Monster Hunter Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Iceborne will also get a year+ of ongoing support
No, they said they aren't planning to have post game support run as long as it did for base World.

Will we see more weapons with skills attached to them in iceborne?, if you could have any skill attached to any weapon, what would it be?

That's probably what the pendant stuff is

Source?, god, I hope you are wrong as fuck.




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Every grugstick comes with built-in flinch free

>have to wait until january to continue playing the only fun game in past few years

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Ever since I got the Deviljho hunting horn, co-op fights finish quicker than usual
That Attack Up (XL) aint nothin to fuck with

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I thought this was a keyblade and got really confused

Slugger on hammers

We hoppu you rike our businessu moduru Gaijiin, we wirr do the very same thing with MH6!

Flinch Free on Hammer

I’m actually not too sure. Skills in weapons already come in the form of deco slots and intrinsic skills like lunastra or Kjarr weapons. If pendants are just accesories that you equip and grant you skills they are funtionally the same as deco slots. I don’t think that’s gonna be the case.

It's a shame the viability of different horns are so predicated on whether or not the horn has attack up.

At least horns don't arbitrarily have 20 less raw across the board anymore

EDF 5 just came out on PC though

there no more new leaks because the leaker is a shitter who cant progress past master rank 1 without getting carried by sos-flares

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Yes user, that is the ONLY good HH in the game

>Played like mad on PC before burning out before Kulve even showed up
>now I'm playing through everything I missed in that time

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God I fucking hate JE SUIS MONTE players. You do fuck all in a hunt, please pick up literally any other weapon.

Can't he just hide behind a shield and poke shit to death?

>3 registered reviewer on the exophase site all can't get past MR3
Bets on when reviews will drop calling Iceborne's difficulty unfair with Tigrex on the page?

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You underestimate how shit people are at games

anyone wanna give me a hand with these HR7 keys?

this uragaan + glav hunt just took me 35m

dying inside



Post em'.

Hunting Horn bros are the best bros.

Dual Blades are trash.

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Crit draw LS

Elemental Airborne IG
Razor Sharp IG
Critical Element DB
Critical Status DB
Artillery GL
Razor Sharp GL
Artillery CB
Load Up CB
Guard + Lance
Guard Up Lance
Focus GS
Quick Sheathe GS
Earplugs Hammer
Slugger Hammer
Evasion Up SnS
Wide Range SnS
Power Extender SA
Evade Extender SA
Master's Touch LS
Guts LS

Constitution Bow
Stamina Surge Bow
Free shot Bowgun
Mind's eye Bowgun

Hello anons, you are probably wondering why the leakers haven't revealed anything besides Velkhana's armor skills, well the truth is that I keep filtering them and making them ragequit, they even started to use SOS in an attempt to get carried but they only fail the quest sooner this way, as long as i keep kicking their teeth in they will not reveal anything
You're welcome

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Lance with build in Guard/Guard Up would be nice and fit the Lance's theme rather well.

Do you want to do nakarkos, too?

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Why do you hate DB user?
Will you use them in Iceborne with the new changes.

I dunno, we're pretty sure pendants do attach to weapons because of the icons, and the kjarr/lunastra style skills are the only things currently that we don't have manual control over. It's a natural fit.

yeah most likely, i solod the glav, mitsu and astalos duals just now

I'm not a big fan of 'many hits, small damage'.
I don't really hate DB or DB users, it's just fun to antagonize.

And yes, I will be trying them out when Iceborne comes out, get at least 100 hunts with every weapon.

I'll count myself lucky that I've never ran into anyone like that.

Nope, Ruiner Nergigante goes way at the end. SOMETHING is filtering the fuckers much earlier than that, around the 2-3 stars mark.

It may be Fulgur Anjanath actually.

I hope you're right.

Black hole wyvern when

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>Anjanath goes from a shitter pink dinosaur to an absolute glam rock chad that filters journos
Be careful who you call ugly in middle school

>mfw subbing to classic wow while waiting for iceborne pc

its not fair!

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Oh, it's full.
I'll help you from over here, then.
Nakarkos has a oneshot beam and when he's about to blast it (red orb appears in mouth), you can stop it by throwing tranq bombs.
When nakarkos' tentacles have the status skulls on them, you can throw sonic bombs to disorient him and make him bash his own head in with them (this will not give nakarkos a status effect. He is immune to those)
Use the anti dragon bombs on nakarkos's eye when you can climb his shell after downing him.
You can also use a pickaxe to mine the eye and get narkarkos gems.
i couldnt solo the duos because i ran out of time on all of them

Maybe, but I think that it may be something entirely different from skills or augments. What it may be, I don’t know.

>have to play it on ps4 because it takes pc 100 years to catch up to console

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why does nobody like to do arena quests? theyre fun

G rank and awful hitboxes goes well with agressive monsters like Buzz Buzzard, he's a superstar now.

cheers thanks for the info
thanks naomi

I find them fun with another player, but when I'm playing on my own it's tough to get that.

I've been playing Dauntless while waiting for Iceborne.

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>Double Diablos
Yeah no i think i'll pass

That's cool I guess

My condolences
Also Jesus Christ it really is a carbon copy

>my 1080Ti just died and had to send it back for warranty
>old replacement card is a 770
>put everything on the lowest settting
>looks like some fucking Wii game at this point
>still get absolute dogshit fps

what the fuck Capcom

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why does it have the soulless mobile phone/fortnite artstyle

You look like Reaper from Overwatch but gay.

Epic meme

>it really is a carbon copy
>drops you in front of a monster
>locales are just the same biome throughout the whole area
>fuck all status effects
>no mounting so whats the point of all the verticality
>lobby system sucks and there's no carving
>spammy shit combat

>finally got my last Nergigante ticket
And that’s all the AT gear made, thank god I don’t have to fight those abominations again. Now I can just dick around helping people on Assignments until Iceborne.

The run animations made me want to vomit

ground IG is fine, not great damage but not abysmal
bit boring since all you do is spam tornado slash though

Because it's not a good game. Mildly entertaining for a few hours but ugly as hell and boring

lmao look at the dudes hands, they couldn't even fucking program the guns in there properly

That's nothing, there are a bunch of cool looking gunlances all with different shelling types, and exactly 2 of them are viable. Magdha lahat and one of the kulve taroth weapons. There's only two long level 4 types and anything less is a huge damage downgrade.

>Mildly entertaining
You're giving it far too much credit dude

>My condolences
Thank you.

>why does it have the soulless mobile phone/fortnite artstyle
Free to Play (And boy, IS IT)

It's a female character model and I gave her her a pink curleh Pringles mustache under the helmet. My favorite part is how she's not actually even holding the repeaters. They're floating.

>The run animations made me want to vomit
And the frame rate (PS4 player here), and attack animations, and the particle effects...
The monsters are cool, though.

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I tried it once at a friend's place who plays fortnite he said it's as fun as MH but coming from actual MH i can't help but think there's a lot of ways they could be better
It's not like Dauntless introduces innovative ways to hunt monsters a la GE's predator, it's just... that.

