Which Lara is best Lara?
Which Lara is best Lara?
whichever one has a giant cock hiding in those shorts
anniversary for actual tomb raiding
rise for actual womb raiding
That would be nuLara aka Tranny Lara aka Laura
The second starting from the left
In terms of old lara games how does legend and anniversary hold up compared to underworld ?
I just finished underworld and loved it and I'm still mad at myself for missing the steam sale
I used to look at those renders in game magazines when I was six years old. They had her in a bikini and sexy dresses, TR2 Lara was actually my first fap, followed by the RE2 licker.
I fapped to these!
If you liked Underworld then you will love Anniversary and Legend.
Underworld is honestly the weakest of the 3 imo
mah niggas
yikes that ain't it chief
LAU Lara, best Lara
Change my mind
All the old Tomb Raider games were janky as fuck even for their own time period, and absolutely horrible by todays standards, and past the second game they were literally Ass Creed level yearly shovelware and completely eclipsed even in their own generation by games like Legacy of Kain.
The classic Tomb Raider fanbase is the equivalent of DoA fags who just like a game because it gave them their first erection.
That one that has those pinup pics
Better than the Uncharted ripoffs that they started releasing
They're not though. They're horrible platformer/puzzle games with atrocious combat and controls. The new games have some of the best combat and controls in any 3rd person action game.
The only redeeming factor of Lara from Core Design is actually legit thought put in the puzzles and no forced storytelling during levels (except AoD). LAU Lara went with more streamlined puzzles and more action which was as bad as good.
Also, why Square Enix isn't funding Dagger of Xian is still beyond my imagination.
this is the Doppelganger she is like Lara Croft but with the flaws removed
I disagree. If I wanted a game like NuRaider I would play the superior version that it took its inspiration from, aka Uncharted.
Tomb Raider's identity was lost with the nu games.
I still find myself replaying the old games from time to time because I'm not a brainlet who can't figure out puzzles
>RE2 licker
Are you okay user?
Second from right, easily
far right is definitely the best for fappability, the faces on the next few left are some uncanny valley shit
dis one
You might actually be gay, user
Uncharted runs at 30fps, is filled with nothing but setpieces with 0 exploriation in between, looks like shit, and forces you to play a shooter with a controller.
NuRaider runs uncapped, has old school collectathon gameplay in each level, looks fantastic, even the 9 year old first game, and allows for KBM
i just like fapping to things that look like humans rather than weird plastic caricatures tb h
That doesn't change the fact that it's a blatant ripoff of Uncharted lmao.
and is still more fun with a better MC and story
Which is ironic considering Uncharted was originally a ripoff of Tomb Raider.
>uncharted is superior
>lol who cares if its not superior its game design is like uncharted
It ok to admit to you never played any of the games and are just mad your bimbo waifu is gone
>y-you haven't played them!
What an easy argument for you to make.
I've beaten TR 2013 3 times, and Rise 2 times. Had to quit Shadow because it was so awful.
I've beaten the first 3 Uncharted's multiple times (lost count) and 4 about 6 or 7 times.
NuRaider is full blown ripoff with the fallacy of exploration, even the games are about as linear.
Shit games that tarnish TR's legacy
>flaws removed
>she can be controlled on demand
>I played a shit game 5 times
Tarnished a legacy of being the first 3D adventure games and then being completely forgotten about after 1998 when games that didn't control like shit were released to the point people were literally begging them to shelve the series and stop releasing games every year?
Way to overblow the reaction to chronicles and AoD, literally the only games in the series to receive well deserved flak.
For me it's TRII lara
Underworld cause she has the biggest tits
Classic Lara is too lewd!
People were sick of the series by the time the third game came out.You dumbasses always try to larp as long time fans of the series and then always end up saying dumb shit like that despite me actually being a fucking boomer who was a teenager when the game were getting relased.
The series was irrelevant past the 2nd game until the movie came out, and literally no one cared about any of the games or remembered them fondly outside of "damn Lara's tits were big and Angeline Jolie was hot" until NuRaider and suddenly a bunch of 15 year old virgins decided to become "longtime tomb raider fans" when she didn't have DDs
Yeah okay faggot, it's easy to try and re-write history, huh?
All the ones from the left to the center are gud.
