What's the best survival horror game that's not part of the resident evil or silent hill series?

what's the best survival horror game that's not part of the resident evil or silent hill series?

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Dead space 1

Alien: Isolation


Dino crisis 2

Not scary at all but it's fun.

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Dino Crisis 1
Fatal Frame 1-3
Afraid Of Monsters: DC
Cry Of Fear
Penumbra: Overture + Black Plague.

Action game
action game
action game
action game
>Dino Crisis 1
failed tech demo
>Fatal Frame 1-3
only 1 and 2 are good
>Afraid Of Monsters: DC
>Cry Of Fear
>Penumbra: Overture + Black Plague

only 5 valid games

>Dino Crisis 1
>failed tech demo

DC1 was made by capcom to test for the first time trying to make a survival horror with full 3D backgrounds instead of prerendered.
It sold like trash and was panned, and it's development was a nightmare.
That's why they continued with prerendered afterwards for a long time.
The game is a disjointed mess with an absurd plot (even for RE standards), horrible pacing, and most systems in it are a step down from RE.

The game is an early exemple of something built almost exclusively to impress feble minded journos.
It was full of scripted little moments meant to "wow" them to distract them for the truth: that it offered very little substance otherwise.

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The Fatal Frame franchise, barring the fifth game, is better than both those franchises.

I'd love to hear sources for such claims, because everything you've said comes across as a one big hot take.

Why is Alien Isolation a movie game? I'll give you the opening tutorial and the derelict flashback but aside from that it only has 16 minutes of actual cutscenes.

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>Afraid Of Monsters: DC

>that user that quotes everyone in the thread and rates them as if anyone cared about their opinion

Alien Isolation is pretty good actually, underrated even. Play the PC version with the alien AI mod on Nightmare.

It's based on a movie but it's not a movie game by any means and there's so much content some people actually feel the game is too long.
Most of the cut content from the release version of the game was repurposed and added back in as DLC, so the game is a very complete package.

But not much replay value. The game being so long with gameplay that isn't padded means you get do get your money's worth though.

>as if anyone cared about their opinion
>literally replied to my post
Giga yikes

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Sweet Home and Dead Space come to mind.

The Horror genre is filled with action mixed games(The Suffering and The Evil Within are worth playing) and walking sims.

2Dark is one i don't hear mentioned alot. it's a stealth puzzle game by the lead designer that did Alone in the Dark, it was ok.

Obscure 1 and 2

Five Nights at Freddy’s

Amnesia and Penumbra

>dead space

awful post

2 is trash tho

Alone in the dark the new nightmare

Forbidden Siren and Fatal Frame series. Far better than Resident Evil.

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Alien Isolation, The Evil Within, Darkwood.

Fatal Frame 2

Project Zero: 2/4


Evil Within

When the protagonist is a giga nigga chad who could kill everything he wants, I don't think that game could be construed as survival horror anymore.