It says here on this holy scripture that you do not play a Paladin in every game possible. Care to explain, heathen?
It says here on this holy scripture that you do not play a Paladin in every game possible. Care to explain, heathen?
magic is for pussies, warrior has no time for magic, they only rip and tear
gimped meat shield with babby healing
shitty lawful dialogue options
Because they're either always crap or glorified healing bitches in metal dresses. I'm still waiting for a game that lets you play as an ass kicking holy avenger burning evil doers to death with holy fire.
Brother, I do not wish to question the Holy Scriptures, which are the infallible word of God, but perhaps you misinterpreted them? I do, in fact, play as a paladin whenever possible.
The GM is a dick about the divine codes.
The Scarlet Crusade did nothing wrong.
Too busy playing Paladin's cooler brother.
It seems that this was mass printed and sent to everyone, as i too have found one in my inventory. Is it crusading time?
Only if God Wills It, brother.
it can't be a holy scripture if I'm on it
paladins are an awful an unfocused gish class that isn't conducive to the role it's supposed to represent
I'll make a devoted fighter with a magic item or two over a Paladin every time. The only appropriate fucking thing DnD got right was giving them a mount, and no fucking one ever bothered to steal that from them when making their lazy dnd ripoffs.
They're almost as bad as fucking rangers. Goddamn fucking rangers.
>The only appropriate fucking thing DnD got right was giving them a mount, and no fucking one ever bothered to steal that from them when making their lazy dnd ripoffs.
So, diablo 2?
So warhammer 40,000: space marine
>Not playing as alchemist in every game possible
>Not hurling explosive mixtures into your enemies and turn them into ash that you can use as an ingridient
>Not turning yourself into Ubermensch with your own buffing potions
>Not turning everything into solid gold for lulz and cash
>Not raising and leading an entire army of chemical mutants
>Not having a cure for every single debuff possible
>Not having fun
Paladins are for fags. Unironically
I prefer Neutral Good over Lawful Good. Also, I like being a full mage.
hahaha those heathens am I right haha imagine actually studying instead of praying haha
>quietly researches death magic
I believe you are mistaken.
warriors are more fun in wow than paladins thou
Normally I would deny such a claim as I am indeed always a paladin in every game possible.
However as a Paladin I cannot doubt the words of the holy scripture and shall humbly offer my head to the lord.
>play a paladin in Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>turns out the enemies aren't evil
Because based rogues don't give a shit about your god.