
We need more playable characters with massive tails in video games. Tails are just the BEST appendage out there and having one would just feel so damn good. It's so much fun playing a character in a game that has one and just imagining what it would be like to be them and have that tail.

Reptilian tails are my favorite, what is your favorite video game tail?

Attached: DhYm-q6UcAAlobC[1].jpg (484x680, 73K)

fucking furry faggots i swear to god

you're just jealous that you don't have a massive tail to feel though and swish yourself.

it's okay, I understand the pain.

Attached: BwSecWZ[1].png (1200x675, 969K)

dang imagine fucking that

This but unironically


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nice avatar usage!

*getting fucked by

don't worry, I'm extremely unironic in my statements as well. Tails are amazing, not to mention a non-human protagonist is really interesting to play as in a game anyway.

damn I want a tail myself so badly

Attached: lv9f27cb1vq01[1].png (726x376, 393K)

TailLover, why bother coming here to tell us about your autistic obsession with tails? We know it’s you, and we got the message before.