The one shadow dog thing that brings you to another world with it's portals was interesting. Lost interest after that though

Because it's easier than making good graphics, it's why so many shitty indies have them

I used the Jho gunlance and it was fun. No shellng though, just big dick swings. Good against slow mons like Teo or Bazel.

Here's one where they say they aren't sure.
>Tsujimoto: I don’t know if we will specifically look to add new maps, but we are going to release title updates after Iceborne is released, similar to how we did with Monster Hunter World. That was a great vehicle for us to add fresh new content that you could play in the long term; event quests, seasonal events… we even added some new monsters.
>We’re currently developing our plans for what content will come to Iceborne via future title updates after launch, so we’ll have to see what we come up with. We don’t know yet if it’s going to be literally as long as the support cycle we had for Monster Hunter: World, but we will take a similar approach.
>We have some plans we will develop, then after the game comes out we have to really watch the community and see what they’re liking or disliking, then we can find ways to make improvements, balance changes and so forth. We have a framework in mind, but we will be quite flexible in adapting that for the needs of players once we see how the game lands.
I'll see if I can find you another interview where they are less wishy washy. Keep in mind that World's post content release got kind of stretched out by the FF and Witcher Collabs. And so far in Iceborne interviews they've said that they currently have no collabs like that planned (they didn't for world either) but they can happen kind of out of the blue, so they don't know if it'll happen again or not.

Yeah he's cool.

I also like the rainbow-light-show laser bug.

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because shitters can't bring their crutch sets in

I'm kankuro.

>Magda Lahat
I have both Zorah's GL and Kulve's R8 sleep GL, somebody explain to me why they would be any better than Jho's GL for swinging or Luna's Xeno GL for infinite white sharpness, or Pinkian's GL for decent sharpness, attack, and shelling.

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Me and 2 friends have started over for Iceborne. One has gone Bow, I’ve gone Heavy Bowgun and the other has gone Longsword so he can be a spammy shitter to his hearts content and not hit us.

I’ve used Bow before but have always stuck to the various blademaster weapons since MHFU. Using HBG has completely rekindled my love of the game and makes it feel fresh again.

Any recommendations on which bowgun lines to focus on? Any good Armor sets? I’ve just got to Zorah so I made a quick mix set with Quick Sheath, Evade Extender and Crit Up for now as the early stuff is a joke.

One thing I noticed with the gun is you really see the damage you’ve done to a monster when you’re zoomed in aiming. I blew a Kulu’s face up and it’s actually ragged as fuck after, never really noticed until now

Not enough reward.
Other than Layered Armors and materials for the arena LS, there's really no point. Unless you're going for the WR, but I mean... let's get real.

I did 56 Arena quests total in about 970 total hours of playtime just for the layered armors, LS, and Nowhere to Go but Up trophy (do 50 arena quests). I have no reason to do any more.

>One has gone Bow, I’ve gone Heavy Bowgun and the other has gone Longsword
stopped reading there, holy shit what a cancer trio lmao

I'd say Taroth Sleep is slightly better if only for Attack Up (L) due to it's better sharpness, affinity and NEBability. But yea

Yeah that one was kinda fun too. This game is actually what made me double dip for World on PC

the arena quests in world were way easier than in older titles. even the duo diablos quest isnt hard and can easily be done solo.
i havent tried out the challenge quests tho, i might do that. are they hard?

I've heard long shelling isn't even all that good compared to wide shelling.

There really ought to be a "shelling level up" skill to make more weps usable, though. Of course, GL is already super hungry for rare decos which sucks.

The best HBGs are random drops from Kulve Taroth (Gluttony/Support), I think.
Two good ones other than that are Legiana's (Pierce) and Devil Jho's (Sticky/Cluster).

I'm not a Bowgun main.

this, the sad fact is dauntless has about 2 neat fights. shadow dog and lazer bug.

Every other fight feels pretty much the same. I played dauntless, a lot early on a bit as of late and all I can say is the game feels soulless... and I hate using that meme word but there it is. Nothing makes me want to try new weapons or play around with new skills in that game unlike monster hunter

Does anyone else miss the old sniper style of great sword play? Using a set with Sharpness+1, Focus and Crit Draw and raining down LV3 charges was so satisfying. It’s more of a combo weapon now.

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can you play this game completely solo?

Monster hunter? yes.

>Deep Vero
>Empress Roar "Blaze"
>Kjárr Pipe "Crusher"
>Kjárr Pipe "Paralysis"
>Gama Horn II
>Bazelreid Rookslayer

These are all good.

79.9% of people who unlocked rank 1 unlocked rank 2.
76.1% of people who unlocked rank 2 unlocked rank 3.
59.2% of people who unlocked rank 3 unlocked rank 4.
59.4% of people who unlocked rank 4 unlocked rank 5.
63.3% of people who unlocked rank 5 beat the game.
0% of people who beat the game beat Ruiner Nergigante.

So either 3* really is where the difficulty spikes or reviewers just happened to quit there because 3 hours of gameplay is enough to write a review in their minds. ("more of the same, full of reskins, etc")

What’s wrong with it? We just use what’s fun? I’ve literally used all weapons for a playthrough over the series minus the lances and guns. I normally use Sword and Shield or Great Sword though. The other 2 are a Dual Sword and a Great Sword main. We wanted to use stuff different from what we normally use.

You can still do all that and go for the combo on flinches

Yeah you can solo everything if you're good enough. There are a few things that will be "extremely" frustrating though

3* is the flagship tier. Also Fulgur Anja and some other subs.

> reviewers just happened to quit there
Looks like it, most of them didn't play again after 1 day ago

>Does anyone else miss the old sniper style of great sword play?
Absolutely not. Not even a little.
When I first got into Monster Hunter (4U), I already had in mind that I wanted to use the GS. I almost always go for a big sword in whatever I'm playing, I like big swords.
It broke my heart to learn that the GS plays as a hit & run style. Utter garbage playstyle, imo. Especially for a Greatsword.

thanks everyone for the help

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Yep, I cannot find a weapon that I actually enjoy in MHW with how broken and low skill everything is, I just ended up joining the CB bandwagon as a main weapon and use everything from time to time aside from DB / LS ‘cuz I still have a pulse.

Or maybe Capcom locked Ruiner Nergi for the review copies? No clue why they'd do that, but it does seem strange that absolutely nobody has killed him yet.

Yes and no, farming Kulve solo is the dumbest shit you could do if you don’t hate yourself.
Behemoth is also designed around team play but you can just cheese it with HBG or Bow (Bow is pure cheese in this game anyway, with all the KO damage it dishes out)

There are three quests which you realistically can't do solo. Like, it's possible with enough practice, but it's not at all the intended way to fight them. They're all post-release content though and the game is fine without them.

Everything else is perfectly doable solo as long as you don't suck at games.

I'd try it to were it not for S E R V E R S I D E H I T R E G I S T R A T I O N

They can't. Review copies are just release versions that were handed out early. They can only control Event quest availability.

But similar to having teeth pulled; It's more fun with friends.

Also, this.

people that say cb is broken while the fucking bow and glutton are in the game are deranged.

