Other urls found in this thread:
(yeah yeah)
[guitar solo]
I think so, considering there's like 4 other Xenoblade related threads in the catalog right now, and they're all dying.
I wish we lived in the timeline where XC2 was the Wii U title, everyone would have forgotten it, and rightfully called it out for it's glaring flaws like the gachashit, and we'd get a portable X, that rightfully got the praise it deserved by the same retards that jumped on the bandwagon.
I just hope we get an X 2 that doesn't bring the retarded waifu shit over, Chronicles X is one of my favourite games from last gen
I wish we could have X threads that are more than a few retards circlejerking over how much they hate 2.
This is the first time I've posted in an X thread for like a year, let me just rage.
>first time he posts in an X thread in a year and it's not even to talk about the fucking game
As expected.
These fags always rage about XC2, but when given a thread to do what they want they still can't talk about X.
Almost like they don't actually care.
This. I really don’t get it.
Wait until XC3 happens, and you guys experience having newfags shit all over something you loved.
Is this game good?
I could buy it for a pretty cheap price.
No need to imagine, the SEETHING from Xfag about XC2 is extremely strong.
>and you guys experience having newfags shit all over something you loved.
The most common sentiment I saw about XBX from XB2 fans after release was "I hope they port it to Switch". Talk about a fucking victim complex.
Reminds me of Skullgirls threads
>"Reeeeeee I fucking hate fatfags! You don't even play the game!"
>webmfag manages to barneyfag the fatfags from thick thursday threads
>skullgirls threads are dead as fuck like /lzg/ because "real" skullgirls fans don't even play the game either
I don't get how hard it is for you to understand that the shitposters destroying both X and XC2 threads upon their respective releases were the SAME PEOPLE.
They don't have allegiance to a specific game like some sort of turbo autist, they're children jumping onto a lucrative shitposting opportunity.
Do you like open world games with a heavy emphasis on exploration? Do you like Xenoblade 1's combat? Do you not mind your JRPG sacrificing its main story for the service of actually good sidequests? If so, by all means, get it.
I mean secondaries jumping on a game which by series standards isn't anything more than mediocre, and calling it shit like the "savior of JRPGs".
This happened with Persona 5, it happened to a lesser extent with XC2, and it'll happen to XC3.
>boot up wii u
>run around primordia for 15 minutes
>talk to every single npc
>turn game off
I miss this game but I 100%'d it years ago. I need more of the same.
Just start a new playthrough on a different account.
I have, several times. I'm too familiar with Mira, is the thing.
That didn't start until your post, obsessed schizo.
Are you actually retarded?
It didn't start until
Weebs get really sensitive when they feel like they don't fit in, they've spent the last 10 years or so of their lives indulging in garbage media just to feel like they belong to a community, so when people within that community say the dumb shit they indulge in looks retarded they have to scramble to come up with a reason why you don't belong or aren't from here, because if you were an actual part of "Yea Forums" that would mean that their sense of belonging is shattered and they might have been wrong about fitting in here by acting obsessed over gay shit they never really would have liked that much otherwise.
Weebs have turned into something much like furries where its much less about the content for most of them and its more about feeling like they finally belong somewhere but they also don't have to stop masturbating all day.
>le epic rant about nothing ITT
LOL, how SEETHING are you right now?
>Lost my WiiU ages ago
>CEMU still can't run the game properly without massive graphical bugs because they refuse to work on anything buy BOTW
>Monolithsoft already said switch version is off the table as they'd have to remake the whole game from scratch
Is there really no way to turn off the music in game?
Why would I be seething?
I'm just saying that weebs are kind of autistic and get really weird when you make fun of the gay shit they like. Its like how if you say lolis are fucking retarded 50 lolifags will show up out of nowhere and backpat each other while telling you to go back to redit, Yea Forums can't possibly not like lolis so you can only be an outsider that doesn't belong if you don't make them feel welcome. Yea Forums being anonymous does weird things to autistic people
2 ain’t even bad, people need to let go kf the jealousy.
Yes, X is better, but it was never a game that was going to appeal to everyone.
This game was great.
A shame they tried so hard to make combat an umbearable fucking mess. You never can see what the fuck is happening in a fight in xcx. The constant soul voice button prompt was seriously unnecessary too.
>another epic rant post
All those words, which have nothing to do with anything in this thread make you look SEETHING.
