
I just beat the game on hard but with cheats AKA pure psi, what are some fun and exciting builds for my second run?

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Psi with a gun.

HELP is there a way to get out of the base while taking Čutura and not being caught? The momet i kill the officer in that room the whole base knows i did it. That's kinda retarded honestly.

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quit shilling your stupid ass build retard.

Do any builds not just max out one attribute?

Die queer. It's a "fun and exciting" build.

I just played the tchortist fight 6 times, and 5 of them failed due to friendly fire, and stygs inability to make a team based system.

I'm currently pirating this game to see if I'll enjoy it, as I've never really played anything like this (Maybe Wasteland 2 counts, idk)

I know there's Psi, Melee and Guns; but I also heard about chemistry in another thread, is that a combat option as well or just there for buffs like Alchemy is in most games? I'd like to be some kind of plague spreading neon asshole but I don't know how possible it is

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>Try to do the expac as soon i arrive at core city
>wayy too hard can't barely do anything at level 12
>come back later after clearing main game
>burnt out of the game and now i feel too strong
>every loot is pointless because i already got the best gear in the game from the tchortists

He should have made the expansion level scaled, or at very least core city level

you're supposed to go at 15 to 20 like everyone fucking told you, dont get butthurt because you did it wrong

also there are plenty of hard fights in expedition, so you're full of shit

my fellow brethern
I must confess, I felt weak and scared.
I felt like everything was out after me, but I have learned, I gained strength and now I am the master.
Destroying my enemies in Depot A I have learned to harness the POWER OF PSI GOD

>playing psi
might aswell play with godmode on

Chemistry is a crafting skill. You use it to make grenades, mines, chemical pistols and different types of ammo.
There is Bio damage, but I wouldn't know how to go about building around it

bro stop using shit like "PSI GOD" we had one retard with absolutely atrocious build calling himself that so now if i read "PSI GOD" i just get ultra triggered. Come up with some better name. Psi is based tho.

ayyy, not frequenting often enough, so I didn't see that sperg. Psi is undoubtedly funny though, gotta get used to cooldown and psi energy management though. my only playtroughs before were a Dredd inspired pistol/fire built, but riot armour was shit and a unga assault build.
going Four Psi seems to be crippling in the other skill departments early game though

Any luck with the native attack yet, [/spoiler]Krieg?

Jesus caltrops are good why haven't I used them before.

Still leveling up for that bb. DOMINATIN' aint no joke.

No, not really, and I like it that way
t. Hammer wizard

it is crippling whole game. That's why i realized that
1. I don't need all the utility the 4 trees provide cuz i'm never going to use it
2. i don't like being gimped in everything else just to have insane firepower which i can't even utilize all of it in a fight
3. i always find one combo i like to use and it works for any situation
Also i'd say maxing temporal manipulation on psychosis build makes no sense at all.i'd stop maxing TM when i can learn stasis. If you go tranqulity you will always do more dmg with temporal distortions than you could do with anything else, so you could skip metathermics.

I'm not sure why, but it really puts me off how you struggle with big dick pure hammer build, yet I managed to win it at the third retry, although barely
Times like these makes me see how strong Psychokinesis is on a hammer build

What's this game about? I love Fallout 1 and I'd like to play something similar but I want to hear some opinions before buying.

>What's this game about?
killing, exploring, reading walls of text

Bio and Chemistry are mostly crafting skills, they let you work with poisions, allow you to craft grenades, etc
The strongest point for Chem/Bio are Gas Grenades.
I wont spoil anything, craft yourself some Gas Nades and commit some war crimes, its hillarious and OP

It's not that much similar to Fallout. Underrail has million times more interesting combat and character builds. Dialogue-wise they're on par imo, the non-american touch to things is showing in a nice way. I grew up with Fallouts and consider myself a fanatical fan but Underrail is just so much better and it's easy to dump couple hundred hours in to this.

So chemistry and explosives? I'll try to stick to it, thanks user

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It's about kiting, cc, and crafting component RNG.

>save scumming grenades
>using Psi
>using bear traps
>using stealth
you guys don't do this, right?

Slavic fallout taking place in the underground
More combat and exploring centered, no companions, lots of customization, lots of crafting and lots of builds possible to go for it, high replayability
Also it has some comedy, the game doesnt take itself seriously 80% of the times, but the 20% times it takes itself seriously, prepare for some heavy lore, complex puzzles, walls of texts and P H I L O S O P H Y

I think maxing out on attribute is a meme for some builds, like burst fire builds shouldn't need that much hit %

im playing on hard and I had to use a fuckton of traps for the foundry gauntlet of bladelings I cant even imagine that shit on dominating it has a whole extra wave and less time in between each

>cutting yourself off of the main plot point of the game by not taking psi in a supernatural setting
yeah, how about you try to enjoy the game content and make a flavorful build instead of looking at it from the optimization point of view?

I hope you don't do this bro. That would be kinda cringe.

Enemies can see them and will avoid them if possible so you have to mind your needfuls to get them walking over them
Also they last forever so you accidentally walk over them five hours later going through an area you cleared
Crawler Poison Caltrops are great fun though

>>save scumming grenades
On squishy builds. I properly level throwing though.
>>using Psi
>>using bear traps
On occasion. Certainly would on an xbow build.
>>using stealth
For quests, not combat.

Around 70 bladelings on DOMINATING on killing the beast, with permanent taste for blood and adrenaline buffs

Only humongous dick chads need apply.

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I just killed Balor yesterday and left his hammer there; how did you got STR to 20 to wield it? it would be a fun hammertime build

Feel bad killing the native here just enjoying his alone time in the cave

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you need to go 1 more tile to the west to be adjacent to water user

You should never feel bad for purging natives.
They are all literally warp touched.

18 from levels and food. 10% accuracy penalty most of the time, popping Adrenaline gives 3 turns of no penalty and QUAD DAMAGE.

>unlock TNT charges
>decide to grab a bunch and go explore some of the caves
>end up on a 4h long journey insude those never-ending tunnels and reach core city without realizing it

Man I fucking love this game. Can't remember the last time I lost myself so much jsut wandering around.
Also is there a way to destroy the security cameras in SGS without getting caught or lock doors near them without being seen?
Also is it a bad idea to suddenly drop all 40 skill points into traps? I realized how much I love putting them down and wanted to invest more on them, but fear it mgiht harm my other skills too much (lvl 9)

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Weeeell if traps is too low humanoids will spot 'em and walk around.

That's my favourite part of the game, wandering the Lower Underrail, murderhoboing everyone I meet

250 fucking hours in this game. Completely burnt out of it. I've been ignoring these threads but now i'm bored. How is the DLC? I'm assuming either just ok or great and the recent upsurge of threads is just due to anons just finding out about the game and wanting to discuss it.

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>get ganked by knifefag
>heh tin can build nothin personnel
>named mob
>75 damage knife crits and -2 STR per hit
>400% boss health
Triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall.

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let me guess, it's the stealthed mook you find in the cave on the way to that hunting camp?

pls let this be the rumoured second expansion

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Yeah he dragged my corpse back to his rape cave.

