What game/show/whatever should have the Warriors treatment? Even if the gameplay can be a bit repetitive after a while...

What game/show/whatever should have the Warriors treatment? Even if the gameplay can be a bit repetitive after a while, it's often fanservice to whatever series it touches, and it can be a fun to play a game where you just mow down so many enemies without a thought.

So what series? As well, what kind of gimmicks or special mechanics would it have?

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Surprised Final Fantasy hasn't gotten one yet but it should. Xenowarriors would also be cool.

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Isekai seems like it would work well. Not only the recent stuff, but then you got shit like Inuyasha.

Final Fantasy really should get the treatment, especially after DQHeroes. Then there is Tales, Xenoblade. Pretty much any RPG series seems like they could convert to Warriors format and come out of it alright.

Disgaea. Gimmick is evilities taken from other leveled characters, overloads, magichanging other characters into weapons with special assist moves, and really big numbers also it's actually Makai Wars

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Hellsing, mostly because mobs of enemies would actually make sense.

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Kinda surprised they haven't done that dood

Marvel vs. Capcom Warriors

>Final Fantasy


Xenoblade. For the love of God PLEASE give us a Xenoblade Warriors game. Final Fantasy might also be alright, but nu-Square would throttle the project so hard making sure their idols (Characters) were so meticulously perfect that the game would never get finished. Summon Knight would be good,m but nobody has heard of the series, so I'm going to say Castlevania or Star Fox would make pretty sweet ones.

Donkey Kong

>only xenoblade
Where's Fei Fong Wong?
Where's KOS-MOS?
Give me Xeno warriors.

While that would be the prefered, you would be hoping that SE and Namco play well with lending them out and we already know what SE feels about Xenogears.

We would have a better chance of just Namco playing along, as they really love to lend out Kosmos for just any old thing.

I feel like 40k would translate really well to the format


It's what Overture should have been, instead of a fucking Moba. People would have been way more keen on the change, instead of writing it off. I don't know what Daisuke was thinking, MOBA aren't fun at all.

Give me a proper FE Warriors ffs. When you've been a fan of Zelda and FE all your life the difference between HW and FEW on the fanservice front feels like night and day. Also remove the weapon triangle and implement proper supports

Other than that, Final Fantasy, Dragon Ball, and Kingdom Hearts


Before Hyrule Warriors the original intention was Star Fox. Do that. We could use new models of the Female Characters from Star Fox since Nintendo sucks dick and eats shit.

And not only that but get new models of not just Krystal. But also Fay, Fara, Miyu and Katt. And if they really want to dig deep, Peppy's daughter.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That property has SO MANY characters that could use the exposure. And TMNT has a good history of Japanese devs making their games like Konami and Capcom so I trust the Japanese. Come on you know you want this.

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Only if you can import your own Pokemon, Pokemon Stadium style.

I think the roster would be big enough for them to pull it off.

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Gash Bell.

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What hurts is that Koei has said on record they'd be up for this, but Disney is being assholes about the property.

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Shonen Jump
Final Fantasy
Cartoon Network (classics)

Retirement Home Musou

It's not just Disney. But seriously FUCK Disney for ruining the property. I hope the House of Mouse somehow collapses. I want them to pay for ruining so much and I don't mean just Star Wars. If you ask me, Disney is the reason Western Animation is a complete infantile pile of shit. And don't none of you say "Oh that's not true we saw Gaston use a gun in Beauty and the Beast" or some bullshit like that. Western Animation is infantile junk where they can't even consistently say "Die" or reference direct death let alone any other stronger themes like violence. So fuck Disney for that. I hope they die. I hope their garbage "family friendly" shit eats them alive and buries them.

And on a side note Nintendo better watch itself, because being called Videogame Disney is NOT a compliment if you ask me. Mario is already as shitty in terms of having No Personality just like Mickey Mouse given Mario is just a soulless blank mascot.

Xeno-Warriors. Namco would probably let Saga content in but I don't trust Square not to fuck up the dream like they did for XB2.


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Please leave star fox alone.