Man I wish I had that jaw

Man I wish I had that jaw

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What da fuck you lookin' at cracka?

Is this guy still the son of 5 dudes in the reboot series?

Yes. All previous games are Canon.

Blood money is best looking

Not too hard
Not too soft

He looks so fucking bad in Absolution
That entire game was complete garbage in general

Just played the bank level. It was like one of the old game's missions, contained and packed with options. Loved it.

Silent Assassin looks like it was modeled by Steve Dillon.

>son of 5 dudes
How progressive

Why does he look so Slavic in Absolution?

Even absolution?

Codename 47 = looks retarded due to the super long chin
Silent Assassin = dick sucking lips
Contracts = El Paso shooter facial expression
Absolution = Oblivion character
HITMAN = Fuckboi
HITMAN 2 = rat faced Fuckboi

Meh. Kinda. It was a kinda self contained story so...

I do have that jaw. Feels good being able to pull off the bald look, user.

How was Absolution so kinludo?

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Didn't he fucking kill Diana? How is that self contained

Every franchise is bound to Have its plotholes.

She's alive in the final cutscene

Haven't played, but it's probably someone horribly fucking up their understanding of cloning/genetic manipulation.

Should I play the first 3 Hitman games?

are they though?

new games 47 looks weid, like you would see him walking on a street and say "yep, thats a clone"

there should be a hitman mission in a lower income black community, although, the target would probably get killed without you having to do anything.

he looks alright in HitmanTM 2, it's basically an HD Blood Money version.

>get shot point blank and left to bleed to death
>lol jk
What the fuck

I have one but im a bigheaded big neck manlet so they call me farquaad

it was staged

yes everything is canon

the vault is too easy

seems like they kind of ruined the story from Absolution onward.

Mumbai was almost that, Kashmirian was one of the greatest things they've done

> 47 and SA
Slav thugs

> Contracts

> Absolution
Blockhead retard

> 2016 and 2018
Tranny fuckers

> Blood Money

Yep. If you like the current Hitman titles the older ones are just more of that.

the older games are way smaller and constrained in ways you can finish missions.

Looks like you got worked into a shoot, friend.

they're better than the last 3 they made that's for sure. Silent Assassin, Contracts, and Blood Money are my favourite. But once you plsy the old ones, and hear the god-tier soundtrack, and feel the intensity that the new games lack, your level of enjoyment for the new titles may dwindle.

only 9mm lol

C47 might be too rough to enjoy, but I replayed it last year and still liked it. everything else is definitely worth playing, except maybe absolution

True. But besides that, you're still Agent 47 doing murder puzzles.
And if you're only playing them once over, the limited number of ways to do a mission isn't necessarily a problem.

Music is one of the few things that was done better in the old games thanks to Jasper Kyd. The two new ones are gameplay wise far far better.

So ghosts really do exist in the hitman universe?

Play the new games user. They have refined the formula to the point Blood money is almost unplayable.

Thank the media finally got past that "grindhouse films are totally epic" phase. Every second of absolution is an absolute embarrassment.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-17 Hitman Absolution - All Cutscenes (Game Movie) - YouTube.png (1219x663, 1.39M)

wait when the fuck was this

I have, I genuinely don't understand how people prefer the 2 new ones over Blood Money or Silent Assassin. There's an atmosphere that's missing in the new ones, and it doesn't feel as intense or engaging.

It was Hitman meets Robert Rodríguez. I hated every second of it.

because as I said before the gameplay is superior.

I for one prefer the Bond/spy geopolitical intrigue theme over the edgy tone of the previous titles. Just saying.

I prefer his hair.

seems like they dumbed it down to me, but to each their own i guess.

I know man who has the silent assassin jaw, he could probably smash your skull with his jawbone.

Really? But how? You have a dark, eerie, intriguing story with the first few games, and now it's just a bond movie with bright colors and clown suits.

Ghosts really exist in our universe user

how is it dumbed down?

Will we see her again?

Attached: Lei2.jpg (701x300, 43K)

X-ray vision, "opportunities," constant notifications telling you what to do, and Diana in your ear throughout entire missions.

No, tits too big

Who here killed the paris elusive?

All of the on screen info can be turned off and Dianas voice has been reduced in one of the latest patches.

It was just cheesy edgy tropes. Yessss I work for the dark agency with the spiky symbol and I have gunsss and kill the canary and the delivery boy. It was plain bad.

Yes but it got retconned. Absolution said 47 slowed down with age but 2016 said he hasn't physically aged at all.

