Videogames cause violence

>videogames cause violence
>hentai doesn't cause more sex
Why Yea Forums? Explain.

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Other urls found in this thread: incest&pg=PA141#v=onepage&q=japan incest&f=false mother son incest clubs&hl=en&id=cXzGAQAAQBAJ&lpg=PA112&ots=se5Ax16OZR&pg=PA112&sa=X&sig=OTVtuggMyM69UycafymtsTZR55o&source=bl&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=japanese mother son incest clubs&f=false

>fake tits on fictional characters

That doesn't make any sense. It isn't even fair Yea Forums.

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Why lewds don't cause as much impact as videogames?
What if games are actually innocent?

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The west doesn't vilify violence the way it does sexual degeneracy. Until we start treating perpetrators of violence the way we do sexual deviancy, even the most heinous acts will be tolerated, even lauded.

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Are violent games as bad as they are presented to be?

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Because being desensitized to something you want isnt going to make you want it more

By that logic, all school shooters hates violent video games right?

How about you go fuck yourself you false flagging /pol/ fuck?

I dated a girl from work(stupid I know) but she was addicted to hentai and getting off. It was cool but also embrerassing. Like we would be in the drive-thru and she would have pornhub up on her phone. So I guess in that kind of situation the hentai did cause sex.

That is not about politics, I am just majorly dissappointed that some retarded country shits on games because their people failed to grow their children with love and care.
Sounds fun, probably.

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Hentai causes more sex, of the autosexual orientation

Reminder that japs have a lot of games and hentai and no school shootings

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Violence don't require both part agreement on the act.
Sex does, at least legally.

Pedo scum

They just burn down anime studios with everybody inside instead. Efficient too as its a higher kill count than most mass shootings.

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I never understood the false equivalency of sex and violence. Please explain

yeah the guy was a train autist so ban those

it does cause more sex though. Just not for you.


>buzzword robots

Because even if you watch some hentai, no girl wants to fuck you.


>free (You)

and cause a sarin gas attack in an attempt to false flag start ww3

No, learn how logic works

>happened once
Yeah totally comparable.

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That's based, even though it's probably an otherwise shitty chink or gook mmorpg that isn't worth playing.

>Doesn't know about the Myojo 56 fire.
Killed 44 people and was never caught.

Mega cursed webm

They also have employees die of overwork & people disappearing in a forest because of honor.
Each place has its dis/advantages .

wut game

Nice incognito way to say "source?"

By the looks of it, it was that shitty platformer moba from Nexon, that copy of awesomenauts...hyper universe was it?

>hentai doesn't cause more sex
Then was was rapelay banned?

The virgin train Autist VS. The Chad mystery nigga.

Someone actually saved this, fucking nice.

Hyper Universe. Was alright but it got shutdown.

Would you really want to stick your dick into some ugly fucking 3D when you've got immaculate 2D waiting to be cummed on? no you fucking wouldn't.

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7.62 High caliber.

It had a sequel.

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Wrong one.

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Get woke, go broke.

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How about some sexual violence games. Why isn't more of them in market and they're H games only.

Probably because japanese mommies have so much sexual contact with their children. Jap kids can't grow up as incels so only the truly sociopathic hurt others.

beCauSe GaMEs ARe PLaYEd bY InkCels SHOOters, SweAtY!

That shit's a myth. While Nip mothers tend to dote more on their kids there's no evidence, actual or anecdotal, to show that their over coddling of their kids enters into sexual realms. The only people pushing that narrative are foreigners who are pushing their own freakish agendas.

Did they actually rip him off or was he just mentally unstable? Both?

Because it's all bs. Games are a convenient scapegoat.