Ruiner nerg is like tempered kirin as a gatekeeper. But you needed to hit hr49 to unlock tempered kirin. Maybe ruiner nerg is MR49 or something and you're back at MR16 when you meat the boss like you are with HR and Xeno.

is deviljho HBG good? i'm seeing people using it a lot lately, what's so different compared to empress styx hbg?

damn MH6 for TGS confirmed

The trophies say you reach Ruiner at MR200

It's good for Stickies, Cluster, Spread 3, nd it has Sleep

Jho is THE cluster GRUG gun.

No they don't

>stopped reading there
nobody gives a shit faggot

why do people hate bow users? db are the real enemy. bows can add every status with decorations, take damage less often. and unless they spam the shitty bomb move wont interfer with you. just steady dps and status.

>three quests which you realistically can't do solo
Kulve, Behe, and what? Lunastra arena?

Because bow shitters 99% of the time are blind meta slaves that don't have the skill to actually do any of that without getting carted

No, it just says you get a trophy for MR200. There may be a quest unlock up there too, like there was for Hr100, but I think since Ruiner Nerg uncaps MR, he's well before 200.

the main types of HBG you will see are spread shot (glutton HBG early on) and cluster bomb (devil jo) normal shot is not meta at all (but I enjoy it the most) and pierce shot is only good for 3 monsters (but I also enjoy that) I would not really focus on one HBG line, pick the kind of shot you enjoy and make the best set you can for that. The "shot up" skills are a must (normal shot up, spread shot up ect) and as soon as you can get the extra ammo and load up skills for less reload time.

Also shield is fucking broken on HBG, guard up and a shield WILL make the game piss ass easy, you have been warned

or it takes a long time to get through and they have more assignments and shit to do than just this one game so they haven't got there yet

Shit I got it confused with the trophy for hitting MR200, thought it was the same trophy for some reason.

is this game even fun? I got the demo on mobile and got bored with the rock paper scissors combat and boring exploration maps

Ancient Leschen

>Lunastra arena?
Holy shit just bring a farcaser if you really need to

>Holy shit just bring a farcaser if you really need to

can heavy artillery skill improve gunner type weapons or only works with cannons and ballista?

Can I just ignore all events and AT shit because Iceborne is powercreeping everything and come back on launch of Iceborne instead of doing old events now?

>or it takes a long time to get through
which it would only do if the difficulty spikes

only works with cannons and ballista

You're invulnerable the second the smoke hits the ground, it's the most effective "oh fuck" button in the game if you're ever actually in danger. If her nova is getting you in that mission just farcaster out, or bring Wind Res and Cool Drinks and she's a total joke

No user, you can't.

You can do whatever you want, user.

You might want to get every AT armor atleast the tickets to craft them
We don't know how layered armor will be crafted.

Or it’s like base World where the top end quests are locked behind some kind of asinine grind.

I don't think you can farcaster in the arena, none of the event quests in there let me use it

> hate and berate longsword and longsword users with their weabooass shit all my life
> specially hate them on world because its a newbie magnet
> capcom adds new moveset for it on iceborne , actually making me think it looks cool and i have an urge to play it
> have to eat my pride and words like a dumb hypocrite

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So when do the gamescon streams actually start?

>rank 4
>top end

one shot attacks are bullshit... why do i have a healthbar if i only have 1 hp?

some AT armors are kinda underwhelming
i think theyre still worth doing for the layered armor and stuff if you dont care about the gear upgrades

youre better off doing behemoth normal for a significant gear upgrade tho

We don't know if capcom is going to keep the high rank AT monsters, you might miss out on layered armor. BUT besides that, ya go ahead there gear will be out dated

> specially hate them on world because its a newbie magnet
It always was

why do you care so much about what other people think? just play whatever you want. i play ls, cb and bow and i enjoy it.

If you do like 4 actual hunts in any of the zones you need to track a monster in and find 1 footprint on the way through the hunt you're done. People who try to grind those out purely on expeditions are retarded, you get a massive bonus for finding a print then finishing a quest.

Welcome home, senpai.

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Was LS always a weapon class to be frowned upon? So that LS users were viewed as shitters and weebs in every MH game it was present?

>love and enjoy the hunting horn, always my second most played weapon
>Specially love them on world, they got ANOTHER buff
>capcom adds even MORE buffs to a already strong weapon that people STILL wont play
>I get to kick ass even faster and harder and still be "that rare hunting horn guy"

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How do some people even survive Kulve Taroth's roll without any evasion skill? I saw a guy with no evade skill using DBs against it and he never got hurt even when he was rolled over. He didn't have any mantle on at the time either so what the fuck?

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only if all attacks are onehits
Positioning. I play HH and Hammer and it hit me like 5 times total.
the hitboxes are buggy as fuck, i don't even know

from what ive seen on videos
people roll on HER right side because she starts her roll with her left shoulder

hell some of them dont even roll and just walk to her right side


It's popular and a lot of new people use it. Which is great.
The problem is that the LS trips friendlies, and new players using the LS lack the proper positioning skills to hit the monster's weak points and not hit your teamates.

Honestly, if you just run Flinch Free 1 it's never a problem. Also, I think new players using the IG who just jump and fly around the whole fight instead of using practical combos are far worse.

There's a blindspot, where the roll doesn't hit you. No need for evasion skills.

Well where the hell is it?

You can superman dive it, or there’s an incredibly buggy shitty missing hitbox near her hip. You end up getting pushed around without actually getting hit.

I roll under her to the opposite side if im right ontop of her.
Just sheathe and dive if I'm anywhere else.
user don't tell me you actually use slow sheathing weapons.

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Now we just need a good looking one

Around her hips/waist. You have to be up close though.

> got another buff in world
What? To my understanding its kind of underwhelming in world compared to what other weapons received, or so atleast think my HH friends

>already strong weapon

i watched a streamer play with his friends and when they got to the track farming part chat was constantly trying to explain this but they just kept searching for tracks and complaining about how dumb it was they had to do that. it's so fucked up that these people are the "influencers" who determine whether or not their thousands of viewers end up buying a game

>still be "that rare hunting horn guy"
This is the main reason I started playing the HH. I'm literally that guy who likes to use/play the character/weapon that is least popular for the sole reason it is the least popular, thus making me more special in my head.

It just so happens Capcom made it the funnest weapon in the game, so I reall have to thank them for that. It's not usually the case when you do what I do.

I played Jade in MK9.

>See scrubs playing LS
>Haha fucking tripstick
>Use LS, become invincible god of destruction
>See scrubs facetanking hits repeatedly
The blade haven't accepted them user, there is no hypocrisy in understanding that there are clear differences between those that bond with the blade and those that do not.

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Every top tier weapon from every MH game:

MH1: Lance, SnS

MH Freedom 1: Lance and SnS

MHDos: Didn't play

MH Freedom 2: LS


MH Tri: Lance



MH4: didn't play




MHWorld: GS, HBG, LS

Feel free to add more / correct me

It's shit in World(like in every game) but Iceborne buffed the shit out of it

A lot of people who pick up bow don't want to learn how to play bow. They only get told it's OP but still die like a bitch and complain about the game being too hard. I had a bitch like that in my friend list.
He cried so much about the double Bazel story quest being too hard and deleted me from his friend list after I send him a screenshot of me doing that quest in like 5 mins with a bow while he couldn't beat it after 30+ min.