Cheeky bastard probably sells Camp Hathor long pig on the side.

talking about next xpac features
where before, where the foundry merchant asked what you wanted most, you could answer "shotgun"
since the xpac that option has been replaced with "grenade launcher"

possible future content?

well under pie is made out of people, there's enough clues for that

Is advanced psi empathy really worth it? I already feel pretty squishy as a psi character and I usually run out of APs before I run out of psi anyway.

I feel like just more psi regeneration would be handy

>dude trust me, haphaestus is just north of GMS compound, trust me dude
>not even in the same level of GMS, or remotely close to it


Neat. Wonder how a nade launcher would be balanced though.

I'm starting to like chem pistol/grenadier way more than survival instinct psychosis psi. Entered Core City some time and and cleared Hathor and feel like they're pretty close in power but chem pistol is just so much more fun.

I think the heavy weaponry like that should not be allowed. That would make place for plasma canons and laser sniper rifles. That's a bit too OP. For grenade launcher not being there could be reasons like
>such heavy explosions could collapse some of the tunnels
or something like that. I WOULD welcome heavy mashineguns though.A weapon that you would need to deploy something like plasma sentries have to deploy the plasma canon.

high AP cost and it's ammo is inferior to thrown grenades

what if grenade launchers and plasma cannons were worn in the shoulder slot and thus prevented you from using shields?

maybe smaller area of effect? it would rock to have some feats for it

Protectorate has fucking Giga Walkers with RocketLaunchers

yeh, and it would make sense if they were smaller caliber grenade launchers

It's fucking fantastic. Play it.

True but then if you could get shit like that who's gonna fight you. Shit would be retarded.

Expansion is actually more polished than the base game seems to me by a lot. Feels bad cuz i want more interactions in the main story. fucking Gorsky questline is completely retarded.
>Go do a bunch of shit for him
>1! ONE dialogue option after that
no explanation what he's going to do nothing. Shit's gay af.

same people who go challenging the psychic god

When do you anons think the next DLC will be? Obviously we know it will be North Underrail and will include Hexagon. Will Styg let us get implants?

2022. Same year as the next Skyrim.

>come back at lv25
>one shot the hives and blow up the locust swarms with a grenade
>rub myself with beewax while snorting native coke
fuck you, beehives

bro i think if this game took them so long, when South underrail is basically empty. They'd need to get actually competent team to do the North underrail and with implants and shit it would take them much longer than this. I think it might be next game not DLC. just think for a bit.
>how models are there?
insanely small amount
>how many portraits is there?
laughable amount
>how many interactions are there to the story?
many for some parts but 0 for others. Just completed the quest and noone says nothing noone even cares.

To do the whole north in one DLC? idk bro

Do nameless Zone Rats matter at all? They died to the gorillion mutants right outside our new hideout.

Nothing matters after you kill black crawlers. there's so quests involving Gorsky or Rats after that.

Well that kinda sucks.

i meant 0

>rats hate protectorate
>drones hate protectorate
>no means of setting up an alliance if you're helping both

I was actually hoping to quest for them again, I was a nice group and gorsky seemed to miss the good old gang times

Rats, or at least Sneaky, don't like the drones all that much either. Thugs and terrorists are very different things.

Whats the best melee weapon and why is it the Riot Shield

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I love it when a build starts coming together. High technicalities followed by critical power. I'm just not sure if I should keep pumping int for high technicalities or dex for AP reduction. It's not like I'll have enough to get a second plasma shot off and the AP is low enough on energy that I'm leaning towards more int.

Fucking based
t. Hammer

short after that you will see your build reach about 60 or 70% completion and start thinking of another one
it's the sickness this game gives you, so many fun, different builds

Are there any less obvious places I can use the pesticide grenades at, other than the console?

They give you quite a lot, so I figure there must be some cool hidden shit around here

I tried to do some builds based around the strength of boarding up +shield bash but I always got stuck on how shit it felt to use riot armor.

you can use them at the console?

Well yeah, how else would get you get through Crimson Meadow?

>Kill the natives
>Inner moralfag kicks in
Fuck off Me, let me reenact the colonization era in peace

Riot armor is statistically the worst armor in game right now, worst dr/dt then even a high grade dlc leather armor.

>aegis trooper dies in fight with natives
>cool let me loot him
>instantly aggro the rest

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It seems you cannot loot Aegis troopers


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too bad it has always been a shit armor unfortunately and now still shit after the buffs

someone please screenshot me the location of the mutagen bunker
north of railroad crossing i cant find shit

But they have a ODDITY BRO

chem guns or energy pistols?

light step is essential if u want to use poison caltrops tho

I'm playing chem with grenades right now and it's the best fun ever. Only annoying thing is low carry volume.

Pick pocketing

Is 8 Str worth it just to wear metal armor? What's the highest possible mechanical resistance without using metal armor?

Sure Step*

Both (unironically)
Laser Pistol is a good companion to the Chem Pistol
Laser Pistol: Long range, low AP cost
Chem pistol: Close range, high AP cost

Both, in a way. I went high dex chem with mad chemist and kept a laser pistol around because it benefits from shooting so often plus opportunist procs from your acid and cryo pistol cc. You could keep a tricked out plasma pistol and not put any of the feats into it and still only lose the INT %dam increase from high tech. and practical physicist's crit damage buff. critical power does more by itself for plasma pistols than its component feats do because the crit bonus from its crafting parts are so high

What are Yngwar's coordinates?

Throw a grenade on the other side of the map then loot the bodies while everyone is distracted

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I'm doing both right now and it works great. They need basically the same stats and you have enough skillpoints for maxing both electronics and chemistry. Also both of them have a low feat requirement, so you can go for basically all feats

Is it just me or throwing knives really fucking suck

just use metal boots mang
TiChrome has a reasonable armor penalty

low 60's
mechanical resistance is something you can only get properly from metal armor

They really fucking suck. Easily worst build you can try.



Is there a single more op move than enrage combined with LoC?

Nope they're garbage. If the poison was guarranteed it'd be somewhat useful

Taking requests for drawings and edits.

I feel thsi game deserves way more OC.

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Get mantra and advanced psi empathy. You can literally regen more psi points than you can spend in a turn.

What's wrong with riot armor and shields?

fuck psi, my 17 int brain only needs a laser weapon.

what a brainlet like your psi-addict ass fails to understand is that psi gives you the gay

Draw Dude

It's you bare hands, pansy.

What are Yngwar's coordinates guys pls.

Doing what? I don't know who that character is, I'm at core city part. Feel free to specify an action or reaction image since I have no idea what to do with him.

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>17 int
looks like someone's getting Neural Overloaded for a billion damage

High armour penalty, bad DR/DT, block isn't that good really

but i'm doing a 0% armor penalty stealth tho, i fucking stole the tchorists figurine from under the lunatics noses, without even using cloaking shit

Go to Rail Crossing, go to the bar, there's a drunk guy with mysterious visions there
he gives you a quest, do this quest
do it now before you get spoiled

>Shields have 55% chance to block with all feats
>Spears can have 100% with specialization, 80% without

>Rail crossing
Where is that? I got TNT if it's necessary.

take a train

It's a train stop
the train stops 2 screens away from the settlement, after you get out of the train go south then west
I will say no more, for it is a questline to be experienced

Its one of the first places they send you once you can get TNT, its to the northwest of SGS.
Dude is one of the most important characters in the game, and dude, like, you'll just know, once you meet him, dude, you know?


