

Attached: 220px-JoJo_Part_1_Phantom_Blood.jpg (220x310, 29K)

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my stand is Yea Forums the musical

7 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 1

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8 - JoJolion [Official Colored] - Vol.12 Ch.47 - Hato-chan Brough (887x1400, 436K)

Mine is a flaming cock

Mine is
Stand Name: Telenovela

Stand Ability: [Heat Phasing](powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Heat_Phasing)

Power - C

Speed - B

Range - D

Durability - B

Precision - D

Potential - A

Description: Heat Phasing Extreme heat Power/Ability to: Phase through objects and heat them. The ability to phase through objects heating them. Combination of Intangibility and Heat Generation. Contents[show] Capabilities The user combines intangibility and heat powers to heat the objects they pass through. Applications Heatobjects the user phases through. Intangibility Associations Fire Manipulation Heat Generation Incineration Melting Power Mixture Limitations May be unable to not heat people...

First stand (that actually works as a stand would) you get once you find a name you like is what you have to post

IF Araki does a part 9 once he finishes jojolion who would be the next giogio

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I just started part 2 when do they start using stands

Part 2 is peak reddit

>love jojo
>can't stand a single person in the fanbase (this includes everyone posting in this thread right now)
what are some games (other than persona) that are like this?

wish they would just make a sequel to All-Star Battle already, Eyes of Heaven was kind of shit

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Part 3 but part 3 stand fights aren't interesting

Is the show still going or did it end?

Part 5 anime ended a while ago.

You are

this is spam you know, just copypasting stuff from websites


All star battle was great but I wish it was a bit better as a fighting game. Other than that its peak soul

Next part is probably coming in a couple years

he's just mad joseph didn't fuck lisa lisa

7 > 5 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 1

People are so wrong about part 1, holy shit.

Part 1 isn't bad by any means, it's just the other parts are just better

Neither are 7s

Nah it'll probably get season 6 in 2021

>6 and 3 that low
always easy to spot the jojo normies,

Why do so many hate Part1?

Anyone who has part 4 anywhere in top 3 is a normie

6 is really fucking good until Pucci leaves the jail, then it gets fucking dumb even though the stand fights stay real good afterwards

Hopefully no one because Giorno is the worst JoJo.

I wanna FUCK Joseph and get FUCKED by Ceaser

>thinking 3 is better than anything but 1
Its the most iconic part but its pretty boring for the most part.

Which part has the best stand fights


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Best part coming through Yea Forumsros step aside

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I like all the parts but part 1 is definitely the pleb filter. It literally drives people away from jojo.

What games make me feel like a stand user besides warframe
im in desperate need

What about Lisa Lisa


I recently started watching this and just finished episode 5. It's pretty boring. When is it gonna get good?

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Astral chain and persona

She can make Joseph eat her out while I'm french kissing her

Part 1 is the pleb filter
Part 2 starts episode 9 I think


Episode 7. But honestly Part 2. Part 1 is slow compared to all the others


Keep watching. The middle half of part 1 is kinda meh. Episodes 7-9 pick it up again. Episode 10 is the start of best part and best jojo.

I liked part 1, but I can see why people don't like it that much. It's pretty derivative of HnK, if you've already read about Kenshiro and his ATATATATA the fights in Part 1 won't surprise you that much, and even in aesthetics adult Jojo looks a lot like Kenshiro. The Stands that show up in Part 3 onwards make for much more original and exciting fights, and they're so elaborate in terms of design that they further distinguish the series from HnK aesthetically.

I tried going from production order but apparently that means starting from the middle of part 3? So I though fuck it find part 1 and start there.

But when I get back to part three should I watch the OVAs or the new one?

The OVA is terrible, and overhyped by nostalgia fags

Is part 2 good?


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Just go through the whole new anime and continue with the manga if you want more
The OVA should be a bonus thing really

I wouldn't go so far as to say terrible, but definitely doesn't capture part 3 well at all despite being superbly animated. It's kind of like if you did part 3 but formatted it like any other anime/manga

Watch anime part 3. If you still wanna watch the ova then watch it after.

Part 2 is /ironicweebcore/.


Why did they get rid of Hamon?

Obsolete because of Stands

All I'm saying is that the next game should be focused on Stone Ocean or a remaster of the PS2 Japanese Exclusive GioGios Adventure. Nuff said.

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Which part has the most ass pulls?

What about it don't you like? Also started recently and loved it from the get go. At part 2 now.