Obviously not since you tried, but failed like you would with anyone who was actually alive back then. The games were never the selling point of the series, Lara herself was. Once seeing pologonal tits got old and female main characters started to become more common, no one gave a shit about the games, because they were all dogshit and thats along with being a 3D game in 1996 was all they had going for them.
Lara from the japan level in TR Legend
who cares
the original games have the best gameplay though, and i did like her badass attitude in those games but not her sexualized design
5.2013 Reboot
Will Dagger of Xian get finished bros? When will he get his Cease and Desist?
>no one gave a shit about the games, because they were all dogshit
But wait I thought you just said a ton of 15 year old virgins larped as longtime fans after the movie release?
So which is it, it wasn't popular or it was?
AFAIK Square Enix won't do C&D but they won't fund it for some retarded reason.
Shut the fuck up you wanna be boomer, Tomb Raider has always been popular and well known. and still is.
Lol TRIII and TRIV were both a big deal at the time. Also, when did people born in the late 70s/early 80s start being baby boomers?!
>Will Dagger of Xian get finished bros?
I fucking hope so
Learn to read
No, Lara Croft has always been popular and well known. No one gives a shit about "Tomb Raider" which is why whenever you ask anyone about Tomb Raider all they'll ever do is talk about Lara Croft. Now contrast this with series like Zelda or Resident Evil and other longtime series where the games themselves were actually good and people fondly remember actually playing the games.
The fuck are you talking about the series was literally shovelware and getting 5-6/10 everywhere starting with the third game, and continued that way until it went on hiatus until it got rebooted. The only magazine back then that ever really gave a shit about it was PSM which would just thrown half naked pictures of Lara in every magainze because it was easy sales
>Now contrast this with series like Zelda or Resident Evil and other longtime series where the games themselves were actually good
You're fuckin delusional. People will usually tell you the old Tomb Raider games are good while the new ones suck.
You not liking them doesn't mean shit
People didn't think the old Tomb Raider games were good WHEN THEY WERE ORIGINALLY RELEASED
Once again you idiots need to stop larping about this shit. The Tomb Raider series was not some beloved and cherished series of titles, it was literally on the level of Assassins Creed where they would shit out a game a year and in between release a couple more expansion packs and people reached a point of "yeah whatever" not long into it.
>big tits and nice thighs
>actually respects women??
Men don't understand why the reboot was necessary.
i had to stop playing the original tomb raider. the entire challenge of the game is trying to navigate with the terrible controls
>you idiots need to stop larping
You're the one whos larping, where are you getting this shit from.
In the age when internet forums were hardly knew, who are all these people that hated the Tomb Raider games you seem to think were so plentiful?
Back then, everyone I knew who played games loved them. Sure 4 and Chronicles weren't as good as the first 3 but people still enjoyed them.
You and your bullshit "B-BUT EVERYONE HATED THEM BACK THEN" can fuck off.
wasn’t the latest tomb raider game lara pretty thicc?
>*barely new
forgive me
>You're the one whos larping, where are you getting this shit from.
From actually being alive back then unlike you and reading game magazines along with the general opinion of the games at school and in general culture
>In the age when internet forums were hardly knew, who are all these people that hated the Tomb Raider games you seem to think were so plentiful?
No game past the first two breaking an average score of even 80 aggregate?
>Back then, everyone I knew who played games loved them. Sure 4 and Chronicles weren't as good as the first 3 but people still enjoyed them.
Obvious proof that you're larping everyone recognized 3 as the point where the series was old and tiresome and moved on and it began the long long drawn out downfall of it.
>You and your bullshit "B-BUT EVERYONE HATED THEM BACK THEN" can fuck off.
Literally no one gave a shit about the games past the second one, their sales constantly dropped along with the quality. Lara herself was just a "celeb" in the same way countless people who never watch sports know who LeBron James is.
damn, is old lara really 5'11? she seemed pretty short in legend
>From actually being alive back then unlike you
Once again, you're a wanna be boomer
>reading game magazines
>No game past the first two breaking an average score of even 80
"muh critics!" So basically you can't think for yourself, and base your opinion on what critics tell you?
>Obvious proof that you're larping
Nigger you're the one talking about magazines and the "ratings". You fuckin reek of lies.
>Literally no one gave a shit about the games past the second one, their sales constantly dropped along with the quality
No fucking shit, the quality of the later games in the first 5 wasn't up to par with 1 or 2. But the franchise kept getting increasingly popular until it made a comeback. Only to take another shit in 08 when Underworld fucked up, and then took and even bigger shit in 2013 onwards because the nu games ended up even shittier than Underworld.
