Why is every anime game a boring shitty 3D fighter
Why is every anime game a boring shitty 3D fighter
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Because the animes that get video games are generally boring and shitty. Case in point, the one in your picture.
what's your favorite anime?
most anime have a large cast of characters that can fight and have convoluted plots that are not best served by other genres.
Remember this sentence when the open world dragon ball game comes out.
what the fuck were they thinking releasing this game 5 years after the shows end?
brainless suits are always late to the party on easy money schemes
Lupin III
>most animes are battle shonens
I am not sure why this game could pass the sony new regulation related to sexual depictions
because she is not officially a minor in the setting of the anime?
Pico to Chico
Dude, like 1/3 of the shows airing right now are though.
KLK is owned by Aniplex, go check who they are and you'll understand.
mating press ryuko
>most animes are battle shonens
Pretty much.
>find KLK doujin that looks great
>tag: hyper_smegma
Fuck aniplex. I don't understand how they get away with charging what they do for their bluray sets.
Idiots think 3D fighting is superior to 2D because it has an extra dimension so of course its better, even if the gameplay is shallow as fuck and every noteworthy fighting game on the tournament scene is 2D. It's something of a miracle that Dragon Ball managed to pull away from this way of thinking and became an immediate success in the FGC.
I just want a big single-player 3D beat-'em-up Gurren Lagann game in ever-escalating settings, starting as Simon fighting off bullies underground, to piloting Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann complete with galaxies as environmental pick-up throwing weapons. Let a company like Platinum make it on the cheap like they did with their Transformers 3D brawler, but make the enemies Simon's bullies, then Gunmen for Gurren Lagann to fight, more Gunmen in bigger waves once he gets wings and stuff, and then escalate HARD once anti-spiral bullshit like foot and hand-shaped ships start showing up. If a multiplayer mode must be made, fine, maybe make a co-op mode to fight waves with a buddy, or make some dedicated PvP arenas for fighting your friends in their Gunman.
Why can't we have this? Just fucking make it and give us some cool goddamn anime moves to perform on punching bag enemies for fun. Beat-'em-ups like Streets of Rage and character action games like DMC and Bayonetta are even better, even if I don't think Gurren Lagann could ever be lucky enough to be licensed out to someone like Kamiya or Itsuno.
Cheap and easy to produce
Also, please take control inspiration from Zone of the Enders 2 for aerial and spaceflight combat.
I'd still read it
I don't think they're superior but it's hard to pull off. The Gundam VS series is what I consider to be the pinnacle of the genre but even Bamco managed to fuck up the last entry, hopefully Extreme 2 will be a return to form
This is the closest thing that exists. It’s great, directed by Kamiya and made by Platinum
Dragon Ball had almost nothing but 3d/arena/whatever you want to call them fighting games for more than decade, no one had the right to complain for getting a 2d fighting game after all that.
>$180 fucking USD for the new KLK set with no extras
This shit is fucking highway robbery
Not even a fan of DBFZ but pre-release watching the 3D fans actually throw a shitfit about it being 2D was endless entertainment. They didn't know jack shit about the fighting genre.
I know, it was fun, it just doesn't quite scratch that itch for me. I liked it as its own thing though. Maybe it's just because I haven't been into sentai since I was a kid for the most part. I'm not really into mecha in general even, I just like Gurren Lagann's themes and sense of scale and escalation a lot, which is something Wonderful 101 kind of touched upon, but it didn't quite give me what I would've prayed for, since we're talking pie the in sky wishlist projects in this thread.
Admittedly Xenoverse 2 is really well made. Sure it's not a traditional FCG 2D stick using fighter but it has a lot of content and the feel of doing cool stuff in line with the anime. Many of the arena fighters are shallow or have very limited content.
Also want to point out that Attack On Titan 2 Final Battle is also excellent. Not a fighter at all but really well made , up to and beyond the current story of the anime etc
I hear you. I figured you had played it but had to make sure, because it’s the closest game in feeling to Gurren Lagann.
I’m not huge into mecha anime either (though I do like mech design in general), and I’m extremely selective about what anime I can tolerate. Gurren Lagann was the first time I thought “wow mech stuff can be good and fun”
Fucking THIS, and it would be a goddamn crime if anyone but ArcSys were handling the visual direction of the game
The closest is W101. They could make a mech game in the future but I doubt Kamiya would want to restrict himself to the Lagann IP
Yu Yu Hakusho
Pop team epic
D-don't suppose you still have the name? Purely for science of course!!