It's pretty sad how many people forget about this and just lose their minds when the see someone playing something else than the meta drachen builds and meta weapons.

>Honestly, if you just run Flinch Free 1
>Hey guys i wanne be bad with that weapon so please use flinch free
You can't make this like this up

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Teostra's Orphee.

When are we gonna get an electric guitar HH that plays fat riffs when you buff.

i'm playing freedom right now, what makes sns so good? i was planning to switch to db when i get the chance

>MH1: Hammer
>MH Freedom 1: Hammer
>MHDos: HH
>MH Freedom 2: HH
>MH Tri: HH
>MHP3rd: HH

>MH4: HH
>MHGen: HH
>MHWorld: HH

>where is the monster Lock-on

>no IG
>no HBG

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You should always run Flinch Free in Multiplayer hunts. Mistakes happen, user.
Nice shitpost anyways

I bet you are one of those retard LS users who just keep hitting the monster's head and tripping the people actually doing KO damage instead of being useful and cutting the tail.

MHFU's hammer and LS have some of the best raw damage to offer. Especially hammer with its triple pound MV's which were later gutted.

Je suis monte

Teach me your ways

Was about to say this

They can if they require Ruiner Nerg (or any other content) to be "unlocked" via day one patch.

SnS had a retardedly high attack multiplier in MH1 for some reason and has low attack commitment. No idea if the damage carried over into Freedom 1

MH games just don't do that. Or at least never done before.

used to main LS back in MH2
it was very noob-friendly weapon back in the day
though the recent changes to the moveset made it very not very noob-friendly

i even remember the old LS being way faster compared to how it used to be

They're always the first to cart at least once because they never learn how to fight the monsters since they're always in the air. I hate it.


Can confirm that sns was a beast in mhf1

I love the Lance but I wish it had some kind of big attack. I feel so stupid just poking a fallen monster while my friends pull off these big attacks with explosions etc.

Lance doesn't need big flashy finishers because it never has to wait for an opening.

I wish to love any weapon in particular and not just be indecisive about what to main. There is never a perfect spot for me.

monsters do seem to die very fast but i assumed that was just how the game was to balance out the jank-induced difficulty.

does cephadrome normally take more than two cycles before reaching capture range with other weapons?


When Iceborne comes out because Zinogre is IN

One of my most used weapon along with GS. But even if I actually like playing something, it gets boring for me very quickly. And I suck with any gunlance style that isn't wide spam.

it has 2 kinds of charge attacks, besides lance are good weapons for teams if you can lure a monster to constantly hit you while the rest are trying to recover. its all about teamwork

The best heavy bowguns for every meta ammo are zorah (cc, Also second best cluster), Jho (cluster) and glutton (spread). You can of course run other ammo types, but your damage will be a fraction. Not sure what the best craftable spread hbg is

>Thinking non elders will have unique models
Oh no no no no no

They can just use the Behemoth model though.

I found it fantastic. Spent way too much time in it doing everything. Depends on if you like monster rpg's or not

Ruiner Nergigante is probably the true final MR unlock, as in you would compare him to hr49 tempered Kirin, not xeno. If so, the reviewers probably need to farm their MR up since rushing the story would not get them far.

I think he meant for weapons

I like the simple look of luna blaze.

High damage, one of it's combos makes your weapon ignore armor.
Also, get the para SnS, the best weapon in that game

Foresight slash

true... true...

GS and HBG are way stronger than IG
Brave style LS beats everything

Disgraceful, I has been playing God Eater Resurrection while waiting for Iceborne, assault guns are broken as hell, but it do feels good to see aragami getting fucked by them in around 2 minutes if not less.

I did not ask for your explanation, I CORRECTED you.

I fire off SOS flares and then use cluster shot the whole hunt

Attached: 1509673698521.png (1193x831, 788K)

No need to be rude

3-4 days

>Joins 15 min, one faint, 2 player only 5 tempered box Luna SOS
>immediately leaves quest

replay FU again NOW

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>Feel free to add more / correct me
No need to be rude

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Assault is weak as hell when compared to blast and sniper.

Tigrex and Narga have already been shown to have a ton of their unique weapons back. There's literally no way Zinorge wouldn't be the same so it's still a stupid assumption

Fucking lavasioth give me my release jewel aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh , you piece of shit

>Never skips the Kulve intro cinematic

Attached: 1553126408531.png (630x630, 603K)

>weak as hell
>my kill times are still 2 minutes or less
Well, yeah I have seen the videos but I don't want to melt the monsters with a super powerful bullet.

>farming decos when they'all going to be obsolete in Iceborne
>not farming Kulve, which got confirmed MR upgrades for weapons

Attached: 1522693696347.gif (477x348, 627K)

What does the alt slinger fire do in iceborne?

You mean the crutch claw?


It is comparatively weak. In 2 you can have an infinite OP bullet with the use of blood chips, but at the same time blast is stupid beyond belief in that game.

Is that you ?or some ramdom touber

I've been using Deathprize in village quests, but the higher level para weapons seem to use weird mats so I probably won't bother with them.

Lmao decos are far more useful though? Just cause they're introducing stronger decos doesn't mean the lower ranks will be less useful. Besides the upgraded Kulve weapons almost certainly be outclassed by other weps

Random toob.

I wish guns weren't so overpowered, still fun tho, fun enough to endure all the way to 2020 because PC.

Source on the kulve weapon

We've already seen unique Tigrex and Barioth weapons

the only thing confirmed is that they want to do something for kulve weapons so that people don't feel they wasted their time

it could just be something small like letting us turn them into decorations or armor spheres, or it could be upgrading them to bis again.

but it likely won't be anything important enough that master rank players feel forced to go back and farm her in high rank, and if it's not that important, why bother farming her now?

Attached: MHW SOS.webm (800x450, 2.84M)

Decorations will be getting the usual bigger slot for more points but that doesn't mean smaller decorations are suddenly worse

Fires all your ammo for a guaranteed flinch

>it's always the koreans

Attached: vld.jpg (1152x713, 88K)

>even unsheathed, literally every other player in the hunt could either block or foreskin slash out of it
>everyone carted

We will not get MR upgrades. You will probably able to trade your HR kulve weapons for stuff.
MR versions will most likely get their own raid.
What I expect is a fight without kulve running away after you break it's horns.

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Well, 3 was handled by another team and the whole balance got reversed. Melee is the king while guns do fuck all.

why does my GPU go completly haywire when i play MHW ? i got a gtx1070 and the temps are getting crazy high. and its just in this one game.

top kek

Attached: Wait for it.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Even if he didin't bounce it would still be embarassing since it wasn't a TCS

The game is optimized like shit.

Try limiting FPS

Attached: Kirin Double Tap.webm (720x404, 2.87M)

Attached: Nature uh...uhh Finds a way.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

lol what a scrub

Attached: MHW Unlimited Blade Works.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

No they didn't, retard. They said they weren't fully sure how will they handle post-launch content yet.

