Why does homosexual inclusion in video games incense some people so violently?
Why does homosexual inclusion in video games incense some people so violently?
Because anything i don't like is shoehorned and too political, unless i like it, in that case it's based and redpilled.
People thought Soldier was gay for Reaper since day 1. The only issue with the gay reveal for Soldier is the timing was extremely suspect and Michael Chu's general awful writing.
Because I don't want to imagine that someone as cool and stalwart as 76 has taken dicks up his ass and in his mouth, makes me lose respect for the character and I don't think I'm alone in that sentiment
>I don't want to imagine that someone as cool and stalwart as 76 has taken dicks up his ass and in his mouth
Then what are you doing imagining it...?
He only had 1 boyfriend ever. Do you always think about how many dicks someone has touched? That's pretty weird.
>He only had 1 boyfriend ever.
Isn't this normal for small town gays
You're not wrong, I have dicks on the mind constantly but I expect better of my video game characters
Basically yeah, he's still the same small town dork.
i don't get it. dicks aren't bad and playing with them isn't bad either. you probably do it everyday. do you hate your dick or something?
>your penis is not OURS
But what's so bad if someone took it up his ass or enjoyed sucking cocks?
I don’t know about violently but it’s irritating as hell. It’s irrelevant to the plot and/or action unless the game is centered around man sucking other men’s dicks. When I a marine is putting rounds down range they don’t turn to their CO and mention they’re a fag out of the blue.
Geez guys ease up on the dicks in this threadJUST FUCKING KIDDING BAN ME
Because it's now counterculture to be an arrogant bible-thumping Republican trying to claim a moral high ground while beating off to hentai VNs full of rape, incest, and lolicon.
But to be entirely fair, 76 being gay was a spontaneous PR ploy by Blizzard.
Because homos deserve to be thrown off rooftops.
Because people on here are disingenuous and act tolerant to homosexuals in reality (likely because they are either homosexual themselves or know homosexuals) but """act"" like they hate homosexuals and rationalize it as trolling while anonymous, when in reality they probably are homophobic but lack the balls to admit it and are deceiving themselves into thinking they're tolerant when they aren't. This is why they suffer from cognitive dissonance and get butthurt when you bring up the obvious gay paradox
>character doesn’t flirt with men or “act gay”, doesn’t discuss sexuality at all, literally never would've figured out if the game didn’t explicitly tell you, the character himself didn't tell you, lore outside the game didn’t tell you, or one of the devs didn’t tell you
>Why is he gay then? Why isn’t he straight? What purpose does him being gay serve to the game or the story? This is forced diversity, you just made him gay for brownie points
>gay character flirts with other men, has a husband or love interest, is a romance option, struggles with discrimination, kisses other men, talks about other men like straight men talk about women, etc.
>Wow stop shoving your gayness down my throat, this is forced diversity, good gay characters don’t go on and on about their sexuality
The way I feel it's not the inclusion, it's how it's done. Because Rowlinging it through twitter is the worst possible way that only exists for virtue signal PR points.
you had respect for a video game character? it's fake.
>tfw you realize a dickhead kinda looks like a small butt.
This is also why they get butthurt and suffer from cognitive dissonance when you point out the obvious double standards on how homosexuals are treated in games.
Take for example, Arcade Gannon
>Arcade Gannon is a "good gay character" because he doesn't talk about being gay or his relationships that much (he doesn't talk about boyfriends or husbands or gay sex or anything). As such he isn't "defined" by his sexuality
>But New Vegas has characters like Boone and Cass, who go on and on about their relationships
>Boone's entire quest is about him lamenting the death of his wife and getting revenge for it, while Cass talks about the men she's slept with and speaks in double entendres. Nobody is upset at either of them for this, though.
>If Arcade was like Boone or Cass (lamented the death of his husband, talks about all the men he's slept with) then people would complain about "forced diversity/gayness"
>Thus Arcade exposes the GAY DOUBLE STANDARD. It's okay for straight people to be open about their sexuality but it's bad for gay people to. Straight people aren't defined as "good or bad" characters solely on how open they are with their sexuality while gay people are.
