When did Dota overtake League? What the fuck happened?
When did Dota overtake League? What the fuck happened?
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This is what I hate; retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get yous on this site no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. What if I have something constructive and/or informative to say, but can't, because of assholes like you that have no decency or respect for others? Imagine getting off to taking that opportunity away from someone. I'm not even going to try to get through to you retards, because it's the same thing no matter what board I'm on. Enjoy your "fpbp" responses, because that's literally all you have in your miserable fucking life. Fuck you, seriously.
League crippled itself with its business model from the very beginning. After enough exposure even normies and casuals get tired of the cyclical balance shtick, plus they get upset when their favorite hero is no longer viable until Riot arbitrarily decides its time for a "rework" which more often than not ruins the character and makes them play like all the other newer ones on the roster.
Because Dota doesn't feel the need to pump out a new character every other month or so in order to sell more champions and skins only so they can nerf them again when they become popular enough, they can instead focus on balancing the game while incrementally increasing the number of heroes to cover niches that haven't been tended to yet, instead of just pumping out characters regardless of overlap or interesting ideas.
>When did Dota overtake League?
People are slowly getting tired of Riot's shit. Prices on stuff keep going up while the quality stays the same or in some cases even goes down. They're even trying to monetize a fucking achievement system with Eternals.
>They're even trying to monetize a fucking achievement system with Eternals.
Wait, what? fucking how?
how do you monetie a cheevo?
Also note that the price sits in that scummy area where it's slightly more than $5 because of the stupid Riot Points system, so even if you were interested in buying them you'd have to spend at least $10 per champion you want an Eternals set for.
most people dont care about cosmetics monetization
Whenever it was that they announced Dota 2.
League was always shit.
I'm a dota player but the game is only above league right now because of The International.
People care when milking the players takes priority over things like fixing bugs or making sure the game doesn't shit itself every time a new patch comes out.
>What the fuck happened?
probably since 2017, riots begun the slow process of killing their game by making terrible uncalled for decisions
How do you even compare the two. Dota's quality is infinitely higher than LoL's. It's like comparing a designer item of clothing to a cheap shitty 2 dollar knockoff from a Thai night market
riots pretty much given up on league at this point, unless its shitting out monetized content. their new flagship tft however is losing community interest, the plan backfired.
Dota has always been the better game, LoL has always been the more popular game
Nothing has changed here, I'm not sure what you think "overtook" anything
gabe cocksuckers in full force this morning
great argument
>hurr durr valve always bad
>durrrrr anyone hoo says valve good is sucking gabe's cock
imagine being this retarded
you're defending a game that you dont even play only because it's on steam
You're the one who hasn't played it. You obviously have no idea about either of them.
I play Dota. I've played LoL too, and Dota is superior in every single way. It's completely free: as in, doesn't require money to play any of the heroes, ever. Unlike LoL's shitty roster system that locks most of the heroes behind a weekly roster. In order to play any hero you want in LoL you have to drop at least a hundred bucks. With Dota it's completely free.
Aside from that, Dota has way better graphics, more complex, way better balance, way better matchmaking system, doesn't censor its chat, and there's no SJW bullshit. How much more do you want?
Dota is fucking dead steam drone, that's why they desperately copying lol recently.
steamdrones are too busy shitposting about the game than actually playing it
>Single draft
The only reason people play that mode is Low Priority.
>point and click 5sec stuns
>turn rate
dota is trash and boring to play
why would you bother unlocking every single champion when they're all the same? wait, you didn't actually pay for them, right?
they're not all the same and I never spent money
When league started ruining their game faster than they were already b4. The game is legit unplayable at this point and the only relevance it still has is in esports. Once that bubble pops, so will the game's audience and then the game itself I swear.
It never did but it was always the better game. League of Legends was the fortnite of the previous generation.