What the hell is going on here?

Attached: chrome_2019-08-16_11-36-28.png (171x254, 96K)

big steppy.

Attached: Tzitzi-Ya-Ku.webm (976x550, 2.95M)

Considering the current roster for Iceborne should I farm for a particular element of Kjarr weapons or they wont matter in G rank?

Attached: 1537742801364.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

based but how is odo in coral?


Attached: Killing Blow Screenshot 2019-04-25 12-07-03.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

switch port leak?

Looks like something from the original DS

Optional mission I think? Or an Event.

Attached: Odogoran returns to his home planet.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

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Better gear will come with the expansion, no reason to try so hard for the current efficient stuff imo. If you have drachen and decos I think you are fine

Sometimes he goes there to escape the daily beatings Great Girros inflicts

He can show up there but it's not common.

He sometimes climbs up there.
No really, he does naturally spawn there.

Attached: 3dp_Chainsword_videogame.jpg (1280x800, 140K)

Papercraft hunter

I wish the echo note gave horns attack songs with white + echo in some ways, purple+echo doesn't have to be XL attack, but I wish it made it so horns without red notes weren't such a massive downgrade

I remember that game!
It was fucking shit

Attached: Kulu-Ya-Ku with dat.webm (480x270, 2.05M)

I've just started on PC. I'm hunting horn and loving it. How many ours will it take me to be iceborne ready?

I'm loving the ssd loading speed on PC btw

It is for me.

>all those hits
have i been doing something completely wrong all this time i've used chargeblade?

I guess you can get the endgame gear fairly quick (20-30 hours aprox) If you leech your way into the thoughest fights thats it

Attached: Barioth CB.webm (850x736, 2.91M)

most of that time will be unskippable cutscenes

Old GS was the greatest UNGA, this series ever had

Glad it's gone and you GS shitters have to use more than one attack now

You have 4-5 months, don't worry about it. Enjoy the game.

but i miss the unga

Still sore about that?
Jesus, you talk of them like it was MGS4 or something

Technically you can play Iceborne as soon as you kill the final boss but wheter or not you're actually ready for the spike in difficulty is up to you

If I only have the large diablos crown to get from the event crowns, is it still better to run the wildspire bolero event for the crown or should I switch to investigations since I can't just snipe diablos as he doesn't spawn right away?

Even if you only take the monster intros it still amounts to half a fucking hour
There is no excuse for this shti in a 2018 game unless Ryozo's fish squadron is paying you

You should still do it, you can kill Kulu in a minute then shitpost while you wait for him to spawn. The increase in rates is high enough to justify it

It's not.

Post the gay Cat dance

I have put over 400 hours in the game, what does half an hour of cutscenes amount to by comparison? Sure they are silly in an old school kinda way, but no reason to get anal retentive over it

Attached: Palico dance.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

>dude why does it matter that half of your story playthrough is suffering through shitty cutscenes that cannot be skipped in any way because the devs are either incompetent or malicious
The fact that people like you still love to take it so far in the ass is the reason why there's this problem in the first place, at least i hope Ryozo's piscine wyverns are paying you well

>Entire point of game is building equipment sets to deal with specific threats.

Fight AT Nerg with Low Rank Leather or fuck off.

You forgot HBG for XX.

Works fine for me.

>start out as longsword main
>switch to chargeblade after 50 hours
>100 hours later and now feeling the call of the katana again
The blade has chosen me and I must answer its call

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>half.of your story playthrough is cutscenes

I have no interest discussing with hyperbolic retards. Have one last (You)

Manly game for manly men

It is.

I'm still going to stand my ground and say
One time unskippable scenes is still better than multi shitters not skipping the scenes on the 3ds games and wasting 20 of my 1k hours in 4U. Every dahren, every gog, every dala. Some Frenchie or mexican would just not press the skip button and we all just sit there waiting.

>Stand behind the pillar to sharpen my wep
>Kulve kills me with her charge from the other side of the pillar through it.
>Teammates call me a retard.

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what's the trigger for azure los spawn in the elder's recess event?

>i have no interest in discussing with people that bring up negative facts about World
Ok, i hope Ryozo's dick tastes well

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I haven't been paying attention to leaks. Is Behemoth's gear actually immediately power crept by Master Rank stuff?


Even MR1 gear defense point wise
MR3 Barioth is a gearcheck according to the developers that will force you to abandon your HR gear if you're still wearing any

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Base defense for MR rarity 11 gear is 150

>i have over 400 hours
Fucking how do you stomach it? i have done absolutely everything there is to do in the game multiple times and fucked around and i only have 170 hours.

Less than 3 monsters on the map + spawn time (the dead monster isn't immediately replaced)
The way they've been talking about it the content is set up to be done as soon as you beat Xeno, but Barioth is the "okay you need to get some new gear" wall.

I have not seen anything as broken as drachen so far, bu I guess the real endgame stuff would make it look like a joke

Expecting technical faults is unironically a pillar of MHW's gameplay

good, building new shit is half the fun of the game

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so i can just snipe dodo really quick then wait for azure los to spawn?

The game just hit that confy spot for me. Put music on, get into the game and help some randoms with their temepered farming. It just works

I don't think you understand Monster Hunter.

Depends on your autism.
>autistically grind for a certain material you want/need
>autistically make all the HH there exist
>autistically have more than 3 main weapons
>autistically make ALL the weapons of your main weapons
Once you are only fighting AT and Kulve then you are ready.

Imagine grinding arch tempered monsters for months after behemoth came out just to get dicked down like this

Attached: Pa-in.png (680x453, 207K)

Not him but the difference between world and previous mh games is that I can put in 200 hours in classic mh games and still not even have all the quests complete. I have gold checks all across the board in mhw in under 100 hours

Post some farming music
top comfy

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Previous Monster Hunters didin't force you to fight 6 monsters for the entire endgame, the endgame gimmick also was as buttfuckingly boring and shit as Tempered is

>Actually running away and hiding like a retarded
>Not just getting that cheeky sharpen right next to a monster while they are in the middle of an attack animation/recovery
Learn from your mistakes

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Good, it's how it should be
Fucking Worldzygotes thinking their pathetic HR shit is gonna hold up

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You get a headstart equivalent of steamrolling MR1 and abit dated for MR2

Oh yeah i totally don't remember fighting apex jho and Apex rajang for my relics in 4U for upwards of 200 hours by themselves.


Attached: 10-02-01-1565878868866.png (604x405, 229K)

G1 is already a steamroll by itself so what even is the point

>takes less time to finish a MH game without G rank and without 50 boring gathering quests

Who knew

That's true. And anyone that isn't a turbo lucklet will have good jewels, which I imagine will be even more important in MR

World isn't G rank.
Where are your arena clear times?

About 10 times more engaging to fight than every tempered elder

How bad is SnS in MHW?

It's SnS, what do you expect

*raughs in double skills+4 slot jewels*

>shifting the complaint agter being called out

kys bingshitter

It was good in gen

>the endgame gimmick also wasn't as buttfuckingly boring and shit as Tempered is
You ok sonybro? need a bit of Sonycum to stimulate the senses?