>So ironically, you (the players) are actually the ones who are defining gay characters by their sexuality, then criticizing them as bad for it
It is all a smokescreen, the truth is people who claim "I don't hate gay characters, I just don't like FORCED gay characters" or a "FORCED AGENDA" are actually closet homophobes who pretend and deceive themselves into thinking they aren't homophobes in reality. They are cowards who come up with excuses. What "agenda" could be spread by including more gay characters other than trying to be more tolerant to gays? Why would someone who is actually tolerant of gays give a shit that that is the "agenda"?
They won't release you from this torment.
Gay people are annoying and most of the time are the most obnoxious people I've ever met, second only to black people
why do people hate gays?
I only hate bisexual representation.
>I have dicks on the mind constantly but I expect better of my video game characters
Like just pick a fucking side, you aren't special cause you have a hand in both barrels
I don't mind characters being gay, though I do find the means through which they revealed Soldier 76's orientation to have been ham-fisted and unnecessary overall. I don't really think it was necessary and it felt more like backpedalling rather than an organic thing. I don't think Blizzard is capable of making any sort of revelation like that feel organic, they're always giving off an air of patting themselves on the back for being such thoughtful people as to include gays in their games.
>He isn't chad bi sexual
>He can't walk down the street and see great asses everywhere
>He is a "everything is black or white" false dilemma fag.
That's more because Michael Chu is a shitty hack writer and can't even remember how many eyeballs Ana has or which characters have prosthetics than anything.
You’ve likely met many more gay people than you think and just didn’t realize it because most gay people are pretty normal.
No, it's bad when gay people have their entire personality boiled down to "I AM GAY PAY ATTENTION TO ME FOR BEING GAY" because that's what 99% of forced gay characters are; pandering.
There, fucked your shitty TL;DR argument
Bisexual people are 10 times more likely to contemplate about suicide than the general population. They're more likely to suffer mental issues, having a shitty healthcare, drinking alcohol, living in poverty. And bisexual women are more likely to be victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and abusing of tobacco and opioids.
>barely any mention of his sexuality for years
>Diablo Immortal shitfest happens
>hey guis S76 is gay!
Jup. But not me because I'm not clinically insane.
I have no conflict about my universal love for ass.
>not clinically insane
No, you only PERCEIVE it as being forced because you are in denial about your homophobia. Just admit that you hate gay people.
You only think it's their entire character because you can't stop thinking about their meaty dick slapping your face. Prove me wrong.
Stay eternally butmad that you can't appreciate beauty like I can.
Fuck off you tribalist false dilemma fag.
Can't speak for most points of view, but I don't care usually. It's only stupid when it's just kinda tacked on out of the blue to try and score brownie points and being able to wave a rainbow colored company logo, screaming "WE'RE INCLUSIVE TOO!"
It's fine if there's a purpose to the character being gay, but in this case, it very clearly has no bearing. Same with Tracer being made lesbian earlier too.
Enjoy your STDs.
If you honestly believe that 99% of gay characters are forced, then you just don’t like gay people.
>Bisexual people are 10 times more likely to contemplate about suicide than the general population
I'm also more likely to die of a car accident when I go outside. So what?
Lmao, I don't fuck everything that moves. Hell I have never had sex with a man, I just love their muscular buts!
My bisexuality is superior to what ever ditch you're in.
Define this. There is no “purpose” to a character’s sexuality. The only way it could have a purpose would be if the story talked about, say, the character having to deal with homophobia and discrimination. But if it did that, you all would say it’s forced.
You asked and you shall receive
Thinking about commiting suicide is neither common nor good.
>Thinking about commiting suicide is neither common nor good.
Neither is getting in a car accident. Again, it's just statistics. Why should I be dissuaded from doing things because there's a statistical chance things go wrong? Should I live my entire life to be as statistically safe as possible?
You need to drive cars.
You can live after picking a side.