Are you happy shieldfags? You've sown the seeds and this is your harvest.
Are you happy shieldfags? You've sown the seeds and this is your harvest
well this looks like a lovely thread but itll be deleted cause mods hate vermintide for some reason
really lacking in content for the money
Greedshark in a nutshell really.
Implying what? Shieldfags have whined enough to ruin the game for everyone? Yes that's exactly what i'm implying.
Whats amusing is that shields still suck and youre better off either with a weapon with a good push attack (halberd) or stagger (hammers)
Havent played it yet, did they ruin one handed axe for the dwarf?
rip in piss
Real talk: should I even waste money on this or wait until that Remnant game is out and play that instead?
>lock some shitty maps behind paywall
>lock cool maps from the first game and new weapons behind a paywall
>lock more new weapons and ZERO new maps behind a paywall
Im enjoying Remnant. Its been fun so far.
Bardin in general isn't super great this patch. It's not that he's bad but throwing axes don't really give you anything and none of his other tools made him any better after the reworks. He got fucked by the massive nerf to temp health from damaging multiple enemies which was the main thing you used last build.
Is it playable already? Thought it wasn't out until next week.
You forgot they locked the hardest difficulty behind a paywall
If you preorder you can play now otherwise it comes out monday.
To clarify theres ViP early access that started at midnight est for anyone who preordered.
To hell with Fatshark.
Dont forget
>new tier of chests for the new difficulty were bugging out during the beta so we just removed them from release and made up some bullshit about not wanting to make people feel like they need to move up for less shit chances at reds
>not even any new hats or even fucking skins for the new weapons
What a trash company
Get good dude WC, pyro, shade, merc are all insane dps right now, the stagger change already got reverted on all difs and most tree changes buffed people. The fuck are you whinging about?
Ah sweet, will look at some impressions and then probably get that then.
M8 bardin is stronger than ever except for RV. slayer can get 50% increased movement speed, IB can now spam his buff for a near constand 80% damage reduction. You'll 2 shot almost everything in the game with great hammer and stagger hoards forever with your hammers. Drakegun is more handy than ever. Sure theyre slightly squishier now (not by much) but so is every class post 2.0 except for BH
Spam his ult*
>people make cookie cutter meta builds in a singleplayer game
>devs nerf said playstyle in a singleplayer game
what the fuck
Nice opinions from veteran player
Tell me more
Why are the player characters generic dudes with M4s?
Youre a worthless sack of shit with nothing of value to add to any conversation
>$20 map
>torn between supporting WHFB just to spite age of shitmar for destroying one of the best settings in fantasy, and not paying jewshark
I cant complain really, I'm still building armies for WHFB so I've already kissed my wallet good bye.
The starting classes dont matter. Its literally only the gear you start with and you can buy the other classes gear at the vendor at the beginning of the game.
The cool weapons come a from boss drops or finding them all the starting gear are generic guns.
The nice thing about the game is when someone loots in a group everyone gets the loot which is great with the casual drop in co op they have going on.
What kind of good loot? Don't tell me M4 with a laser sight and explosive bullets.
>75% crit chance pyromancer
>90% headshot damage buff on witch hunter
>40% damage res on merc captain ult
>bardin is literally unkillable
>2x damage on shade AND swift bow is back
I'm seeing players get consistent 50k damage done on cata, what in the unholy fuck are you taking about OP. This patch is hilarious.
>did you mean: warframe
Im not super far into the game but ill post a screenshot of my character. So theres two things to keep in mind. You have 2 ranged weapons and a melee weapon. Both ranged weapons can have a skill attached to them that can do anything from highlight mobs and make you do extra crits to make plant spikes come from you and reduce incoming damage. So you really just mix and match weapons ans skills to your preference.
Also im not sure theres explosive bullets but you can get a flame bullet skill mod so you attacks set mobs on fire.
Do you have builds or weapons I should be using as Shade?
a friend of mine bought me it the other day, and I'm not sure how I should building her.
woops forgot the screenshot. The mask adds a slow heal over time effect.
I'm wondering if it's just boring generic real world weapons
sword dagger for horde clear, dual dagger for single target dps. build crit chance and roll for power vs chaos and attack speed. standard bow is strong on her at the moment.
honestly if you JUST got the game it literally doesnt matter what you build. the lower difs are a fucking joke if you have two brain cells.
its a mix. Some are cool fantasy guns and some are generic real world weapons. The defense mod i told you about adds a cool looking vine effect around whatever gun you have it slotted to and im sure other boss mods do the same.
Here is a screenshot of the starter rifle with the mod i was talking about. To give you an idea of what it looks like.
lmao @ your life
>vermin no longer matter in vermintide
Sad day, dumb cow people need to fuck off.
How's Grudge RV compared to pre-DLC? I gave the patch notes a one-over, it's cool that he got a lot of shotgun talents but half-penetration and dead bash on shotguns across the board seems like, what's the point?
nerfed but still usable on anything below cata.
Alright cool, been playing a ton for a few days now, just got 35 today, I've been mostly doing what you said.