Yeah it's so engaging to get your hbg buddy to gun it while i lock it with traps. The grind was so fucking braindead I'd rather maximize my efficiency than play normally after a thousand hours you faggot.

>it's a "join turn room in GU, wait 20 minutes for their hunt to end, then everyone leaves after the hunt" episode
>its a rerun marathon

Attached: 1462314525031.jpg (1200x742, 160K)

Yes, exclusively in Gen and XX

>Chaos Oil


It's not really the game's fault if you get carried

Not him but there's a very specific reason why people only choose the rajang quests, you should probably knew if you played the games

if you asked nicely and put up a lobby here then someone might help

Doesn't change the fact 4U endgame was mindnumbigly awful

I just realized Akantor fights almost exactly like Kulve

Will they make the metal Raths not shit in Iceborne?
Probably not

so is your cat a boy cat or a girl cat?

Akantor is just big slow Tigrex

A boy cat in Kirin gear

They're nothing alike what the fuck are you talking about

>Odogaron will leave the locale soon

Attached: laugh kirby.jpg (500x478, 149K)

what a slutty cat

>Glorious 1000 hours
I'm almost there, brother...

Attached: hours.png (1920x1080, 1.95M)

I need layered armour to wear individual pieces of gear. I don't like wearing a clown suit
Same running animation, same body drop, same tail swipe (even the wind-up too), and same fire breath animation.

The charge across map. Head tilt bite. Burrowing underground and coming out explosively (though that's shared with diablos.) Sonic breath on hind legs replaced with kulve fury opener.

is lavasioth and great jagras the only way to farm decos? I managed to get 3 artillery gems but I can't get even a single focus/handicraft/spread shot/attack jewel. How many days do I have to keep doing this?

They're the best way. Second place is grinding behemoth if you're with a good group, then it's grinding T2 and 3 investigations. Jagras/Lavasioth is the best by an order of magnitude though

I didn't do lava and jagg and i still got every deco. Just meld and play the game normally. You will get everything in time. I do have 600 hours but i also have 8 attack decos.

>Nerg in Wildspire
what quest?


The beta test

>is lavasioth and great jagras the only way to farm decos?
They are the best way to farm decos while the Events are active.
Otherwise, tempered Investigations. The purple-box rewards are decos or streamstones.
Different threat levels drop different percentage of decorations, so look up what decos drop from what threat levels.

Attached: threatlevels.png (376x241, 10K)

>Just meld and play the game normally.
what advantages do melding have?

Listfag. is posting. Don't reply.

>Weapon Bounce Noise intensifying.

Before the lavasioth and jagras quests, the other way was just farming tier 2 and tier 3 tempered investigations and kind of RNG'ing invesatigations that gave you at least 2 gold rewards.

But now you should just be doing the lava and jagras quests because its way easier

I've found melding to be an extreme waste of time. The chance of getting decos you need rather than decos you already have just o meld again is extremely low in my experience; And it just takes too long to sit there and meld over and over and over when you could be farming investigations instead (or event quests).

No. That's just when you do the special slinger shot after the clutch claw into the monster's face and send the monster flying into a nearby wall. The alternate slinger shot does not use up more ammo.
It's like a shotgun. It still only uses 1 piece of ammo, but it has somewhat shorter range, and does a fair deal more damage. More importantly, it's stagger value is way higher and can flinch monsters.

Attached: 1478387485629.png (499x338, 38K)

i'm hoping akantor and ukanlos are certain to be in because of the kulve skeleton

Pretty sure the Pink Rathian GL is still very viable. Long GL is trash no matter how you slice it.

based HH chads

Yes but I feel people would bitch about some of the otensibly best skills for a specific weapon just being there by default.

Melding is a waste of time and decos, unless you snipe. You can check out the next X decos you get from melding, then load a backup save file. However, at that point you should just mod in decos.

Crown events are 12% for big or small gold crowns. Investigations that meet the minimum criteria (1 silver + 1 gold, or 3 gold + 1 bronze, or 3 purple) give you a 6% for small crown and just 3% for big crown. Super investigations (4-5 gold or 4-5 purple) give you a 6% chance for big or small crowns. So yeah, the crown events are a massive increase in rate.

There is no Kulve skeleton, it's just the Jagras one

>Takes less time to clear all quests in a game that doesn't have to duplicate quests for single and multiplayer

I have every deco, and enough of each to max out their respective skills EXCEPT Guard Up.
Almost 1k hours, and the game will not give me one. I have 19 Mind's Eye/Ballistics decos, and about 50 each of Crit Boost, Weakness Exploit, 5 Bow Charge Plus', but the game will not give me Guard Up.
Just give me Guard Up!

Attached: 1564105202825.webm (640x360, 1007K)

The devs said they made Barioth as a wall to force people to upgrade to MR gear. Barioth will be the sixth monster you fight. You should be cruising until then, since they balanced the first monsters around people fresh of xeno.

It's an extra, supplementary decoration source. Using it as your sole source of deco farming is setting yourself up for failure. You'll still want to farm lavasioth, or whatever monster gives you the best chance of getting the deco you want because sometimes you'll have to downrank rather than go straight for the highest tier. If you've ever had to do an investigation with silver rewards because silver gave you a better chance at a specific item you want, like a Teostra's Webbing or a Diablos' Majestic Horn, it's like that.

Should I really drop Ahtal-Ka LS and use Rustrazor instead? the 60+ defense and higher raw sounds nice but it has crap sharpness

Attached: 1565937650854.jpg (1061x948, 258K)

I had every decoration worth a shit before Jagras was even out originally
After helping friends farm it all I was missing was a few Resentment jewels


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I’m in a similar position with a different deco. The cosmos does not want us to complete the collection.

It was beast in MH1

>every deco but one in only 1k hours
I don't believe you.

Just use PC mod

Middle of the pack. They did a good enough job at balancing that you can play what you want and not suffer too much for it. Unless you're a speedrunner, there are no "bad" weapons except solo hunting horn

Attached: lol just roll from the roars u plebs.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

I'm the same way, except only 600ish hours and I only have 3 attack jewels. But I have Guard Up. The last deco I needed was forceshot that I got a few days ago.
Lavasioth provides, anons.

I really want to play MH4U, just saw a cheap 2ndhand Nintendo 3ds.
How's the multiplayer?
Is it dead?
Or active?

I don't see how that is at all unbelievable; especially since they added Jagras and Lavasioth


>what if I just positioned myself in the middle of three monsters
they deserved it


I've hunted probably hundreds of this dude in tri, being my fav monster. I could beat him with no armour without getting hit, I know all his tricks. No way in hell is barioth going to wall me.

They did not confirm Kulve weapons would get upgrades, and decorations are the only thing in the game guaranteed to always be useful. An armor skill is not suddenly going to become obsolete just because there are better decorations when those better decorations only fit into specifically sized slots. Level 1, 2, and 3 size slots will still exist.

Which tjreat level is tempered Jho?

I miss jagras. I hate fighting lavasioth

i know this isn't a regular occurence but FUCK KUSHALA DAORA

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Is hammer good? Looking at damage numbers it seems to be on par with shield and sword or cant i read numbers?

