Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts

Today announced release date of November 22, 2019


>game is LITERALLY hitman + metal gear wrapped into 1
>and yet Yea Forums ignores it REPEATEDLY
>SGW3 was a masterpiece and yet ignored by Yea Forums

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So, how much are you getting paid?

I'm really looking forward to it. SGW3 had a train wreck development cycle, but it's a pretty solid game with the fan patch installed. This game looks like they've REALLY stepped up their game quality-wise while realising their constraints.

I'm just wondering what is going on with the protagonist. The game's original reveal art had a female sniper. But the recent gameplay footage has this whisper talking dude in a mask. Maybe you can choose their gender?

>SGW3 fanpatch

wat it do? just fix a few bugs?

what people dont get is that sgw series is extremely tacticool. i see it on par with Ghost Recon series. best sniping followed by sniper elite

it has different protags and 25 missions. NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT PROTAG. its all about tacticool sniping

>wat it do? just fix a few bugs?
+NPC spawn/despawn distance fixes.
+Mitigated phantom gadget icon bug after player death.
+Mitigated problem where removing gadgets from player inside weapon cache did not remove them from the inventory.
+Fixed broken water quality and texture filtering settings.
+Car radio fixed.
+Extensive key rebinding fixes.
+Typo and formatting fixes.
+Frozen ToD in Village region fixed.
+Time of day 0:00 reset fixed.
+Abberant aim sensitity on revolver fixed.
+Laser sight rendering fixed.
+NPC damage multiplier bugs/oversights fixed.
+Various cosmetic improvements.
+Misc fixes.
It fixes the game despawning NPCs past 200 meters, fixed the completely fucked key rebinding, and various various other issues including the broken time of day system. It's pretty essential IMHO, and it's a shame the devs hadn't integrated its fixes into an official patch.

SGW3 was ruined by the shitty Far Cry open world
but the sniping was fun and not garbage like Sniper "Elite"

>it has different protags and 25 missions. NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT PROTAG. its all about tacticool sniping
Sniping as a woman is inherently cooler than sniping as a dude. Are you saying that Contracts has multiple protagonists, Far Cry 2-style? That would be cool. I was surveyed by CI Games back in 2018 and I remember them asking questions about female protags and I remember suggesting that they have multiple protags with different skills allowing different ways to solve missions. I am very interested to see how the game turns out.

Slav kusoge. Avoid at all cost. Fuck you shill and fuck your overlord.

Having an open world or a large sandbox environment is essential for a good stealth/sniping game. The problem with SGW3's open world lay in its technical implementation. SGW Contracts and its level-based sandbox approach is saner. But I really did like exploring in SGW3.
>but the sniping was fun and not garbage like Sniper "Elite"
Sniper Elite 4 was pretty dope.

meh. it'll probably fuck up a dozen things after patching the game. also what about Denuvo? lol i dont even care.

i really hate it when autists go full autistic about minbor bugs. if you guys wanna know what bugs are play F76, then talk to me

It looks like they've gone back to a 2 weapon limit instead of the 3 weapon limit SGW3 had. What this means, I assume, is that you can't use assault rifles. You're forced to choose between a sniper rifle and a pistol during combat. This prevents the player Ramboing.

>it has different protags and 25 missions.
Tell me more.

sup tripfag, have you fucking fixed the obnoxious characters in your games yet?

Maybe because SGW3 was nothing but bootleg Far Cry, even though the actual Far Cry is already a mediocre franchise?

I'm sorry, but SGW3's bugs are far from minor. It's not just bugs. Due to performance woes on consoles, the game despawns NPCs usually around 250 meters. And also despawns them if you don't have line of sight for longer than 2 seconds. That's literally two seconds. It's on a timer. The SGW3 Improvement Project fixes the NPC spawn distances, fixes the game's time of day system resetting to midnight every time you die, fixes the broken car radio that has to be activated twice every time you enter a car for it to work, and fixes the fact that rebinding literally anything will fuck the game beyond all comprehension. It's a very important fan patch, although obviously there is the odd regression.

>even though the actual Far Cry is already a mediocre franchise?
Far Cry is absolute kino. I can't help noticing that SGW Contracts is going for an EXTREMELY Biblical theme, kinda like Far Cry 5.


>we wuz mask functions
>rival sniper ai in contacts
>best sniping to date
>autistic detail

and finally and most importantly game is based and all about sniping. no fuckin machine guns. just a silenced pistol and sniping rifle


Pre-order now

Far Cry is just first person Assassins Creed, mediocre controls, even worse open world.

no and fuck you. Give us a break. you either want tacticool shot or Kojima style bullshit writing

fuck you

Anyone remember the embarrassing trailer for the 3rd?