>CEMU still can't run the game properly without massive graphical bugs
Nigga what. Unless it starts shitting itself at sylvalum, that's bullshit. I got 50h with only some minor particle effects breaking but stopped and ordered a new CPU because fucking sylvalum.
Game has bloom out the fucking ass and majority of the grass is fucking missing.
>People oppose my opinions? How strange
Loli’s are shit but you still need to leave
I see Xfag just learned how to falseflag
>bloom out the fucking ass
There's a graphics pack that fixes that.
>majority of the grass is fucking missing
Unless literally everything is supposed to be covered in six layers of grass, pretty sure there's enough grass.
Are you not on latest? AMD GPU? I initially tried the outdated recommendation of 1.11.0c, and it's fucking ass compared to latest at this point. Don't use that.
Nice try, retard.
If anything, Xfag is still SEETHING about weebs and shit.
I argue with people on here all the time, but normally I can have a conversation with those people and we can talk about why we disagree with each other. I'm saying weebs in particular don't respond well to it, its like it threatens their identity and triggers a fight or flight response in them. They start desperately trying to come up with reasons why you're some kind of unwanted outsider or a SJW infiltrator trying to subvert their objective and agreed upon culture.
And I don't mean "anyone that likes anything from japan" when I say weeb, I mean literal weebs, the kind that most likely have autism and Yea Forums is their main source of social interaction.
Something about spending too much time on Yea Forums ends up leading people to this mindset where everyone that agrees with them is a true member of the community and anyone that doesn't is some kind of outsider. This leads to them all back patting and echoing each other because they don't want to be ostracized by the group. This, I imagine, is why when you disagree with them they get so upset. They need to prove that you're the one that doesn't belong otherwise it might mean that they chose to back the wrong horse and might lose their only source of companionship.
I can't bring up how I don't like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 because the things I don't like about it tend to trigger these weebs and they rush to defend their sense of belonging by shouting down anyone with differing opinions than the opinions they communally agreed were "based and redpilled". I don't have this problem with non-weeb games, most people will just fucking talk to you or say "lol nice shit taste fag", they don't get all paranoid and start spewing theories about how you're part of some secret discord raid while dumping their collection of schizo conspiracy boogieman infographics they got from /r9k/.
I'm just talking out of my ass mind you, but I've been here over 10 years. This is just a pattern I've picked up on.
>le epic wall of SEETHE
Go back, cuck
I wish we live in a timeline where only XC2 exists because all other Xeno game are complete garbage in comparison.
Any mods for this that remove the cringe from the music? I felt like such an asshole playing it instead of being productive and couldn’t continue
>huge exapnsive openworld filled with detail
>hundreds of hours of ganeplay
>remember every detail of every thing in game forever so can never enjoy it for the first time again
How do you fucking lose a Wii U? Do you live in a niggahood?
>>hundreds of hours of ganeplay
I did get 500 hours out of it on my main account. Don't think I didn't crack open the bones to drink the marrow. I need another XBX, man.
I started with Xenoblade. Hell, I owned Xenogears on the PS1. You're full of shit, you're nothing more than a salty bitch who can't wait for X2 and cannot stand that they would do anything else but a sequel to your favorite.
No, X2 is never coming out because they'll gonna sellout to XC2babies.
So much for actually being interested in X outside of crying about 2, LOL
>I have such a victim complex I don't even believe the dev's own statements if they contradict my whining
This isn't like with gears or saga, Nintendo isn't selling out the devs and your game did as well as could be expected on a dead console. Quit with the bitching.
I'm not crying about 2, I'm crying about this abomination of a fanbase that gets away with making low effort bait posts like yours and threads like
Everything is good about it except the story and characters. The MC in particular is awful. So it depends on what you want out of your game.
Nigga, they don't even want to port X over, there's no way in hell we're getting a X2, you're gonna have to deal with that, and the fact Monolith isn't your magical dream company that makes only want they want to make and are just as greedy as the rest.
And yet here you have the thread you always complained about not getting, only to still cry and seethe about 2.
People like you are why X2 won't happen.
Because 2 fans actually care about their game, you don't.
Factionalism is community rot.
>People like you are why X2 won't happen
It's poor sales are the only reason it won't happen.
Monolith doesn't give a shit what randos on a western imageboard think.
>Because 2 fans actually care about their game
>Nigga, they don't even want to port X over
Why would they instead of making new games, like I dunno, X2?
