What are some go-to tactical shooter currently on the market?

What are some go-to tactical shooter currently on the market?

Attached: inb4.png (635x543, 488K)

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Fuck that shit western art

Attached: 9781626928626_manga-magical-girl-spec-ops-asuka-4-primary.jpg (702x1000, 307K)

>but im dummy thicc and

>american shadman




have sex

Quake Champions

if you can't recognize shadman on sight, you're not right for this site.

I unironically find shadmans drawings easy to masturbate to.


no taste

Attached: 1555478763123.webm (404x720, 181K)

huh it's awfully flat-looking, didn't recognize cause of that.
thanks anyways

That looks like shit.

Me too.

Attached: 1551316265672.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)


Attached: shadman2.webm (1920x1080, 1.28M)

Some are alright.

It's fine, user. Not everyone has the smarts to appreciate the finest details of smut.

Attached: __naga_the_serpent_slayers_drawn_by_j_k__65b95cfc8aed480872a0295f3331f437.png (746x1050, 616K)

Imagine being such a brainlet to dare compare these two


Full image too big for this semen slurping site.

Attached: __sakura_hibiki_danberu_nan_kiro_moteru_drawn_by_asanagi__sample-70fe30f0ba22e2b345c3b125e4acf2a7.jp (850x1205, 398K)

Attached: 1555880343209.gif (268x259, 942K)

Siege was a tactical shooter in like 2016
now it's about a team of shadow the hedgehogs trying to out-edge each other because le epic roaming spawn peek magflip skrillex

Shadman stuff is basically cave paintings, poor technique but the shapes really speak to you.

>furiously DIGS tongue into butthole

went through that just yesterday, good taste dog

No it doesn't, shadman. Get better eyes

Attached: 1446512051631.jpg (482x565, 44K)

the speed/armor mechanic was a mistake

Go fuck yourself shadman.
You gayass traploving piece of shit.

it was a change in design philosophy that was a mistake
they went from military uniform and underbarrel shotgun to yoga pants and holograms

Attached: shadman.png (683x658, 482K)

>tfw utterly repulsed by Shad's more detailed shit
>the new simpler stuff I kinda like though

Attached: 1548814059304.png (255x341, 135K)

Come on, the thumbnail is enough to recognize the piece of shit.

Seen that a couple days ago.
Shit taste, no joke.

Attached: 1548731849757.png (1000x432, 165K)

Nah, the yoga pants can stay because ultimately they don't affect the gameplay.

What's wrong with Siege is the fact that 3 speeds and rate of fire have such a huge advantage in this game. Tactics don't matter when you move fast as fuck and can put 12 bullets downrange before the other player can even react due to the laws of physics and the peeker's advantage.

All ops should be 2 speed/2 armor and shift the meta back towards deployable gadgets (most new operators have throwable gadgets, which has a serious impact on game flow) and actual tactical planning.

it'll never happen, though, so I just play Squad when I wanna be a sweaty tryhard bro.


>figures out he doesn't need to do detailed paintings and makes these low-effort comics to appeal to his fortnite zoomer twitter fanbase
How low he's fallen, he even cucked out of doing loli shit

>can't recognize shad on sight

>he got worse over time

but how

Attached: __ashen_one_souls_from_software_and_etc_drawn_by_shadman__352cb72823ccdecd308a1fe11a942b24.jpg (992x1403, 639K)

They're both trash.

m8 his new simplistic style is 1000x better than that shit, it's actually tolerable.

Wrong. He has taken steps towards his own style. Previously he aped a lot of other artists he likes.

Gosh look at these simpletons. Eventually shadman will just draw stick figures and these apes will clap with their shit stained hands.

Attached: ShadManCry.webm (900x506, 2.84M)

Tarkov is easily the best and most thrilling tactical fps out there.

Escape From Tarkov

based eggcam
this looks recent, what was the moment?

>tfw ironically fapping to shadman
Nothing you can do can stop me.

both are garbage.

*reports you to the FBI*

No tarkov is really just
>metabud your 60rnd no recoil hipfire beam lazer and magdump everyone
>grab a mosin and just snipe everything
It’s boring as fuck and relies more on who headshots who first than actual tactics

They have no legal case since I was doing it ironically.

I didn't ask for your portrait, user.

the yoga pants and other attempts to make the operators sexy succeeded in convincing teenagers less mature players to start playing
I think that this was the direct cause of the awful community for the game at the moment

shad was at his worst during his pimples/braces phase
you have absolutely terrible taste
more detail isn't always better, hell it's usually worse

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Last NLSS with Project Winter. Went full tilt after people wouldn't take his word in a game based around deception.

Fuck you, freckles are god tier.

When will Shad learn how to draw?

>man of shad

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I know many of you here beat it to Shad but just enjoy the

Attached: Shadman dance.webm (640x640, 2.94M)

team unity plays project winter

The RPK is drawn wrong, it's set to semi auto right now but there should be an opening in the receiver where the safety lever covers when it's on safe, so the bolt with its reciprocating handle can move backwards during firing. Both the manga and anime were shit anyway, they tried so hard to make it "tactical" but it wasn't at all.

nah, he's a shit artist who can't do comedy.
We used to laugh at him in lolthreads, then zoomers started enjoying him unironically so the ">shadshit" meme was born, eventually evolving into ">shadman".
His vault-meat character is pretty much the best thing he's done, he still has a massive problem with drawing proportions and perspective, his comedy is still pretty poor too.
Currently he seems to avoid doing humor as much, but relying on whatever popular at the moment (i.e fidget spinners).
I can't fault the guy too much, he's successful and power to him but no, I don't think most people here like his content.


Attached: shadman.webm (1280x720, 2.29M)

Attached: shadman1.webm (810x556, 323K)

Attached: Shadman2.png (483x415, 204K)

I'm just here because i love the >shadman memes

Attached: shad quiet.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

he draws beautiful anuses, sad he focus so much in gay shit

Attached: shadalien.gif (460x402, 2.14M)

His comics are objectively good and people only hate them because of memes

reminder that shad stopped drawing loli or any edgy shit in general

Attached: shad neutered.png (878x692, 400K)

chink art is cringe

fuck, i just watched the first project winter NLSS and it had me rolling
i've gotta watch that. they must just suspect dan the whole time.

Attached: danpunch.gif (500x342, 685K)

He looks like a skinny version of wingsofredemption

god i fucking love how mad he gets about stupid shit
>there was never two kates
>ryab panics and outs himself completely

Gotto be b8

josh is probably the only person NL has ever been genuinely angry with on stream and it's always hilarious

Absolutely degenerate.

>JLullaby still dead forever

Attached: 1545682059519.jpg (456x488, 28K)

Attached: >shadman.webm (718x720, 973K)

never forgetti


Attached: shadman.webm (1280x720, 342K)

>chromatic aberration intensifies

>a drawn toddler with her anus gaping wide open leaking out gallons of cum
>borderline toddlercon

My memory of shad is a tad fuzzy but didnt he make his site cause he got banned from like everywere for being to edgy? Kind of funny hes not ditching all of that.