You are the equivalent of faggots nowadays who base their opinions off of youtube reviewers.
They really fucked up Lara
>damn, is old lara really 5'11? she seemed pretty short in legend
Legend is a reboot. This is talking about OG Lara.
According to this:
OG Lara was 5"11, Legend Lara was 5"9 and nu_Lara is 5'6
>"muh critics!" So basically you can't think for yourself, and base your opinion on what critics tell you?
Are you a literal fucking retard? You ask for a source of people saying the games are shit and then deflect from it when you get one?
>Nigger you're the one talking about magazines and the "ratings". You fuckin reek of lies.
Yeah cause I actually read them. I vividly recall EGM taking out a 2 page spread in their magazine around 2002-03 literally begging for the games to stop being made because they were so shit at that point.
>But the franchise kept getting increasingly popular until it made a comeback.
No, it literally did not. The movies, games and everything else related to the series bottomed out, and even the one thing people ever cared about (Lara) was close to becoming a footnote only notable as "first big name female character"
"wheres all these people who say the games suck?"
The amount of Old Larafag asshurt in these threads is always a sight to behold
>nu_Lara is 5'6
the ideal height for a female specimen
Nu-Lara is superior
Deal with it soyboys
>You ask for a source of people saying the games are shit
"magazines and general opinion" is not a source you fuck lmao
>Yeah cause I actually read them
Maybe just recently considering you're an obvious zoomer larping as a boomer.
and even if that's not the case, you seem to be hell bent on using the magazine critics opinion as fact rather than basing your opinion on personal experience. which is not surprising considering you've obviously never played the games.
>No, it literally did not. The movies, games and everything else related to the series bottomed out
But I thought you said in this post that the movies made the game more popular?
>the ideal height for a female specimen
Spoken like a true manlet.
isn't the dude who likes tall girls in your pic the manlet
Cope more, samefag. NuLara is a whiny, generic skank made for low-test fags like yourself
Is the point of these threads to convince people that nulara is good?
Or is it lowkey IP advertising , like the Bloodlinea threads before the new game anouncement?
Look at the size of those chairs the dudes like a kid
I don't get why they did it, they had to make her look like shit and still expected men to buy the game.
>Is the point of these threads to convince people that nulara is good?
Sort of, it's made to weed out the plebs who think nulara is good, so we can exterminate them.
Like i said, the asshurt is almost palpable lmao
The new games sell better, cope.
Go back to /vr/ faggot.
TR2013 Lara was a pinnacle of female beauty, then Rise and Shadow made Lara good-looking, but nothing to write home about.
I'm not the one spamming passive aggressive posts about how "asshurt" everyone else is though.
Why would anyone do that unless they were trying to justify their own opinion?
I like the design of Legend the most, but like 3's game the best
>"magazines and general opinion" is not a source you fuck lmao
Then what the fuck is a source then you utter fucking retard? Are you really gonna stare EVERY SINGLE FUCKING REVIEW saying the games are shit to average at best? Your grand statement of "Well,uh I liked it, so you're wrong." is supposed to outweigh that? Holy shit you actually ARE a literal fucking retard.
>and even if that's not the case, you seem to be hell bent on using the magazine critics opinion as fact rather than basing your opinion on personal experience. which is not surprising considering you've obviously never played the games.
You mean like when I outlined everything wrong with the games in my first two fucking posts?
>But I thought you said that the movies made the game more popular?
No you just once again can't fucking read just like earlier in the thread, probably because you're a lliterally autistic manchild who's pissed that pepole are disrespecting his waifu of almost 30 years.
Go back to the meds faggot
>6-7s everywhere
WOW almost like its the turning point of the series where everyone grew tired of it and it started going down even further from there! Now tell me how Syphon Filter 3 and 4 is also a masterpiece of video gaming!
Well done.
Perfectly captures how in the end, they don't look beyond appearances for either version.
>Then what the fuck is a source then you utter fucking retard?
When regarding the quality of a game? Personal experience which you have shown to have none of.
>you actually ARE a literal fucking retard
oh REALLY. am I a LITERAL retard? Your caps really express that you ponce.
>You mean like when I outlined everything wrong with the games in my first two fucking posts?