>They're greedy blah blah
user, I enjoyed everything they've made so far. It's no skin off my nose if X2 doesn't happen, I like 2 as well. The argument here is for your sake, because they have said they're making a sequel. You insist they're lying with no evidence because you want to feel victimized.
And that is much closer to liking a game than anything you have shown about the game you supposedly "love" in this thread.
Lin is for _____
Facial reconstruction surgery.
>Why would they instead of making new games, like I dunno, X2?
Because if they're not gonna port the original, there's no way they'd just make a followup.
This is not like XC2 where playing the original isn't important.
If they continue the Lao plotline at all, you'd need the context.
Fuck falseflagging fags
Best theme is right here
Sawano is a hack
Fapping to porn of characters from a game you never played isn't loving a game.
That's retarded, it's the same as saying no Xenoblade port to Switch (or Wii U) means no sequel, which was obviously false.
And yet it is closer than COPING about its sequel is to loving X.
2d only
her cuteness doesn't translate to the 3d realm
Xenoblade did get ported to Wii U, and XC2 started development on the Wii U.
>Shulk and Fiora’s reunion on Fallen Arm
Was it cute?
I loved Fiora and hated Melia until Fiora came back, then my opinion immediately reversed.
theres a option in the graphics pack to disable the offline text
>inside and out
Oh God oh fuck
2 was a Switch title from the start.
this is the manados paow
I just bought this game 3 weeks ago.
About 25 hours in on chapter 5. When do I get a Skell?
Once you finish chapter 6 you can take the Skell license quest from Vandham, completing it gives you a Skell.
>When do I get a Skell?
when it won't matter anymore
Cool. What are some fun classes?
I first leveled up the Galactic Knight Path all the way, and now I'm doing the Duelist Path
I think 2 used to be planned as 3DS title, since Monolith started hiring employees for an unknown 3DS game after XC1 3D came out. It was probably quickly reworked into a Switch title once the hybrid concept was finalized.
Photon Saber/Raygun was my favorite weapon combo, so Galactic Knight and Mastermind.
sue me
lailah is bae though
I'll go Mastermind path after I finish the Duelist path then.
dual guns/photon blade was my favourite
you can get a monado buster art for the photon blade but why are you reading this
Thank fuck I just hacked in the tickets. Diskbombs aren't even fun.
Why won't they just fucking port it to Switch. No one owned a fucking Wii U, FUCK.
What are skells even used for besides travelling faster?
You can nuke enemies with them and they act kinda like an extra life where they get blown up, you jump out and can continue the fight on foot. Sadly, Skell combat is very boring compared to foot combat, and a good Overdrive build can make anything but the most grindiest of OP Skell builds obsolete.
by this point I'm convinced that those are shitposters that haven't played XC2 nor XCX
thats why i rushed through chapter 9 and only just started all the side quests
Unless there was something about the hirings that suggested they were for a Takahashi project, I'd assume they were for a scrapped Project X Zone game or something, not Xenoblade.
The origin of XB2's whole Driver/Blade concept was associated with the joycons, so I can't imagine it not being a Switch title from the beginning.
I'm such a huge mecha can I want to play this game but I'm not willing to get a wii u just to play it. FUCK
>tfw only played XCX
>have no intention of playing 1 and 2 or getting a new nintendo console unless X2 is made
How i do charge the gamepad without the retarded thin cable? Shit cut in the plug and i cant play this anymore
Just emulate it then?
If this game had permadeath I would have shoved this dumb one-joke potato into the mouth of an indigen about fifteen minutes after first meeting Tatsu
The end made me mad. Fuck this.
So we all agree that Mira is powered by the Conduit, right?
I'm pretty sure the majority of people who don't like X don't like it because of how ugly the human faces are. That problem wouldn't have gotten any better on the Switch.
>finally, time for reven-
I don't think you can agree on anything, since everything is constantly turned on its head and will never be answered anyways.
There probably isn't an answer to it, kinda doubt the plot was wrapped up nicely somewhere.
Shitposting time?
Man, I'm with you. An X2 is my most wanted video game other than Prime 4.
Unless they had reworked the character creator all human models are based off to implement what the team has learned about adapting Tanaka's art style to 3D models from Xenoblade 2 (see Shulk and Fiora), but that'd be a lot of extra work that doesn't usually go into simple Wii U ports
post X memes please
It was a fun ride
There's gotta be something that piques your interest on the Switch. I bit the bullet and got it when the Splatoon 2 model came out, even though I only put 50 hours into that game, because I wanted to play XC2. Ended up really disappointed in XC2, but the library of Switch exclusives are still great.