>Here at Aperture Science, we fire the whole bullet.

can i have tacticool shit without annoying faggot characters blurting legit painful dialog at each other.

>>rival sniper ai in contacts
This is an interesting feature. One of my favorite moments in SGW3 was this point of interest which turned out to a trap set by a sniper. So I ran for cover and carefully scouted the area with my drone to figure out where they where, before taking them down.

I hope the enemy snipers have some means of preventing the player immediately spotting them with the drone. Think like how Arkham Knight had those enemies with scrambling technology.

dialog options are all exhausted out. its almost 2020. everything we write will be already in use by some other douchebag

IMO, it's a bit unfair to blame the devs for a trailer likely done by an outside company. The actual game has pretty detailed and faithful weapon stuff.
SGW3 was heavily rewritten not that long before release because the CEO of the company had a falling out with the gay black guy from Full Spectrum Warrior that was leading the writing and consulting on the military stuff. The original plot of SGW3 was kinda like FC2, but gayer.

>The original plot of SGW3 was kinda like FC2, but gayer.
BTW, when I say "gayer" I mean in the literal sense. It involved your missing brother and this rogue US Army General in a gay relationship. Or something. The story was full of morally grey shit as you murdered people in Georgia on behalf of the US Government. This all went out in the window in the final version.

Hopefully SGW Contracts isn't a dumpster fire narratively.

Wasn't this the guy who couldn't handle playing FPS games on a controller, and his entire preview is how he couldn't shoot straight?

Wait, so it's like a TimeSplitters 2 kinda thing where each mission has a unique protag?

Hoping for the best.

Lololol op here. He only played sgw3 for a few minutes at a conference. Sg games are not good for conferences. This is not crazy taxi or dmc

Yeah, I try to share your optimism but I played most of the CI Games and they are mediocre at best. I remember being hyped about „Enemy Front” and since then I don’t give a shit about their games. They also promised many things back then and none of them were fulfilled properly. Just give up OP.

I know you work for CI GAMES and I wish you best. Instead of shilling just give us some sneak peaks/behind the scenes works like gameplay snippets or explain more why should Yea Forums be hyped...

>Yeah, I try to share your optimism but I played most of the CI Games and they are mediocre at best. I remember being hyped about „Enemy Front” and since then I don’t give a shit about their games.
Enemy Front was yet another CI Games title where the lead developer got fired by the CEO over "creative differences". I hope that Contracts is the game where he's finally learned to be hands off. I kinda liked Enemy Front, mind you.

Ok. Some of us frequent /pol/...daily

>this thread

Attached: 1552224115537.jpg (1024x1004, 291K)

>City Interactive literally pays trolls to shill their shovelware on Yea Forums
new low for them. at least they'll be going out of bussiness soon.

Attached: ain't got time for this.png (895x988, 1.12M)

If you think CDPR don't do the same thing, I have a bridge to sell you.

>hitman + metal gear wrapped into 1
Does combining two shit games make a good one?

>butthurt about CDPR
>classic polack response when caught doing something bad - "BUT THEY DID IT TOO!"
instead of shitposting on Yea Forums you should take care of your employees, Marek.

That.. explains a lot

its the best engine

I'm just noting that basically the only different between CI Games and CDPR is luck. If CI Games managed to make a truly good game this time, watch people rapidly forget their shady past just as they did with CDPR.

>the only different between CI Games and CDPR is luck.
lol. yeah, real lucky of them making good games that people want to play.

That's kinda missing the point. CDPR are a complete shitshow behind the scenes with rampant developer burnout and crunch over the years. Most of the people who made TW2 didn't want to stick around for TW3, and most of the people who made TW3 didn't want to stick around for Cyberpunk. The studio suffers huge talent bleed and nobody wants to work on Cyberpunk because the project is so badly off the rails and the studio is so screwy. CI Games are largely the same, just without the luck factor. Terrible management, terrible crunch, constant staff turnover.

Let me fix it for ya: in case of CI Games people maybe wanted to stick around for another „Sniper Ghost Warrior” game but instead all of them was fired. You could read that on CI Games webpage.

That's because SGW3 didn't sell anywhere near enough and the company fell on hard times financially. Similar situation to Crytek, I guess. Remember when Crytek fired a few hundred developers in an effort to stop the bleeding? But regardless, CI has always suffered from burnout and executive meddling. Every time a new game comes out, a huge chunk of the staff are replaced. They're a studio where MULTIPLE GAMES have fired the lead developer midway through development. That's utterly crazy stuff. Still, it's not like CDPR have a much better reputation. They just managed to hit gold with The Witcher 3. Most people don't even remember how shockingly buggy TW3 was at launch. Most people don't know or care that the Xbox One version of TW3 has broken lighting and CDPR can't be bothered fixing it.

Look at the op's name ;)