Is it a scam?

Attached: SC.jpg (2835x2835, 340K)

No, fuck off.


It wasn't intended to be a scam, but Roberts has obviously found there's more money in selling .jpg's of spaceships than making a game.

Is water wet?

Yes. It was the ultimate kike run. It's been like 5 years and the game is in some sort of nightmarish Kefka state where textures don't load properly, the game glitches out and shits itself, you fall through the map, etc.

Scientifically speaking, no.

It is entirely your own fault if you put hundreds or thousands of dollars into it, I felt it had merit and I got the early access and all that shit, but that was all I got, I didn't start buying ship after ship and racking up the moneycount like a retard.
I figure I'll forget about it entirely and then get an email in 202X saying it either came out or got shitcanned.

>wet: consisting of, containing, covered with, or soaked with liquid (such as water)
Fuck off, faggot.

It's not a scam, it's just a bunch of naive retards throwing off money to a project that every sane person would have already realized it was too ambitious a few years ago