Mario Maker 2 and Smash Ultimate are everything I wanted from sequels to my favorite non-XCX Wii U games.
are there any nsfw mods other than adjusting bust size?
>Hey kid, want some candy?
They could fix the faces in the character creator and that'd help bandage the problem, but I think they're stuck with the artstyle in X. Imagine how weird it'd be if they changed the artstyle to be more like XC1 or XC2.
I do hope, though, that they can adapt the characters to look more like their concept art, though. Irina looks like shit in game, but her concept is amazing.
I wish we'd have more good Xeno threads where people can actually discuss this series without the schizophrenic hatebase who'll try to turn every thread into about how much they hate XC2. Doesn't matter if it's a Xenogears thread, Xenosaga thread, Xenoblade 1 or X or 2 thread. Every Xeno thread has to be about how much they hate Xenoblade 2.
I have my doubts they've even played other Xeno games because they only seem interested in waving their hateboner around instead of talking about the other games.
aside from SMTV, switch looks lame. nintendo lost my interest after the wii u
It's incredibly ironic too because I'm sure XC2fags have zero desire to play other games in the franchise (if they haven't already) because of these autists.
Not until 2021 at the earliest. Sadly.
About as weird as it was when the artsyle suddenly changed in Xenosaga Ep 2
Tbh I probably wouldn't even bother buying it for Switch since Cemu runs it fine and it'd look like garbage in handheld mode
Sign me up for XCX2 though
What was the deal with Murderess? I didn't bother doing her quests, she didn't exactly leave a nice first impression for me to care.
>zero desire to play other games in the franchise
I don't know, every Xeno thread that turns into a XC2 hateforce vs defense force argument has the defense force saying "Well, Xenosaga or Xenogears does something similar!" while the hatebase seem to solely gravitate or fixate on worshiping X (Still my favourite Xeno game, don't get me wrong) citing it as Westernized Xeno or a serious Xeno when that's hardly the case since X is pretty goofy too.
>Switch version
Fuck that, give me an X sequel. Where you explore the ocean. In skells.
>pent up daddy issues
>This happened with Persona 5
In terms of pure intimidation value nothing beats this guy.
Her parents were murdered and the murderer stole somebody's identity to sneak into the White Whale. Knowing this, Murderess started acting like a gold digging thug in the hopes of sniffing him out and getting revenge.
She's basically Mira's Batman. Her billionaire parents were killed by a psychopathic murderer on Earth, and said murderer actually managed to make it onto Mira. She isn't even a bad person, she's just incredibly edgy as a facade. In her final H2H, she talks about getting a house and considers allowing you to live with her.
She's my favorite Xenoblade character tied with Mia.
Sandy vag from Irina not putting out
Not quite. She acts like a gold digger because she's trying to reestablish her family on Mira. Her family on Earth were bigshots, and she wants to reestablish the estate on Mira by first buying a house (costs more than the most expensive skell, somewhere in the 10-mil range).
But why did she unironically try to kill my party at first? how would that help her in her revenge quest at all? I hated her guts for that shit. She even wrecked a skell unit while at it, didn't she? fucking dumbass woman
She knew you could handle it. Girl runs the biggest info network in the city on the downlow. The only person more well connected and informed than her is Eleanora.
She's never actually killed another human, or had someone kill them. Even in the final affinity mission where you confront the person who killed her parents and her friends, she manages to hold herself back from killing him.
>she manages to hold herself back from killing him.
What a weak retard, all that shit for nothing. Hope at least had the excuse for being a stereotypical weak willed person and not do it with that nigga who bamboozled her.
When you first find her, she's running an undeground fighting ring and she promised to take the winner on a mission with her. That winner ends up getting BTFO by you while she collects the rewards.
She doesn't kill him, she lets the grexes surrounding him tear him to shreds as he screams for help.
Why'd they have to make Celica so ugly in game when she's beautiful in artwork?
they spent the polygon limit on asses instead of faces
but didn't they say they were interested in making x2?
i mean, who care about some sperg on the internet anyway?
>Get close
>Nothing happens
>Well ok I guess
>Start moving away
>2 fans actually care about their game
>Come back in a skell
>It insta-kills your ride
Consuming Tatsu
Anyone got that speculation post about Xenoblade X's 5 moons, the Ghosts being Gnosis, and the Story of Andromeda in Greek playing a role in the story?