You mean when you called them 'janky' whatever the fuck that means and brought up ass-creed? Yeah that's not 'outlining' anything other than the fact that you're a retard.
>No you just once again can't fucking read
Or maybe you're just shit at getting your point across, if there is a point other than you being retarded.
>probably because you're a lliterally autistic manchild who's pissed that pepole are disrespecting his waifu of almost 30 years
oooo someone's pissed that I like the older games more than the newer ones, cry more you fuckin pussy
Like the other user said, you are calling out 2 games out of 9. (I'm speaking only on games before the shit 2013 'reboot')
7 out of 9 getting decent reception is much better than some other franchises.
You're just another fag who's a nuLara apologist, very embarrassing.
>When regarding the quality of a game? Personal experience which you have shown to have none of.
Ok I guess you also couldn't read the 5 or so posts where I called the game janky shit with horrible controls and terrible combat that was eclipsed in its own generation of games by other titles. So now combined with every fucking game review we can firmly establish the games as shit.
>Yeah that's not 'outlining' anything other than the fact that you're a retard.
Oh, good now the larper is going to deny the games were a yearly release with an explansion pack added on to that in between, and people rapidly grew tired of them.
>oooo someone's pissed that I like the older games more than the newer ones, cry more you fuckin pussy
No I'm pissed that you're a 16 year old retard who never played the games and pretends to like a game series because it had big tits in it.
Holy shit the nigger is now going to claim the games past 3 and LR werent received even worse lmao.
>where I called the game janky shit with horrible controls and terrible combat
"janky","horrible","terrible". You're missing the point, spamming that something is horrible or terrible without elaboration doesn't mean shit, retard.
>people rapidly grew tired of them
Is that what the critics and magazines told you?
>No I'm pissed that you're a 16 year old retard who never played the games
Projection levels are reaching a peak high here. I'm not the one claiming that "EVERYONE TOTALLY HATED THEM DOOD".
Must be real nice having others tell you how to think.
You're still missing the entire point you dense dumbass. No-one but you gives a fuck about critics
>"janky","horrible","terrible". You're missing the point, spamming that something is horrible or terrible without elaboration doesn't mean shit, retard.
lmfao could you possibly reach any more? Now you're disregarding adjectives that don't confirm your bias? How about this you tell me why the old games are good without using "athmosphere" "comfy" "hardcore" or "soul"
I eagerly await to hear about the precise controls or memorable and responsive combat
>Is that what the critics and magazines told you?
Yeah the magainzes did tell me the games release dates which was 1 per year just like Assassins Creed! Sorry you weren't alive back then little Billy and thought that was a "gotcha!"
>Projection levels are reaching a peak high here. I'm not the one claiming that "EVERYONE TOTALLY HATED THEM DOOD".
You're right you're in fact looking complete facts in the face and saying they're wrong because they don't confirm your preheld bias! You're surely a rational and intelligent human being and absolutely not an ass damaged autist who has been exposed as a larping retard at every point and continually hides behind vague statements and personal feelings!
>we live in the world where NG won
>Now you're disregarding adjectives
They are adjectives, yes. But calling something horrible is not a valid argument when speaking on the quality of something, dumb-fuck zoomer.
>Yeah the magainzes did tell me the games release dates which was 1 per year just like Assassins Creed! Sorry you weren't alive back then little Billy and thought that was a "gotcha!"
That's a real weird mentality to base your opinion off of release date windows rather than the actual quality, sounds like you're more interested in semantics rather than actual video games.
>you're in fact looking complete facts in the face and saying they're wrong because they don't confirm your preheld bias!
What facts exactly? The review scores given by magazines?
You continue to embarrass yourself, it's a fuckin shame that people like you are this easily swayed by others opinions and can't even take the time to play the games that they talk shit about.
Anniversary is the only correct opinion
I will never understand this line of reasoning. Does the existence of teen titties and fart jokes 2 ruin all of cinema?
Hey little buddy I notice you couldn't give me a single reason why the old games were good without using those words, why is that?
Except they didn't even win. What is the worst that could happen to a guy who says the exact same things today and has a studio behind him that will back it up?
It's just that everyone caved in to their demands for some reason.
I'm not the one criticizing them you fuckin dunce.
Hence the definition of the word "criticize", you should be able to explain yourself accurately considering your the one to bring up how you hate the original games.
The original. Anyone who says different is a Zoomer faggot.