>riot shields can't block bullets

>someone's about to do the Dude's quest for the first time
I envy you

*sigh* This is 4channel.org, newbie. We say kek here.

Go back to your fucking forum.

We say them all, you fucking noobie.

Redpill me on dodge/evasion.
Since i like to use riot/nonmetal armors i have always maxed out both every level up.

Shit guys, you're hyping me. Gotta do some work firstbut after that I'll do the quest, then draw something with him once I'm done or at least halfway through.
Thanks for the info

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also some of the new leather armor completely trivializes riot armor

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CRPG with fun combat and lots of viable builds. The game is pretty difficult even on normal and requires you to put time to learn the crafting system and how to make fights easier with damage resistance.

The main story is pretty meh because it's just people telling you to go places and do shit. The lore however is interesting and the game is well written. There is a lot of dialogue to go through and I like that you learn more about the world as you go.
Expansion has much better story and builds more on the history of what happened to humanity in the game's universe.

Definitely one of the better ones from this whole CRPG renaissance era.

Do you like not getting hit?
Do you like dropping grenades at your feet?
Do you like not getting wet when it rains?

that's sexy

Cheers, dude!

Not as good or as aesthetic as Ancient Rathound but pretty good.
....for what purpose?

Riot Armor and Riot Shield are probably the most cucked item in the game


not sure but i think for walking in molotovs whoever posted the original of this

>implying any of you psi retards have any chance to go first compared to my big dick 60 initiative.

STYYYYYG what the fuck am i supposed to spam temporal distortion for the next 20 mins

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Is there anything I can do about Shadowlith? I've torched at least 40 void creatures so far, doesn't look like I can stop this shit aside from closing the doors on them.

just turn it off lmoa

>17 int
>60 initiative
lol no

...ultimate being?

if i turn down abram's quest at one point, am i permanently locked out of his quests?????? help i think i'm eternally fucked

just turn them off lmao

>it's another "base defense where natives keep throwing nets on my pure melee character" episode
Should i get escape artist just for this shit?

Yes? Why would you do that user

oh lmao i forgot i turned them off, you guys are right.

restart game )))

>trigger happy
>specialize into it
not that guy but on my psi guy without specialization i won the initiation roll on carnifex 1st try. i rolled 46 he rolled 40

Nah, use grenades and throwing knives.

Also, have a high STR

nah you're gonna want to just genocide them all before they attack again anyways

Of course not. I kill few enemies, leave the map, heal and come back.

I just grabbed a laser pistol and took pops at it for a while. If you're not a 3 agi character, then you can also just throw an emp nade at it and run past.

My pure throwing character had it easiest since all I had to do was feed both of them a few mk III HE nades from a safe distance.

>turning down quests
user, that option is just for show. Real men hunt down the rats in the cellar, fetch beer from the other side of the planet for 5 coins and dive into mutagen tanks to recover a teddy bear.

-1000 initiative is not nearly enough for scum like you
-2000 initiative!

Draw Dude and player in the grey army base, Player on Dude's arms screaming in terror, Scooby doo style because 20 soviet nazis busted open the door right before they teleport
Bonus points if Player is a tin can

spoiler that shit mang, he hasn't done the Dude's quest yet

Draw the player character entering Tanners office with the acorn and tanner sweating profusely.

Well, ratting him out to the Protectorate isn't just for show. I pity the poor pipeworkers who felt the need to do that on their first playthrough.

big brain method

What's up with the Underrail forums? The builds section is full of people talking about making builds but nobody actually posts any.


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Why people hate Gorsky?

Guys, i don't have fun with psi. I want to feel thrill, how do i achieve this? Spears? Also, i can't respec, right? Or are there mods for it?

why you gotta be that guy, user?

Is Psi Monk still a thing? I can't seem to find a build for it anywhere

because he's a worthless thug piece of shit

He's kind of just a bloodthirsty cunt.

>inb4 snooping whingers

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I rushed to wipe out Pirates and Natives to stop the raids asap but now I feel like I missed out on a lot by doing so, is there story related stuff i've missed by wiping them out?

I've also got snooping on my 3 per character, fuck missing content

Is there really that much for snooping?
I have it and only found one trap door so far.

Nope. Either join Aegis or the pirates. You join the pirates, Aegis will attack the pirate base and you wipe them out. All but one native is hostile to you.

Chem pistols bro.

How much does snooping really help with per that low though? I never tested it but I would think you still miss out on almost all the perception secrets except the early game ones.

8 effective is a nice sweet spot for most of the game. 10-11 checks are mostly near the end.

You only missed out on talking to the pirate lord and dealing with native attacks. Nothing major, I'm oging to wipe them out ASAP next time myself. Are the evacuation tunnels between Arch Island Keep and pirate controlled base still intact in your game or are they inaccessible anyway? Pirates blow it up when they kidnap the professor.
Pls respond, can I destroy it?

snooping+2 and the Juice gets you to 9 effective per which lets you see most midgame stuff
add mushroom salad onto it and +per goggles and you can meet every check in the game

You can, but you need the torch to do it.

Anybody else do this? Aegis casualty rate dropped to zero once I started doing this.

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>Are the evacuation tunnels between Arch Island Keep and pirate controlled base still intact in your game or are they inaccessible anyway?
Sadly I only started after he got kidnapped but I would like to know the answer too.

You can go through, but through one of the pirate's base. Not the main one.

add poison caltrops to that

Oh fuck, I didn't notice that it takes damage from it. Should've looked at combat log. Thanks.

More bear traps

How much three-pointer boosts grenade damage?

Yeah, pure Psi is boring as shit and overpowered to boot. You could try becoming the ultimate tank with spears, high STR+CON and riot gear. Relatively high INT is useful for crafting perks. Remember to grab the perk to be able to wield your spear in one hand and Thick Skull to dab on psirgins like a chad.

Not enough caltrops / 10. Also yeah, using a boat is great provided you yourself can shrug off all the crossbow users.

When and where do I start finding parts for incendiary and cryo pistols?

IIRC the doctor in Junkyard is the first merchant that stocks chem pistol parts. In most my games he sells either of the chem pistol belts as well.

Bigly if your Dex is high enough. Grenadier and 3P are some of the strongest feats in the game.

He has acid and the belt, but I haven’t seen fire or ice ones yet.

So i go psi/int energy pistols. Rate this.

i thought it would lock me out of protectorate, but then i joined the free drones!!! i'm mad rn

Are you supposed to feel weak as hell in the beginning? I only win battles when I get lucky crits and dodges.

Yes. You sound bad too tho.

Whoops, sorry, I was phone posting and didnt see the replies on time

It's probably the build I have. I'm not looking up many guides for it.

Maybe you can make it work on tranquility but it will be fully redundant on psychosis.

Short answer: Yes, kind of
Long answer: Depends
What's your build?
What are your stats?
What are your skills?
What's the plan you're doing?

Is it possible to join the pirates without even talking with Briggs and starting expedition?
You can steal the protectorate jet ski after all.

I knew i should have go with 25 psi bonus.

I broke it and then broke the smaller one and got a couple of oddities. Is that it? I heard that "Six is supposed to suck you off after this.

>You can steal the protectorate jet ski after all.
Who started this meme? There ain't shit at the protectorate warehouse port

How does that even happen

There any kind of summoning and/or "support" builds that work for this game?