Code Geass. I'll admit it's mostly for pic related, but also for the stupid family drama and the occasional decent mech combat moment, like the underground cannon tunnel episode and the man-made landslide.
The ro kyu bu games were pretty funny
You just reminded me of Gankutsuou. The anime Count of Monte Cristo. Such a good visual style and interesting take on the story, marred by pointless Mech combat a couple times
Why did your mom give birth to you??
Don't you dare call the goddess named Ryuko "boring" you filthy fuck face
A 2D fighter can do that just as well, if not better
>we will never a samsho style KLK fighter
why make it 3D, the fucks who jack off to KLK hentai don't give a shit if the game is 2D or 3D, all you're doing is limiting the hardcore FGC autists
because the naruto ninja storm games and the tenkaichi games were such massive commercial successes that everyone just knocks it off. And by that I mean they sell the licensing rights to bamco, who use the same exact formula for every game, because people just want to see hi-ougi shit and not actually performing combos to do cool stuff, so they're fine with pressing button and getting cutscene attack.
That will always depends on the developers and in if they actually want to make a good game instead of just shovelwere. Standards for licenced fighting games haven't changed that much.
Sure, some hack can push out a mediocre 2D fighter just as easily, but even then Sailor Moon S [/Spoiler] can become a great broken game. No 3D JoJo game has scratched the level of HftF, even with 2v2 modes and the time to polish up on ASB's ideas. I'm not aware of any anime fighters in 3D that match what has already been done in 2D years ago.
Where is the switch update you faggots!! REEEEEEEEEEE!!!
I guess it's just easier to make than a single player game or a proper fighting game.
Just bought Jump Force bros, what am I in for?
The worst arena fighting game this year.
Yuru Camp arena fighter WHEN
How come there are no anime first person shooters?
That VR anime had a 3rd person shooting game but with babby mode lock on.
Alot of regret
hopefully a refund
It is cheap and easy. Most devs don't want to make some popular multiplayer game that they might need to support and stuff. Arena fighters allow you to cram a load of characters in, not really think about enemies or level design and ship. I mean look at Yea Forums discussion any competitive game, a good portion thought KLK If would be a serious fighter just cause they heard ArcSys wiped their balls on it. Never looked into how deeply they were involved, never really studied the gameplay. Most people just respond to brands, so meme game + meme dev means good enough sales to make a profit on the no budget.
Why even bother trying to do more when it won't get a better response? Even when they do semi attempt to make a serious game it doesn't do better than the arena fighter. DBFZ got the hype, but Xenoverse has sold better overall. It is the equivalent to the super cheap bad 2D fighter of yesteryear, those just had a chance to be accidentally brilliant in their stupidity.
Unironically non non biyori
You're a man of the truest taste.
Because they know those whose primary hobby is anime are knuckle dragging retards about anything else. Therefore they make the game as braindead as possible.
Initial D First Stage. Can go back to it anytime.
Pic related is a good liscenced anime fighting game, they had it at combo breaker earlier this year youtu.be
My hope for a Yaiba game would be a series of unique encounters where you need to understand your environment and enemy move sets to know what forms to use when. You'd have some basic slashes but the primary way of dealing damage would be breath forms. This way every fight would be like its own puzzle.
Tanjirou would be the most complex given that he has ten forms plus the Sun Breath, and Inosuke and Zenitsu would act as pace breakers. They would be on opposite ends of the spectrum, Inosuke would allow the player to let lose and play more sloppily, while Zenitsu would demand a "perfect run" where you need to understand exactly how to ricochet around the arena in order to end the fight in one attack.
Yeah, Code Geass would've been better if they got rid of the mecha and just made it into a military story with Nazi parallels and shit with the militarized Britania. Still, it is what it is, given that Code Geass is made by Sunrise, which is the Gundam company. Shoehorning mecha where it doesn't belong is as normal as breathing for them.
because anime is boring, shitty, and mostly 3D nowadays
I wish we could get more 3D fighters like this, Pokken was probably the closest attempt but it just never really caught on right. Now you either you get Tekken or Tenkaichi. Traditional 3D fighters can be great, yet it often feels like no one is willing to take even small risks with them. But then the only other option you get is way over on the other side of the scale where you have big arenas, very free movement and then a sliding scale of stupid stuff to try and make up for that. A competitive game needs focus and restrictions, but you can play about with the rules.
