I only do non-lethal runs in Metal Gear Solid. Killing pixels on a screen makes me feel bad

>I only do non-lethal runs in Metal Gear Solid. Killing pixels on a screen makes me feel bad.

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Heh, I put an opinion I disagree with next to a meme face. Now everyone will see that the opinion is objectively wrong!

>i repeatedly post the exact same meme for a week straight trying to stimulate my shriveled dopamine receptors that have burned out from years of chronic masturbation and instant gratification from media consumption

Being the PC comes with responsibilities otherwise we're just no better than NPCs.

Playing lady's Edelgard's route in the new fire emblem right now. I feel so fucking uneasy, I thought this was going to be baby's first highschool weeb game simulator but this is too much for me.
Why didn't kotaku warn me about this?

>killing is bad -kojima
>wow snake is a cool killer -average player
>killing is bad also have sex -kojima
>fuck raiden but wow snake is still cool killer -average player
>i hope you finally understand that killing is bad after I force you to pull trigger on the boss -kojima
>wow *sniff* BiBo is the best cool killer -average player
>fuck you fuck snake fuck big boss fuck metal gear -kojima


>game revolves around combat and lets you shoot and kill people
>remember folks killing is bad and you should feel bad for playing the game we made
I fucking hate devs who pull that shit.

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>Killing pixels on a screen makes me feel bad.
Fuck it, I'mma reply to bait anyway, it's Friday.
It's because its a challenge, something quirky to do that comes with some cool bonus rewards. Not because morals.

>Yeah I only do ghost runs, I'm a true stealth gamer. If course that means that if I make any mistake I reload a save and try again, meaning I never have to adapt or improvise, but that just means I'm hardcore and I got the achievement on my first try.

the series explores the concepts of free will. each game offers you the choice of sneaking past enemies or killing them. do you base that choice in convenience, the fact that youre given a wide arsenal of lethal weapons and that the dead soldiers dont wake up to pester you no longer? or do you choose based on your own morals and ethics and decide not to end lives if you have an alternative path ahead?

can you even finish MGS3 entirely non-lethal? I only played it once but that last sequence seemed impossible to me

You can't get the best completion ranks if you kill enemies
Except MGSV

uh besides the boss fight, obviously

non-lethal = non-canon
simple as

death of the author
also japan deserved both nukes

>the series explores the concepts of free will
They're all silly clown games. Don't read into it too much. Aside from some throwaway lines about conspiracy to give these games the appearance of depth there's not much there.

>well of course I kill what I can, how could you tell?

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how would you do it?

When I was a kid and installed GTA Vice city back in the day for the first time all I did for the first 15 minutes of the game is drive over people on that tiny scooter at the very start of the game. I was laughing so hard right there. It was so funny to hear people yelping when being hit and hearing crack sounds when you drove them over.
Killing pixels is fun.

In Dishonored i do it because i can RP as good guy corvo

To me the problem lies with g*mers who act like nonlethal is the only "real" way to play these games when the whole point is freedom of approach. Deus Ex might be the worst for this.
>tell someone i pick GEP Gun on the first mission since it's the only weapon you can't find in the levels right after
>b-b-but muh nonlethal takedowns!

NieR 1 does a much better job of making you feel bad about killing.

the entire attempt at a moral argument about killing vs no killing in MGS games falls apart because in every game except MGS2 it's actually much easier because you can just headshot everyone from the other side of the map with a silenced tranq gun that has tons of ammo and if the soliders see someone sleeping they just kick them awake instead of raising an alarm so you can just shoot the two of them a second time

meanwhile in MGS2 which wasn't a casualized piece of shit like MGS3 guards actually have to check in frequently, guards would go into alarm over someone sleeping, the more narrow areas vs big open forest means you generally have to get in range of guards to shoot them and even if you leave someone sleeping they can wake up by the time you're done with an area (or they wake up when you circle back around after doing your business somewhere else)

Nice avatar usage!

Wow I get hating wojaks but that is one sad attempt at a burn

Having that half-American half-Communist outfit helps a lot. The commie side is on the front, so just face the enemies shooting at you to make them hesitate to pull the trigger

>uuughhh popoo pee hahaahahaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhh bbrrraaappp -kojima

The game gives the option not to kill anyone and is perfectly beatable if you don't.

same bro. my friends chose the other two houses and have no idea what I'm going through

Weak shitpost. Non lethal runs are the canonical way to play and the more challenging. Throw your tantrum elsewhere.

It's perfectly beatable in any way you wish, that's the fun.

>end lives

I bet you also politely ask every menu to open for your perusal.