How do people feel about a stand based game being centered around just fighting regular enemies like normal with a punching ghost/using your ability, and then for boss fights you have to figure out how to beat your opponent like an MGS style puzzle boss?
It's what I can come up with for a decent adventure game based around stand combat

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Part 2 lol

This also not needed since it mostly was effective on monsters

>plays with balls
>doesn't have a cool hairhat
more like no-seph lmao


There wasnt much araki could do with it after part 2. But i wish hamon and stands were used together more often. Giorno should have been a hamon user along with gold experience. Though that would have made him even more of a gary stu so maybe not.

Literally all of them. Anyone who thinks any of the parts run on anything other than asspulls and insane leaps in logic is retarded. The only exception might be part 1 since it's so short.

Part 2 is one long giant ass pull, it doesn't try to be subtle about it either


I wish there was more Jojo spinoff material because of all the cool underused characters and powers, but I guess Manga Man Adventures is more important

Part 2 hands down
still doesn't take away that part 2 is legit awesome

Fuck you. What the fuck is an "ass pull"
just a fucking buzzword by nofunallowed FAGGOTS. go read blood meridian faggot you clearly don't have nippon spirit

This. Still entertaining

Nah JoJo's pretty ass-pully man.

Part 2.

Best villain.

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Define asspull you dumb nigger

Attached: [VentoGiusto] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 21.mkv_snapshot_10.38_[2019.03.01_12.52.23 (1280x720, 389K)


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that rope shit was hilarious

Part 5 is the worst part because it doesn't provide anything special to the series as a whole. It doesn't excel at anything and each other part at least compliment each other in a meaningful way.

Part 1 makes parts 2 and 3 more satisfying. Part 2 transitions into part 3 beautifully. Part 4 expands Jojo by introducing stand arrows and how stands can impact your normal life. Part 5 starts promising with Dio's son and requiem stands, but doesn't do much with either of these things and then just ends on its own. Part 6 is a great "conclusion" of the jostar vs brando legacy/curse. Part 7 is just the best with or without the benefit of having great callbacks to previous parts.

If a part would be considered "optional," then part 5 would be that.

>Part 2
The only part of jojo that prides itself on how much shit joseph can pull out of his ass, still entertaining though.
>part 3
Jotaros stand is just op as fuck
>Part 4
Nothing really to be asspulled, hayato kinda but it could be his own intelligence. (hayato is my least favorite thing about part 4 though)
>Part 5
No asspulls and the story is well crafted that ties everything together. No GER is not an asspull
>Part 6
Pucci gets asspulls but thats cool
>Part 7
Another part 5 situation

>What the fuck is an "ass pull"
"I stuck these 6 grenades to your back when you weren't looking" or "I filled my clothes with thick paper books while we were flying" or "I can only use my stand power for half a second now so my range changes arbitrarily" or "I can turn my stand into living things which all function on different rulesets, like this brick-snake that has antibodies to the magic death virus" are all good examples. You sound very angry and very stupid.

>Part 5
>No asspulls
>Gold Experience
>Not an asspull machine
Holy shit.

>I filled my clothes with thick paper books while we were flying
Was DIO flying in the manga? I always thought he was jumping really high. Weren't DIO and Jotaro both flying in the anime? what the fuck

>No asspulls

Gold Experience is an asspull stand in general. Almost every victory Giorno pulls, you learn some fucking bullshit ability that his stand can do that makes little to no sense.

Gold experience is basically hamon in stand form. The power to create life is so flexible that everything he does makes sense.

That shit was too good

The flying thing I never really got

>Part 5
>No asspulls
Everything about GE is an asspull and you're retarded for even implying otherwise. That aside, explain to me how KC works. Can he attack people while he's skipping time?

They were straight up flying in the anime yeah lmao

i dropped part 6 a while ago because jolyne a shit and i was recently told that I could skip the part altogether without missing much

is this true or am i being memed

Since you're a dummy

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>it's supposed to be whatever Araki needs it to be so it's not asspulls

The ending is probably the most important event in the jojoverse

That's called lazy writing.

Even though part2 has so much ass pulling its charming and entertaining with how it does it

3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 7 > 6.

>Can he attack people while he's skipping time?

Oh fuck. Watch as retards say he can't but then forget that he splashed blood on Giorno's face during skipped time and also managed to kill narancia without anyone noticing it.

Lisa Lisa is hot

i like how after the fight with bowlcut, gold experience never does that thing where if he punches people they sense things differently or something
and how any damage done to the living things he creates reflects back to the attacker

He killed Narancia by skipping time forward so he fell on the fence.


But then also watch as no one can explain why he didn't attack Polnarif in skipped time even though he can attack in skipped time as demonstrated by the two things you mentioned, plus the time he cut Trish's hand off.

But remember, part 5 is well thought out and doesn't have asspulls.

part 6 is my personal favourite