>WAAAAA I don't like tank controls WAAAAA
Hahahaha you can't even name a single fucking thing hahahahahaha look at this faggot larper piece of shit get called out.
Go jerk off to Lara fanart and stop posting here until you graduate 6th grade you embarrassing faggot
>Hahahaha you can't even name a single fucking thing hahahahahaha look at this faggot larper piece of shit get called out
okay by your terms of calling things "horrible" or "terrible" without elaborating-
I think the game controls GREAT and the puzzles are AWESOME. Seriously though the main reason I like them more than the NuShit is because they require actual exploration/thinking to get through the levels, and the story/characters aren't shit as I've said multiple times before.
>Go jerk off to Lara fanart and stop posting here until you graduate 6th grade you embarrassing faggot
Go take a xanax out of your mother's drawer, maybe then you'll be calm enough to post here again without making a fool out of yourself.
God I miss comfy magazines like this (even if they were cucks about Lara)
SJWs don't understand how much of a powefantasy old Lara was to women.
Exploring old ruins and tombs !
Kicking ass !
Independent !
Hot !
The gameplay was irrelevant. Why do you think Sims 3 - World Adventures was such a hit?
Fucking hell this is from 1997
They've been coming after us for decades
And you open up the Yea Forums catalogue and we're still here
We still want tits and thighs and they never will stop us
They won't change gamers so stop trying!!!
Gamers rise forever
NuLara is a caricature of spoiled millennial women.
Rise Lara is the best one.
Lara was never hot
Games are okay
Old games were fun except timed vehicle shit (fuck Venice).
The one that's like torture porn
The original PS1 games were more like surreal block mazes that sent you navigating twisted corridors where the puzzle layouts might make no realistic sense (dive through a hole, swim through passages, pull giant lever, open door on other side of the map, go inside, push button to open trapdoor at the top of the map, go in and find a key, shit like that) but they made for extremely engaging exploration. That kind of thing doesn't sit well with autists of today who want 'exploration' in the sense of a big flat field of nothing with a marker on the other side of it and irritating resource/rpg mechanics on the way.
Any time the oldraider games managed to ape realism even slightly it was more of a cute novelty. But as the games became more advanced and the environments had to make more logical sense beyond 'block maze' they also became a lot more simplistic in layout overall. Fastforward to nuraider, where every single level is just a series of dull 'connecting zones' that link between short platforming sections with a very small couple of larger open areas of nothing strewn about. Sure you can run about fairly freely and maybe pick up a bonus item but it's overall fairly mindless and leaves no impact.
After Lara controls her and immediately tells her to not listen to anyone anymore if they utter the incantation that controls her, she can't be controlled anymore.
anniversary Lara > 2013 Lara > Rise Lara >>>>>>>>>>>> The Rest > Shadow Lara.
The most underrated game and Lara.
Alright user imma need a sauce for that.
classicfags need to fuck off ASAP
delicious brown Lara
it won't.
it's too large for a single person. took him years to finish just the first level out of 18 which are much larger.
it's an unfinished buggy piece of shit
4th from right
take a lap
only the advertising renders
ingame she looks like ass
rise lara is thebest yo ucould do the shittiest render and she would llook great
peta jensen
wait a minute that's a pornstar
>actually respects women
how so? nu-laras a bumbling damsel-in-distress in the new games. old lara use to kick ass
no, actually. plus theyre very generic and forgettable
When I was a child there was a website portal called Nude Raider. I don't remember how it worked, but it looks like it attached all the sites with naked Lara Croft art. The art was terrible but I masturbated a lot for that.
NuLara would be a better waifu. She'd keep you around for stress relief. Any Old Lara would probably leave you quickly.
Is nuLara done?
Not until she drains me dry of cum
Hopes: yes
Reality: no
I don't know why such faggy devs own this property, but it makes me sad. I want a triple A budget and good graphics Tomb Raider game, but with a faithful to the original Lara. Give me left side and yes she can fight dinosaurs if they want her to
That would be extremely problematic.
They respect women so much they even show her getting brutally murdered and put in situations where she’s almost raped/assaulted.
Modern “Feminism” is manufactured by closet predators with sick violent borderline mysognistic tendencies, and the gullible women are being lead right to it with any mention of the word “empowerment”, lol.
She's taking a break.
1-8 for consensual loving sex and/or gentle femdom
9 for being raped by horses and monsters
I'm sorry, user.