considered Metroid neglected or mistreated in Smash because no one in Japan probably cares enough to complain about it.
what's stopping nintendo from having their games that are more popular in the west to be devolped by nintendo america than keeping it in japan?
Because Nintendo Japan calls the shots and N:A is basically the Lower classman that gets bossed around by the sempai.
Because Nintendo of America isn't a development studio.
Nintendo of America has no developers in it whatsoever, it's just a marketing, distribution and localization team.
I don't think they want the west to get exclusive rights to anything
NST is but their games aren't notably amazing
I liked samus's old Super metroid design out of her suit better than the zero suit.
Because they need to keep their American dev in-line.
I loved how 80s it was. It was great.
Have fun, it's definitely one of the better games of the series.
Not a fan of the light suit, it looked like I was wearing an Ipod.