The closest to 'Summoner' you have in this game is casting Doppelgangers using Bilocation, otherwise no, basically you do everything yourself with weapons and slav cave magic
There is no support builds, for Underrail is center based on the player, which is almost always alone, so you're basically fending off all by yourself, you need to carry your own weight.
From time to time to get some allies in combat but they are more of a nuissance than a help.
There is no companions in this game.

Underrail is no mediaval fantasy game

There's a marine riding one. Lure him close to the dock after wiping out the rest of them and then kill ihm witohut destroying it. There's also one at one of the river outposts, but you need to be able to get there first.

Well damn then. How about a build for just blowing literally everything up?

I took the one at a river outpost and even with no witnesses and having the key everyone still just knows its stolen somehow and tries to kill you when you get back to town

...It would be hard, but not impossible.
The main thing in Underrail that go 'boom' are grenades, there is a psi school discipline Metathermics that allows you to cast a massive 'fuck you' fireball that deals considerable amounts of damage in a huge area
There's also TNT but it's more of an utility than a weapon

Besides that, there's nothing else that goes 'boom'

>there is a psi school discipline Metathermics that allows you to cast a massive 'fuck you' fireball that deals considerable amounts of damage in a huge area
That sounds right up my alley then.

That's it. I think breaking the things change the ending slides. I gave the macguffin to the pirates on my run and then did DC. So Six didn't slob on my knob.

Doing shotgun/tin can, should i bother putting my con past 10 or should everything go into perception?

Who? I used both the one from port Zenith and the one form the outpost, no one cares, not even Aegis Sec. Every Protectorate member is dead btw.

>thought the riot gear shield only prevents you from using stuff like sledgehammers
>craft one
>can't use muh shotty
Is this some elaborate joke? More importantly, will I have to always live in fear of faggots with knives chopping me in up in half their attacks?

Throwing skill combined with crafting skills means you can craft high tier grenades (frag, high explosive, incendiary, flashbang, gas, plasma etc.) much earlier than you'd usually get them, and there's a perk that decreases their cooldown and another that makes them able to crit. If you combine it with Temporal Manipulation psi school you get a spell that lowers all cooldowns further and enables you to throw grenades all day long.

There's also Metathermics psi school that lets you cast both destructive fire and ice spells. Both nades and psi fires are fun because setting living targets on fire also doubles as crowd control, making enemies panic and waste turns running away. Then there's always Traps and Stealth skills that also go well with crafting as they let you safely place mines, bear traps, chemical traps etc. before combat.

Just stealth bro

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>stealth active while on jet ski
Lol. I guess there's even a Protectoreddit friendly option.

I dont give a fuck about protectorate but i didnt want to kill my bros eels.

Absolutely based.


Metathermics is slav basic based off fire and ice, read all the abilities related to it, but I can give you a quick rundown

Cryokinesis makes you launch an ice shard that deals okay ice and mechanical damage (Underrail terminology for 'physical' damage', on hit, the target will be 'chilled', aka be slow down, losing movement points
Pyrokinesis is, as said before, throw a 'fuck you' fireball; however at very early stages the accuracy of the fireball is very low, sometimes you can throw a fireball at your feet and die if you're unlucky enough
Cryostasis will 'freeze' an enemy, putting them on stasis, unable to do anything until they defrost, any sort of damage will destroy the stasis
Pyrokinetic Stream launches numerous smaller fireballs that deal a hefty amount of damage to a single target, good for picking off troublesome enemies
Cyrokinetic orb launches an ice shard that, when hitting a target, will shatter and throw ice shards in all directions, dealing ice, mechanical damage, and causing bleed, good mob control
Thermodynamic Destabilization, basically you turn a living target into a possible human bomb for a few turns, if the target dies while 'destabilized', he will go BOOM, blowing itself and everything around it to pieces. Ashes is what's left of the destabilized target (it's item are still there, intact)
Cryoshield is fairly straight foward, casts ice shards around you that has a chance to fully block a melee hit, destroying 1 shard per hit

And the most memeable methathermic ability:
Exothermic Aura, you become engulfed in flames (they dont hurt you), becoming a living pillar of fiery fire, rendering yourself inmune to fire for as long it lasts, also all living beings will take fuckloads of damage the closer you're to them, and you will leave a trail of fire whenever you walk.

Shotguns are 2 handed weapons, knifes, pistols and spears with Iron Grip feat are only 1 handed weapons, also your bare fists

Not really, as shield also gives protection and blocks melee attacks

Has styg talked about the lack of companions in this game? Like why are YOU the one doing all this shit alone?

Because you're a godman

>Like why are YOU the one doing all this shit alone?
And when you're not alone, it's a HUGE pain in the ass

It's better without companions

this got me realizing. Why does every single game ever pretty much make you errand boy all game?

what the hell else would it be? play grand strategy or something if you want that fantasy. too complicated? yeah, thought so.

This. Though they can do it a bit better. In T(y)ranny you're apparently a big shot general in some evil Overlords army. All game you're just errand boy for two other generals who are below in rank than you.

>be at 85% health
>reach level-up threshold
>"Sweet, free regen soon"
>complete level-up
>look at hp
damn it, Styg...

>85% hit
>4 attacks
>All miss
What the hell? This happened twice in a row too. Does this game calculate hit chance based off the first one or something?

roll dice better

are you asking if it secretly fudges the rolls

Yes. Because it's either that or I was just supremely unlucky.

Same shit in Kingmaker where you're literally the leader of your country. The DLC party member even mentions you should've just sent your lackeys to fetch some ancient artifact she wanted while both of you chilled in the capital instead of going there in person.

Do player set traps have their detection difficulty set in stone once it's placed or does getting more trap skill update the diffculty of the trap if I were to switch to Jackknife after placing it?

Oh believe me
It can get much, MUCh worse

Sniper, Ambush, enemy bear-trapped, 95%, Aimed Shot or Snipe, miss

Why do I keep finding iPhones in Expedition? What do they do?

Attached: dumb frog.png (606x486, 94K)

>get supersteel plates
>BOTH of them are 80 quality
haha, very funny

literally everyone
even random civvies in Core City were hostile

Oh sweet summer child. Imagine my frustration when I punch four times in a row at 95 percent and miss all 6. Fuck you Styg.

bring them to Seeger

Bring them to Segar, the guy near the beach in a tent on the west side.

I'm doing the Dude's mission. Where is the safe key? been looking all over the apartment but can't find it.

I re-roll until 140+ every time. Better things to do than watch Styg laugh behind his spreadsheets

Is it just backstory lore or do I get anything cool out of it?

It's there, but it's not highlighted
Hint: Point and click

They are lore dumps.

under the tile in the very corner of the map

What is the stat spread for a psi monk? I keep seeing widely different ones.

Why do the numbers in the camp keep declining even though I've genocided the natives and killed Magnar? It's gone from 32 to 28 in that time, and the camp hasn't been attacked once.

how do you reroll supersteel, isn't it rolled whenever you create the plates rather than when you pick them up?

Does anyone have pics of the new Expedition leather armors? I'm struggling between building a character with 10 WILL 10 INT for lore and LoC perk, Hoddurform spear for Neural Overload meme build that goes along with it and may use it in melee as well and I'm pondering about armor that aesthetically goes with it. Rathound King's set would look nice as ooga booga tribal but I already used it in another build and it'd feel like all that INT went to waste, whereas psi beetle carapace tactical vest would probably be optimal but neither the stealth or non-stealth clothing options look good.