's sweaty Nopon cock with her robot vagina
I feel like X2 is going to end up getting all new designs entirely. Especially if the cast ends up being different, and we see New Tokyo, or New Paris as possible settings. Not only that, but wasn't there a post on the Xenomira forum about how Tanaka might not be returning to Xeno? There is that new head artist Takahashi is planning on selecting.
We very well could see how the other arks on Mira are holding up. The Ghosts are probably over there. And that way they don't have to deal with the level discrepancies that would come from finishing X1 at level 60 and then starting X2 at level 1.
>X port releases on Switch a bit before X2
>You can carry over your save file to X2
>It works like Golden Sun where you don't play as your 1st game's party in X2, and in fact actually fight against them for a bit
>Then both teams team up near the midpoint to kick ass together
I would unironically love that and would put another 160 hours into X to max out my party before porting them over to X2.
There was an interview where Takahashi mentioned something along the lines of porting XCX costing as much as downright making a new game entirely, so I can see why they aren't prioritizing a port instead of making new entries entirely. At that point, they might as well remake XCX somewhere down the line, and fix the plot issues everyone has with the game. I imagine if XCX2 ends up doing well, and there's no reason why it shouldn't since Xenoblade is a successful IP on top of the Switch having a wide user base, XCX will eventually come around in the future.
All the naysayers saying "baaaaaw it's not happening" are getting tiresome, honestly. Especially when Takahashi seems really interested in the X series. Even if the Lao plotline is important, I'm sure he could shape the plot in a similar fashion to XC2 where you don't need to play the original to jump into the game.
>Takahashi mentioned something along the lines of porting XCX costing as much as downright making a new game entirely
The game of telephone people are playing with that interview is getting ridiculous.
Talk to him, not me.
As a French-Canadian, I sincerely hope X2 follows Nouveau Paris and has an actual French dub courtesy of NoE, with Sawano coming back and shitting out some Flançais rap instead of Engrish and Gelman like he usually does.
They probably could just get some no-name newcomer team at Nintendo to do it for them, honestly. Or have one of the 7 current Nintendo teams do it since they're the backbone of the BotW/BotW2 development.
Even putting the interview aside, it doesn't make the rest of the post any less true. Why should they prioritize a port, when they could be furthering the series with new entries?
>I'm pretty sure the majority of people who don't like X don't like it because of how ugly the human faces are
I don't like it because I hate how the MC is an irrelevant nobody tagalong for Elma. That's not why I didn't buy it though, I was waiting for the Wii U to justify itself to me and it just never did. But yeah the MC would've pissed me off either way, I just would've enjoyed the world.
But the MC not being the "chosen one" is a great change of pace, especially compared to XC1 and XC2. Cross is one of the best things about XCX, and he's by far the most enjoyable Xeno-protagonist since Fei.
Didn't the Xenoblade X team do the overworld design for BOTW? I remember hearing about that and getting excited that they were working on it.
I imagine they're probably working on BOTW2 now, though.
He doesn't have to be a chosen one, but chances are he probably will be at some point in time since we have no clue what J-Bodies are.
You don't have to be the chosen one to be the MC and to matter, user. Make your own destiny and all that shit. The fact is that Cross is NOBODY and nothing to the plot, it's boring.
I don't know about the X team in particular, but Monolith Soft in general had to pitch employees to work on BotW. I doubt that'd be an issue now though, since Monolith has like 4 or 5 studios compared to their prior XC2 state.
Yes to all of them. Most of Monolith was working on BotW, leaving a skeleton crew to work on XC2.
He's not the only J-body, and if he does become the "chosen one", it'll entirely be because of his own merit by working harder than everyone else rather than being gifted the best weapon in the game.
Isn't there a giant ass Zohar if you clip the ground in Oblivia?
But the Cross is an MC that matters in the plot of the story. Elma might be the story lead, but that's just because Cross doesn't talk.
Why would they need to prioritize the port? XB1 3DS didn't stop XBX from being made.
Don't most people consider Elma to be the protagonist of X anyway? If X2 starts in another region of Mira, I'm sure we'll have to deal with another Cross esque character. I can see it now..
>X2's MC is the revived Lao
>The Elma of the game is the Black Knight
>Setting is New Tokyo
>Storyboard from the art book ends up being used
It's not too far of a stretch, especially since Lao seems to be identical to the original protagonist in the art book anyway.