Kinda just sounds like you would end up with very limited and gimmicky characters.
Why can't those fucking nips wait to make their anime games until we actually have decent looking realtime cartoon rendering? Screenshot looks like shit.
Speaking of your pic, 'five' memes aside and all that, I wish we could get a good Yugioh game based on Season 0. Make a bunch of new game-original Literally Who villains for Yugi to fight in a series of threatening scenarios that he's way too innocent to be prepared for. Then force the player to both negotiate and game their way out of the situation. Make the 'fights' into weird first-person simulations sort of like that Facade game where the couple argues at a dinner party and you interact with the environment. Put Yugi in a booth in a scene like this and present the player with a first-person view of the table, the enemy, and the restaurant, and they need to put the game's 'cursor on the lighter and point it out if they want to solve the puzzle by proposing link related as a game:
Make up a bunch of original games with their own throwaway mechanics to do stuff like this.
Eventually build up to cool events based on the manga like Capsule Monsters Chess or whatever it was called, but flesh it out a bit more in the game version.
>Eventually build up to cool events based on the manga like Capsule Monsters Chess or whatever it was called
I remember wishing it had gotten popular instead of Duel Monsters when I read the manga as a kid. This game seemed more fun and more collectable, in a Smash Bros. Melee trophy sort of way.
ive given it some thought and that one was the best of the 3
The PS2 game based on it was pretty amusing, even if it had a few issues.
FMA Brotherhood or Ergo Proxy
what's behind Flowerman's leaf?
Kino no Tabi
>edgy proxy
Gas yourself
What anime game has good 3d graphics and isn't an arena fighter?
I want to fuck ryoko
Father is such a boring, shit villain, even Dante was better, and 2003 at least knew how to let the content speak for itself and have sad moments instead of Brotherhood always working in comedy at the worst moments.
If I haven't followed AoT since S1 how spoiled will I be playing it?
The intention is for them to be limited, yeah. Tanjirou less so but any Zenitsu segment would push you to get a lot of mileage out of very little. They are the foundation for fighting a varied group of enemies. Platformers have a ton of variety with your only ability being jumping, and shooters have a ton of variety with a limited list of guns.
Based and better lightingpilled
I get that fans want to play as every fucking loser from each series, but that doesn't mean it's the best option.
I'd much rather have an action adventure game that either retold the story, or did sort of side-adventure with the characters, putting them to new situations. "Kill la Kill by Platinum" was a joke for a while, but there's really no denying that the show would work well as Metal Gear Rising styled action romp with set of stages which each had a boss at the end.
...Though then again, that would require making actual stages, designing some generic enemies to fight and bunch of other stuff that make the game much harder to make than a standard arena fighter.
Cheap to make I guess? I would love CDPro to do a Ghost in the Shell RPG with anime art but yeah not gonna happen.
Very. AoT's second major Koei-Techmo game spoils all of Season 2 and I think Season 3 as well, which is a lot of content to have spoiled considering how good it gets from the end of Season 3 and onwards.
oh, it got better? I dismissed it when I figured it was all just shock and gore porn and nothing will ever be good in that world.
Play better tie-ins.
>better lighting(pilled)
Damn straight, they were stupid to go with some of the artistic choices they went with in Brotherhood. The washed-out look is closer to some of the mangaka's official art, yes, but it looks shitty and desaturated in manga form and it should have been changed for the finalized designs long before animation, back during the drafting and concepting design where they draft up and finalize character designs.
Even Brotherhood-only types I've met give respect to 03's lighting. Honestly, it's incredible how much better it is. The comparison is like night and day.
It continues to have plenty of shock and gore, but the story turns into much more than 'the last human civilization on earth struggles to survive in a walled nation pitted against colossal man-eating giants." I can give you some spoiler hooks if you need some stuff that would get you interested in starting up Season 2, but it's up to you. I won't push spoilers unless they're wanted as a way to drum up interest, since I know that feeling and I occasionally don't find myself interested in a show until I hear about something noteworthy that happened in it to set it apart from other media on the block.
