Is Tim Sweeney the most based developer of all time? No? Who do you think is, Yea Forums?
/Game Developer/ Thread
10 years Yea Forums has screamed and begged for steam to have competition
now that they finally have it Yea Forums is throwing a bigger tantrum than ever
gamers really are just manchildren.
tim sweeney looks like a pedophile with downs syndrome
user, he didn't develop anything since like UT3, unlike Gaben's fat ass which actually codes sometimes.
It's not that simple, epic shill.
look at yourself
>all of Yea Forums is one person, and of one opinion on everything
Woah there mr. shill your fortnite gamepass is showing.
epic exclusives are necessary
EGS is the future of PC gaming, the sooner we convert all the holdouts the better
Buckyfag is a game dev(well just a character designer)
We live in a clown world
You act like origin, uplay, GoG , and Discord haven't existed. People even used some of those. They just werent as good as steam. Epic isnt even close to being as good as fucking origin let alone steam.
nah it's way better, you're just a bitch
Why haven't they banned epic shills yet?
It's little kids looking for easy attention
Drone, Tim is one perhaps the most skilled developer out there with creating and curating ue4, bringing crossplay to video games, creating the most successful game in the recent history... Gaben on the other side squeezes out Dota, Cs go makes shartifact and blunderlords, literally a joke.
Because Hiro is getting a cut
The only problem is that this sort of stuff actually works, Yea Forums is majority feminist now too.
Nah we still do, but now we're screaming at two different platform and at eachother
they haven't been banning steam shills for years
it's only fair epicbros get the same treatment
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it's shit and epic din't care about customers at all
You should start with the steam drone that spreads lies and is a hypothetical retardd (muh china, but gets banned by valve for typing Winnie the Pooh)
When people said they wanted competition, they meant they wanted something that was as good or better then steam. So far only GoG has achieved that in a meaningful way while Origin and Uplay have been mediocre at best while Epic has been an overall shitshow that is so bad its shill just try to downplay other stores since Epic has nothing worth defending.
Goodbye user.