>But the Cross is an MC that matters in the plot of the story.
No he doesn't. The only time you really do anything is when you freak out about being a robot and we get exposition about it, but the thing is that literally everyone else in the world already knew that. It didn't need to be a twist. After that, you're just there.
X MC matters way more in the sidequests than the main storyline.
The word protagonist gets misinterpreted a lot. Basically, the protagonist is our perspective character, whoever the story follows. Elma is indeed the most important person in the story, she's the 'hero,' but Cross is our protagonist. We follow him/her, unfortunately.
I like to think that Cross will actually have an established character, and personality traits in X2 since you might not be playing as him. Sort of how Isaac and Felix function in the Golden Sun duology. The former doesn't speak in GS1 since he's the protagonist, but the later does, and vice versa for the 2nd entry.
It's too bad the sidequests mostly amount to you helping random NPCs with their tiny NPC problems. You feel like you're just the town errand bitch.
The sidequests make up 70% of the story and the plot only 10%.
Are there any mods at all? You'd think a mod that fixes the censorship would've been made.
I loved XC2 and I've played everything in the series so far except Xenosaga 3.
>Land is mostly empty, plenty of space to homestead
>Homes are expensive
What. The government should basically be paying people to work the land and expand, like they did when colonizing North America.
>Xenoblade X's 5 moons
X is actually a sequel to Skies of Arcadia, things are fucked because someone blew up one of the moons.
I feel like having us play another irrelevant nobody would be a huge mistake, making Cross a nobody was a side effect of a last minute plot rewrite to facilitate online. It was a huge misstep that I hope they don't repeat.
I just started playing the game after buying a Wii U for that and some other games
>have to get to the Lifehold Unit
>Shit, guess there's no other way but down
>What an interesting ruined robot, I should get closer and inspe-
>I really shouldn't have
Fun game
What other parallels does X have between Xenosaga besides Elma being Kosmos, and everyone getting cast to Mira and losing Earth being the same as Lost Jerusalem
The homes in NLA cost 10s of millions. There's only like 30 homes in the entire city. Everyone else sleeps in the barracks in the admin district (if they're part of BLADE), or in the hotels in the commercial district.
>BLADE actually means (Beyond the Logos Artificial Destiny Emancipator)
But what does it mean, lads...?
The upper area is actually a circle, you don't have to pass by the big FUCK YOU robot at all. Though I'm sure most people did end up checking him out and dying. He has the highest K:D ratio of any enemy in the game.
>started playing again today
>remembered Tatsu exists
Its ok, X is bad too.
X is most similar to Xenogears IMO.
Ontos = Malos
Pneuma = Pyra/Mythra
Logos = Alvis
Why don't these dumbasses homestead?
Would you be mad if X ends up getting retconned to be a prequel of the mainline somehow? XCX3 ends with humans returning to Earth somehow, and then years later the whole Klaus scenario happens.
Just don't use Lin lmao. Even though she's cute as fuck and also fun to use.
>Ontos = Malos
>Logos = Alvis
You've got that backwards. Malos is Logos, Ontos/Ousia is (probably) Alvis.
I dunno, I'm not seeing it outside of Skells. I need to replay Gears again soon, though.
It means fucking translators shouldn't rework things when they don't know what the creator have in mind, especially when he has a bigger picture in mind
Reminder that all the humans are dead because the lifehold malfunctioned an is destroyed and everyone you meet in-game is a doll without a mind or a soul puppeted by some alien and unknown force.
Did you not do the Water Plant sidequest? Going outside of NLA is extremely dangerous, especially if you're living on your own. There's fuck all that you could build that could stand up to a charging Suid, or not got BTFO by a Millesaur, destroyed by a Qmoeva, or infected by wasps that turn you into pic related.
>I don't like it because I hate how the MC is an irrelevant nobody tagalong for Elma.
that's what makes it special, your character is just some guy/girl doing his best
Earth is completely destroyed in the beginning of X, though. I'd be mad if they retconned it, for sure.
No, Mira is artificially keeping their souls alive. Lao died and came back to life on a beach in Primordia and got found by the Black Knight.
Mira is pupetting them. There is no evidence whatsoever that Mira has their souls or is preserving them.
It felt like that whole "Logos? What does that mean?" "It doesn't mean anything lol" exchange was specifically included just to fuck with people who played X, but it kind of lost its meaning over here because of NOA's localization.