I don't know, user. I miss the era when anime were adaptated to games in awesome 2D fighters.
nah I'm good. Haven't watched anime in years but I gotta watch Little Academia as well in order to play that game so I can switch between them when I get too depressed from AoT.
Awesome 2D fighters such as?
SFM when?
Eureka Seven
Jojo had one, I'd love to see a new 2D Jojo game with a bunch of characters.
Looks kind of bad desu
>We will never get a Panty and Stocking arcade-style beat-em-up
Why live
These people make all these anime fighting games that so obviously weren't polished or looked over to a substantial degree
And they get away with it because the hardcore anime fans buy enough of them
Boku no pico
Sailor Moon S
>Little Academia
Anime series was meh
Fuck off reddit
I want the spoiler hooks
Yeah, expected those answers like said, I would also add arcsys' HnK and maybe the PS1 Samurai Deeper Kyo game if being generous, but that's a handful in a sea of other mediocre or outright bad games. Hell, HnK was being generous too considering it's more well known for being broken.
If Melty Blood counts, then that as well.
>tfw no DMC type KLK game
I would main Talho
Nah, based on a VN that never had an anime, doesn't count.
Tsukihime got an anime, just not a good one.
I liked it
I never said I didn't
Pretty sure that never happened, you're delusional it's the meme that old?
But seriously, if you're going to count that, might as well also count some recent stuff like Aquapazza, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax or Nitro+ Blasterz because some of the licenses there got an anime based on them.
>beating higher level enemies and certain bosses will drop underwear to strengthen your guns if you're either panty or scanty
>final gun forms are bigass machine guns
Pokken's reception suffered from this a lot in both directions.
Intial footage made it look like a casual 3d arena fighter, so the FGC dismisssed it and casual pokemon fans got excited.
Then the game came out, and whoops, turned out it WAS competitively designed and used traditional 2d fighter mechanics, but by then the FGC already didn't care about it and the general pokemon fanbase got salty that it didn't have 60+ characters, and that it barely had any modes, and that it was too complicated for them.
I mean, Pokken's got a competitive scene still, it's just on the small side, like, say, undernight before recently or blazblu before crosstag, etc; it just could have been way fucking bigger had the marketing been done right and TPCI gave a shit about supporting it/knew how.
The grand finals for Pokken at official TPCI circuit events tends to get more views then all the finals across all divisions fpor both VGC and TCG combined, so the audience is there, it just needs to be tapped.
Well then, in Season 2 you learn the identities of the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan, which are absolutely titan shifters just like Annie and Eren from Season 1. If you don't remember them by name (you might not have seen the show in years), the Colossal Titan is the one who kicked in the outtermost gate of the nation in Attack on Titan, crushing Eren's mother beneath a boulder and their family home, while the Armored Titan is the one who shoulder-checked the inner gate as citizens were fleeing from titans aboard boats after the Colossal Titan did the aforementioned job on the outer gate. We get faint ideas of why they did what they did, and later on in Season 3 we get a much clearer idea. We also confront human civilization's leadership, trying to find out why the King hasn't done anything at all about the constant titan attacks like the attempt to take Trost district in Season 1. This leads to a long plotline dealing with the royal family in general that deals in human on human conflict instead of human on titan, but while that might potentially sound boring on paper, it ties deeply into mysteries related to the origins of titans, how they work, and so on. There's a LOT of interesting info about titan lore and physiology in Season 2 and 3 for those who enjoy the technical info about them given in the between-commercial Public Disclosure information cards. that provide exposition about setting-relevant technology and whatnot. However, in spite of how much stuff is revealed, even more questions and uncertainties appear as such, and the ending of Season 3 is such a fucking bombshell twist that I can't even begin to put it into words compared to what the show wanted viewers to think it was and what it was about. I strongly suggest getting to that twist before it's hard spoiled for you, since people talk about it a lot now and it's getting more common anytime anyone brings up AoT in general as a property.
Some suits saw the DBZ game and thought “Wow we have an anime we can do that too!”
i just wanna watch satsuki and ryuko fuck
I just wanna watch Satsuki and Ryuko hug
I just want one good action-adventure anime game
Is an anime game a game based on anime
Or just a game with an anime like art style?
KLK is actually pretty good for an arena fighter, at least if you want to play multiplayer. Selling it for 60 bucks is a huge mistake though.