Fuck off with your short attention span you fucking little zoomer bitch, your opinion is not valid
wow that's even worse, you actually spent your life unlocking them
I don't play to unlock champions
I play to have fun
Turn rate is a pretty good idea though
It makes it harder for ranged kite while attacking
Poking while running away is retarded in LoL
League of Legends is the best competetive game right now. And it will probably stay that way for quite some time.
Did they fix the boring ass 40 min games with 0 kills yet? What's so competitive about everyone having the same roles, where hero picks are literally just defined by the meta rather than their utility?
>When did Dota overtake League?
>What the fuck happened?
You had a dream
I insulted LoL until everyone left the game. Haven't played dota in years. Actually, I don't even have a pc. Posting from my biohacked forearm right now.
>Did they fix the boring ass 40 min games with 0 kills yet?
thats the korean playstyle, they can't "fix" how they play
if you want to watch non-boring matches, watch EU teams
>thats the korean playstyle, they can't "fix" how they play
Are you retarded? It's the game designers that define that. If it's a viable strategy to do fuck all for 40 minutes, they need to make sure it's not
Reward risky plays, make rotations easier, or punish turtles
Basshunter did not make a song called LoL, the rest is history.
It's called Daddy DJ.
LoL actually has original songs.
>If it's a viable strategy to do fuck all for 40 minutes
its not, that's why there was no korean team in the top 4 last world cup
Would ability draft work in LoL or are the champions too synergernistic with their kits?
league is a zombie since late 2017. They kept changing the game before but atleast things somewhat settled down after. Then towards the end of the year chinkcent acquired riot and they brought alot of trannies onboard of riot's dev team and they started making those aggressive changes and reworks that no one asked for. Riot has been doing that kind of shit before mind you, like that garbage trashcan juggernigger rework no one asked for, the mage rework, the assassin rework, etc. then they got these bright nigger ideas about jungle plants and removing smite buffs and rainbow dragons, lethality and lots of other garbage followed. the garbage new runes were the nail in the coffin. last two seasons have been a live server betatest by a bunch of outsourced chinksectoid developers being pressured from chinksenct's winnie the pooh division to try to keep the game up with fagnite and bring in more players by casualising shit, injecting shitty waifu skins into the game, breaking the meta with every patch, making the game alot faster and flashy to appease the ADHD zoomzoom crowd, reworking old champs that don't fit the flashy narrative of every champ has to break an established gameplay barrier and possess CC + Mobility and shit damage out the ass, inject lootboxes and fucktons of transactions and meaningless garbage """events"""" targeted at chingoid whales and removing & burying all signs of the old game (removing RGMQ, removing ascension, removing a fucking cursor, removing twisted tree line this year, reworking old champs instead of making new ones to dilate their wounds, etc). Not forgetting the garbage trashcan new client that stayed in beta for 3 years and still has glitches out the fucking ass. Now add in all the other shit like all the forced reworking of classic champions, RP price hiking and BE to force goys to buy boosts or buy champs with RP, the new SR map. League is really a fucking zombie infested with parasitical worms in every inch of it.
How will Leaguebabs ever recover?
I know this is almost a meme at this point whenever a rework comes around, but I loved old Nunu that he was basically "I might not be able to do much myself, but I sure as shit will make sure your jungler doesn't get anything done either."
But Singsing can't even get out of gold in league! LUL
DOTA is about the game, LoL is about the company.
They farm because initation sucks dick in league. Why make a risky play with shitty tiny abilities when you can just wait for creeps? DOTA has huge scale abilities with high impact.
League's design is trash and Zileas is a fucking joke
I wouldn't get as far as to call it trash, but it is way slower than League.
I've played since the old days, Silencer having a chain-heal and Ult. Infernal Summon, Garena and Dotaleague. I've clocked close to 5k hours with highest rank reached being Divine 4 (Yeah I'm trash).
For the last couple of weeks I've been playing League exclusively, and boy was I shocked that the game is actually very nice, and way faster than Dota (Thing that shocked me the most). Having a blast playing Flex with friends.
tl;dr Don't shit on either game untill you've tried both.
>DoTa 2 overtook LoL
>Thats what Steamdrones really believe