Yes, I know I'm a retard.

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>knifes, pistols and spears with Iron Grip feat are only 1 handed weapons
Yeah, this just seems... highly specific, I guess. Like not a lot of characters will get to use shields.
Oh well, such is life in the underrail.

Attached: shoot_first_think_later.webm (640x540, 2.89M)

Sword characters also get to use shields. Pistol characters as well could be divided to firearm, energy and chem pistol builds.


well i done did it. I bought expedition. How far in and where do i access the DLC? Don't mind spoilers because i've gone through the game 50 times. Also what build is most fun now with the new weapons? Melee sounds appealing with now having access to more than just a sledge but shotguns tho.

>psi ability psi cost increased by 15%
Dude, just use regular blue staff, it's better

15+ and the there's a new extension to Core City's docks that has the Expedition and Jet Ski shop, there's some guy near the HC bar that will tell you about it

Core City docks, you need to do one of the cool things to become part of the expedition (killing Balor, Foundry Beast, becoming Invictus, etc). Recommended starting levels are 15-20.

Level 15 and up? Jesus that's a big chunk in.

>Not being able to pass a 9 Strenght check

yeah the ooga booga tribals are surprisingly strong, even at 15 its challenging

Core City. NPC should approach you and tell you there's an expedition in the docks looking for recruits. You also have to impress the recruiter somehow and tell about some of your feats, f.ex. telling you're a Protectorate corporal or the Invictus.

If I'm not wrong there's no actual level limit. At least I remember seeing the guy well before lvl 15.

Well i'm looking forward to grinding this shit out again. Can't wait for one of these lovely ladies to make me rage quit and uninstall.

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One last question. Do i have to start over from scratch on a new game? I probably will anyway but i'm just curious.

You don't have to but you should
Dude's quest is completely different

I get called for a shitter for it, but the DLC is fairly difficult and I would say closer to level 20 than level 15 is better

At least Crawlers have the decency to give you a choice between bailing out or taking the fight before they kill you. Lurkers just kill you.

Natives have two camps.
You can kill those or just get the mines, that slows them down a fuck ton

So the Aegis Guards will continue to decline in number even without the camp being attacked? I thought the only time the body count increased was when one of them died in a camp attack

bros.... deep caverns is shit

What's the deal with Dude? Guy knows too much for simple junkie and his quest is all kinds of insane in its implications. Is he a former Biocorp?

Thank you to the anons spreading the good word of Toxic Gas
Gassing the natives just feels right

Attached: warcrimes.png (1244x866, 381K)

He's former head of Psychotronics division of Old Biocorp. You can find more about him when you reach Deep Caverns

i need some help when it comes to magnar

i killed him, but then he shitted out a bunch of invincible black farts pls help

It's the Death Stalkers that really fuck things up early on, with their special anti-medicine poision.

Yes, former head of psionic R&D at Hollow Earth. You can ask him about it after clearing DC.

Get to DC and find out.
Yes, and he is not the only one.

He literally says he wants he's there for revenge and to go back to being an unga bunga and set up shop in Core.

You're up for some heavy lore and deep thonking

Do you have temporal manipulation or THE TORCH and juice?

i have 2/3 of those things, so i guess i'll see where that takes me

But old Biocorp was gone for centuries. How is hhe still alive?

Will I need TNT in Expedition?

You will find out in the Deep Caverns

No. Carry a Jackhammer, weak wristed faggot.

>Genocided the natives
>Now I have the uncontrollable need to drag all this loot home
Save me.

>mfw combining toxic gas with crawler caltrops, bear traps and incendiary grenades

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>Watch as 10-15 natives get stunned after a turn or two
>Proceed to nade them into oblivion
Crawler caltrops are the best

Burrower poision caltrops/bear traps are the best with gas grenades because Contaminated debuff also increases the poision damage every turn, reaching around 40-60 poision damage per turn

Just my opinion

either is amazing. being stunned means more turns sat in the burning suffocating rape zone and stalling all the other idiots behind

>Moretech Warehouse defense
>want to use traps and caltrops
>the Coretech runner runs into them the first chance he gets
Styg why
Why do things have to be the way they are

>all those pots full of useful biology crafting shit
>only brought 80 ampules

set up your traps around the level entrance where the enemies spawn. you won't get any assistance from your "allies", but you can fall back to them

I want cybernetics. Make them negatively impact psi or something like they do in shadowrun, but make them strong.

Put shitloads of traps right on the entrance of the warehouse, on the red area, spam them
Throw caltrops on them, burrower poision is enough
Gas grenade as soon as you finish the dialog with the agent, triggering the timed invasion of the mercs
Once the mercs spawn, throw an incendiary grenade

You're welcome

>He doesn't mix caltrops
You should try it, just my opinion

Are there big money hurdles in the game? I was surprised I had to pay 2k to repair that tunneler but after doing some shit for a bit, I have like 2.7k charons and like 1.5k SGS credits. I am playing on normal though so money comes easier in lower difficulties I guess but I'm not sure what to really spend it on aside from high quality parts for crafting and ammo.

>Burrower poision caltrops/bear traps

Moretechs won't follow the noise and do something incredibly stupid, like running into a deathtrap after the fight is over? Huh. Well, I'm all for it if it'll save me from playing the game of chance that is the ally AI. Thanks, jacks.

Anyone got a solid spear build? I wanna try spears next.

>Not ejaculating crawler/burrower caltrops everywhere mixed with traps
Not sure what point you're trying to make

Not really until the DLC

Reminder you can buy the DLC, download it and ask for a refund to get it for free if you played less than 2 hour after getting the DLC

How? Don't they just take the dlc back?

Crawler caltrops are kinda redundant with bear traps desu
The damage they do ramp up so fast and so high with Gas that by the time the bear trap wears off, they are already dead
Also worth noticing that it's easier to craft with burrower poision, and you can kill entire hives of it, crawler poision is way more rare and more tedious to farm

Besides, I'm a psychokinesis user, so I'm a stun machine

>Crawler caltrops are kinda redundant with bear traps desu
That's your opinion that aligns with your build, I'm not shitting on it.

Fair enough

They remove the DLC so if you uninstall the entire game you lose it permanently but once it has been installed it won't be removed when refunded

When should I start the DLC? And at around what level should I be?

15 or 16 after killing Carnifex

Trust me, you'll face down a few people in the DLC that could match him in combat

or you can just download gog version for free.

Implosion combined with Entropic recurrence may be used to destroy rocks and walls.

>Psifaggotry breaks the game yet again

Will i miss out on anything if i massacre the pirates after they kidnap the professor?

>Letting the Professor get kidnapped

They don't talk to Dan and Gorsky about their past together.

Aren't cryo pistols worse than incendiary?

I can't decide on a build. I want to use some Psi but so many of the builds are all or nothing. Is Crossbow any good?

Attached: cross.png (950x794, 68K)

Probably related to the professor kidnapping.

Where the fuck is the decontamination room

Are Aegis Sec (or pirates, I guess) and Ferryman the only options for Todd?
Might as well just pirate gog installers instead of doing that jewish shit.

I see builds with no hacking and lockpicking. How are you supposed to get past those doors then?