Can someone post some leaks?


I can't decide whether I like gunlance or switchaxe better.


next time use the triple head slam or the body slam for that

Golden Jho is still the best way to farm hero stones then?

450 hours here and I got all the shit that mattered ages ago,before half the ATs were even out

Hammers are fine. All weapons are fine. Play what you want. If you care about numbers more than anything else, play bow if you liked ranged weapons or dual blades if you like melee weapons and that's it, those are your only non-situational options.

Every weapon is good.
Hammers are good.

Attached: Monster Hunter Hammer tutorial.jpg (420x320, 119K)

It's a pretty fun pokemon clone. The RPS gameplay isn't as random as it looks, you can control for it but it still adds an element of randomness that makes defensive strategies relevant so you can deal with a bad match. You get basically the entire cast of MH1 + flagships of every other game, so there's a nice selection of monsters to have on your team.

The end-game is genuinely challenging, you will need to actually bother customising the skills of a monster to deal with a specific fight. Mostly the fun is the special attacks, customising your team and the god-tier music.

okay then
looked like they were inferior damage wise to a faster weapon

Why the Koreans tho?

Hammer is not fine.
T. Hammer in multiplayer

Attached: Screenshot_20190723_231557.jpg (720x1740, 112K)

Soon to be better with fixed stun and break values.

>how its better/long shelling is trash
Charged shells do 110 damage with a medium range to any body part regardless of hitzone. With focus you fire off shells between quick reloads and out damage just about anything from sheer consistency since you dont need a weakpoint.

Attached: tumblr_mwyexw3OzJ1r37arko1_500.gif (500x634, 524K)

Golden Jho doesn't drop shit and it's a tedious ass fight.

I've had more luck with AT Elders or even just regular Tempered Vaal for some reason. They also drop stuff that's actually useful like Augmentation Gems.

Oh is that confirmed? I only heard about the new 2 player scaling.
Thank fuck, breaking parts got ridiculous in multiplayer for health sponges like Jho or especially AT Nerg

The 2.6x KO scaling makes your role even more important.

>Got back in to MHW after a year of not playing
>Caught up on nearly everything, got Drachen, ready for IB
>Been using HBG to cheese monsters all day err day to make the grind more tolerable
>Afraid now that I am a full time gunner because it's genuinely fun but mega cheesy

If the Dark Devourers MR upgrades are the same level of power for MR, that the original was for HR we are in trouble lads.

Attached: 1565871427503.png (200x194, 21K)

Any new leaks???

Guns will likely shift around a lot due to ammo capacities and relative attack values

Yeah leak in my pants and your mom licked it clean you dweeb *DX crotch chops*

>try out a para hammer in MP just for "fun"
>2 paras
>no KOs
>was almost constantly hitting uppercuts and even used both paras to smash the head with big bang
>hunt was 10 minutes of this shit on a Lunastra
what a fucking cocktease, it shouldn't have been at a point where it had to be fixed in the first place

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That's a good point actually, I really do wonder what the gun will change in to going forward - since this is my first time using bowguns except for using one to farm Caedus in 3U, what kind of changes do Bowguns see between ranks? Do they keep their ammo types and does the recoil/reload typically change too?

Cluster Bombing will be nerfed into oblivion and Spread builds will probably get adjusted too.

If you aren't using either of those, you'll be good.

Guns never lose ammo types in a tree but they may gain new ones and bigger capacities
There won't be an option for Limiter Removal since guns are basically like that by default already (swap ammo without reloading to switch)
There's new gun mods and they apparently haven't shown all of them yet.

Never used spread but you better believe I was using some cluster bombing on my road to catching up with the content. Damn shame, but I suppose other ammo types will be buffed.
Nice I wonder what they could be.

>uses a slinger on the bombs
what the fuck

Can you not post my galivefu please

I didn't touch world for almost a year. Comming back for iceborne

Attached: Monster_Hunter__World_20180915061210.jpg (1920x1080, 559K)

Wide Gunlance out-damages Long full stop. So does Normal. So does a non-shelling playstyle with GL provided you have a good one. So does just about every other weapon in the game. Your damage output and "consistency" will only improve by playing Long GL if you're shit at the game otherwise.

The problem with Spread is it's basically only fun with Taroth Glutton which is locked by Kulve RNG, so maybe it won't get nerfed since it does require you to basically be right next to a monster to do anything.

Considering how LBGs are pretty weak outside of fighting Kulve herself, the bowguns might actually all get buffs overall.

There's an event quest with tempered Deviljho with the best hero stone drop rates in the game. Regular tempered Jho is a longer fight than the EDs but does have the same rates as them.

People have crunched the numbers. Wide shelling is faster, safer, and even beats out charged shelling in damage, especially once you take extra pokes into account.

Not many monsters have poor enough hitzones where the constant shell damage makes a difference, and even when they do Wide still beats out Long.

Normal shelling and the swing combo have even higher potential damage outputs in exchange for longer commitments.

Good taste.

Death Garon

Multiboost: Increases the damage of follow up attacks

From testing it seems to affect moves that have multiple hits for input. I.e: IG aerial spin, dual blades finisher, lance charge, wyvernheart, helmbreaker, hammer spin. First hit deals normal damage and consecutive hits ramp up, capping at about 3+ hits. The damage boost is very noticible, higher than max attack boost at full stacks.

Luna/Nerg HBG is a good 2nd choice to Glutton. Has to reload more often but is otherwise similar, and comes with Guts

source nigger
post more

Yeah i think i'm gonna need some fucking proof

>capping at about 3+ hits
seems busted if the boost is as high as you suggest

Hot take. What if MH copied dauntless's "boop" mechanic? Where monsters have "Unsafe" attacks(almost always charges and lunges) that you hit them out of with a heavy.
But instead of a guaranteed KO it was just increased KO taken?
So a TCS or golf swing would have a really high chance to KO a monster out of their charge.

doesn't that already happen though? Once I upswinged on anjie with a swaxe while he was doing something and he staggered backwards and toppled right over

MH has that, dauntless just took it to retarded levels. Yian Garuga is literally what you're talking about

came back to the game after i stopped playing when i got the deviljo dual blades
what weapon and armor should i aim for? im kinda lost at the moment

Jho already has that
Kirin staggers sometimes if he charges into a blocking hunter

Behemoth set and Kulve. That's it. Both will be obsolete in MR

I think that's just unique to deviljho skeleton monsters
They have counter attacks that if you hit them during it its all most guaranteed to KO them.
But they get knocked so far away you cam barely get damage on them.

You can hit Nerg during a move for a similarish effect, but instead of a knockdown he reels back before doing another attack.

I wish they would change the Earplugs so it would be max 3 ranks. It would be so much more worth it.

Any word on new points I can add to the list, now that review copies are out?