You do it because you get a higher score, faggot
Totally based and redpilled wojak edit may may btw

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Imagine caring about being scored high by a silly distraction mady by a random gook genius artiste.

>imagine trying to get a high score in a game
this is what happens when a generation grows up with walking simulators

dehumanizing your enemies is a pretty good way to cope with murder.

And making disctintions between real life and pixels on a screen is basically a survival skill these days. Anyway, do cats dehumanize a red dot occasionally traversing floors and walls?

>Non lethal runs are the canonical way to play
Do you have the dumb?

You must be really young to care about this shit instead of, you know, scoring IRL or something.

>Non-lethal by using the tranq gun on all guards

>Non lethal by actually avoiding guards without using any weapons

I sometimes imagine random people playing as mooks in the games I play because of their sheer curiosity and peculiar fanservice tastes.

those soldiers are modeled after humans. theyre virtual human beings and you are commiting virtual murder on them while coping by saying its okay theyre not real humans. pretty much what soldiers do irl when they go look up their confirmed kill ragheads with brains splattered all across the ground.

>this guy actually likes games, he must be a 10 year old virgin!
I assume you just put in a game and walk away to fuck your harem of big titty sluts then?

Something like that, yeah.

user, assignment statements basically do not look like this. You are trying to violate my unique human nature by overwriting part of it with your silly statements which is an actual crime! You can imagine all the silly explanations you want and make any mental maps and models but the time you try to fiddle with the uncomprehensible void that is the other person you're setting yourself for a swift execution. You might want to refrain from doing this in the future because it costs you dearly.

fag post by a faggot, sucking your boyfriends cum doesn’t make you a big man my guy

non lethal in MGS literally takes more skill

and dont get me wrong I'm not trying to act morally superior or tell that non lethal is the best way to play the game. I'm just describing the machinations of the game and what it is trying to convey with its game design.

pics of harem or it didn't happen

I've gotten Foxhound Rank in the game, so yeah. It's plenty doable, but you need to be stupidly discrete, and manage your tranq ammo.

The escort section near the end can be pretty infuriating.

Why do incels like posting caricatures of themselves?

Why are there so many people who take the concept of "try not to kill the enemies" as some sort of deep personal attack?
No, the game's not "punishing" you for killing the enemies. The game's not trying to teach you that killing is bad. It's just an element of the game.

I hate shit like that, in games and movies.
>DUDE people like violence in media but actually violence is bad! Wow I bet I just blew your fucking mind bro!!

>deep personal attack
Pointing out the absurdity of the "morals" in games like this is not saying it's a "personal attack"

Non-lethal without tranqs, sure. Tranqing everyone is arguably the easiest way to play.

It's not a fucking moral thing. There are actual reasons for not killing characters in relation to the fictional character in the story the game takes place in. The game is not implying that these are REAL people and that you're MORALLY CORRUPT for killing them.
If you care about the story, then you'd understand that there's a reason to not kill the characters.
If you don't care about the story, why do you care if the game tells you not to kill them?

if lets say operation snake eater was real would those morals apply then? those are some random soviet soldiers who an american soldier will never see again in his life, why not just kill them?

It deserved more than two

IT would be okay if it was the leadup to some kind of interesting plot development but it always just ends there, there's nothing that makes it interesting.

Out of those four non lethal was the most painful in MGS4 because it had a nice arsenal of guns so you could feel the shit you were missing out on by choosing to only use the tranq.

>>game revolves around combat
Fuck off

Well maybe if the games didn't reward you for not killing anyone less people would look down on you for essentially taking easy mode.

>each game has increasingly larger arsenals and fun ways to kill
>games reward you for not killing

T-b-h I love that in TPP you can actually go wild and try out all those fun ways to kill whenever you're not doing a story mission

But rugheads ÀRE subhuman, user

>culminates in mgsV where the player has literally become snake
>demon horn grows straight outta your forehead
kojimbo really has no subtlety anymore.

>go nonlethal the whole game and Fulton everyone so I can max out my base
>enemies still talk about how I fight like a demon and how I slaughtered those outposts

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How? The bosses die in cutscenes anyway.

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You can basically do it in story missions too, S Ranks were easy enough to maintain that the non-lethal bonus wasn't really necessary

>kojimbo really has no subtlety anymore.
He never did.

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>found out that just taking a bunch of heavy weaponry with the intent of finishing the mission as fast as possible without caring about alerts and gunning down everyone on my way is the easiest way to get S ratings on every mission that isn't auto-loss on detection.

In based MGSV you don't have to kill anyone. It's Huey who killed Skullface, not me :)

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They are being metaphorical.
Its how people say litteraly, but they dont litterally mean literally


Also there is currently 6 kojima related threads. All shitting on kojima. Why?