What doors?

There are tons of random locked doors and boxes

Dont pay them attention, at least get one of them
Hacking hacks doors and disable turrets, among other things
Lockpicking picks doors, open vents and hot wire jet skies

>I want to use some Psi but so many of the builds are all or nothing.
Temporal Manipulation works wonders even with very low Will since utility spells like reduced cooldown to all abilities, AP related ones or Stasis don't scale with your effective skill level. My first Expedition build was a fast TM shotgunner. With all possible AP boosts, burst fire perk and Sovereign type shotgun you can unload 10 rounds in one turn.

Usually there's other ways around as well or keys you can pilfer. High STR can also partially substitute for lockpicking since it enables you to open up ventilation ducts with a crowbar.

There's four fucking lunatics in here not LETTING ME IN to kill them

Attached: Cowards.png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

pls respond im naked and rock men want to kill me

See the destructable wall right by where you entered? Sneak by the rock men and find some TNT.

It's the one right next to where you lost your loot. You need to find TNT from another area and use it to open up a way.

What the fuck does an energy weapon/chemical pistol build look like? Honestly. I have no clue, I'm just guessing.

Attached: Energy weapon nerd.png (955x930, 78K)

Is the expansion worth getting if I already finished the main game? How many hours of content does it add? Does it expand the main story in some way?

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What's the downside to paranoia exactly? I see no downsides.

You could pick a different feat instead

it using a feat slot but other than that nope

Just how much damage does a combo'd heavy punch with max expertise, improved unarmed combat, and expert unarmed combat do?

Throw caltrops, throw fire nade, pop adrenaline, close door

You want 5 STR for Steadfast Aim to benefit from high base AP cost. Energy weps are basically crit machines. Biology wouldn't hurt either so you can craft Focus Stims. Also the more DEX the better.

God damn, what do I even drop for that? Should I just give up sprint? Con?

it adds quite a lot of hours of content, plus new weapons, abilities and items, 5 more levels to specialize and a pretty good story with a shit ton of lore

Drop intelligence down 2 points, get temporal for the AP bufff, get rid of sure step(mutant hound armor will negate acid), aimed shot should be taken much earlier, mad chemist much earlier, replace pack rathound with grenadier and you should be good. You really don't need evasion at all and should point those points into biology and something else.

What if I'm lazy and don't want to bother with biology crafting

That's up to you, but I would invest that 110 evasion into something else

>sure step(mutant hound armor will negate acid)
No one takes sure step to avoid acid. It's to walk on your own caltrops that you threw everywhere.

>+700% critical damage plasma pistol

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steadfast aim gets worse the more dex you get though

No one really picks sure step that often either when you have better feats to chose from. But, I understand if you want to make a sea of caltrops

>Level 5
>Still didn't do first quest
Does this game break with sequence breaking?

I dont think you understand what sequence breaking is.

Anyone else feel like Persuasion gets the short end of the stick in terms of build options? The other two dialogue-related skills actually get some neat stuff that also serve a clear gameplay purpose, like Mercantile nets you more money and unlocks additional stock, both of which are useful for crafters whereas Intimidation gets two straight up combat perks.

I'm taking neither on my second playthrough. Just STR to force open vents. What's behind locks? Trash, trash, and more trash and sometimes oddities that don't pay for the investment into unlocking skill. In an RPG it's of course great to explore everything, but for a second playthrough I already know what's there and I don't need it. I have top tier gear, a Torpedo jet ski, a repaired house and 73k charons right before going to DC. I'm sure that not even a quarter of those was earned through picking locks.

I'm making a constitution build, with maxed out constitution and Conditioning/Stoicism.

I'm not sure what weapon to use though. Thinking sword with riot shields.

Persuasion gets you the best result in just about every quest in the game. Mercantile is also useful, but mostly on harder difficulties. Intimidation is pure shit worthless.

>Combo damage bonus 100%
>Heavy punch bonus 180%
>Both unarmed feats with full spec 50%
>Unarmed bonus with strength 30% if 11
>Specced expertise is a minimum of 25 damage
>8-13 max level base unarmed damage
>33-38 damage by 360% is 119-137
that seems like it'd fucking hurt, also this isn't taking into account vile weaponry, taste for blood, opportunist, or bone breaker stacked on an enemy

>Intimidation is pure shit worthless.
Yell lets you laugh Crawlers out of stealth though.

yell is pretty memey with how it lets you yell people out of stealth

So does tossing a fucking molotov. And thats free.

>want to go to rat king
>deathstalker blocks the transition area after I killed the billion alpha rathounds

>33-38 by 490% is 162-186
Heavy punch actually looks like a pretty great investment to have.

If one death stalker "blocks" you, then you have no business challenging the ratto king, user.

Wow, DC is really unfun and tedious. I'm even thinking about dropping the game, because there is no enjoyment anymore.

nah, the death stalker would be easy peasy if it wasn't standing right next to the fucking entrance.
I had to leave after the Rathounds to get healing and psi

Rat King is easier in comparison. I know the Stalker user is talking about. Basically if you aggro it and leave the area it'll start camping the entrance, and it's guaranteed to get the first turn due to -1000 initiative malus.

High tech would also be kind of a waste if I'm dropping my int that low. Maybe I should get paranoia or some shit

It only requires 20 intimidation.

>filtered by the area transition scorpion
Case in point.

How often does this go on sale?

It's been on sale for every major sale and randomly a couple times.

Why doesn't Aran attack me? I told him to eat shit and he's nowhere to be found in my house. I have nothing else left to do before going to DC ffs.

Wait long enough and he will.

it takes a while for him to muster the courage to go die in your basement

Guess I'm doing a whole lot of nothing then. Well, I just remembered that I still haven't decided on who's going to be Todd's tard wrangler.
Are there any options beside Ferryman and Aegis Sec (or pirates)?

Am I tardigrade or something, because I see people here mentioning "the torch" and I have no idea what it is, despite being quite far (I think) into the DLC

If you have no idea what the torch is and you're almost done with the DLC, you need to get it.

Talk to the ferryman or the savage in the secluded grove to the far left. If you've got enough INT, they'll tell you about the time Mr. Psued threw a fucking spike into a super-uber tough savage and instantly died.

Dont worry about it i almost beat the game and i have no idea about half the shit that people metion in those threads. I also skip all green texts and like half of the dialogue. Still 10/10 game imo

How do you even find out about it? What did I miss? Usually I am very thorough when exploring, although I've only managed to meet the Ferryman 2 or times when sailing around the Black Sea

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user not everyone can be a doctor or an engineer and not everyone can find the torch. Its fine tho we need toilet cleaners or warehouse workers as well

Pop some hypercerecrix, sail to the west and find a native alone in a cave. Mange to tall to him and not piss him off, he tells you of the shard and a rune you'll need.

I had a high INT, found the savage but didn't get much, came across the Ferryman, and had a deep discussion about philosophy before he told me about some weird ass ethereal shard he got from the giant monolith. Instantly, I knew some shit was up because of Magnar's crazy ass. Figured out the rune when I went back to Yngwar with Hypercebrix and realized I had to go skull fuck a corpse.