List of problems with MHWI

>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo layered set
>This confirms that the the timed event quests are back
>Banbaro doesn’t do much outside of charging at the player and hitting its head on the ground. Continues the World tradition of annoying tremors that combo into hits.
>Beotodus is Jyuratodus reskin with snow instead of mud and a few new moves. Easy, as expected
>The monsters above use the same animations in their turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus one
>Nargacuga has been neutered, tail is now a weakspot, does little damage, cannot keep up with the powercreep of World, dead within 5 minutes. It felt like an early game monster similar to Tobi
>Tigrex now has awful hitboxes, likely intentional, as a way of adding artificial difficulty to an already easy fight. It has been slowed down tremendously and its roar only does damage when its enraged. In the demo, it was given inflated damage values, a sign of things to come.
>Velkhana looks like yet another reuse of the Kushala skeleton
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model, all the weapons in the demo are bone and iron reskins
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, and so is Tigrex’s
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, and there are new moves for every weapon. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance

Also, go back to /vg/, subhumans

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Scared of watermarks. I can post more though in a few hours.

I can see how you would think that, but a lot of new skills seem to be on the same level. Gigginox's burning venom in particular have been carrying me.

Event Jho is the only tempered Jho

I believe they showed off a new move for barioth, but yes, I imagine some people will walk right over capcom's wall.

no the vg thread is containment for the discotrannies

>a game that has less content than every other mh game has less content than every other mh game
yes i already knew that but thanks fore reiterating

That's not even listfag, that's an outdated list lmao. Someone's hungry for replies

Your posts mean jack shit unless you give us concrete evidence, do you also want to tell me that the "Seregios and Zinogre ascii" guy was legit?

Hey, do me a favor and fucking kill yourself. Thanks.

5 points should be easy with new armor and decorations

40% nerf to cluster dmg

In terms of armor:

- Rathalos/Azure Star + Teostra Gamma for Bow/Daggers.
- Xeno Gamma for Bowguns/CB/Gunlance
- Drachen for everything else
- Nerg Gamma is a good generalist end-game set, as are Xeno Gamma and Gala Suit.
- Vaal Gamma is also nice for comfy builds and is very useful against Ancient Leshen.

Outside of a few other choice pieces like Damascus Chest, Zorah Waist, Kushala Gamma Waist, Nerg Beta Helm and Luna Beta Chest, the "best" sets are pretty much set in stone for each weapon.

For weapons, it's whatever. Just look up guides/videos/threats for the best Craftable options. Most of the best weapons are gated behind the Kulve Taroth RNG grind, but there's usually always viable craftable alternatives.

>Muh gathering
World subhumans are all too predictable

Take a picture of the screen with your phone, and then stretch the image slightly on one axis (a few% stretch is enough)

Predictably correct about everything. The BING BING WAHOO complaints are so dead and buried at this point that mods actually delete them as a matter of courtesy.

Worldtards have no standards, they would rather play the same garbage for hundreds of hours instead of admitting how awful World is

Listen, if you want to bait people here you need to be a touch more subtle, destroyed hopes have made us slightly more intelligent than Smashfags

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Rent free.

It begins.


That's not how it works, but you tried to emulate the board culture I guess.

I believe. I believe in Khezu.

*Laughs in aerial glaive*

It'll end much quicker since he's way too obvious.

Attached: 1565936925710.png (400x680, 43K)


*Laughs in no damage*
There, fixed it for you mountsier

Enjoy your 40 minute clear times.

Your low intelligence was already at full display, but thanks for showcasing that even more

here's your reply

Will there be savage Jho in Iceborne?

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Mounting sucks. The 3DS games suck. 4U has awful RNG. Vertical levels suck. The target camera is casual. The graphics are awful. The controls are awful.

Of course, i can't imagine what asspull Bazelgeuse will get to justify not getting instant gibbed

Attached: HH.webm (720x1080, 2.57M)

Seething, go farm your MR armors while i rush ruiner nergigante with drachen and aerial IG

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Would rather they not neuter Salvage Jho, after the disgrace that is regular Jho. Kill yourself.


Alright let's list off the monsters that aren't officially confirmed but are obviously in
Savage Deviljho
Bazelgeuse Variant
Metal Rats
Sandnigger Barioth
Anything else?

Rent free.

>1 minute apart
You're not even trying.

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yeah, once you get to him in 2021


>Retarded World subhuman can't even read properly
Now this is fucking embarrassing, as if defending World wasn't enough

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>laughs in actual damage and sub 30 clear times

Attached: 1565130733255.jpg (1080x1207, 98K)

See and go back to your containment thread.

3DS is shit and the "Monster Hunter" games for 3DS were unplayable. They also had the side effect of bringing in tons of retards to pollute the fanbase.

It's literally the best armor in the game

Haven't played past games but deviljhos stomp into pin into slam is pretty wack.
Tempered jho is a 1 shot and you can only escape it three times

>Still bitching about a 9 year old, basically discontinued console
Being a Worldtard should be considered a mental illness



>farming Gold Deviljho
>ugly obese piece of shit Dodogama comes in and roars
>get stunned since he came from behind the camera and i didin't see him
>Deviljho decides that it's an absolutely perfect moment to stomp
>chains into face slam and i die
And that is how i started killing every Dodogama i see

Brute tigrex
Green naruga

Next time consider killing yourself

Do you think he will? what makes you think there is anything to show and he's not just lying?

We're gonna find out which posts are samefagged very soon. Hold on

Crystalburst still works even once flashes stop working for that

Dodo is such a shit monster. It's literally just a blue great jagras that spits rock lmao

Mad that your shitty wannabe Tetsucabra is getting killed, WORLDSPERM?

>Jho already has that

He was probably created extremely late in dev time like Tzitzi Ya kuck(he's actually the very last monster they worked on before dlc)

What gets me about Dodogama is he is just a low tier jobber monster, and his roar doesn’t even sound particularly loud or intimidating. So being stunned by it without earplugs is kind of aggravating in that way.

Implying anyone would want to be tetsu
God 4U monsters were SHIT besides seltas

4u was just shit all around.

Is he arguing with himself again? it happened on /mhg/ before deletion

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Sometimes when you hit Jho while he is attack he reels back and then tries to lunge at you, and if you hit him during that animation he will eater stagger backward or get knocked down briefly.

Thats true. It was at least better than gen and genU, but not much of an accomplishment considering those were spinoffs

I think it's just because he's found later in the game, even Beotodus stuns you with his roar

not even surprised, he wasn't subtle about it

Where's my valbros?

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I choose to believe they'll just do the rares, lucent and molten instead.


Nah gu was better than 4u

I beg to differ

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the lunge that pins you?

Welp, its real

No it's when he drags his face along the ground, hit him during or immediately after that and he goes reeling. If he's enraged it knocks him back to normal too.

The only new monsters made after Dodo were, Kulve, Bazel, Tzitzi, behemoth and Leshen, in that order.

i liked zamtrios and nerscylla, and i appreciated the attempt at najarala even if it wasn't a fun fight.

much better than more deviljho and rathalos reskins

No, it’s specifically a reactionary attack that he does in response to being hit during other attacks. Seems a little random but it always happens two or three times at the least when I fight him.

Right here.

Attached: 1555459348148.png (723x666, 163K)

It's real, they just posted pic in the other thread

is this based on their position in the game files or something? when were jyura and lavasioth?