Yeah ok

>The most commonly reported incest occurs when the mother sees her son masturbate as a teenager and tells him, “It’s not good to do it alone. Your IQ becomes lower. I will help you,” or “You cannot study if you cannot have sex. You may use my body,” or “I don’t want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead.”(166) The researchers found that Japanese mothers and sons often sleep in the same bed and have sex together, although the exact incidence in the population was not investigated. According to the phone interviews, Japanese mothers teach their sons how to masturbate, helping them to achieve first ejaculation in much the same manner as they earlier helped them with toilet training.(167) Most of the sons had no sexual experience with another woman, and became jealous of the mothers’ having sex with their fathers, feeling they should have the right to monopolize the mothers – perhaps helping explain why one informant told a family planning expert: “We have no Oedipal problems in Japan – there’s no competition from the father.(168) Mother recent Japanese book, based on one hundred incest reports, confirms these observations, including the unusually high rate of mother – son incest, although it, too, provides no way to determine true national incidence rates.(169)

it's kyoani, half of the artists in Japan could claim derivative work. he was a mad bastard all the same.

>that one article that time and time and time again gets cited.
That ONE article let me attest.

Then you may present your argument why that one article doesn't count.

To be fair my only counter argument is "c'mon bro, I mean, c'monnnnnnn!" I don't speak runes and I doubt they're publishing many papers about "how incest isn't prevalent in our society" that isn't signed off by abe.

I dunno why you are in denial, bro. incest&pg=PA141#v=onepage&q=japan incest&f=false

based japan

Your source says that while people don't condemn it like other places the rates are only slightly elevated. So while they may say "you're a real mother fucker" and not mean it as an insult it's not all that common vs other places.

> incest&pg=PA141#v=onepage&q=japan incest&f=false
>Japanese law still does not recognise incest as a crime
What the fuck, it's a crime everywhere else? Why is it a crime if everyone involved is ok with it?

sex ed in the west could get a hint tbf.
they tell you less than porn is you telling and also they completely omit how to actually get to have sex. So you end up with kids thinking:
"careful about STDs; gonna wreck dat ass!; dunno how to initiate basic interaction; best get drunk instead..."

Oh, also the paper was yet again written by a white dude from out of country. These are hit pieces aiming to say "look how degenerate Japan is, they need the calming hand of Western Imperialism". It's fucking cultural Marxism rearing it's ugly head.

>All those mother and son doujins may be based on true stories
Man, I thought it was just some popular fetish
I don't even want to fuck my mother

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>Why is it a crime if everyone involved is ok with it?
Because it's about power dynamics. Same reason teacher/student relationships are frowned upon at best. The idea is that one person has more power and is therefore in a predatory state and the other person can't ever "truly consent".

So we went from "j-just one article, doesn't count!" to this? Hmmmm. mother son incest clubs&hl=en&id=cXzGAQAAQBAJ&lpg=PA112&ots=se5Ax16OZR&pg=PA112&sa=X&sig=OTVtuggMyM69UycafymtsTZR55o&source=bl&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=japanese mother son incest clubs&f=false

As if someone doing the same research being Japanese situated in Japan would give it any more credibility if the results were the same. Fuck off with this racist shit.

>Fuck off with this racist shit.
Saying "the Japanese would know more about their own social moores and behaviors than foreigners" is racism? Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

It's ok user, mommy will just teach you how to use your peepee so you don't shoot up a walmart later.

That's retarded though, I would have gladly fucked some of my hot teachers if there was a chance. These laws are only in the way of some lucky ones scoring.

>That's retarded though
Yes, but social contract laws generally are.

No, I'm saying if someone doing the exact same research/work it doesn't matter if he is Japanese or not. You're only trying to discredit it on racial basis. Fuck off.

I'm discrediting it on a social bias. Fuck off with your neo-imperialsim.

Holy shit, this is real cringe. It's ok to like anime tiddies, but don't make it sound like you're on some big gamer crusade of justice. I can't read this without squirming in my seat.

Yeah I'm sure japanese sociologists are DESPERATE to do studies on whether or not Japan is full of incest. Just jumping at the opportunity, chasing it so hard their mouths are open and their tongues are flapping in the wind.

Are you saying Japan isn't champing at the bit to show how degenerate their society is? But the west is. What could be the difference I wonder...

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