It was all down the fucking rabbithole when I went to the abyssal station with it.

he was automatically hostile to me, how do you turn him not hostile?

draw the pc on the under passages with lotsa lurkers lurking in the shadows

>the game conditions you with fairly dull tracks that play in all the caves and passages in the first 15 hours so that you immediately fall in love with more unique tracks like the Faceless theme or anything that plays in the Core City or the Foundry
Sneaky fucking serbs.

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Do you have to do the arena to get the attention of the obliarch to do the find the acid hunters quest? My character really isn't built to deal with arena shit.

Spear fight him to a draw if your melee is high or praise Flotsommir.

You mean Yngwar? He was hostile the instant you entered the area?

>"dull" tracks
>not comfy


he's the native alone infront of an altar in a cave right?

No, he is in a cave all by himself and should talk to you before he tries to kill you.

Nah, he's in a secluded grove to the west of the north western village.

I remember some guy like that, but he was hostile as soon as I entered and I had to kill him, same as this guy:

For some reason, I was REALLY tired of those tracks even by the time I got past Depot A. Not sure why, but I can't call them comfy myself.

>He enjoys the bans

Attached: 1515441741619.gif (300x200, 903K)

I find 'lower underrail' to be high tier comfy

ah then I must have stumbled upon another solitary native to the west
this one was in a cave you could look into before entering with high perception

That's just a Skrader doing some ritual shit. Yngwar is too based to do beta bitch savage shit.

>game gets a recent expansion or recently comes out, usually one or two threads
>people make threads about it, clearly more of a FoTM type of game and threads will die after a month once people complete the game and get tired of talking about it, at most there will be a occasional thread once a blue moon
>faggots like these keep crying this shit be taking to /vg/ while there's 10 smash threads and 5 resetera threads for some fucking reason

Fuck off and die. The threads will go away after a month and you can keep talking about smash or some shit.

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Why do rathound regalia and LoC have "fear immunity" on them? MC can't be feared to begin with, right?

lol, no

enjoy getting YELLED

I am getting fucking screwed over with RNG. 1/4 79 percent miss in one turn. Next turn, kill everyone but 1 enemy left with a grenade and he's at 9 health. Miss 5 89 percent in a row. He kills me next turn.

They provide immunity to Yell. The description should be changed to "Immunity to Intimidation".

I killed them all
Every last one of them

that's actually really good

And I just missed a 91 percent chance aimed attack from two squares away. Fuck guns. Nothing but grenades from now on.

are you really going to complain about missing 1 91% chance? you will be complaining constantly

Sometimes there's other ways around and sometimes you just ignore them. 95% of the time the stuff in locked areas isn't that big a deal anyway.
Hacking and Lockpicking can provide alternative routes or solutions to problems, but when it comes to getting high quality components or money then they're both greatly outclassed by mercantile and pickpocketing.

Attached: 1547271449458.png (1400x737, 613K)

After missing 3/4 79s and 5 89s in the two turns before it, yes.

>psionics can infuse things like super steel
with psionic power
...fucking hell

Take the wizard pill for 100% hit chance 100% of the time.

>95% of the time

it varies
in general it's about 50% ish, but against melee it can be much higher
like infused sea wyrm scales with solid padding can probably hit 95% against melee

Psitards get all the perks
But they become fat and lazy never having to truly toil for their victories

yes, but the damage blocked stacks you ding dong

Feels even cheaper than grenades.

sure, if you're going spear and shield like an idiot

This would be such a game changer and would make for so many really fun builds.

Or make the psi-beetle shield block half of all damage from psionic attacks.

Enjoy your 95% accuracy cap then.
Or else use traps and throw grenades at your feet for 100% accuracy while tanking the damage.

porque no los dos?

>Or make the psi-beetle shield block half of all damage from psionic attacks.
Anti-Psi armour options would be fantastic

This I'm playing on dominating right now as a psitard and outside of those goliaths at the silent island it's much much easier than melee on hard.

wait till you get to the joint security headquarters

>This would be such a game changer and would make for so many really fun builds.
Yeah but riot armor is still complete shit.
>Or make the psi-beetle shield block half of all damage from psionic attacks.
God, that would be so fucking cool and useful against those undodgable fucks

The only reason psi sucks so much is that there is literally not one option in the entire game to counter it. Even going psi yourself doesn't lower the damage. And with 100 percent accuracy, it's just stupid. I have no idea how he thought any of that was a good idea.

I found a good method for trapping the beach, assuming you have the naga and the turret

I dominating difficulty interesting or is it just enemy stat bloat and savescumming?

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To be fair, resolve can effectively make you immune to status ailments. Also, it reduces psi damage taken.

Yes. It is ridiculous bloat, but overcoming it is what makes it interesting.

its not savescumming unless you're a stubborn tard

I can't go back to hard, personally.

wait how does psionics do that?

Is there any way to get Yngwar to talk about the Ferryman? I've exhausted all other dialogue, but asking about the Ferryman just makes him attack me

What is your INT

ask Ethan

>Is dominating difficulty interesting
Yes, a lot.

Attached: 1565958848468.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

Is this even viable for a non-psi character?

8, do I need a bigger brain or something?

Absolutely. Just gotta abuse everything else more.

Don't ask about the Ferryman.

yes man, of course

High AGI shotgun.

No I think that should be enough. You have no other option but to ask about the ferryman?

Not ever?

Well I've passed a whole bunch of /int/ checks, he's told about his brother, the warriors from his village, the spirit shamans and a bunch of other snakey shit, now I'm just looping through the same dialogue over and over again. It's just the Ferryman he won't talk about, makes him sperge out.

fuck psi niggers who think they have the strongest build
become a max int energy pistol chad or a full str sledge juggernaut and unleash your power without cheating the game


I got him to talk during my second visit, I wore the rathound ragalia which triggered an amused respone. I don't know if there's a like a relationship point system before he opens up.

Yngwar is a troubled exile and is very unsure about his past and future. He opens up to you because by talking about his past and problems he can be more sure about himself. Try exhausting all dialogue about Yngwar and his trial and he should become less reluctant.

That dialogue is about gaining his trust, it's a puzzle of sorts. Ask him about mundane shit and eventually he will tell you about the ferryman.

why can't we fuck Ynwar and have chad scaly babies?

fuck, why can't we beat evelyn and keep her tied up in her own bunker as our rape slave?

i want an ending where we can leave behind children or have some

i am more ultimate being than you
by not relying on cheats and besting the game on it's hardest difficulties i proved myself more capable than a discount lunatic

>I dominating difficulty interesting
>is it just enemy stat bloat
Also yes

Thought Control Assassin is the most fun psi build I've ever made.
>High stealth around robots and stab one with an electric dagger for high damage
>High percep to never get snuck up on by crawlers
>Run around the map like batman, confusing human enemies with shadowclones and taking out stragglers before going back into stealth

Every other build just feels like a tank with a gun. Combat stealth builds are actually pretty fucking cool.

a stat that has zero use for everyone else. there should really be psi dr/dt you can get on armour, maybe some kind of anti-psi thing for shield slot, and a bunch of anti-psi feats

Ferryman triggers him
But you should ask about Sjorn and ask about how he fell and where he's buried. You finish Yngwar's story branch when you ask him why he's telling you all this, he will tell you and then become determined enough to venture on with his life.

Is this viable on dominating?

I taught Yngwar about Tchort
In general I think the Institute would be very interested in the Black Sea

Is it because I haven't visited the graveyard yet?