There's nothing special about being the guy who contributes nothing to the group and does nothing of relevance in the plot. See
Cross was added in when development shifted. It was supposed to be some chick and the main group would have been Elma, her, and downie, I mean Lin.
Then they went for the insert route. Thats another reason I hate X. It feels so weird like half the game is missing, because it is.
>Beyond the Logos
No, half the game isn't missing. They reworked the player character at the behest of Nintendo pretty early on in development (some time in 2013, the game came out 2 years later).
are you an Elma person?
I honestly find little in her personality to recommend her.
I'm more of a cat person myself
>A True Hero
Such a bullshit achievement even when it was possible to get it
I'd prefer Lin be my pet, desu.
I wonder how much people would conflate a more "anime" artstyle with moeshit/waifushit.
she's good but murderess is best
Even if you get a Switch port, you aren't getting Squad chat back.
And what's the point of online without that?
Isn't that why X-fag hats 2? I much prefer 2's artstyle in terms of faces, but I think they can do better still.
Yeah, but then you can actually kill the Global Nemesis, see people online, get REWARD TICKETS, and so on.
You had to go through hoops in X to see Crosses with big tiddies. That could all change with an X port to the Switch that decensors everything .
They could pull a Splatwoon and have their own Not!Miiverse tied to a phone app.
You need squad chat to coordinate everything you said.
There's a reason game activity died after Miiverse was shut down.
>Having to use twitter or facebook to post
Fuck that.
You don't need squad chat for all that. I almost never looked at squad chat to begin with.
You aren't going to get stuff done efficiently without it.
Also you don't deserve a port. I hope one is never made.
I love X despite its flaws, it's such a comfy game to play. I also really like the soundtrack, I can't comprehend how it filters so many people (yeah, the NLA theme gets old, but it's just that one).
Xeno X is like the sci-fi version of Dragon's Dogma to me, if that even makes sense.
The story isn't as in-your-face as the other Xeno games and it takes a bit of digging and research to piece it all together. That's a huge gripe I see. People just can't get into the story, meanwhile I think it's in the top 5 best video game stories of all time.
I just want a mod to make my characters nude
well if ur so smart explain it then.
It's not a story, it's a setting.
Some of the later enemies though. This huge plant like thing in one of the later areas, behind a mountain. First you think it's a huge plant and then you actually see the REAL plant and it's a fucking mountain of shit.
Why are PCfags such lazy faggots?
I'd rather swap out one file than import a Japanese Wii-U for their censorship bullshit thanks
Why are consolefags such apologists?
>Not cheating means you're an apologist.
Sounds like presidential damage control.
is the robot driving fun?
The Big Dick
Fuck yeah
Your DOLL turns into a car and later can fly
It's smooth as fuck and great fun
Honestly X2 Elma looks great, I would love a X remake in 2's artstyle.
i hope a sequel comes out, i bought this and went in blind and didnt expect it to become my favorite RPG
love her X2 design, its great
elma's true form was fucking stupid, especially because its just KOS-MOS.
it is but once you get the flight module it replaces your jump and every time you just want to get over an obstacle or a ledge the game starts playing the fucking flight music instead of the cool ass overworld music
She really does look better in that artstyle. They dropped the ball with faces in X.
I was just joking user
But if people want to modify games they've already beat then why should anyone else care?
I love Elma so much, I'd die for her
>I was merely being retarded
it makes exploring much less tedious
most of the music is bad with some being straight from hell like nla
X’s OST is only some sort of filter if you’ve never watched any anime at all, otherwise it’s just another Sawano shitheap with a couple decent tracks. It was the main reason I couldn’t love X as much as I wanted to.
H.B and L should easily be SS rank
X's OST was fantastic, though. Just not as good as XC2, but still amazing.
dw user I felt for the same ruse, had no idea it reflects either until after I got one shotted
haha gotem apologist
I always use Yelv and Irina, then I switch the last one around a lot. Usually between HB, L, Nagi and Mia but sometimes I'll take others if I feel like it.
Meh. My favourite X track is the title theme.
>Kills your Ares 90 with reflect
Psssh, nothin personnel kid
Mine is Melancholia, which is equally underused.
a helpful user made this, it replaces bad tracks in x with phantasy star
>drop into game\content\stream\bgm
no more UH UH YEA YEA
How the fuck can anyone hate Phog and Doug?
They're just boring. I always dread doing their affinity missions when I replay X.
