What are the top 5 greatest JRPGs of all time?

What are the top 5 greatest JRPGs of all time?

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jrpg is a shit genre

no need to be jealous transanon.

im calling the ethics department RIGHT NOW

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Tactics Ogre
Bracely Default 2 (shut up)
Tales of Phantasia (all afterwards are the same)
7th Dragon III
And Final Fantasy fifteenening

Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls
Demon's Souls
Vangrant Story

fucking awful list

Step aside ching chong

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That not ching chong make my ding dong go wing wong

Didn't we have this thread less than a week ago? why are you like this Yea Forums

What her name?

what's his name?

Yea Forums is nothing but a repost of a repost of a repost

She went from Asian to Mediterranean from the OP pic to yours, wtf

What's the white chick's name?


t. only played pokemon and the other games on the list: the list

>Posting a mexican


>no tactic games
>FFTA has the best plot from any FF titles

>Persona but no SMT
>2 Pokemon but no SMT
>not even DQV or DQVIII

Guess I'll post the rest

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Like my father used to say, "you don't feel that".

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based and latinapilled

To tactic games like Final Fantasy TicTacs and Disgaea count as JRPGs?

Keep going or link the rest.

Is Tifa white or Asian?

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Hispanic aka best of both worlds.

Why do I get the feeling she'll end up with a bunch of shitty tattoos or shrink into a fat abuela in the near future


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Persona 3 FES
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy V

>Tfw no latinas in my country

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Trails in the Sky SC, Xenosaga 3, Suikoden 2, Pokemon BW2, Chrono Cross


2. darksouls 2
3.dark souls 3
4. darksouls 4
5. ys oath in felghana

Nothing is truly original faggot. We're all stuck in a torrent of endless repeating archtypes.

I'm gonna say Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter, Xenosaga 3, Vagrant Story, Paper Mario TTYD and Mega Man Battle Network 2

I just do not care for generic, boring battle systems and game design that requires no thought or skill unless there's a lot of other stuff on offer

Chrono Trigger
Mother 3
Dragon Quest VIII
Shin Megami Tensei 3

But the good news is you might find a variation of something more pleasing than the original! Isn't that nice?

1. Tifa's tits
2. Tifa's tits
3. Tifa's tits
4. Tifa's tits
5. Tifa's tits
6. Tifa's tits
7. Tifa's tits
8. Tifa's tits
9. Tifa's tits
10. Tifa's tits

1. Lunar SSSC
2. Final Fantasy 7
3. Breath of Fire 3
4. Legend of Dragoon
5. Tales of Symphonia

Honorable mentionez: Chrono Trigger, Paper Mario TTYD, Dragon Quest 5, Vagrant Story, SaGa Frontier 2, Soul Hackers.

Rio Hamasaki
Anri Okita
Ruri Saijo
Saki Okuda

>same pokemon gen twice
>no Xenoblade Chronicles 1

Only after posting my list I noticed Vagrant Story and BoF in other posts. There is still hope for Yea Forums

Had to google them. The question is, why are you remembering names of porn actresses?

entry level casual trash

1. Xenogears
2. VP:L
3. Front Mission
4. Legend of Dragoon
5. FF7
Honorable mentions
Radiata Stories
Dragons Quest (Series)
Stone Ocean (Series)
Suikoden 2
SMT: Nocturn

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OMGCosplay is the only good Tifa

Only if you have a fetish for square jaws.

why do people like mother 3 so much? the game is like 15 hours total and no challenge at all, just go and mash text in one town to the next, its more of a vn than an rpg