>there should really be psi dr/dt you can get on armour
>maybe some kind of anti-psi thing for shield slot
what that one guy said about psi carapace shields blocking psionic attacks sounded good for that kind of thing
>a bunch of anti-psi feats
nah, just more relevant stats for it

It's amazing fun up until you get ass raped by tchort tentacles and realize you'll never truly beat the game with the build. But then again that goes for most of the enjoyable builds in underrail

no, this is a literal meme build
now if you had 10 con, 10 str you could be a sledgehammer chad

guys is it possible to reroll supersteel plates in any way or are you stuck with the quality you get?
because it's my 6th sub-90 plate in a row

Wait, what? The fuck does he say about it?

>100% hit chance
>Multiple different elements and armor passing attacks
>Free AoE and crowd control
>Immunity to crowd control
>Psi-related stats and abilities are also the best defense against psi-abilities
>Everything from single-, multi-target abilities to DoTs, crowd control and elemental attacks are basically under one main stat
>The secondary casting stat also indirectly helps Psi regen and helps you to craft the best gear and consumables in the game while you're at it
>Several meds that specifically help psi users, on top of meds that apply to all types of characters
>Psi costs might as well be non-existent due to Doctor's Pouch reducing hypo costs to nothingness
>WILL, INT and Psi schools also unlock the most hidden lore in the game
It's not fair brainletbros. How can we stop psichads from dominating us?

you can savescum but you have to wait the 20 minutes or whatever it takes

Daily reminder if you're not a pure chad hammer or a hammer wizard then you're unbased

god dammit, I've spent way to much cash on items that are literally useless

day of the black dragon soon
fuck the godmans and fuck psi

>oonga boongas with 50 initiative
>throws spear
>one shots psicuck with 2000 crit

What if I'm a machete wielding
tin can who solely relies on big dick crits?

where can I find the highest quality rathound leather at? I wanna make some infused leather armor.

submit or join us

we accept hybrid psi builds too, even if they're weaker than pure psi chads like us

just use cheat engine to improve the quality of your plates a bit

it's not like you needed the money for anything else

Neural Overload duh

highest ive seen is 42 off of alphas
augmented rathounds supposedly go up to 72, but then you're pissing off the faceless and there's only a handful in the game so you need to get lucky

Hammer tin cans rely on tanking
Everyone else rely on mobility

You should stay mobile with either tac vest or riot gear, for you have to catch up with everybody, besides not being a tin can you wont be as tanky, so you will need to move and escape

I cant say much about machetes because I havent used them

mind sharing your build?

The game needs in-game anti-psi weaponry. The simple fact that psifags make a sizable population in the Underrail world, why aren't there specific weapons to combat psi-fags from mudering entire cities by making them explode with their minds?

user, we have guns, crossbows, frag grenades, hammers, etc and they work just fine

Antithermic is basically the best fabric man:
>only 5 armor penalty
>massive fire res
>can walk in your fire grenade aoes
>harvest pyro psion tears
>reduces heat damage from grenades and mines
>can't be set on fire
>as a small bonus you won't take chip damage in blistering shores
Kevlar and Blast cloth are too damn heavy, Kevlar's DT bonus sucks, and black cloth is for stealthfags
As far as I'm concerned they're the best ones:
>highest damage
>basically have a chance to incapacitate the target
>only resisted by things with cold res, no high con enemies resisting it like with flashbangs/tasers
>great synergy with execution, take the cooldown reduction specialty and you can execute once every 3 turns reliably
>even if you don't freeze things you chip their MP
>using them in arena earns you the name Mister Freeze, which is way better than most of the other arena nicknames

Acid is pretty reliable since it can damage pretty much anything, and can nail robots which will give Cryo a bad time. Fire has shit direct damage and relies entirely on setting things on fire to be effective, though admittedly you can stack some terrifying burning damage with it.

okay, give me your best throwing knife build

I want to buy a jetski

Psions are actually pretty goddamn rare. Also, they're relatively new. I'm sure there's no tech that can fuck with minds on their level yet.

>highest damage
its part mechanical, part cold
the mechanical is easily resisted

Why pure psi are such cunts?
As a hammer wizard, I'm also questioning myself

You can use that to your advantage and block off access points tho.

Because they're the best and they know it.

how about a grenade that's like emp but for psifags, it wipes your psi juice and stuns psifags

If there was a PvP function, there is literally
nothing to stop a Psi-fag from CCing you forever. There is no real resistance to PSI attacks besides WILL, which is used by Psi-fags and no one else.

They are common enough to have jobs in SGS, and entire cults. You would think there would be anti-mind affecting helmets; or anti-kinetic aberration weaponry or some shit.

>Win initiative
And you're dead.

I would buy a million of them and rape all of the fempsis silly after their brains fry.

yeah, there's already black dragon poison in the game, it's not unthinkable to have something like that for a grenade

True, it's like if you needed perception to survive being shot.

Even against tincans I get a decent chunk of the mechanical damage in. Also after you hit something once you're getting +15% damage from Opportunist.

there's also no resistance to a sniper's aimed shot

Acid is great when it gets to the >50% binding and >200% damage from binding stage
Cryo's two turn freeze is pretty great though, not to mention hypothermia and the opportunist bonus off it

Not being a tin can PSICHAD ...who needs movement when you can wade through hell

What is armor
What is evasion

Besides armor and resistances which are easy to bump.

>They are common enough to have jobs in SGS
Three of them.
>entire cults.
Which actually just have a handful of psionics. Lunatics are the only ones who are big in number.
>You would think there would be anti-mind affecting helmets; or anti-kinetic aberration weaponry or some shit.
Helmets, maybe. Other shit, nah.

>That Sniper on the back
>Disruptive field him
>Zap zap stun him
>Sprint him
>Proxy Punch

>casts hemo
>the city of (You)

Attached: 1565658239181.jpg (248x250, 5K)

>Pure psi
>Actually being ironcladed or having evasion

>If there was a PvP function, there is literally
>nothing to stop a Psi-fag from CCing you forever
If there was a pvp then whoever goes first wins. No matter what's your build. Literally every build can deal a few thousand damage in one turn and no one could survive it.

>other shit, nah
Why not? That would be any settings first priority. >holy shit there are people out there that can control my mind and throw fire balls and create clones, better not think of a defence for this
Mabye it's too early, but I'm hoping that by the sequel, there should be anti-psi weaponry developed. Which would be super cool, you can do a Inquisitor run. Murder fifty psi users in glorious hellfire.

Except you CAN easily have either of those as pure psi.
You CAN'T just raise resolve similarly.

I ran a heavy armor kinetic build, there are perks that play into that pretty well.

enjoy getting thoroughly mind fucked and reprogrammed into an obedient ass licking slave

To stop natives attacks do I have to kill every native even Yngwar in his cave?

50 initiative? for real? I haven't been to the DLC yet

max mechanical resistance is 95%
against a W2C bullet that becomes 33%
Snipers can easily aimed shot for a raw 4k
so even with the best possible armor you're still getting hit for 2.6k in the face, aint no way you can survive that

Read again, I said 'pure psi', if you only use psychokinesis with something else, like hammers, you're not a pure psi, you're a hybrid psi

You psifags need a culling.

Attached: inquisitor-martyr-golden-armor.jpg (1280x720, 195K)