Thread theme
Don't mind me just posting the best song.
Rare to see another Melancholiafag
Shame it's only used for the squad select screen and like, two sidequests
At this point it's Xenoblade tradition to put amazing songs in the soundtrack that are either used exactly once and never again, or in tiny areas of the game where they don't get to be fully appreciated by the player.
>Put down this game for years
>Pick back up recently
>Stumble upon pic related
>he played Xenosaga 2
I am very sorry about that
Play 3 already so you can get done with it, but be aware that due to the skewed development of the series as a whole, you'll miss out on some things unless you read Pied Piper
Mutated insect/mammal monster.
What's Pied Piper?
so, about X's ending: they can make new bodies just fine but there's no way to transfer the consciousness to it since the HDDs fried, right?
It's been quite a few years since I played but as I recall
Since the HDD is fried they should all be dead because the bodies were remote controlled, but they're clearly not because Mira magic.
Fucking Elysium.
It's even worse because once Klaus is done with his bible retelling the music gets replaced.
But XBX is more blatant with that since there are some tracks on the OST that went straight up unused when there were multiple opportunities to do so, like the second half of Z5 Mira that could have been used as the ambushed theme, but they decided to use the riff from the Boss theme at the start then it plays Black Tar like normal.
A light novel set between 2 and 3 iirc
If X is really one of your favorite games you need better taste
wasn't it about some philosophical stuff about the soul precedes the body but the body can't survive without the soul aksdowdjaskdl and the ending kinda answers this by showing that the body shapes one's soul?
sounds real fucking neato
>tfw named my red Ares90 Brutish and my green Ares70 Scopedog
Votomsbros where we at ?
Lao revives after losing his mim, so the "souls" of those on board are stored somewhere, perhaps in Mira itself.
criminally underused track
lin is for breeding
I just beat the first xenoblad on emulation, how well does XCX emulate?
Near perfectly.
>Earth is completely destroyed
Do we know this for sure, though? Lin even remarks that she thinks the Earth isn't destroyed. It's quite possible that it parallels Lost Jerusalem, considering Takahashi reuses a lot of plot points from his prior series.
Hopefully it'll be reused in X2 in some form. Maybe a remix of it that fades in from orchestral and fades out from Sawano-esque.
Don't forget to find the lesbian's bracelet.
Perfectly, just don't bother with the 60fps hack as it makes the in-battle B prompts twice as fast.
>Can't even do 60fps right
Port beggers BTFO again.
Thank you. A shame I have to avoid 60 fps, but I understand.
Any other tips about emulation of XCX?
Is it really a problem though? I guess it makes it a little harder, which isn't bad per se. Also, does CEMU support regular gamepad or not?
use the cheat that automatically does it
I love XCX, but god damn every time I get a "find information" mission I immediately lose all motivation to keep playing.
>Just run around this huge ass area until you fin the one NPC you need
>Oh but you need to be really close to get the info
>And the NPC might not spawn the first time you run by their location so just run around the whole area a few times lol
>Oh and they might only spawn at night but we won't tell you lol
The only thing worse was find [x] item in [entire fucking continent] good luck!
The hacks are not made by the CEMU devs though, users do it independently.
>Any other tips about emulation of XCX?
Yeah, there's a hack to turn off the bloom/fog, enable it ASAP. It's also better to render the game at 4k than trying to mess with AA options.
>Is it really a problem though?
Yeah, because there's multiple of those during fights and if you miss it you lose the combo.
>Also, does CEMU support regular gamepad or not?
I played with the X1 pad, but anything recognized by your OS should be fine.
wew, didn't know about that
NLA music and the web tones of this game is the only thing that puts me off about continuing XBX
Still a pretty good game tho. Ironically has a better art style and VFX power than the majority of games released on the Switch despite being released on the Wii U (of all consoles).
That looks like total shit.
Yeah, I'm sure playing it at 16:9, 720p would look much better, right? lots of ''SOUL''.
>Lots of Soul
Yup, better than the bootleg.
You aren't even trying to hide your jealously, stay upset I guess.
Thanks for breaking the xfag's mind, he got so asshurt that he started to post porn out of spite and finally got banned.
>Projecting your jealously that you can't play the original
I'm laughing at you and your inferior product.
Not him but the fact that you care more about what you play the game on and what state you put it in,than the actual game itself, is telling us everything we need to know about you.
Its pathetic.
Post your builds!