I was using glaive, so I'll start using daggers.
glaive is good too, daggers are for boss eating. just dont pop ur shit on every cw that farts in your direction and focus boss to be credit to teem.
becausew people keep pointing out fatshark is owned by Tencent now, which results in the tianamin square copy pasta, which results in prune
>bought 36% of shares
>bardin unkillable
Care to explain? Haven't played since january, i think. If it matters on non-Slayer i ran 2 handed hammer for head bonking and horde clearing with heavy attacks which had a satisfying rythm to it. How's Kruber doing?
>always used to play Hammer Knight kruber
yes constant 50% crit with free ult refresh on crit. she is fucking nuts right now.
bardin either fucks off or just sits in the middle of a horde laughing right now. RVs invis is insane and ironbreaker/slayers dont give a shit
Kruber is also nuts, Merc makes his team unkillable and footknight is probably the best char in game for securing runs atm
>using that 2 handed heavy to sweep hoards
>bopping armored rattos on the head
Kino fun, I still got the game installed but haven't played in ages, told myself I wasn';t gonna buy this shitty DLC though...
>yes constant 50% crit with free ult refresh on crit. she is fucking nuts right now.
Thats literally how she was at the start of the game. She was good for taking out big bois because she could spam her ult. Thank god I might actually buy the DLC and play again.
shes stronger then OG, best melee in game by far. only due to fatsharks stupidity though. getting 75+% crit chance on her is easy as fuck and the mace is disgusting plus beam is solid again.
>best melee in game by far
Fucking how?
do I need the DLC to start again? i've got everything but Winds of Magic, I don't wanna give fatshark more money
No it sucks
The game, or the dlc?
Yay more beamwigglers
god I hate pubs in this fucking game
>tfw only ever wanted to play war wizard/default class
>tfw it's objectively inferior to the other two in every way
Yes, retard, that's quite literally what shareholders are, if you were to purchase even 1% of the company, you would also be considered an owner.
Both actually, the only good thing about it is that it "feels" good to play, but you'll soon realize that it's a shitty game made by shitty devs that don't know what they wanna do with it.
Go play EDF 5.
I was managing to beat Legend with Battle Wizard by using the Conflagration staff pretty consistently before I stopped playing, but that was who knows how many months ago now.
Battle Wizard is great now. I've been using Unchained with flamestorm staff and flail, it detonates hordes.
>beam is solid again
Is that the go to staff again? I always enjoyed Bolt Staff for the fast attacking, but if its a fireball staff situation where its completely useless, that'd suck.
So how is it? Friends are nagging me to come back but i'm bit burned out on the game and when i tried the beta i didn't liked the changes at all. Cleared some cata there but shit felt like huge slog.
Did they changed anything from beta? Are the weaves still gotta grind every single damn class from scratch?
The dlc is a scam
>ironbreaker 2h axe + handgun
>merc 2h hammer + handun
These were my builds before I stopped playing a long while ago (over a year now, I think). How do they hold up in current meta?
If you didn't like the beta you wont like how it is now. The only thing they really changed is lowering some of the stagger resist and making it so you only have to grind per character not per class.
>Handgun on Ironbreaker
This is how I know you had skill.
>they still haven't delivered even half the promises they made during vt2 pre-release
>still no dedicated servers
Those swecucks promised them since the first game, good thing I didn't buy the second game.
I just liked doing axe+shield and Drake Gun... It wasn't optimal, but I had fun being ready for anything and tanking for my team
how2 saltzpyre
Double the Discipline
but, in all seriousness, Bounty Hunter has always been his strongest career, and Witch Hunter (sadly) the weakest. Witchhunter can work great thanks to the support benefits it adds the other players but it's profession skill is really underwhelming and a lot of his other abilities rely on getting reliable headshots. Which admittedly isn't too hard with a rapier.
But, BH gets a skill that revolves around getting guarunteed ranged crits every so often, and then you can get an ability that refunds/doesn't spend ammo when you ranged crit, combine that with a multi barrel blast from the repeater and each shot individually crits and costs no ammo
love sigmar and hate skaven
that's it
oh and the guaranteed crit applies to all ranged attacks, including his special, so you can que up a guarunteed crit and then use his class skill, and get the double up skill at 30 (or is it 35 now?) to fire two heavy critting shots, great for blowing through chaos warriors
I didn't know bounty hunter's F could crit. Wouldn't the grape shot then deal way more damage if every pellet hit? Also give you a panic anti-horde button?
>Witch Hunter Captain is the most kino class
>its also the weakest in the game
Using Double Barrel is bosses and elites, F on hoards is a waste when you got falchion
How is zealot? Haven't played since March but I remember him having too much faith to die.
What the fuck are you talking about. It's the best in the game currently.
>game stopped working for me anyway
Whc became the best class for saltz. Meanwhile, zealot is pretty much pointless to use. BH at least has a flexible delete button every know and then.
>fatshart shilling their trash game on Yea Forums
Kill yourself. Shittiest developers i've ever bought a game from. Never again.
What can I play if i don't buy the update? Just legend, or can I go into weaves or whatever they're called? Do I still fight the new enemies?
its insane honestly, wtf are they even doing over there? the last cosmetics we got were the fucking recolors from bogenhaven
WoM being 20 is fucking absurd.
BH can still build his repeater pistol CW one shot meme so you don't even have to stick with double shot if you don't want to. Its still probably the best for giving you boss dps since you get 80% cd if both shots hit the face.
Unfucking the console version like with the content drought first game dad