>mission start
>distant gunshots noises
>mission complete

i guess that's the difference between us, i like the "edgy" mood, not everything that's edgy is bad, it can be done right, and to me it was. take Sin City for example, it's an edgy movie, but it's amazing, the dark, moody tone is what makes it so great.

Season 3 if we're lucky, Smith came back so I wouldn't count her out just yet

It was atrocious garbage that almost killed the series. Fuck you.

HitmanTM 47 could steal and fuck your wife.

Smith was in every game
The chick hasn't appeared since Contracts

he would never do that.

Sin City? You must love Absolution then.

but he could.

but he could**

Mad scientist used the DNA of 5 dudes (One of them a chinese guy, another a Colombian dude, despite this however he still comes out as a white guy) to make a terminator-esque clone grown in a tube of liquid in the basement of a Romanian psychiatric hospital
There, now you're all caught up

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Absolution 47 is unironically the best.

It was weird because of how confused the tone of the story was, it didn't know if it wanted to be a groundhouse road trip, an art deco game, or just a standard 2011-era action game so it decided to be both and it didn't work.

Not Absolution

yeah I wasn't sure about that one. only played it once.


The grindhouse ideal of "characters visibly characterized by niche bullshit to convey messages to the audience" actually worked well for Hitman targets. Travis, Skurky, Wade, and even the shitty gang of international cartel thugs who wear cheap suits with Converses are almost as memorable as the shitty linear levels and no consequence for killing mooks so long as you dump them in a crate.

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I liked some parts of Absolution. Loved the hotel level. But bullshit like the mines fucked up the entire experience.

Absolution was stuck in development hell for 7 years and had a complete trainwreck of a production because:

A. IO had to develop an entirely new engine

B. IO were under pressure from Square to cash in on the Gears of War and CoD hype

C. The game was changed at the last minute from a completely linear shooter to an awkward mix between a shooter and a conventional Hitman game.

Basically Absolution's development is a cautionary tale about the dangers of corporate meddling.

Undercover Suit soon

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IO should be proud of being capable of surviving that shit, buy his own IP and thrive.

check it

che-che-che check it

don’t be an idiot like me and stand in the puddle itself if you go to expose a wire

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It's still kinda stunning how much difference Kyd's music made. It does not feel the same without latin chanting as you make your way (deliberately walking instead of running) to the exit after killing all the targets. The new fucking music just misses the mark.

I electrocized him took me 3 min

Why would you go out of your way to find a screwdriver for the wire instead of just shooting it.

And yeah, for some reason the plug in the puddle in Paris is switched on by default for some reason.

First mission of blood money you zoomers.

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I just happened upon a screwdriver, and pulling out a gun felt risky

I wish I had that suit...

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Tfw I have that jaw line but I'm still ugly


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that was an abandoned carnival, there were some black goons working for the target, not really the same now is it.

Absolution's actual hits were pretty good. Too bad everything else in the game sucked.

More America less 3rd world shithole

It ended up as a decent Hitman-inspired game. Not horrible, but the worst in the series.

Absolution had the best story and characters but 47 was a fucking retarded(hurr imma garrotte the 8ft 500lbs gorilla) and the levels were dogshit. Also Veronica. Need Veronica protagonist.

>more America
90% of BM was in America, as well as 4 missions across Seasons 1 and 2.

Maybe they should do other first world countries like Canada, or other European Countries.

I want a fucking Hitman co-op mode.

>+100 posts
>nobody posted the rap comprised of NPC voicelines from the first level

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I like that this song is the whole reason nobody gives a shit about the gunshots and the guards yelling.

>tutorial mission where you casually garrote and shoot black people with all kinds of weapons like a shotgun or a sniper rifle
>not only do you do that, but it's also encouraged by the game and the only time in the entire fucking game where you're told what to do or who to kill, aside from the targets
this would not fucking fly today

wanna buy Hitman 2, should I wait till it's on sale?

>tfw you'll never get this level of kino in another hitman game

why did they get rid of kyd again?

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they could call it Hitmen

I read it as jew, and I did not understand.

No that sounds retarded, let's call it HitHitman

Do it. The season pass is 40% off right now.

Kyd's too expensive now.

>hitman 2
I've been out of the Hitman loop, did they remaster 47 & SA or did everything get rebooted?

Also goddamn why does he look so fish-eyed after Absolution?

>is the best game in the series in your path

Attached: Hitman Contracts Screenshot 2019.08.16 - (1920x1080, 2.43M)